91 research outputs found

    Performing critique: towards a non-representational theatre in Britain

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    The thesis traces the conditions of possibility for what we came to understand as ‘non-representational’ approaches to performing critique. In assessing different theatrical practitioners in Britain (in the form of case studies) that have challenged a politically prescriptive theatre, the thesis elaborates upon ideologically ‘incomplete’ ways of performing, in order to rethink the staging of critical practice beyond its subjection to mimesis, abstract significations and transcendental politics. Ways of rethinking theatre as a space in which politics is not transcendentally transmitted, but rather emerges within the performance-event, as well as questions of spectators’ emancipation from systems of power that have rendered them passive and immobile watchers of a spectacle are examined and challenged. In doing so, the research resonates with many ongoing discussions about the function and performance of critique, placing questions of spectatorship, de-objectification and representation at the heart of its analysis. Considering political theatre as a plateau on which critique can be actualised as a ‘becoming’ in the ‘here and now’ of the event, the thesis explores the question of non-representational performance along three broad theoretical axes. First, it unfolds and critically exposes the limits of interactivity within performance practices, by considering dialogical processes of performing not as ends-in- themselves, but as starting points of challenging the problem of representation in political theatre. Secondly, the thesis examines ‘incomplete’ and fragmentary performances, suggesting that non-representational approaches to theatre are, in effect, a critique of teleological outcomes and determinate meanings; therefore, theatrical incompleteness is theorised as a tool of critical practices that become non-representational. Thirdly, in destabilising the problematic opposition between conditioning the spectator as object or subject, the thesis argues that the power relations in performance need to be destratified and transformed into productive variations, as a way to endorse a politics of presence in political theatre

    Acrometastasis due to lung adenocarcinoma

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    We are presenting a case of acrometastasis in a male patient with lung adenocarcinoma. Acrometastases accumulate for 0.1%of all metastatic bone lesions and can be the first manifestation of cancer in approximately 10% of cases. The main clinicalmanifestations are tenderness, intermittent pain, functional impairment, erythema, heat and swelling of the affected part. Lungcancer is the main primary malignancy which causes acrometastases. Although the lesions can be recognized in x-rays or CTscans, the gold standard for the diagnosis is MRI scan in which the full extension of the tumor can be evaluated.The diagnosisis usually confirmed by fine-needle biopsy of the affected bone. In the presence of acrometastases, prognosis is very poor andpalliative treatment is usually recommended. This case shows that patients at risk for lung cancer should be screened intensivelywhen they develop persistent digital symptoms

    Unilateral hypertransparency on chest radiograph: the congenital Poland Syndrome

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      Unilateral hypertransparent hemithorax requires a particular diagnostic approach as it can be the result of diverse pulmonary diseases, including pneumothorax, large pulmonary embolus, unilateral large bullae, mucous plag, airway obstruction and contralateral pleural effusion. Congenital syndromes with chest wall abnormalities, are rare, but often underdiagnosed causes. Poland Syndrome consists of such a rare, congenital anomaly and is characterized by the absence of the pectoralis major muscle and upper limb ipsilateral abnormalities. We present a case of a patient with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a unilateral hypertransparency on chest radiology, attributed to the underlying Poland Syndrome.  

