182 research outputs found

    Clodronate combined with a surfactant (Tween 20) does not improve osseointegration: a rabbit immunohistomorphometric study.

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    Biphosphonates are compounds that inhibit bone reabsorption mediated by osteoclasts or the progression of periodontal disease independent on the host response to pathogenic bacteria that colonize the tooth surface. The use of biphosphonates in oral implantology is still in the experimental stage. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a non-aminobiphosphonate combined with a surfactant to increase the ability of the drug to link to the implant and bone surfaces in the development of osseointegration in rabbits. Smooth titanium implants were devised to be used on rabbit femurs. A topical administration of clodronate combined with the surfactant (Tween 20) at different concentrations was made on the implant surface and in the implant site to increase the bone and implant adhesiveness. Placebo was given to the control group. New Zealand rabbits were used and sacrificed by CO2 after 8 weeks from the implantations. A histologic and histo-morphometric analysis was carried out. Results did not show significant difference between the tests and the placebo groups. Our data are different from other similar studies obtaining statistically significant differences. These differences could depend on the efficacy of the drug used and on the procedure of application of the drug on the implant. This study demonstrates poor efficacy of clodronate applied topically to the implant and implant site during surgery to increase the percentage of osseointegration in the implant. Further studies using different fixation techniques of the drug may be necessary to confirm the present data

    Biological considerations on the use of zirconia for dental devices.

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    Zirconium oxide, known as zirconia, is a ceramic material with optimal esthetical and mechanical properties. Zirconia stabilized with yttrium oxide has the best properties for medical uses. A stress on ZrO2 surface creates a crystalline modification that opposes to propagation of cracks. Zirconia core for fixed partial dentures (FPD) on anterior and posterior teeth and on implants are now available. Clinical evaluations after 3 years report good percentage of success for zirconia fixed partial denture. Zirconia biocompatibility was studied in vivo and in vitro by orthopedic research; no adverse responses were reported on insertion of ZrO2 samples in bone or muscle. In vitro experimentation showed absence of mutation and a good viability of cells cultured on this material

    Microbiological and biochemical effectiveness of an antiseptic gel on the bacterial contamination of the inner space of dental implants: a 3-month human longitudinal study.

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    Microbial penetration inside the implant's internal cavity produces a bacterial reservoir that is associated with an area of inflamed connective tissue facing the fixture-abutment junction. The aim of this clinical trial is to evaluate the effectiveness of a 1% chlorhexidine gel on the internal bacterial contamination of implants with screw-retained abutments and on the level of AST secreted in peri-implant crevicular fluid. Twenty-five patients (aged 29 to 58 years) each received one implant. Three months after the end of the restorative treatment, and immediately after a clinical and radiographic examination and the abutment removal, microbiological samples were obtained from the internal part of each fixture and biochemical samples were collected by peri-implant sulci. The patients were then divided into two groups: the control (CG; n=10) and test (TG; n=15) groups. The CG had the abutment screwed into place and the crown cemented without any further intervention. In contrast, before the abutment placement and screw tightening, the TG had the internal part of the fixture filled with a 1% chlorhexidine gel. Three months later, the same clinical, microbiological and biochemical procedures were repeated in both groups. Total bacterial count, specific pathogens and AST activity were detected. The clinical parameters remained stable throughout the study. From baseline to the 3-month examination, the total bacterial counts underwent a significant reduction only in the TG. In contrast, the AST activity showed a significant increase in the CG. The administration of a 1% chlorhexidine gel appears to be an effective method for the reduction of bacterial colonization of the implant cavity and for safeguarding the health status of peri-implant tissue over a 3-month administration period


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    Il rapporto fra abitudini viziate, respirazione orale e malocclusione è fondamentale in tema di prevenzione e trattamento precoce dei disturbi della crescita cranio-facciale. Infatti così come le abitudini viziate possono interferire negativamente con la posizione dei denti e con il normale pattern di crescita scheletrica cranio-facciale, così lostruzione delle vie aeree superiori, con conseguente respirazione orale, cambia il modello di crescita craniofacciale con sviluppo di malocclusioni da moderate a severe. Questo studio trasversale, effettuato su 3.017 bambini applicando il ROMA index, vuole verificare lesistenza di una correlazione significativa tra abitudini viziate/respirazione orale e malocclusione. Dai risultati emerge che allaumentare del grado dellindice aumenta anche la prevalenza di abitudini viziate e respirazione orale, significando che questi fattori sono associati alle malocclusioni più gravi. Inoltre abbiamo riscontrato unassociazione statisticamente significativa fra abitudini viziate e overjet e openbite aumentati, ma non con il morso inverso. Dal lavoro è emerso che la respirazione orale è strettamente correlata ad overjet aumentato, overjet inverso, morso crociato, openbite e displacement. Riteniamo quindi che abitudini viziate e respirazione orale, rientrando fra i fattori di rischio di malocclusione, vadano intercettati e corretti precocemente per prevenire lo sviluppo di malocclusioni o il peggioramento di quelle preesistenti

