29 research outputs found

    Aseguramiento de la calidad de un recurso organizacional: evaluando y mejorando una estrategia integrada de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n

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    Esta tesis presenta el trabajo de investigaci贸n cuyo objetivo final fue mejorar la Estrategia Integrada de Medici贸n y Evaluaci贸n GOCAME (Goal-Oriented Context-Aware Measurement and Evaluation). La premisa que gui贸 la investigaci贸n fue que una estrategia de Medici贸n y Evaluaci贸n (M&E) es integrada si posee simult谩neamente las siguientes tres capacidades: (1) un marco conceptual con una base conceptual estructurada de M&E; (2) la especificaci贸n del proceso; y (3) la especificaci贸n de m茅todos. Bajo esta premisa se realiz贸 un caso de estudio donde dos estrategias integradas fueron evaluadas, a saber: GOCAME y GQM+Strategies (Goal-Question-Metric Plus Strategies), considerando como foco la Calidad de las Capacidades para la categor铆a de ente 芦Recurso禄. Del an谩lisis de los resultados se obtuvo una lista de debilidades y fortalezas de las estrategias evaluadas, con la cual se elabor贸 un conjunto de recomendaciones de cambio. Luego, se planificaron las acciones de mejora para GOCAME y se efectuaron los cambios -especialmente de aquellos atributos m谩s d茅biles. Una vez realizadas las mejoras planificadas, se llev贸 a cabo la reevaluaci贸n de GOCAME. A partir de aqu铆, se efectu贸 una comparaci贸n entre ambas evaluaciones 鈥揳ntes y despu茅s de los cambios en GOCAME- lo que brind贸 evidencia cuantitativa acerca del nivel de impacto de las mejoras incorporadas. En l铆neas generales, las etapas realizadas en esta investigaci贸n fueron: 1) el dise帽o y ejecuci贸n de un estudio comparativo para evaluar estrategias integradas de M&E con el objetivo de comprender y comparar el estado actual de las mismas; 2) la planificaci贸n y ejecuci贸n de acciones de mejora sobre la estrategia integrada de M&E denominada GOCAME; 3) el an谩lisis de la ganancia de la mejora obtenida luego de los cambios realizados.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Aseguramiento de calidad de software: estudio comparativo de estrategias de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n

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    Este trabajo especifica e implementa un estudio comparativo para comprender y comparar estrategias integradas de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n, considerando a una estrategia como a un recurso de un proyecto, desde el punto de vista del ente a valorar. El objetivo del estudio comparativo es evaluar la calidad de las capacidades de una estrategia de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n teniendo en cuenta tres fundamentos: 1) el marco conceptual centrado en una base terminol贸gica, 2) el soporte expl铆cito de proceso, y 3) el soporte metodol贸gico/tecnol贸gico. A su vez, para dise帽ar el estudio tuvimos en cuenta para una estrategia aspectos de requerimientos no funcionales, de medici贸n, de evaluaci贸n, y de an谩lisis y recomendaci贸n. Como resultado de esta investigaci贸n hemos especificado el dise帽o del estudio; esto es, el 谩rbol de requerimientos en funci贸n de caracter铆sticas y atributos, el dise帽o de las m茅tricas que cuantifican a estos atributos y su interpretaci贸n por medio del dise帽o de indicadores. Por otro lado, el resultado del estudio comparativo nos permiti贸 un an谩lisis de debilidades y fortalezas de las estrategias GQM+Strategies (Goal-Question-Metric Plus Strategies) y GOCAME (Goal-Oriented Context-Aware Measurement and Evaluation), con el fin de definir cursos de acci贸n para mejorar nuestra estrategia, a saber: GOCAME.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    A Holistic Quality Evaluation, Selection and Improvement Approach driven by Multilevel Goals and Strategies