    Przerzuty gruczolakoraka płuca do kości dystalnych części kończyn

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    W pracy przedstawiono przypadek mężczyzny z przerzutami gruczolakoraka płuca do kości dystalnych części kończyn. Przerzuty do kości dystalnych części kończyn stanowią 0,1% wszystkich kostnych zmian przerzutowych, a w około 10% przypadków mogą być pierwszą manifestacją raka. Głównymi objawami klinicznymi są: tkliwość uciskowa, ból przerywany, upośledzenie czynnościowe, rumień, wzmożone ucieplenie oraz obrzęk zajętej części kończyny. Rak płuca jest głównym pierwotnym nowotworem złośliwym dającym przerzuty do kości dystalnych części kończyn. Mimo że zmiany te mogą być wykryte na radiogramach lub w tomografii komputerowej, „złotym standardem” diagnostyki pozostaje badanie rezonansem magnetycznym, w którym można ocenić pełny zakres zmian. Rozpoznanie jest zwykle potwierdzane za pomocą biopsji cienkoigłowej zajętej kości. W przypadku obecności przerzutów do kości dystalnych części kończyn rokowanie jest niekorzystne i zwykle stosuje się leczenie paliatywne. Przedstawiony przypadek pokazuje, że u pacjentów ze zwiększonym ryzykiem raka płuca, z nieustępującymi objawami ze strony palców, należy przeprowadzić szeroką diagnostykę.W pracy przedstawiono przypadek mężczyzny z przerzutami gruczolakoraka płuca do kości dystalnych części kończyn. Przerzuty do kości dystalnych części kończyn stanowią 0,1% wszystkich kostnych zmian przerzutowych, a w około 10% przypadków mogą być pierwszą manifestacją raka. Głównymi objawami klinicznymi są: tkliwość uciskowa, ból przerywany, upośledzenie czynnościowe, rumień, wzmożone ucieplenie oraz obrzęk zajętej części kończyny. Rak płuca jest głównym pierwotnym nowotworem złośliwym dającym przerzuty do kości dystalnych części kończyn. Mimo że zmiany te mogą być wykryte na radiogramach lub w tomografii komputerowej, „złotym standardem” diagnostyki pozostaje badanie rezonansem magnetycznym, w którym można ocenić pełny zakres zmian. Rozpoznanie jest zwykle potwierdzane za pomocą biopsji cienkoigłowej zajętej kości. W przypadku obecności przerzutów do kości dystalnych części kończyn rokowanie jest niekorzystne i zwykle stosuje się leczenie paliatywne. Przedstawiony przypadek pokazuje, że u pacjentów ze zwiększonym ryzykiem raka płuca, z nieustępującymi objawami ze strony palców, należy przeprowadzić szeroką diagnostykę

    Jednostronnie jasne płuco na radiogramie klatki piersiowej — wrodzony zespół Polanda

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    Zwiększenie przejrzystości jednego płuca wymaga wdrożenia szczególnych procedur diagnostycznych, ponieważ przyczyną takiego stanu może być wiele różnorodnych chorób układu oddechowego, włączając odmę opłucnową, masywny zator płucny, duży jednostronny pęcherz rozedmowy, czop śluzowy, zamknięcie dużego oskrzela oraz płyn w przeciwległej jamie opłucnowej. Wrodzone zaburzenia budowy ściany klatki piersiowej należą do rzadkich, choć często niezdiagnozowanych przyczyn. Zespół Polanda należy do takich rzadkich wrodzonych anomalii i polega na niewykształceniu mięśnia piersiowego większego i nieprawidłowościach budowy kończyny górnej po tej samej stronie. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego z zaostrzeniem przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP) i obrazem jednostronnie jasnego płuca na radiogramie klatki piersiowej, spowodowanym zespołem Polanda.Zwiększenie przejrzystości jednego płuca wymaga wdrożenia szczególnych procedur diagnostycznych, ponieważ przyczyną takiego stanu może być wiele różnorodnych chorób układu oddechowego, włączając odmę opłucnową, masywny zator płucny, duży jednostronny pęcherz rozedmowy, czop śluzowy, zamknięcie dużego oskrzela oraz płyn w przeciwległej jamie opłucnowej. Wrodzone zaburzenia budowy ściany klatki piersiowej należą do rzadkich, choć często niezdiagnozowanych przyczyn. Zespół Polanda należy do takich rzadkich wrodzonych anomalii i polega na niewykształceniu mięśnia piersiowego większego i nieprawidłowościach budowy kończyny górnej po tej samej stronie. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego z zaostrzeniem przewlekłej obturacyjnej choroby płuc (POChP) i obrazem jednostronnie jasnego płuca na radiogramie klatki piersiowej, spowodowanym zespołem Polanda

    Serum Levels of Surfactant Proteins in Patients with Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema (CPFE)

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    Introduction Emphysema and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) present either per se or coexist in combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE). Serum surfactant proteins (SPs) A, B, C and D levels may reflect lung damage. We evaluated serum SP levels in healthy controls, emphysema, IPF, and CPFE patients and their associations to disease severity and survival. Methods 122 consecutive patients (31 emphysema, 62 IPF, and 29 CPFE) and 25 healthy controls underwent PFTs, ABG-measurements, 6MWT and chest HRCT. Serum levels of SPs were measured. Patients were followed-up for 1-year. Results SP-A and SP-D levels differed between groups (p = 0.006 and p= 26 ng/mL) presented a weak association with reduced survival (p = 0.05). Conclusion In conclusion, serum SP-A and SP-D levels were higher where fibrosis exists or coexists and related to disease severity, suggesting that serum SPs relate to alveolar damage in fibrotic lungs and may reflect either local overproduction or overleakage. The weak association between high levels of SP-B and survival needs further validation in clinical trials

