210 research outputs found

    Nonlinear heart rate variability features for real-life stress detection. Case study : students under stress due to university examination

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    Background: This study investigates the variations of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) due to a real-life stressor and proposes a classifier based on nonlinear features of HRV for automatic stress detection. Methods: 42 students volunteered to participate to the study about HRV and stress. For each student, two recordings were performed: one during an on-going university examination, assumed as a real-life stressor, and one after holidays. Nonlinear analysis of HRV was performed by using Poincaré Plot, Approximate Entropy, Correlation dimension, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Recurrence Plot. For statistical comparison, we adopted the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and for development of a classifier we adopted the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Results: Almost all HRV features measuring heart rate complexity were significantly decreased in the stress session. LDA generated a simple classifier based on the two Poincaré Plot parameters and Approximate Entropy, which enables stress detection with a total classification accuracy, a sensitivity and a specificity rate of 90%, 86%, and 95% respectively. Conclusions: The results of the current study suggest that nonlinear HRV analysis using short term ECG recording could be effective in automatically detecting real-life stress condition, such as a university examination

    Nonlinear heart rate variability features for real-life stress detection. Case study: students under stress due to university examination

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    Abstract Background: This study investigates the variations of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) due to a real-life stressor and proposes a classifier based on nonlinear features of HRV for automatic stress detection. Methods: 42 students volunteered to participate to the study about HRV and stress. For each student, two recordings were performed: one during an on-going university examination, assumed as a real-life stressor, and one after holidays. Nonlinear analysis of HRV was performed by using Poincaré Plot, Approximate Entropy, Correlation dimension, Detrended Fluctuation Analysis, Recurrence Plot. For statistical comparison, we adopted the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and for development of a classifier we adopted the Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Results: Almost all HRV features measuring heart rate complexity were significantly decreased in the stress session. LDA generated a simple classifier based on the two Poincaré Plot parameters and Approximate Entropy, which enables stress detection with a total classification accuracy, a sensitivity and a specificity rate of 90%, 86%, and 95% respectively. Conclusions: The results of the current study suggest that nonlinear HRV analysis using short term ECG recording could be effective in automatically detecting real-life stress condition, such as a university examination

    Pupillometric analysis for assessment of gene therapy in Leber Congenital Amaurosis patients

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    Background: Objective techniques to assess the amelioration of vision in patients with impaired visual function are needed to standardize efficacy assessment in gene therapy trials for ocular diseases. Pupillometry has been investigated in several diseases in order to provide objective information about the visual reflex pathway and has been adopted to quantify visual impairment in patients with Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA). In this paper, we describe detailed methods of pupillometric analysis and a case study on three Italian patients affected by Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) involved in a gene therapy clinical trial at two follow-up time-points: 1 year and 3 years after therapy administration. Methods: Pupillary light reflexes (PLR) were measured in patients who had received a unilateral subretinal injection in a clinical gene therapy trial. Pupil images were recorded simultaneously in both eyes with a commercial pupillometer and related software. A program was generated with MATLAB software in order to enable enhanced pupil detection with revision of the acquired images (correcting aberrations due to the inability of these severely visually impaired patients to fixate), and computation of the pupillometric parameters for each stimulus. Pupil detection was performed through Hough Transform and a non-parametric paired statistical test was adopted for comparison. Results: The developed program provided correct pupil detection also for frames in which the pupil is not totally visible. Moreover, it provided an automatic computation of the pupillometric parameters for each stimulus and enabled semi-automatic revision of computerized detection, eliminating the need for the user to manually check frame by frame. With reference to the case study, the amplitude of pupillary constriction and the constriction velocity were increased in the right (treated eye) compared to the left (untreated) eye at both follow-up time-points, showing stability of the improved PLR in the treated eye. Conclusions: Our method streamlined the pupillometric analyses and allowed rapid statistical analysis of a range of parameters associated with PLR. The results confirm that pupillometry is a useful objective measure for the assessment of therapeutic effect of gene therapy in patients with LCA

    Automatic risk evaluation in elderly patients based on Autonomic Nervous System assessment

