180 research outputs found

    Personal characteristics of physicians influencing a faster adoption of innovations: A study based on diffusion of innovations attributes

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    This article comprises the results of a survey with 221 physicians located at Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santos – SCMS, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, regarding the use of Electronic Medical Record, based on their perception of Diffusion of Innovations attributes, defined by Everett Rogers. The method was based on a questionnaire specially developed for this study based on the literature review. The results show that younger and newer physicians have greater perception of those attributes, what leads them to a faster adoption of Electronic Medical Record. The research also identified that gender and amount of training do not influence the perception of attributes leading to adoption, but the familiarity with informatics, mandatory use, professional ties and academic preparation for the use of Electronic Medical Record are factors that influence its adoption. Although some findings are obvious, as with similar studies, others, such as: amount of training and professional ties can be useful in planning training programs conducted by IT staff prior to the implementation of innovations

    Characterization of support groups and patient associations for individuals with rheumatologic disease in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze organizational characteristics of support groups that represent rheumatic patients in the Brazilian states. METHODS: Initially a mapping of the desired universe was made. Contact was attempted with all organizations and they were asked to answer a structuralized electronic questionnaire with the purpose of understanding the profile of these organizations (developed initiatives, legal aspects, difficulties, strong points, among others). RESULTS: 45 organizations were identified. They predominate in the south and southeastern regions of the country. Of the total, 30% have a website and 50% presented difficulties to establish contact with. Of the 12 organizations that answered to the questionnaire, 5 had closed, one is on a construction phase, and the remaining was not possible to establish contact with, or did not answer the research. Of the organizations that answered the questionnaire, only one declared having an OSCIP title (Civil Social Organization of Public Interest) or a Social Organization title and only one declared being registered at the National Council of Social Assistance (CNAS). Moreover, 50% did not present a public utility title, 25% were registered in a registry office and only 1/3 declared being registered in the City Council of Social Assistance (CMAS). CONCLUSIONS: The studied groups present heterogeneous characteristics. Of the organizations studied, some showed to be more solid and well-structured, but others showed important intrinsic difficulties, with an incipient profile or characteristics that demonstrate little survival expectation.OBJETIVO: Analisar as características organizacionais dos grupos de apoio e associações que representam pacientes reumáticos nos estados brasileiros. MÉTODOS: Inicialmente foi feito um mapeamento do universo desejado. Em seguida foi feita tentativa de contato com todas as entidades mapeadas, para que respondessem a um questionário eletrônico estruturado com a finalidade de entender o perfil destas organizações (iniciativas desenvolvidas, aspectos técnicos e legais, dificuldades encontradas, pontos fortes, entre outros). RESULTADOS: Foram identificadas 45 entidades, que predominam na região Sul e Sudeste do país. Do total, 30% possuem web-site e 50% apresentam contatos de difícil acesso. Recebemos resposta de 12 associações, cinco fecharam, uma se apresenta em fase de construção e o restante não foi possível estabelecer contato ou não respondeu à pesquisa. Das organizações que responderam ao questionário, somente uma declarou possuir titulação de OSCIP (Organização Social Civil de Interesse Público) ou de OS (Organização Social); assim como, somente uma declarou possuir registro no Conselho Nacional de Assistência Social (CNAS). Além do que, 50% não apresentam titulações de utilidade pública, 25% não apresentam registro em cartório e apenas 1/3 declarou possuir registro no Conselho Municipal de Assistência Social (CMAS). CONCLUSÕES: Os grupos estudados apresentam características bem heterogêneas quanto ao perfil organizacional. Dentre as entidades analisadas, algumas demonstram ser mais sólidas e estruturadas e outras apresentam dificuldades intrínsecas importantes, um perfil incipiente ou características que denotam pouca sobrevida.UNIFESPUNIFESP Grupo Interdepartamental de Economia da Saúde Centro Paulista de Economia da SaúdeUNIFESP, Grupo Interdepartamental de Economia da Saúde Centro Paulista de Economia da SaúdeSciEL

    Estimativa de custo de permanência hospitalar para recém-nascidos prematuros de mães adolescentes em um hospital público brasileiro

