480 research outputs found

    The intrinsic derivative and centrifugal forces in general relativity: II. Applications to circular orbits in some familiar stationary axisymmetric spacetimes

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    The tools developed in a preceding article for interpreting spacetime geometry in terms of all possible space-plus-time splitting approaches are applied to circular orbits in some familiar stationary axisymmetric spacetimes. This helps give a more intuitive picture of their rotational features including spin precession effects, and puts related work of Abramowicz, de Felice, and others on circular orbits in black hole spacetimes into a more general context.Comment: 59 pages latex 2.09, uses ijmpd.sty macros, pictex, epsf.sty for 10 eps figures; typographical corrections made compared to published versio

    α<sub>S1</sub>-casein genetic variants in Sarda goat breed

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    Sardinia plays an important role in Italian goat breeding; this is due not only to the high extent of its patrimony and production, but also to the fact that the main breed, the Sarda goat, represents an interesting biodiversity source. As regards the morphologic variability, marked differences between subjects reared in the coast and mountain areas were found (Macciotta et al., 2002). These differences are due to the genetic selection on the autochthonous patrimony, set up by breeders and based on coat colour, horn presence and/or on functional criteria (udder shape). The need to improve milk yields also induced various breeders, mainly in those areas with better pasture conditions, to crossbreed the Sarda goats with more productive breeds. The present situation (Pazzola et al., 2002) shows how in the East coastal region (Sarrabus, Ogliastra and Baronia) and in the central mountain areas of Sardinia (Barbagia), subjects with more rural traits are reared (smaller size, small ears, presence of horns, etc.); while in the South and West areas (Sulcis and Guspinese) the influence of the Maltese breed is more evident. Both the productive traits variability (Brandano et al., 1978), and the morphologic aspect, is of great interest. Genetic variability can influence the survival of a sector hindered by the opening of the markets and by the strong competitiveness of zootechnical areas technologically more advanced. According to this point of view, considering that casein fractions are closely related to milk technological characteristics (Grosclaude et al., 1994), and to its possible productive differentiation (Remeuf, 1993), a study on αS1-casein allelic frequency was carried out, related also to the breeding region. The aim of the study is to acquire useful information in order to suggest an appropriate utilization of milk, to detect possible new alleles and to test the correlation between casein phenotype and morphology of the animals

    Multiscale Sample Entropy of Cardiovascular Signals: Does the Choice between Fixed- or Varying-Tolerance among Scales Influence Its Evaluation and Interpretation?

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    Multiscale entropy (MSE) quantifies the cardiovascular complexity evaluating Sample Entropy (SampEn) on coarse-grained series at increasing scales Ï„. Two approaches exist, one using a fixed tolerance r at all scales (MSEFT), the other a varying tolerance r(Ï„) adjusted following the standard-deviation changes after coarse graining (MSEVT). The aim of this study is to clarify how the choice between MSEFT and MSEVT influences quantification and interpretation of cardiovascular MSE, and whether it affects some signals more than others. To achieve this aim, we considered 2-h long beat-by-beat recordings of inter-beat intervals and of systolic and diastolic blood pressures in male (N = 42) and female (N = 42) healthy volunteers. We compared MSE estimated with fixed and varying tolerances, and evaluated whether the choice between MSEFT and MSEVT estimators influence quantification and interpretation of sex-related differences. We found substantial discrepancies between MSEFT and MSEVT results, related to the degree of correlation among samples and more important for heart rate than for blood pressure; moreover the choice between MSEFT and MSEVT may influence the interpretation of gender differences for MSE of heart rate. We conclude that studies on cardiovascular complexity should carefully choose between fixed- or varying-tolerance estimators, particularly when evaluating MSE of heart rate

    Digital design of medical replicas via desktop systems: shape evaluation of colon parts

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    In this paper, we aim at providing results concerning the application of desktop systems for rapid prototyping of medical replicas that involve complex shapes, as, for example, folds of a colon. Medical replicas may assist preoperative planning or tutoring in surgery to better understand the interaction among pathology and organs. Major goals of the paper concern with guiding the digital design workflow of the replicas and understanding their final performance, according to the requirements asked by the medics (shape accuracy, capability of seeing both inner and outer details, and support and possible interfacing with other organs). In particular, after the analysis of these requirements, we apply digital design for colon replicas, adopting two desktop systems. ,e experimental results confirm that the proposed preprocessing strategy is able to conduct to the manufacturing of colon replicas divided in self-supporting segments, minimizing the supports during printing. ,is allows also to reach an acceptable level of final quality, according to the request of having a 3D presurgery overview of the problems. ,ese replicas are compared through reverse engineering acquisitions made by a structured-light system, to assess the achieved shape and dimensional accuracy. Final results demonstrate that low-cost desktop systems, coupled with proper strategy of preprocessing, may have shape deviation in the range of ±1 mm, good for physical manipulations during medical diagnosis and explanation