    The Role of Inflammation in Diabetes: Current Concepts and Future Perspectives

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    Diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder affecting the glucose status of the human body. Chronic hyperglycaemia related to diabetes is associated with end organ failure. The clinical relationship between diabetes and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is well established. This makes therapeutic approaches that simultaneously target diabetes and atherosclerotic disease an attractive area for research. The majority of people with diabetes fall into two broad pathogenetic categories, type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The role of obesity, adipose tissue, gut microbiota and pancreatic beta cell function in diabetes are under intensive scrutiny with several clinical trials to have been completed while more are in development. The emerging role of inflammation in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes (T1D and T1D) pathophysiology and associated metabolic disorders, has generated increasing interest in targeting inflammation to improve prevention and control of the disease. After an extensive review of the possible mechanisms that drive the metabolic pattern in T1D and T2D and the inflammatory pathways that are involved, it becomes ever clearer that future research should focus on a model of combined suppression for various inflammatory response pathways

    EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014–2021)

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    Funding Information: The authors would like to thank everybody who contributed to the HBM4EU Aligned Studies: the participating children, teenagers, adults and their families, the fieldworkers that collected the samples and database managers that made the information available to HBM4EU, the HBM4EU project partners, especially those from WP7 for developing all materials supporting the fieldwork, WP9 for organizing the QA/QC scheme under HBM4EU and all laboratories who performed the analytical measurements. We would like to acknowledge Sun Kyoung Jung from the National Institute of Environmental Research of South-Korea for providing the KoNEHS Cycle III results (crt adjusted). HBM4EU is co-financed under Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No 733032). The authors thank all principal investigators of the contributing studies for their participation and contribution to the HBM4EU Aligned Studies and the national program owners for their financial support. Further details on funding for all the participating studies can be found in the Supplemental Material, Table S12.As one of the core elements of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) a human biomonitoring (HBM) survey was conducted in 23 countries to generate EU-wide comparable HBM data. This survey has built on existing HBM capacity in Europe by aligning national or regional HBM studies, referred to as the HBM4EU Aligned Studies. The HBM4EU Aligned Studies included a total of 10,795 participants of three age groups: (i) 3,576 children aged 6–12 years, (ii) 3,117 teenagers aged 12–18 years and (iii) 4,102 young adults aged 20–39 years. The participants were recruited between 2014 and 2021 in 11–12 countries per age group, geographically distributed across Europe. Depending on the age group, internal exposure to phthalates and the substitute DINCH, halogenated and organophosphorus flame retardants, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), cadmium, bisphenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), arsenic species, acrylamide, mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol (total DON)), benzophenones and selected pesticides was assessed by measuring substance specific biomarkers subjected to stringent quality control programs for chemical analysis. For substance groups analyzed in different age groups higher average exposure levels were observed in the youngest age group, i.e., phthalates/DINCH in children versus teenagers, acrylamide and pesticides in children versus adults, benzophenones in teenagers versus adults. Many biomarkers in teenagers and adults varied significantly according to educational attainment, with higher exposure levels of bisphenols, phthalates, benzophenones, PAHs and acrylamide in participants (from households) with lower educational attainment, while teenagers from households with higher educational attainment have higher exposure levels for PFASs and arsenic. In children, a social gradient was only observed for the non-specific pyrethroid metabolite 3-PBA and di-isodecyl phthalate (DiDP), with higher levels in children from households with higher educational attainment. Geographical variations were seen for all exposure biomarkers. For 15 biomarkers, the available health-based HBM guidance values were exceeded with highest exceedance rates for toxicologically relevant arsenic in teenagers (40%), 3-PBA in children (36%), and between 11 and 14% for total DON, Σ (PFOA + PFNA + PFHxS + PFOS), bisphenol S and cadmium. The infrastructure and harmonized approach succeeded in obtaining comparable European wide internal exposure data for a prioritized set of 11 chemical groups. These data serve as a reference for comparison at the global level, provide a baseline to compare the efficacy of the European Commission's chemical strategy for sustainability and will give leverage to national policy makers for the implementation of targeted measures.publishersversionpublishe

    Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults: EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014–2021)

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    HBM4EU is co-financed under Horizon 2020 (grant agreement No 733032).As one of the core elements of the European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) a human biomonitoring (HBM) survey was conducted in 23 countries to generate EU-wide comparable HBM data. This survey has built on existing HBM capacity in Europe by aligning national or regional HBM studies, referred to as the HBM4EU Aligned Studies. The HBM4EU Aligned Studies included a total of 10,795 participants from three age groups: (i) 3,576 children aged 6-12 years, (ii) 3,117 teenagers aged 12-18 years, and (iii) 4,102 young adults aged 20-39 years. The participants were recruited between 2014 and 2021 in 11-12 countries per age group, geographically distributed across Europe. Depending on the age group, internal exposure to phthalates and the substitute DINCH, halogenated and organophosphorus flame retardants, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), cadmium, bisphenols, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), arsenic species, acrylamide, mycotoxins (deoxynivalenol (total DON)), benzophenones and selected pesticides was assessed by measuring substance specific biomarkers subjected to stringent quality control programs for chemical analysis. For substance groups analyzed in different age groups higher average exposure levels were observed in the youngest age group, i.e., phthalates/DINCH in children versus teenagers, acrylamide and pesticides in children versus adults, and benzophenones in teenagers versus adults. Many biomarkers in teenagers and adults varied significantly according to educational attainment, with higher exposure levels of bisphenols, phthalates, benzophenones, PAHs, and acrylamide in participants (from households) with lower educational attainment, while teenagers from households with higher educational attainment have higher exposure levels for PFASs and arsenic. In children, a social gradient was only observed for the non-specific pyrethroid metabolite 3-PBA and di-isodecyl phthalate (DiDP), with higher levels in children from households with higher educational attainment. Geographical variations were seen for all exposure biomarkers. For 15 biomarkers, the available health-based HBM guidance values were exceeded with the highest exceedance rates for toxicologically relevant arsenic in teenagers (40%), 3-PBA in children (36%), and between 11 and 14% for total DON, Σ (PFOA + PFNA + PFHxS + PFOS), bisphenol S and cadmium. The infrastructure and harmonized approach succeeded in obtaining comparable European-wide internal exposure data for a prioritized set of 11 chemical groups. These data serve as a reference for comparison at the global level, provide a baseline to compare the efficacy of the European Commission's chemical strategy for sustainability, and will give leverage to national policymakers for the implementation of targeted measures.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    From science to policy: How European HBM indicators help to answer policy questions related to phthalates and DINCH exposure

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    Within the European Human Biomonitoring (HBM) Initiative HBM4EU we derived HBM indicators that were designed to help answering key policy questions and support chemical policies. The result indicators convey information on chemicals exposure of different age groups, sexes, geographical regions and time points by comparing median exposure values. If differences are observed for one group or the other, policy measures or risk management options can be implemented. Impact indicators support health risk assessment by comparing exposure values with health-based guidance values, such as human biomonitoring guidance values (HBM-GVs). In general, the indicators should be designed to translate complex scientific information into short and clear messages and make it accessible to policy makers but also to a broader audience such as stakeholders (e.g. NGO's), other scientists and the general public. Based on harmonized data from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014-2021), the usefulness of our indicators was demonstrated for the age group children (6-11 years), using two case examples: one phthalate (Diisobutyl phthalate: DiBP) and one non-phthalate substitute (Di-isononyl cyclohexane-1,2- dicarboxylate: DINCH). For the comparison of age groups, these were compared to data for teenagers (12-18 years), and time periods were compared using data from the DEMOCOPHES project (2011-2012). Our result indicators proved to be suitable for demonstrating the effectiveness of policy measures for DiBP and the need of continuous monitoring for DINCH. They showed similar exposure for boys and girls, indicating that there is no need for gender focused interventions and/or no indication of sex-specific exposure patterns. They created a basis for a targeted approach by highlighting relevant geographical differences in internal exposure. An adequate data basis is essential for revealing differences for all indicators. This was particularly evident in our studies on the indicators on age differences. The impact indicator revealed that health risks based on exposure to DiBP cannot be excluded. This is an indication or flag for risk managers and policy makers that exposure to DiBP still is a relevant health issue. HBM indicators derived within HBM4EU are a valuable and important complement to existing indicator lists in the context of environment and health. Their applicability, current shortcomings and solution strategies are outlined