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    Objective: To estimate the direct costs of hospital stay for premature newborns of adolescent mothers, in a public hospital. Method: A cost estimate study conducted between 2009 and 2011, in which direct hospital costs were estimated for premature newborns of adolescent mothers, with 22 to 36 6/7 gestational weeks, and treated at the neonatal unit of the hospital. Result: In 2006, there were 5,180 deliveries at this hospital, and 17.8% (922) were newborns of adolescent mothers, of which 19.63% (181) were admitted to the neonatal unit. Out of the 181 neonates, 58% (105) were premature and 80% (84) of them were included in this study. These 84 neonates had a total of 1,633 days in-patient hospital care at a total cost of US195,609.00.Approximately72195,609.00. Approximately 72% of this total cost (US141,323.00) accounted for hospital services. The mean daily costs ranged from US97.00toUS97.00 to US157.00. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the average cost of premature newborns from adolescent mothers was US2,328.00andvariedaccordingtobirthweight.Forthoseweighing2,000g.Theoverallestimateddirectcostforthe84neonatesinthestudytotaledUS2,328.00 and varied according to birth weight. For those weighing 2,000g. The overall estimated direct cost for the 84 neonates in the study totaled US195,609.00.ObjetivoEstimar os custos diretos de internações de recém-nascidos prematuros de mães adolescentes em um hospital público. MétodoEstudo de estimativa de custos realizado entre 2009 e 2011, no qual os custos hospitalares diretos foram estimados para recém-nascidos prematuros de mães adolescentes, com 22 a 36 6/7 semanas de gestação, e tratados na unidade neonatal do hospital. ResultadoEm 2006, o hospital em estudo teve 5.180 partos; 17,8% (922) foram de mães adolescentes, e 19,63% (181) recém-nascidos foram admitidos na unidade neonatal. Dos 181 neonatos, 58% (105) eram prematuros, dos quais 80% (84) foram incluídos neste estudo. Estes 84 recém-nascidos totalizaram 1.633 dias de tratamento hospitalar, a um custo total de US195,609.00.Aproximadamente72195,609.00. Aproximadamente 72% desse custo total (US141,323.00) referiu-se a serviços hospitalares. Os custos médios diários variaram de US97.00aUS97.00 a US157.00. ConclusãoEste estudo demonstrou que o custo médio de recém-nascido prematuro de mães adolescentes foi US2,328.00evarioudeacordocomopesoaonascimento.Parareceˊmnascidoscompeso2.000gfoideUS2,328.00 e variou de acordo com o peso ao nascimento. Para recém-nascidos com peso 2.000g foi de US642.00. O custo hospitalar total estimado para os 84 neonatos no estudo foi de US$195,609.00.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Can Ease of Use and Usefulness perception be influenced by physicians characteristics in the adoption of technology innovations?

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    Ease of use and Usefulness are the two attributes of Technology Acceptance Model – TAM. These attributes are the basis of this article that comprises the results of a survey with 221 physicians located at Santa Casa de Misericordia de Santos - SCMS, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil regarding the use of an innovation technology tool like Electronic Medical Record. The method was based on a questionnaire specially developed for this study, based on the literature review and the results show that the younger and the newer to the profession, besides those who began to use voluntarily and those who had academic preparation to use this kind of tool showed greater perception of both attributes, what led them to a faster adoption of Electronic Medical Record and its funcionalities like clinical decision support and big data. It was also identified that gender, amount of training and instructors do not influence the perception of attributes leading to adoption, but the familiarity with informatics influence the perception of ease of use as though as professional ties influence the perception of usefullness