    Influence of body weight on reproductive activity in Sarda female lambs

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    One way to improve reproductive performance of ewes is through extending its lifetime productivity. Breeding ewe lambs is one method of improving the reproductive performance in the sheep. In order to produce an offspring when the ewe lamb is approximately 1 yr of age, the autumn-born ewe must obtain puberty before the autumn breeding season begins. Onset of puberty is determined by integration of both internal and external factors, which then enable the neuroendocrine or hormonal event occur (Shirley et al., 2001). Age, photoperiod and body weight are the principal factors influencing puberty. The age at onset of the reproductive activity in the sheep is different among the various breeds. In the Sarda lambs the age of the onset of puberty is about 7-8 months. However the animals that have this age don’t reach the puberty if photoperiod and body weight are not suitable. Both the female lambs born in October-November and in February reach puberty in the same subsequent autumn breeding season. This reproductive behaviour evidences that photoperiod plays an important role in the onset of puberty (Papachristoforou et al., 2000).The female lambs born in later spring uneasily reach puberty within the subsequent breeding season, although photoperiod is favourable. This retard in the onset of reproductive activity is due to the attainment of the body maturity only during subsequent long day period but they reach reproductive activity only during the autumn of the subsequent year (Foster et al., 1985). In fact, some authors suggested that besides photoperiod and age, attainment of the 60% of adult weight is essential for onset of puberty (Abecia et al., 2001). Indeed the undernourished animals delay puberty, in comparison to well nourished subjects (I’Anson et al., 1997). This behaviour is linked to the different LH pulse frequency: restricted diet lambs show one pulse per 4 hours, instead fed ad libitum subjects manifest four or five pulse per 4 hours (Ebling et al., 1990). The purpose of this investigation is to determine the onset of puberty and to research its linkage with body weight in Sarda female lambs during breeding season under natural condition

    Genotype at the MTNR1A locus and response to melatonin treatment in Sarda lambs

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    With the aim to evaluate the effect of melatonin treatment and melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) genotype on advance of puberty, 423 Sarda lambs were chosen. On June 26th, they were divided into three groups, each of 141 animals (groups 0, 1, and 2), on the basis of live weight. On June 30th, animals in group 1 received a single implant (18 mg melatonin), while group 2 received two implants. Group 0 was untreated. Thirty-five days after treatment (August 4th), rams were introduced and after 40 days they were removed. From January 1st to February 10th lambing dates were recorded. Genomic DNA was extracted and subjected to PCR for the amplification of exon II and then digested with enzymes MnlI and RsaI and placed into +/+, +/−, or −/− group for MnlI and C/C, C/T, or T/T group for RsaI. Samples were cloned and sequenced. Data obtained were subjected to χ2 test in order to evaluate the difference in fertility among groups and the link between genotype and reproductive activity. Genotype +/+ and C/C showed the highest incidence. Treated groups showed a higher number of lambing at 10th February compared to control group (P&lt;0.04). Melatonin treatment results more efficient in +/+ genotype

    Human DNA contamination of postmortem examination facilities: Impact of COVID-19 cleaning procedure

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    The DNA contamination of evidentiary trace samples, included those collected in the autopsy room, has significant detrimental consequences for forensic genetics investigation. After the COVID-19 pandemic, methods to prevent environmental contamination in the autopsy room have been developed and intensified. This study aimed to evaluate the level of human DNA contamination of a postmortem examination facility before and after the introduction of COVID-19-related disinfection and cleaning procedures. Ninety-one swabs were collected from the surfaces and the dissecting instruments, analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR (q-PCR), and typed for 21 autosomal STRs. Sixty-seven out of 91 samples resulted in quantifiable human DNA, ranging from 1 pg/μl to 12.4 ng/μl, including all the samples collected before the implementation of COVID-19 cleaning procedures (n = 38) and 29 out of 53 (54.7%) samples taken afterward. All samples containing human DNA were amplified, resulting in mixed (83.6%), single (13.4%), and incomplete (3%) profiles. A statistically significant decrease in DNA contamination was found for dissecting instruments after treatment with chlorhexidine and autoclave (p&lt; 0.05). Environmental decontamination strategies adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic only partially solved the long-standing issue of DNA contamination of postmortem examination facilities. The pandemic represents an opportunity to further stress the need for standardized evidence-based protocols targeted to overcome the problem of DNA contamination in the autopsy room

    Clinical use of hyaluronic acid in andrology: A review

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    Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan widely used in the fields of orthopedics, ophthalmology, and aesthetic medicine due to its significant ability to reduce the synthesis of pro-inflammatory proteins and its activity against oxidative stress, a feature of many degenerative illnesses
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