182 research outputs found

    Study of airborne particulate matter (PM) contaminating the honey bee Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 and bee products

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    Apis mellifera Linnaeus (1758) è un insetto eusociale conosciuto in tutto il mondo sia per la produzione di miele sia per il suo ruolo di impollinatore, uno dei servizi ecosistemici fondamentali per la biodiversità del pianeta. Durante la sua attività di foraggiamento, l’ape è esposta agli inquinanti ambientali tra cui il particolato atmosferico aerodisperso (PM). Il particolato atmosferico può depositarsi sul corpo dell’insetto e infine contaminare anche i prodotti apistici come polline e miele. Il PM può avere diverse dimensioni (es. PM10, PM2.5, PM0.1), composizione chimica, morfologia e fonti di emissione (naturale o antropica). Nel presente elaborato di tesi, tecniche di microscopia elettronica a scansione (SEM-EDX) sono state utilizzate per caratterizzare la contaminazione da PM di origine antropica del corpo dell’ape e dei suoi prodotti (Capitolo 2 e Capitolo 3) e analisi molecolari per studiare gli eventuali effetti sub-letali sul microbiota intestinale di api esposte ai PM per via orale (Capitolo 4).Apis mellifera Linnaeus (1758) order Hymenoptera family Apidae, is a eusocial insect widely known for its role in pollination, a fundamental ecosystem service for plant biodiversity and ultimately for the planet. During flight and foraging activity, the honey bee can collect airborne particulate matter (PM) on their own body, especially on the forewings, and can also contaminate bee products as pollen and honey. Particulate matter can originate from natural or anthropic sources, and is characterised by size (e.g., PM10, PM2.5, PM0.1), chemical composition, and morphology. In this thesis, honey bee, pollen and honey were used as bioindicator of PM – from coarse to ultrafine – in industrial areas of the Po Valley, Italy (Chapter 2 and Chapter 3). The (sub-lethal) effects of Titanium dioxide – a widespread airborne PM1 pollutant – on the honey bee through oral exposure was then investigated (Chapter 4). The technique used to analyse the PM contaminating bees and bee products is the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with X-ray spectrometer (EDX). EDX spectra allowed us to obtain chemical information from specimens, while backscattered-electron (BSE) imaging and elemental mapping provided both compositional and topographic information of PM

    Particulate Matter Contamination of Bee Pollen in an Industrial Area of the Po Valley (Italy)

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    The global demand for bee pollen as a dietary supplement for human nutrition is increasing. Pollen, which comprises proteins and lipids from bees' diets, is rich in essential amino acids, omega fatty acids, and bioactive compounds that can have beneficial effects on human health. However, bee pollen may also contain contaminants due to environmental contamination. To date, data on bee pollen contamination by environmental pollutants refer almost exclusively to pesticides and heavy metals, and very little information is available on the potential contamination of bee pollen by airborne particulate matter (PM), a ubiquitous pollutant that originates from a wide range of anthropogenic sources (e.g., motor vehicles, industrial processes, agricultural operations). In the present study, pollen grains collected by forager bees living in an industrial area of the Po Valley (Northern Italy) were analyzed for contamination by inorganic PM. The morpho-chemical characterization of inorganic particles using SEM/EDX allowed us to identify different emission sources and demonstrate the potential risk of PM entering the food chain and exposing bees to its ingestion

    Data Assimilation of Satellite-Derived Rain Rates Estimated by Neural Network in Convective Environments: A Study over Italy