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    Organizations should establish business goals and check for their achievement in a systematic and disciplined way. In order to know if a business goal is achieved, it should be necessary to consider information need goals that also can require satisfying measurement and evaluation goals at operational level. Furthermore, if measurement and evaluation goals are not aligned with top-level business goals such as tactical or strategic level goals, the organization could waste its effort and resources. Usually, the different goals established in an organization are operationalized through projects. For a given project, strategies should be used in order to help in the goal achievement. A strategy defines a set of activities and methods to be followed for a specific goal purpose. Ultimately, to engineering all these issues in a systematic way, organizations should adopt a holistic evaluation approach supported by a set of integrated strategies. By means of a systematic literature review as research method, we have observed that very few approaches support integrated strategies and multilevel goals. To bridge this gap, we have developed a holistic quality multilevel and multipurpose evaluation approach that ties together multilevel goals, projects and integrated strategies. As contributions, this paper discusses an enhanced conceptual base (specified by ontologies) for linking business and information need goal concepts with project, strategy and nonfunctional requirements concepts. Then, it defines the step by step of our holistic quality evaluation approach, by listing the necessary activities to establish goals and projects at different organizational levels. Lastly, it specifies and illustrates evaluation scenarios for business/information need goal purposes such as understanding, improving, monitoring and controlling, comparing and selecting entities, which are supported by strategies and strategy patterns.Fil: Rivera, Mar铆a Bel茅n. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Becker, Pablo Javier. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; ArgentinaFil: Olsina, Luis Antonio. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; ArgentinaFil: Papa, Mar铆a Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentin

    Evaluation and Improvement of an Organizational Resource applying Strategy Patterns

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    For any software company that frequently performs quality assurance activities devoted to measurement, evaluation (ME) and change/improvement (MEC) projects, ME and MEC strategies can be valuable organizational assets. In this paper, we analyze the improvement of a ME strategy, which can be considered an organizational resource to be applied to quality assurance activities. This resource is called the GOCAME (Goal-Oriented Context-Aware Measurement and Evaluation) strategy. AME/MEC strategy embraces the next three integrated capabilities: 1) the ME/MEC domain conceptual base and framework; 2) the process perspective specifications; and, 3) the method specifications. The improvement of GOCAME was performed instantiating two strategy patterns. A strategy pattern is a reusable solution to recurrent problems in ME/MEC projects. For an improvement goal, the selected MEC strategy pattern allows instantiating in a project a set of tailored activities and methods for measurement, evaluation, analysis and change. Particularly, we instantiate the GoME_1QV (Goal-oriented Measurement and Evaluation for One Quality View) strategy pattern to understand the GOCAME current quality state and compare it with the so-called GQM+ Strategies. First, this evaluation and analysis allows us to know the GOCAME strengths and weaknesses with regard to the quality of the three capabilities. Second, we instantiate the GoMEC_1QV (Goal-oriented Measurement, Evaluation and Change for One Quality View) strategy pattern to improve the GOCAME current state, producing as result a new version of the GOCAME strategy.Fil: Papa, Mar铆a Fernanda. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Rivera, Mar铆a Bel茅n. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; ArgentinaFil: Becker, Pablo Javier. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; ArgentinaFil: Olsina, Luis Antonio. Universidad Nacional de la Pampa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a; Argentin

    An谩lisis Comparativo de Estrategias Integradas de Medici贸n y Evaluaci贸n

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    Este trabajo especifica e implementa un estudio para comprender y comparar estrategias integradas de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n, considerando a una estrategia como a un recurso desde el punto de vista del ente a evaluar. El objetivo del estudio es comprender la calidad de las capacidades de una estrategia de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n teniendo en cuenta tres fundamentos:1) el marco conceptual, centrado en una base terminol贸gica, 2) el soporte expl铆cito de proceso, y 3) el soporte metodol贸gico/tecnol贸gico. El resultado del estudio comparativo permite un an谩lisis de fortalezas y debilidades de las estrategias GQM+Strategies (Goal-Question-Metric) y GOCAME (Goal-Oriented Context-Aware Measurement and Evaluation) con el fin de mejora.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Family of Evaluation Strategies: A Practical Case for Comparing and Adopting Strengths

