170 research outputs found

    Investigation of the Defatted Colostrum 1H-NMR Metabolomics Profile of Gilts and Multiparous Sows and Its Relationship with Litter Performance

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    The aim of the study was to characterize the soluble metabolomics profile of defatted colostrum of sows at different parity number (PA) and to correlate the metabolomics profile with the Brix percentage estimate of colostrum immunoglobulin G (IgG) and sow productive traits. A total of 96 Meidam (crossbreed Large White 7 Meishan) sows of PA from 1-4 (PA1: 28; PA2:26; PA3:12; PA4:26) were included, and their productive traits were recorded at 10 days post-farrowing. Colostrum IgG was quantified using a Brix refractometer, and metabolomics profile was assessed using 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Sows' PA slightly influenced the metabolomics profile of colostrum. lactose and glycine were higher in PA1 compared with PA4 (p 0.05) and N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) tended to be higher in PA2 than PA3 and PA4 (p < 0.10). The Brix percentage of IgG was negatively associated with lactose and positively with creatine, myo-inositol, and O-phosphocholine (p < 0.05). Taurine was positively related to litter weight at birth. GlcNAc and myo-inositol were linked to piglet mortality at day 10 with a negative and positive trend, respectively. In conclusion, colostrum of gilts and multiparous sows had a similar metabolomics profile. Specific metabolites contributed to explanation of the variability in colostrum Brix percentage estimate of IgG concentration and the sows' productive performance

    Resolution Enhancement of Hyperspectral Data Exploiting Real Multi-Platform Data

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    Multi-platform data introduce new possibilities in the context of data fusion, as they allow to exploit several remotely sensed images acquired by different combinations of sensors. This scenario is particularly interesting for the sharpening of hyperspectral (HS) images, due to the limited availability of high-resolution (HR) sensors mounted onboard of the same platform as that of the HS device. However, the differences in the acquisition geometry and the nonsimultaneity of this kind of observations introduce further difficulties whose effects have to be taken into account in the design of data fusion algorithms. In this study, we present the most widespread HS image sharpening techniques and assess their performances by testing them over real acquisitions taken by the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) and the WorldView-3 (WV3) satellites. We also highlight the difficulties arising from the use of multi-platform data and, at the same time, the benefits achievable through this approach

    Video-assisted parathyroidectomy: a series of 85 cases

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    Abstract AIM OF THE STUDY: To verify the feasibility of video-assisted parathyroidectomy, set up the indications and report the results in a series of 85 patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: From 1997 to 1999, 85 patients affected by primary hyperparathyroidism due to single gland disease, with an adenoma smaller than 35 mm as demonstrated by preoperative imaging, were referred for video-assisted parathyroidectomy. There were 62 females and 23 males. Mean age was 53 years, (range 23-82). Video-assisted parathyroidectomy was associated with intra-operative PTH quick-assay. Calcium testing was controlled before leaving the hospital, 1 month and 3 months later, and postoperative laryngoscopy was performed in all patients. RESULTS: There were five conversions to open cervicotomy: three due to a contra-lateral second adenoma, two because of an intrathyroidal adenoma. The mean operative time for video-assisted procedure was 59 minutes (range: 25-180). Circulating PTH levels 10 minutes after the removal of the affected gland(s) always dropped significantly, and pathological report confirmed the parathyroid nature of the specimens (mean diameter 13 mm, range 7-35). Morbidity consisted of five cases of transient hypocalcemia and one permanent laryngeal nerve paralysis. We registered no persistent or recurrent disease (mean follow-up 12.8 months, range 1-28). CONCLUSIONS: Video-assisted parathyroidectomy is feasible, and its results are similar to those of traditional procedure, while it seems superior as regards postoperative course and aesthetic results. It also allows different strategical decisions even during operation (i.e. bilateral exploration or thyroid lobectomy) by the same approach


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    Purpose: Due to admitted limits of autopsy-based studies in the diagnosis of drowning, virtopsy is considered the new imaging horizon in these post-mortem studies. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of virtopsy performed through computed tomography (CT) in the forensic diagnosis of drowning. Materials and methods: We retrospectively examined the CT data of four cadavers recovered from sea water and suspected to have died by drowning. Each patient underwent a full-body post-mortem CT scan, and then a traditional autopsy. Conclusion: To date, there are no autopsy findings pathognomonic of drowning. This study proves that virtopsy is a useful tool in the diagnosis of drowning in that it allows us to understand if the victim was alive or dead when he entered the water and if the cause of death was drowning. Results: All the cadavers showed fluid in the airways and patchy ground-glass opacities in the lung. Only one patient had no fluid in the digestive tract; this patient had a left parietal bone fracture with a large gap and other multiple bone fractures (nose, clavicle, first rib and patella). One of the three patients who had fluid in the digestive tract had no fluid in the paranasal sinuses. This latter patient showed cerebral oedema with subarachnoid and intraventricular haemorrhage, multiple bone fractures (orbital floor, ribs, sacrum and acetabular edge) and air in the heart, in the aorta and in bowel loops. © 2014, Italian Society of Medical Radiology

    Role of MDCT virtopsy in valuation of burned bodies and its comparison with traditional autopsy

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    The objective of virtopsy is not only to improve the objectivity of findings made by traditonal autopsy but also to solve those cases that are difficult to solve with conventional post-mortem examination. Modern cross-sectional imaging and postprocessing techniques can provide strong forensic evidence for use in legal proceedings; particularly we want to show how it can supplement traditional autopsy of burned cadavers, helping finding the primary cause of the death, the presence of foreign bodies and the identification of the corpses