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    The accurate prediction of heavy precipitation in convective environments is crucial because such events, often occurring in Italy during the summer and fall seasons, can be a threat for people and properties. In this paper, we analyse the impact of satellite-derived surface-rainfall-rate data assimilation on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model's precipitation prediction, considering 15 days in summer 2022 and 17 days in fall 2022, where moderate to intense precipitation was observed over Italy. A 3DVar realised at CNR-ISAC (National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate) is used to assimilate two different satellite-derived rain rate products, both exploiting geostationary (GEO), infrared (IR), and low-Earth-orbit (LEO) microwave (MW) measurements: One is based on an artificial neural network (NN), and the other one is the operational P-IN-SEVIRI-PMW product (H60), delivered in near-real time by the EUMETSAT HSAF (Satellite Application Facility in Support of Operational Hydrology and Water Management). The forecast is verified in two periods: the hours from 1 to 4 (1-4 h phase) and the hours from 3 to 6 (3-6 h phase) after the assimilation. The results show that the rain rate assimilation improves the precipitation forecast in both seasons and for both forecast phases, even if the improvement in the 3-6 h phase is found mainly in summer. The assimilation of H60 produces a high number of false alarms, which has a negative impact on the forecast, especially for intense events (30 mm/3 h). The assimilation of the NN rain rate gives more balanced predictions, improving the control forecast without significantly increasing false alarms

    Nipple Reconstruction Using the “Arrow Flap” Technique: Outcomes and Patients Satisfaction

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    Introduction: Skin-sparing mastectomy (SSM) entails complete removal of the breast tissue and the nipple and areola complex (NAC) with preservation of as much of the overlying skin as possible. The preservation of the natural skin envelope during SSM improves the aesthetic outcome of immediate breast reconstruction, but the lack of NAC determines that the reconstructed breast remains anatomically incomplete with not always satisfactory final results. For this purpose, the aim of the present study was to investigate and evaluate the impact of nipple reconstruction after skin sparing and skin reducing mastectomy on the patients' perception and intimate life. Materials and method: This was a comparative single-center prospective study that involved 42 patients underwent NAC reconstruction after SSM. A pre- and postoperative quality-of-life and psychological questionnaires Breast-Q questionnaire (Breast Conserving therapy module) were given to all the patients before the surgery and 6 months after. The statistical analysis with chi-square test was performed. Results: After 6 months a prevalence of patients reported to be very satisfied in regard to shape, appearance, naturalness, projection, position and symmetry. The study shows an overall improvement in all the psychological items analyzed with statistically significant difference regarding: "patient's satisfaction," "self-confidence," "appearance of the breast." Conclusion: The authors believe that the NAC reconstruction has useful functional and aesthetic results particularly appreciated by patients who feel demoralized after breast demolition surgery

    Applicability of the adjusted morbidity groups algorithm for healthcare programming: results of a pilot study in Italy

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    Background: Population-based Health Risk Assessment (HRA) tools are strategic for the implementation of integrated care. Various HRA algorithms have been developed in the last decades worldwide. Their full adoption being limited by technical, functional, and economical factors. This study aims to apply the Adjusted Morbidity Groups (AMG) algorithm in the context of an Italian Region, and evaluate its performance to support decision-making processes in healthcare programming. Methods: The pilot study used five Healthcare Administrative Databases (HADs) covering the period 2015-2021. An iterative semi-automated procedure was developed to extract, filter, check and merge the data. A technical manual was developed to describe the process, designed to be standardized, reproducible and transferable. AMG algorithm was applied and descriptive analysis performed. A dashboard structure was developed to exploit the results of the tool. Results: AMG produced information on the health status of Marche citizens, highlighting the presence of chronic conditions from age 45 years. Persons with high and very high level of complexity showed elevated mortality rates and an increased use of healthcare resources. A visualization dashboard was intended to provide to relevant stakeholders accessible, updated and ready-to-use aggregated information on the health status of citizens and additional insight on the use of the healthcare services and resources by specific groups of citizens. Conclusion: The flexibility of the AMG, together with its ability to support policymakers and clinical sector, could favour its implementation in different scenarios across Europe. A clear strategy for the adoption of HRA tools and related key elements and lessons learnt for a successful transferability at the EU level were defined. HRA strategies should be considered a pillar of healthcare policies and programming to achieve person-centred care and promote the sustainability of the EU healthcare systems

    Effect of vascular endothelial growth factor gene therapy on post-traumatic peripheral nerve regeneration and denervation-related muscle atrophy