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    Dysfunction of Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is a typical feature of chronic heart failure and other cardiovascular disease. As a simple non-invasive technology, heart rate variability (HRV) analysis provides reliable information on autonomic modulation of heart rate. The aim of this thesis was to research and develop automatic methods based on ANS assessment for evaluation of risk in cardiac patients. Several features selection and machine learning algorithms have been combined to achieve the goals. Automatic assessment of disease severity in Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients: a completely automatic method, based on long-term HRV was proposed in order to automatically assess the severity of CHF, achieving a sensitivity rate of 93% and a specificity rate of 64% in discriminating severe versus mild patients. Automatic identification of hypertensive patients at high risk of vascular events: a completely automatic system was proposed in order to identify hypertensive patients at higher risk to develop vascular events in the 12 months following the electrocardiographic recordings, achieving a sensitivity rate of 71% and a specificity rate of 86% in identifying high-risk subjects among hypertensive patients. Automatic identification of hypertensive patients with history of fall: it was explored whether an automatic identification of fallers among hypertensive patients based on HRV was feasible. The results obtained in this thesis could have implications both in clinical practice and in clinical research. The system has been designed and developed in order to be clinically feasible. Moreover, since 5-minute ECG recording is inexpensive, easy to assess, and non-invasive, future research will focus on the clinical applicability of the system as a screening tool in non-specialized ambulatories, in order to identify high-risk patients to be shortlisted for more complex investigations

    The use of classification and regression tree to predict 15-year survival in community-dwelling older people

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    Previous research has identified various risk factors for mortality in older people. The aim of this paper was to use Classification and Regression Tree to predict 15-year survival in community-dwelling older people. Data were obtained from a United Kingdom representative sample of 1042 community-dwelling people aged 65 and over. Outcome was time from 1985 interview to death or censorship on February 29, 2000. Classification and Regression Tree is a non-parametric technique widely used in medical domain classification. We applied CART to the set of risk-factors identified in a previous research. The selected CART model is based on age, dose of drug prescribed and handgrip measures. It predicts survival with a sensitivity rate of 76.3% and a specificity rate of 66.3%. The selection of variables are consistent with previous research. Finally, we observed the range of risk factors and their combination associated with increased and decreased mortality

    Fall prediction in hypertensive patients via short-term HRV analysis

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    Falls are a major problem of later life having severe consequences on quality of life and a significant burden in occidental countries. Many technological solutions have been proposed to assess the risk or to predict falls and the majority is based on accelerometers and gyroscopes. However, very little was done for identifying first time fallers, which are very difficult to recognise. This paper presents a meta-model predicting falls using short term Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis acquired at the baseline. 170 hypertensive patients (age: 72 ± 8 years, 56 female) were investigated, of which 34 fell once in the 3 months after the baseline assessment. This study is focused on hypertensive patients, which were considered as convenient pragmatic sample, as they undergo regular outpatient visits, during which short term ECG can be easily recorded without significant increase of healthcare costs. For each subject, 11 consecutive excerpts of 5 minutes each (55 min) were extracted from ECGs recorded between 10:30 and 12:30 and analysed. Linear and nonlinear HRV features were extracted and averaged among the 11 excerpts, which were, then, considered for the statistical and data mining analysis. The best predictive meta-model was based on Multinomial Naïve Bayes, which enabled to predict first-time fallers with sensitivity, specificity and accuracy rates of 72%, 61%, 68% respectively

    Blood pressure drop prediction by using HRV measurements in orthostatic hypotension

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    Orthostatic Hypotension is defined as a reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure within 3 minutes of standing, and may cause dizziness and loss of balance. Orthostatic Hypotension has been considered an important risk factor for falls since 1960. This paper presents a model to predict the systolic blood pressure drop due to orthostatic hypotension, relying on heart rate variability measurements extracted from 5 minute ECGs recorded before standing. This model was developed and validated with the leave-one-out cross-validation technique involving 10 healthy subjects, and finally tested with an additional 5 healthy subjects, whose data were not used during the training and cross-validation process. The results show that the model predicts correctly the systolic blood pressure drop in 80 % of all experiments, with an error rate below the measurement error of a sphygmomanometer digital device