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    Companies commonly establish and pursue business goals. A goal states a purpose. In the Software Engineering literature, different evaluation purposes such as to understand, monitor, improve, control, compare and select are mentioned. Considering that these purposes share distinctive and common aspects, in the present work, we include a categorization that helps a better understanding of them. On the other hand, to reach the purpose of a goal, a suitable strategy should be chosen. A strategy describes a particular course of action by means of process and method specifications. We have envisioned different strategies for different evaluation goal purposes. Therefore, in this paper we also present some strategies, which are part of a family of strategies driven by measurement and evaluation activities. Specifically, we document evaluation strategies for the monitoring, improving, and comparing and adopting purposes. In addition, we illustrate the comparing and adopting strategy applied to four social network mobile apps.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Family of Evaluation Strategies: A Practical Case for Comparing and Adopting Strengths

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    Companies commonly establish and pursue business goals. A goal states a purpose. In the Software Engineering literature, different evaluation purposes such as to understand, monitor, improve, control, compare and select are mentioned. Considering that these purposes share distinctive and common aspects, in the present work, we include a categorization that helps a better understanding of them. On the other hand, to reach the purpose of a goal, a suitable strategy should be chosen. A strategy describes a particular course of action by means of process and method specifications. We have envisioned different strategies for different evaluation goal purposes. Therefore, in this paper we also present some strategies, which are part of a family of strategies driven by measurement and evaluation activities. Specifically, we document evaluation strategies for the monitoring, improving, and comparing and adopting purposes. In addition, we illustrate the comparing and adopting strategy applied to four social network mobile apps.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Family of Evaluation Strategies: A Practical Case for Comparing and Adopting Strengths

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    Companies commonly establish and pursue business goals. A goal states a purpose. In the Software Engineering literature, different evaluation purposes such as to understand, monitor, improve, control, compare and select are mentioned. Considering that these purposes share distinctive and common aspects, in the present work, we include a categorization that helps a better understanding of them. On the other hand, to reach the purpose of a goal, a suitable strategy should be chosen. A strategy describes a particular course of action by means of process and method specifications. We have envisioned different strategies for different evaluation goal purposes. Therefore, in this paper we also present some strategies, which are part of a family of strategies driven by measurement and evaluation activities. Specifically, we document evaluation strategies for the monitoring, improving, and comparing and adopting purposes. In addition, we illustrate the comparing and adopting strategy applied to four social network mobile apps.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Estrategias de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n: dise帽o de un estudio comparativo

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    Este trabajo especifica un dise帽o de evaluaci贸n para comprender y comparar estrategias integradas de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n, considerando a una estrategia como a un recurso de un proyecto, desde el punto de vista del ente a valorar. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar la calidad de las capacidades de una estrategia de medici贸n y evaluaci贸n teniendo en cuenta tres fundamentos: 1) el marco conceptual centrado en una base terminol贸gica, 2) el soporte expl铆cito de proceso, y 3) el soporte metodol贸gico/tecnol贸gico. A su vez, para dise帽ar el estudio tuvimos en cuenta para una estrategia aspectos de requerimientos no funcionales, de medici贸n, de evaluaci贸n, y de an谩lisis y recomendaci贸n. Como resultado de esta investigaci贸n hemos especificado el dise帽o del estudio; esto es, el 谩rbol de requerimientos en funci贸n de caracter铆sticas y atributos, el dise帽o de las m茅tricas que cuantifican a estos atributos y su interpretaci贸n por medio del dise帽o de indicadores. Como consecuencia, documentaremos en otro art铆culo la implementaci贸n del estudio comparativo que permitir谩 un an谩lisis riguroso de debilidades y fortalezas de estrategias como GQM (Goal-QuestionMetric), GOCAME (Goal-Oriented Context-Aware Measurement and Evaluation), etc., con el fin de definir cursos de acci贸n para mejorarlas.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Strategy for Improving Source Code Compliance to a Style Guide

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    This paper illustrates the evaluation and improvement of a Java source code considering the non-compliance with a selected set of items of the Google Java Style Guide. To do this, a strategy was used to understand and improve the Java source code. The strategy has activities that allow specifying non-functional requirements (characteristics and attributes) and designing and implementing measurement, evaluation, analysis, and change. The case was applied in the context of an advanced undergraduate course in System Engineering as a mandatory exam. The evaluation results of attributes' adherence to the aforementioned coding style guide and the improvement of non-compliances are discussed.XIX Workshop Ingenier铆a de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tic