    Role of virtopsy in the postmortem diagnosis of drowning

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    Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide, accounting for 7% of all injury related deaths[1]. The autopsy diagnosis of drowning is one of the major problems in forensic medicine, especially when there is delay in recovering the corpse[2]. The main limit in the diagnosis of drowning is that even if a body is recovered from sea water, it may not have drowned and the proof that death was due to drowning may constitute a difficult problem to solve in forensic medicine. Due to the admitted limits of autopsy-based studies in the diagnosis of drowning, virtopsy is considered the new imaging horizon in these post-mortem studies[3-6]. The aim of our study was to evaluate the role of virtopsy performed through CT in forensic diagnosis of drowning

    Toward Predicting Motion Sickness Using Virtual Reality and a Moving Platform Assessing Brain, Muscles, and Heart Signals.

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked DownloadMotion sickness (MS) and postural control (PC) conditions are common complaints among those who passively travel. Many theories explaining a probable cause for MS have been proposed but the most prominent is the sensory conflict theory, stating that a mismatch between vestibular and visual signals causes MS. Few measurements have been made to understand and quantify the interplay between muscle activation, brain activity, and heart behavior during this condition. We introduce here a novel multimetric system called BioVRSea based on virtual reality (VR), a mechanical platform and several biomedical sensors to study the physiology associated with MS and seasickness. This study reports the results from 28 individuals: the subjects stand on the platform wearing VR goggles, a 64-channel EEG dry-electrode cap, two EMG sensors on the gastrocnemius muscles, and a sensor on the chest that captures the heart rate (HR). The virtual environment shows a boat surrounded by waves whose frequency and amplitude are synchronized with the platform movement. Three measurement protocols are performed by each subject, after each of which they answer the Motion Sickness Susceptibility Questionnaire. Nineteen parameters are extracted from the biomedical sensors (5 from EEG, 12 from EMG and, 2 from HR) and 13 from the questionnaire. Eight binary indexes are computed to quantify the symptoms combining all of them in the Motion Sickness Index (I MS ). These parameters create the MS database composed of 83 measurements. All indexes undergo univariate statistical analysis, with EMG parameters being most significant, in contrast to EEG parameters. Machine learning (ML) gives good results in the classification of the binary indexes, finding random forest to be the best algorithm (accuracy of 74.7 for I MS ). The feature importance analysis showed that muscle parameters are the most relevant, and for EEG analysis, beta wave results were the most important. The present work serves as the first step in identifying the key physiological factors that differentiate those who suffer from MS from those who do not using the novel BioVRSea system. Coupled with ML, BioVRSea is of value in the evaluation of PC disruptions, which are among the most disturbing and costly health conditions affecting humans.Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavi

    Foot Placement Characteristics and Plantar Pressure Distribution Patterns during Stepping on Ground in Neonates

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    Stepping on ground can be evoked in human neonates, though it is rather irregular and stereotyped heel-to-toe roll-over pattern is lacking. Such investigations can provide insights into the role of contact- or load-related proprioceptive feedback during early development of locomotion. However, the detailed characteristics of foot placements and their association with motor patterns are still incompletely documented. We elicited stepping in 33 neonates supported on a table. Unilateral limb kinematics, bilateral plantar pressure distribution and EMG activity from up to 11 ipsilateral leg muscles were recorded. Foot placement characteristics in neonates showed a wide variation. In ~25% of steps, the swinging foot stepped onto the contralateral foot due to generally small step width. In the remaining steps with separate foot placements, the stance phase could start with forefoot (28%), midfoot (47%), or heel (25%) touchdowns. Despite forefoot or heel initial contacts, the kinematic and loading patterns markedly differed relatively to toe-walking or adult-like two-peaked vertical force profile. Furthermore, while the general stepping parameters (cycle duration, step length, range of motion of proximal joints) were similar, the initial foot contact was consistently associated with specific center-of-pressure excursion, range of motion in the ankle joint, and the center-of-activity of extensor muscles (being shifted by ~5% of cycle toward the end of stance in the “heel” relative to “forefoot” condition). In sum, we found a variety of footfall patterns in conjunction with associated changes in motor patterns. These findings suggest the potential contribution of load-related proprioceptive feedback and/or the expression of variations in the locomotor program already during early manifestations of stepping on ground in human babies

    Improving the quality of patient care in lung cancer: key factors for successful multidisciplinary team working

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    International Guidelines as well as Cancer Associations recommend a multidisciplinary approach to lung cancer care. A multidisciplinary team (MDT) can significantly improve treatment decision-making and patient coordination by putting different physicians and other health professionals “in the same room”, who collectively decide upon the best possible treatment. However, this is not a panacea for cancer treatment. The impact of multidisciplinary care (MDC) on patient outcomes is not univocal, while the effective functioning of the MDT depends on many factors. This review presents the available MDT literature with an emphasis on the key factors that characterize high-quality patient care in lung cancer. The study was conducted with a bibliographic search using different electronic databases (PubMed Central, Scopus, Google Scholar, and Google) referring to multidisciplinary cancer care settings. Many key elements appear consolidated, while others emerge as prevalent and actual, especially those related to visible barriers which work across geographic, organizational, and disciplinary boundaries. MDTs must be sustained by strategic management, structured within the entity, and cannot be managed as a separate care process. Furthermore, they need to coordinate with other teams (within and outside the organization) and join with the broad range of services delivered by multiple providers at various points of the cancer journey or within the system, with the vision of integrated care