337 research outputs found

    The role of nutrition in multiple sclerosis: a story yet to be written.

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    The role of nutrition in multiple sclerosis (MS) is still unclear and MS therapy is not associated to a particular diet. In this review we show the molecular basis by which dietary factors and life style may exacerbate or ameliorate MS symptoms, by controlling both the metabolic and inflammatory pathways in the cell and the composition of gut microbiota. A persistent “Western style” diet may indeed lead to a dysbiotic gut microbiota, alteration of intestinal immunity and systemic inflammation. On these grounds, there are now good prospects for improving the well being of MS patients on the basis of nutritional intervention and healthy life style

    Lipid-lowering therapy in high cardiovascular risk patients during COVID-19 pandemic: keep focused on the target

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    To the Editor COVID-19 (COrona VIrus Disease) patients with cardiovascular (CV) disease, multiple CV risk factors or comorbidities (i.e., arterial hypertension and diabetes) were shown to be more prone to a worse prognosis. SARS-CoV-2 is a still unknown enemy and the role of concomitant cardiovascular therapies has been controversial in the early stages, particularly with regard to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme inhibitors..

    2-D zymographic analysis of Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) florets proteases: Follow up of cysteine protease isotypes in the course of post-harvest senescence.

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    Zymographic analysis of Broccoli florets (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) revealed the presence of acidic metallo-proteases, serine proteases and cysteine proteases. Under conditions which were denaturing for the other proteases, the study was restricted to cysteine proteases. 2-D zymography, a technique that combines IEF and zymography was used to show the presence of 11 different cysteine protease spots with molecular mass of 44 and 47–48 kDa and pIs ranging between 4.1 and 4.7. pI differences could be ascribed to different degrees of phosphorylation that partly disappeared in the presence of alkaline phosphatase. Post-harvest senescence of Broccoli florets was characterized by decrease in protein and chlorophyll contents and increase of protease activity. In particular, as determined by 2-D zymography, the presence of cysteine protease clearly increased during senescence, a finding that may represent a useful tool for the control of the aging process

    Unveiling a hidden biomarker of inflammation and tumor progression: The 65 kDa isoform of MMP-9 new horizons for therapy

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    Cancer metastasis is a stage of the disease where therapy is mostly ineffective; hence, the need to find reliable markers of its onset. The metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9, gelatinase B) in its 82 kDa active form, is a good candidate, but here we show that the correspondent little known 65 kDa active MMP-9 isoform, often misrepresented with the other gelatinase MMP-2, is a more suitable marker. Sera from patients with lung and breast cancer were analyzed by bidimensional zymography to detect the activity of MMP-9 and MMP-2. Enzyme identity was confirmed by comparison with MMP-9 standards and by western blotting. The 65 kDa isoform of MMP-9 is a suitable biomarker to monitor tumor progression from tissue neoplasms to metastatic stage, as its activity begins to appear when disease severity increases and becomes very high in metastasis. Moreover, the 65 kDa MMP-9, which derives from the 82 kDa MMP-9, no longer responds to natural MMP-9 inhibitors. As its activity cannot be controlled, its appearance may warn that the pathological process is becoming irreversible. Identification and inhibition of the enzymes converting the inhibitor-sensitive 82 kDa MMP-9 into the corresponding “wild” 65 kDa MMP-9 may allow to develop therapies capable of blocking metastases

    Recent advances in managing human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal tumors

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) is detected in a subset of patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, most frequently in tumors in the Waldeyer's ring (palatine tonsil and base of tongue). Several studies suggest that patients with HPV-positive tumors have better survival with either concurrent chemoradiation therapy or surgery followed by radiation compared with HPV-negative patients. However, some possible confounding clinicopathologic variables may challenge the validity of this statement, for example, some authors used the TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) grouping stage while others used the primary tumor (T stage), and other studies have demonstrated that tumors with advanced T stage were less likely to be infected with HPV. A large clinical trial with stratification of patients according to all known tumor prognostic factors is crucial to solve the question

    Medial Sural Perforator "Nerve through Flap": Anatomical Study and Clinical Application

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    Background: Nerve recovery after a complex trauma is affected by many factors and a poorly vascularized bed is often the cause of failure and perineural scar. Many techniques have been devised to avoid this problem and the possibility to transfer a nerve with a surrounding viable sliding tissue could help in this purpose; Methods: We performed an anatomic study on 8 injected specimens to investigate the possibility to raise a medial sural artery perforator (MSAP) flap including the sural nerve within its vascularized sheath; Results: In anatomic specimens, a visible direct nerve vascularization was present in 57% of legs (8 out of 14). In 43% a vascular network was visible in the fascia layer. There were no vascular anomalies. In one patient the MSAP flap was raised including the sural nerve with its proximal tibial and peroneal components within the deep sheath. The tibial and peroneal component of the sural nerve were anastomized independently with the common digital nerve of 4th and 5th fingers and with the collateral nerve for the ulnar aspect of the 5th. After 9 months, the patient showed an improving nerve function both clinically and electromyographically without any problem due to nerve adherence; Conclusions: Given the still debated advantage of a vascularized nerve graft versus a non-vascularized one, this flap could be useful in those cases of composite wounds with nerve lesions acting as a "nerve through flap", in order to reduce nerve adherence with a viable surrounding gliding tissue

    May Diet and Dietary Supplements Improve the Wellness of Multiple Sclerosis Patients? A Molecular Approach

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    Multiple sclerosis is a complex and multifactorial neurological disease, and nutrition is one of the environmental factors possibly involved in its pathogenesis. At present, the role of nutrition is unclear, and MS therapy is not associated to a particular diet. MS clinical trials based on specific diets or dietary supplements are very few and in some cases controversial. To understand how diet can influence the course of MS and improve the wellness of MS patients, it is necessary to identify the dietary molecules, their targets and the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of the disease. The aim of this paper is to provide a molecular basis for the nutritional intervention in MS by evaluating at molecular level the effect of dietary molecules on the inflammatory and autoimmune processes involved in the disease

    In vitro characterization of adipose stem cells non-enzymatically extracted from the thigh and abdomen

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    Autologous fat grafting is a surgical technique in which adipose tissue is transferred from one area of the body to another, in order to reconstruct or regenerate damaged or injured tissues. Before reinjection, adipose tissue needs to be purified from blood and cellular debris to avoid inflammation and preserve the graft viability. To perform this purification, different enzymatic and mechanical methods can be used. In this study, we characterized in vitro the product of a closed automatic device based on mechanical disaggregation, named Rigenera\uae, focusing on two sites of adipose tissue harvesting. At first, we optimized the Rigenera\uae operating timing, demonstrating that 60 s of treatment allows a higher cellular yield, in terms of the cell number and growth rate. This result optimizes the mechanical disaggregation and it can increase the clinical efficiency of the final product. When comparing the extracted adipose samples from the thigh and abdomen, our results showed that the thigh provides a higher number of mesenchymal-like cells, with a faster replication rate and a higher ability to form colonies. We can conclude that by collecting adipose tissue from the thigh and treating it with the Rigenera\uae device for 60 s, it is possible to obtain the most efficient product