    Sonorous memory in Jonathan Perel’s El predio (2010) and Los murales (2011)

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    Throughout his filmic production, Argentine director Jonathan Perel has demonstrated strict adherence to a unique aesthetic programme in which human agents appear to have only a minimal role. Each film contains only diegetic sounds and consists of fixed shots of architectural spaces and objects closely associated with the most recent Argentine military dictatorship (1976–1983) and recent attempts to memorialise the atrocities they committed. Through the close analysis of Perel’s first two films – El predio (2010) and Los murales (2011) – this article focusses on Perel’s highly distinctive use of environmental sound and argues that they are, in fact, uniquely musical works. Drawing on the work of John Cage, Michel Chion, Deleuze and Guattari, and Doreen Massey, the article proposes that Perel manipulates sound in order to situate debates over the memorialisation of recent atrocities in a perpetual present and thus critique contemporary abuses of power in Argentina

    Impact of Vutrisiran on Quality of Life and Physical Function in Patients with Hereditary Transthyretin-Mediated Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy

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    INTRODUCTION: Hereditary transthyretin (ATTRv; v for variant) amyloidosis, also known as hATTR amyloidosis, is a progressive and fatal disease associated with rapid deterioration of physical function and patients' quality of life (QOL). Vutrisiran, a subcutaneously administered RNA interference (RNAi) therapeutic that reduces hepatic production of transthyretin, was assessed in patients with ATTRv amyloidosis with polyneuropathy in the pivotal HELIOS-A study. METHODS: The phase 3 open-label HELIOS-A study investigated the efficacy and safety of vutrisiran in patients with ATTRv amyloidosis with polyneuropathy, compared with an external placebo group from the APOLLO study of the RNAi therapeutic patisiran. Measures of QOL and physical function were assessed. RESULTS: At month 18, vutrisiran improved Norfolk Quality of Life-Diabetic Neuropathy (Norfolk QOL-DN) total score (least squares mean difference [LSMD] in change from baseline [CFB]: –21.0; p = 1.84 × 10–10) and Norfolk QOL-DN domain scores, compared with external placebo. This benefit relative to external placebo was evident across all baseline polyneuropathy disability (PND) scores and most pronounced in patients with baseline PND scores I–II. Compared with external placebo, vutrisiran also demonstrated benefit in EuroQoL-Visual Analog Scale (EQ-VAS) score (LSMD in CFB: 13.7; nominal p = 2.21 × 10–7), 10-m walk test (LSMD in CFB: 0.239 m/s; p = 1.21 × 10–7), Rasch-built Overall Disability Score (LSMD in CFB: 8.4; p = 3.54 × 10–15), and modified body mass index (mBMI) (LSMD in CFB: 140.7; p = 4.16 × 10–15) at month 18. Overall, Norfolk QOL-DN, EQ-VAS, and mBMI improved from pretreatment baseline with vutrisiran, whereas all measures worsened from baseline in the external placebo group. At month 18, Karnofsky Performance Status was stable/improved from baseline in 58.2/13.1% with vutrisiran versus 34.7/8.1% with external placebo. CONCLUSION: Vutrisiran treatment provided significant clinical benefits in multiple measures of QOL and physical function in patients with ATTRv amyloidosis with polyneuropathy. Benefits were most pronounced in patients with earlier-stage disease, highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and treatment

    Cytology and molecular mechanisms of drug-induced gingival hypertrophy: A rewiew

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    introduction: gingival hypertrophy is a frequent condition associated to the increased number of patients taking some categories of drugs. the goal of this work is to emphasize the importance of diagnosis to set a proper therapy. aterial and methods: the plaque accumulation in patients having a poor oral hygiene damages the periodontium and requires the application of strict professional and home hygiene protocols. results and conclusion: the drug-induced gingival proliferation knowledge is essential in order to succeed in working with the internist and in planning a precise therapy, without interfering with the metabolism of drugs, often necessary and irreplaceable for patients' health

    Attività didattiche basate su elaboratore per l'integrazione tra fisica e matematica nel biennio della scuola secondaria superiore

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    Progettazione, sperimentazione e valutazione di attività didattiche sperimentali con il coinvolgimento 5 insegnanti e circa 120 student
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