    Financing of pharmaceutical services in Brazilian public health system

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    Objectives. To describe and discuss developments in the financing of pharmaceutical services in the Brazilian public health system - SUS. Methods. The amounts allocated for drug procurement, for the Farmácia Popular Program and for structuring of public pharmaceutical services were identified. The values regarding the financing of the Federal government were obtained from the Siga Brasil database. Data regarding states, Federal District and municipalities were obtained from Information System on Public Health Budget - SIOPS. Results. Federal funds for drugs purchasing increased by 65.3% between 2005 and 2009. In the same period, the volume of transfers made to the subnational levels increased. It was found that the states and the Federal District have increased by 112.4% the volume of own resources allocated to the financing of drugs and for municipalities this growth was 22.7%. In 2008, the share of drug expenses in relation to expenditure on health was 7.8%. The total drug spending in 2009 was 8.9 billion reais. There was an increase of 20.6 times of the amount allocated in the Farmácia Popular Program, and a growth of 41.6% in the resources destined to structuring services, which reached 10.1 million reais in 2009. Conclusion. there was expansion of the funding of medicines in SUS between 2005 and 2009.Objetivos. Descrever e discutir a evolução do financiamento da assistência farmacêutica no Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS. Métodos. Foram identificados os valores alocados para aquisição de medicamentos, para o Programa Farmácia Popular e para estruturação de serviços farmacêuticos públicos. Os valores referentes ao financiamento da União, por meio do Ministério da Saúde, foram obtidos do sistema Siga Brasil e, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos municípios, do Sistema de Informações sobre Orçamentos Públicos em Saúde - SIOPS. Resultados. Entre 2005 e 2009 houve aumento de 65,3% nos recursos financeiros da União para aquisição de medicamentos. No mesmo período, ampliou-se o volume de transferências feitas às esferas subnacionais. Verificou-se que os Estados e o Distrito Federal aumentaram em 112,4% o volume de recursos próprios alocados no financiamento de medicamentos e que para os municípios este crescimento foi de 22,7%. Em 2008, a participação das despesas com medicamentos em relação às despesas com saúde foi de 7,8%. O gasto total com medicamentos em 2009 foi de 8,9 bilhões de reais. Observou-se aumento de 20,6 vezes no valor alocado no Programa Farmácia Popular e, no caso dos recursos destinados à estruturação de serviços, crescimento de 41,6%, chegando a 10,1 milhões de reais em 2009. Conclusão: Houve ampliação do financiamento de medicamentos no SUS entre 2005 e 2009.Ministério da SaúdeUNIFESP-EPMUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Evaluation auditing of the quality of health care in accreditation of health facilities

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    This article shows how many health insurance companies operating in the Greater São Paulo have been performing auditing of the quality of their health care services, professionals, and which criteria are being employed to do so. Because of the legislation decreeing that health insurance companies have legal co-responsibility for the health care services and National Health Agency control the health services National Health Agency, auditing evaluations have been implemented since then. The survey was based on electronic forms e-mailed to all health insurance companies operating in the Greater São Paulo. The sample consisted of 125 health insurance companies; 29 confirmed that had monitoring and evaluation processes; 26 performed auditing of their services regularly; from those, 20 used some type of form or protocol for technical visits; all evaluation physical and administrative structure and 22 included functional structure. Regarding the professionals audited 21 were nurses, 13 administrative assistants; 04 managers and 02 doctors. Regarding criteria for accreditation the following were highlighted: region analysis (96%), localization (88,88%) and cost (36%). We conclude that this type of auditing evaluation is rather innovative and is being gradually implemented by the health insurance companies, but is not a systematic process.Este artigo mostra quantas operadoras de planos de saúde, na região metropolitana de São Paulo, fazem auditoria de avaliação da qualidade dos serviços de saúde, quais os requisitos avaliados e qual profissional e critérios para a realização da auditoria. Conforme legislação, a operadora é corresponsável pela assistência oferecida aos seus usuários e a Agência Nacional de Saúde controla os serviços credenciados; sendo assim, a auditoria de avaliação dos serviços vem sendo implementada. Realizada pesquisa por meio de formulário eletrônico, encaminhado a todas as operadoras de saúde da região metropolitana de São Paulo. A amostra constituiu-se de 125 operadoras; 29 afirmaram ter processo de monitoramento e avaliação e, dessas, 26 fazem a visita de avaliação; vinte dispõem de formulário/roteiro de inspeção; dos requisitos, todas avaliam estrutura física e administrativa, 22 funcional; dos profissionais que auditam: 21 enfermeiros; treze administrativos; quatro administradores e dois são médicos; dos critérios de credenciamento, destacaram-se análise da região (96%), localização (88,88%) e preço (36%). Concluímos que essa auditoria é nova e está sendo implementada nas operadoras, não sendo um processo sistematizado.Centro Universitário Sant AnnaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro de Economia da SaúdeUNIFESP, Centro de Economia da SaúdeSciEL

    Cost estimate of hospital stays for premature newborns in a public tertiary hospital in Brazil