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    Functional recovery after peripheral nerve injury depends on both improvement of nerve regeneration and prevention of denervation-related skeletal muscle atrophy. To reach these goals, in this study we overexpressed vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) by means of local gene transfer with adeno-associated virus (AAV). Local gene transfer in the regenerating peripheral nerve was obtained by reconstructing a 1-cm-long rat median nerve defect using a vein segment filled with skeletal muscle fibers that have been previously injected with either AAV2-VEGF or AAV2-LacZ, and the morphofunctional outcome of nerve regeneration was assessed 3 months after surgery. Surprisingly, results showed that overexpression of VEGF in the muscle-vein-combined guide led to a worse nerve regeneration in comparison with AAV-LacZ controls. Local gene transfer in the denervated muscle was obtained by direct injection of either AAV2-VEGF or AAV2-LacZ in the flexor digitorum sublimis muscle after median nerve transection and results showed a significantly lower progression of muscle atrophy in AAV2-VEGF-treated muscles in comparison with muscles treated with AAV2-LacZ. Altogether, our results suggest that local delivery of VEGF by AAV2-VEGF-injected transplanted muscle fibers do not represent a rational approach to promote axonal regeneration along a venous nerve guide. By contrast, AAV2-VEGF direct local injection in denervated skeletal muscle significantly attenuates denervation-related atrophy, thus representing a promising strategy for improving the outcome of post-traumatic neuromuscular recovery after nerve injury and repair

    The Development of a European and Mediterranean Chickpea Association Panel (EMCAP)

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    Association panels represent a useful tool for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and pre-breeding. In this study, we report on the development of a European and Mediterranean chickpea association panel as a useful tool for gene discovery and breeding. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important food legumes worldwide and a key crop in the Mediterranean environments. The selection of genotypes followed criteria aimed to build a set of materials representative of the genetic diversity of chickpea germplasm focusing on the European and Mediterranean environments, which have largely been ignored to date. This tool can help breeders to develop novel varieties adapted to European and Mediterranean agro-ecosystems. Initially, 1931 chickpea accessions were phenotypically evaluated in a field trial in central Italy. From these, an association panel composed by 480 genotypes derived from single-seed descent was identified and phenotypically evaluated. Current and future phenotypic data combined with the genotypic characterization of the association panel will allow to dissect the genetic architecture of important adaptive and quality traits and accelerate breeding. This information can be used to predict phenotypes of unexploited chickpea genetic resources available in genebanks for breeding

    Cardiac Functional and Structural Abnormalities in a Mouse Model of CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder

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    CDKL5 (cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5) deficiency disorder (CDD) is a severe neurodevelopmental disease that mostly affects girls, who are heterozygous for mutations in the X-linked CDKL5 gene. Mutations in the CDKL5 gene lead to a lack of CDKL5 protein expression or function and cause numerous clinical features, including early-onset seizures, marked hypotonia, autistic features, gastrointestinal problems, and severe neurodevelopmental impairment. Mouse models of CDD recapitulate several aspects of CDD symptomology, including cognitive impairments, motor deficits, and autistic-like features, and have been useful to dissect the role of CDKL5 in brain development and function. However, our current knowledge of the function of CDKL5 in other organs/tissues besides the brain is still quite limited, reducing the possibility of broad-spectrum interventions. Here, for the first time, we report the presence of cardiac function/structure alterations in heterozygous Cdkl5 +/- female mice. We found a prolonged QT interval (corrected for the heart rate, QTc) and increased heart rate in Cdkl5 +/- mice. These changes correlate with a marked decrease in parasympathetic activity to the heart and in the expression of the Scn5a and Hcn4 voltage-gated channels. Interestingly, Cdkl5 +/- hearts showed increased fibrosis, altered gap junction organization and connexin-43 expression, mitochondrial dysfunction, and increased ROS production. Together, these findings not only contribute to our understanding of the role of CDKL5 in heart structure/function but also document a novel preclinical phenotype for future therapeutic investigation
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