    Acute mental stress assessment via short term HRV analysis in healthy adults : a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Mental stress reduces performances, on the work place and in daily life, and is one of the first causes of cognitive dysfunctions, cardiovascular disorders and depression. This study systematically reviewed existing literature investigating, in healthy subjects, the associations between acute mental stress and short term Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures in time, frequency and non-linear domain. The goal of this study was to provide reliable information about the trends and the pivot values of HRV measures during mental stress. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the evidence was conducted, performing an exhaustive research of electronic repositories and linear researching references of papers responding to the inclusion criteria. After removing duplicates and not pertinent papers, journal papers describing well-designed studies that analyzed rigorously HRV were included if analyzed the same population of healthy subjects at rest and during mental stress. 12 papers were shortlisted, enrolling overall 758 volunteers and investigating 22 different HRV measures, 9 of which reported by at least 2 studies and therefore meta-analyzed in this review. Four measures in time and non-linear domains, associated with a normal degree of HRV variations resulted significantly depressed during stress. The power of HRV fluctuations at high frequencies was significantly depressed during stress, while the ratio between low and high frequency resulted significantly increased, suggesting a sympathetic activation and a parasympathetic withdrawal during acute mental stress. Finally, among the 15 non-linear measures extracted, only 2 were reported by at least 2 studies, therefore pooled, and only one resulted significantly depressed, suggesting a reduced chaotic behaviour during mental stress. HRV resulted significantly depressed during mental stress, showing a reduced variability and less chaotic behaviour. The pooled frequency domain measures demonstrated a significant autonomic balance shift during acute mental stress towards the sympathetic activation and the parasympathetic withdrawal. Pivot values for the pooled mean differences of HRV measures are provided. Further studies investigating HRV non-linear measures during mental stress are still required. However, the method proposed to transform and then meta-analyze the HRV measures can be applied to other fields where HRV proved to be clinically significant

    Automatic Detection of Genetic Diseases in Pediatric Age Using Pupillometry

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    Inherited retinal diseases cause severe visual deficits in children. They are classified in outer and inner retina diseases, and often cause blindness in childhood. The diagnosis for this type of illness is challenging, given the wide range of clinical and genetic causes (with over 200 causative genes). It is routinely based on a complex pattern of clinical tests, including invasive ones, not always appropriate for infants or young children. A different approach is thus needed, that exploits Chromatic Pupillometry, a technique increasingly used to assess outer and inner retina functions. This paper presents a novel Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS), based on Machine Learning using Chromatic Pupillometry in order to support diagnosis of Inherited retinal diseases in pediatric subjects. An approach that combines hardware and software is proposed: a dedicated medical equipment (pupillometer) is used with a purposely designed custom machine learning decision support system. Two distinct Support Vector Machines (SVMs), one for each eye, classify the features extracted from the pupillometric data. The designed CDSS has been used for diagnosis of Retinitis Pigmentosa in pediatric subjects. The results, obtained by combining the two SVMs in an ensemble model, show satisfactory performance of the system, that achieved 0.846 accuracy, 0.937 sensitivity and 0.786 specificity. This is the first study that applies machine learning to pupillometric data in order to diagnose a genetic disease in pediatric age

    Discrimination power of long-term heart rate variability measures for Chronic Heart Failure detection

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the discrimination power of standard long-term Heart Rate Variability (HRV) measures for the diagnosis of Chronic Heart Failure (CHF). We performed a retrospective analysis on 4 public Holter databases, analyzing the data of 72 normal subjects and 44 patients suffering from CHF. To assess the discrimination power of HRV measures, we adopted an exhaustive search of all possible combinations of HRV measures and we developed classifiers based on Classification and Regression Tree (CART) method, which is a non-parametric statistical technique. We found that the best combination of features is: Total spectral power of all NN intervals up to 0.4 Hz (TOTPWR), square Root of the Mean of the Sum of the Squares of Differences between adjacent NN intervals (RMSSD) and Standard Deviation of the Averages of NN intervals in all 5-minute segments of a 24-hour recording (SDANN). The classifiers based on this combination achieved a specificity rate and a sensitivity rate of 100.00% and 89.74% respectively. Our results are comparable with other similar studies, but the method we used is particularly valuable because it provides an easy to understand description of classification procedures, in terms of intelligible “if … then …” rules. Finally, the rules obtained by CART are consistent with previous clinical studies