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    OBJECTIVES: To estimate the direct costs of hospital stays for premature newborns in the Interlagos Hospital and Maternity Center in São Paulo, Brazil and to assess the difference between the amount reimbursed to the hospital by the Unified Health System and the real cost of care for each premature newborn. METHODS: A cost-estimate study in which hospital and professional costs were estimated for premature infants born at 22 to 36 weeks gestation during the calendar year of 2004 and surviving beyond one hour of age. Direct costs included hospital services, professional care, diagnoses and therapy, orthotics, prosthetics, special materials, and blood products. Costs were estimated using tables published by the Unified Health System and the Brasindice as well as the list of medical procedures provided by the Brazilian Classification of Medical Procedures. RESULTS: The average direct cost of care for initial hospitalization of a premature newborn in 2004 was 2,386USD.Totalhospitalexpensesandprofessionalservicesforallprematureinfantsinthishospitalwere2,386 USD. Total hospital expenses and professional services for all premature infants in this hospital were 227,000 and 69,500USD,respectively.Thecostsfordiagnostictestingandbloodproductsforallprematureinfantstotaled69,500 USD, respectively. The costs for diagnostic testing and blood products for all premature infants totaled 22,440 and 1,833USD.Thedailyaveragecostofaprematurenewbornweighinglessthan1,000gwas1,833 USD. The daily average cost of a premature newborn weighing less than 1,000 g was 115 USD, and the daily average cost of a premature newborn weighing more than 2,500 g was $89 USD. Amounts reimbursed to the hospital by the Unified Health System corresponded to only 27.42% of the real cost of care. CONCLUSIONS: The cost of hospital stays for premature newborns was much greater than the amount reimbursed to the hospital by the Unified Health System. The highest costs corresponded to newborns with lower birth weight. Hospital costs progressively and discretely decreased as the newborns' weight increased.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Centro Paulista de Economia da SaúdeUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Brazilian Cochrane CenterUNIFESP, Centro Paulista de Economia da SaúdeUNIFESP, Brazilian Cochrane CenterSciEL

    Time of Exercise as Indicator of Quality Control in Ergometry Services

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    Background:The search for quality requires assessment tools in the various subdivisions of a health complex. In diagnostic medicine, they are scarce and in ergometry suggestions of indicators were not found.Objective:To establish indicator for quality control on ergometry based on III Guidelines of the Brazilian Cardiology Society About Ergometric Test; to verify the percentage of tests that have presented the indicator within the compliance in two services of the same institution before and after the publication of the document.Methods:A critical analysis of the guidelines in the search for indicator that would present: accuracy, reliability, simplicity, validity, sensitivity and ability to quantitatively measure the variations in the behavior of quality criteria and that would be applicable to all tests. The indicator was applied in tests of 2010 and 2011 prior to the publication, and after it was adopted by two services of the same institution.Results:The indicator that has met the criteria was the percentage of ergometric tests with exercise duration between 8 and 12 minutes. In the years 2010 and 2011, respectively, the percentage of ergometric tests within compliance were 85.5% and 86.1% (p = 0.068) at the General Hospital, and 81.5% and 85.7% (p <0.001) the Service of Periodic Health Assessment.Conclusion:The exercise time between 8 and 12 minutes can be used as a quality criterion in ergometric and services where it was applied, at least 80% of the ergometric tests were compliant.Fundamento:A busca pela qualidade exige ferramentas de avaliação nas diversas subdivisões de um complexo de saúde. Na medicina diagnóstica eles são escassos e em ergometria não foram encontradas sugestões de indicadores.Objetivo:Estabelecer indicador para controle de qualidade em ergometria baseado nas III Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia Sobre Teste Ergométrico; verificar o percentual dos testes que apresentaram o indicador dentro da conformidade em dois serviços de uma mesma instituição, antes e após a publicação do documento.Métodos:Foi realizada análise crítica das diretrizes em busca de indicador que apresentasse: exatidão, confiabilidade, simplicidade, validade, sensibilidade e capacidade de medir quantitativamente as variações no comportamento dos critérios de qualidade e que fosse aplicável a todos os testes. O indicador foi aplicado nos testes de 2010, anterior à publicação e 2011, depois que ele foi adotado, por dois serviços de uma mesma instituição.Resultados:O indicador que preencheu os critérios foi o de percentual de exames ergométricos com duração do exercício entre 8 e 12 minutos. Nos anos 2010 e 2011, respectivamente, os percentuais de testes ergométricos dentro da conformidade foram 85,5% e 86,1% (p = 0,068) no Hospital Geral, e 81,5% e 85,7% (p < 0,001) no Serviço de Avaliação Periódica de Saúde.Conclusão:O tempo do exercício entre 8 e 12 minutos pode ser utilizado como critério de qualidade em ergometria e nos serviços onde ele foi aplicado, pelo menos 80% dos testes ergométricos estiveram conformes.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Grupo Interdepartamental de Economia da SaudeHospital Israelita Albert Einstein São PauloUNIFESP, Grupo Interdepartamental de Economia da SaudeSciEL

    Avaliação de tecnologias em saúde no Brasil: o que os atores do sistema de saúde pensam a respeito?

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES: The health technology assessment (HTA) process has been developed locally. The aim of this study was to describe, analyze and compare the opinions of participants in international health economics symposia about the HTA process used in Brazil. DESIGN AND SETTING: Observational cross-sectional study at the 2006 and 2008 International Health Economics Symposia, in São Paulo. METHODS: A structured questionnaire was applied. For the statistical analysis, the percentage distribution for each category was calculated, and variables were compared using tests for two-sample proportion hypotheses. RESULTS: Totals of 153 and 74 participants answered the 2006 and 2008 surveys, respectively. The response rate was better for the 2006 survey (67.1%) than for the 2008 survey (31.8%). Most interviewees were between the ages of 30 and 49 years and were managers in the healthcare system. Most of them considered that the current HTA process was incomplete and unable to meet the needs of the healthcare system. They mentioned the government, academia and experts as the three main groups of people who should be involved in the process, and selected efficiency/effectiveness, safety and disease relevance as the three main criteria to be considered in the HTA process. There is a trend towards developing decentralized regionalized HTA processes, with separate assessment and decision-making for the public and private systems. CONCLUSIONS: The HTA concept is well known. Healthcare system players feel that the process has methodological limitations. Additional surveys are needed to track the HTA process and its application in Brazil.CONTEXTO E OBJETIVOS: O processo de avaliação de tecnologias em saúde (ATS) tem sido desenvolvido localmente. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever, analisar e comparar as opiniões dos participantes dos simpósios internacionais de economia da saúde sobre o processo de ATS utilizado no Brasil. TIPO DE ESTUDO E LOCAL: Estudo observacional transversal, realizado nos Simpósios Internacionais de Economia da Saúde de 2006 e 2008, em São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Um questionário estruturado foi aplicado. A análise estatística calculou a distribuição percentual de cada categoria e comparou as variáveis com teste de hipóteses de proporções de duas amostras. RESULTADOS: Um total de 153 e 74 participantes responderam às pesquisas de 2006 e 2008, respectivamente. A taxa de resposta foi melhor na pesquisa de 2006 (67,1%) do que na pesquisa de 2008 (31,8%). A maioria dos entrevistados estava entre 30 e 49 anos e era composta de gestores do sistema de saúde. A maioria considerou o atual processo de ATS incompleto e incapaz de satisfazer as necessidades do sistema de saúde. Entrevistados mencionaram o governo, academia e especialistas como os três principais grupos de pessoas que deveriam estar envolvidos no processo, e eficiência/efetividade, segurança e relevância da doença como os três principais critérios a serem considerados no processo de ATS. Existe a tendência de desenvolvimento de um processo de ATS descentralizado e regionalizado com avaliações e decisões separadas para o sistema público e privado. CONCLUSÕES: O conceito ATS é conhecido. Os atores do sistema de saúde acham que o processo tem limitações metodológicas. Pesquisas adicionais são necessárias para acompanhar o processo de ATS e sua aplicação no Brasil

    Health management trends: The Internet of Things as a modernization and care tool

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    The modernization of health institutions is one of the biggest trends of our time. Part of the 4th industrial revolution, the Internet of Things, that allows a more personalized care and greater appreciation for the patient, can be a reality that is in the process of being consolidated worldwide. In Brazil, through the promulgation of decree number 9.854 of June 26th of 2019, the democratization and popularization of these technologies have started. This integrative review intends to verify the introduction of IoTs in the Brazilian scenario by investigating the potential as well as the weaknesses of this new technology. The research suggests that IoTs are a unique content that may improve productivity and process efficiencies but are still permeated by caveats that indicate system deficiencies and the need of further studies