131 research outputs found

    Propuesta de intervención y restauración del Parador Ariston : Restauración de la estructura de hormigón armado

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    El siguiente trabajo tiene como total finalidad la restauración estructural del edificio “Parador Ariston” situado sobre la ruta provincial 11, a 15 km de Mar del Plata en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Tras los análisis de estructuras y materiales se propone intervenir sobre la principal patología de la obra: la corrosión presente en el hormigón armado al estar ubicada al límite costero. El edificio es un icono de la arquitectura moderna a nivel nacional como así también a nivel internacional ya que es la única obra en el continente sudamericano realizada por el arquitecto húngaro Marcel Breuer que a su vez, colaboran los arquitectos Carlos Coire y Eduardo Catalano.Trabajo final del Seminario Innovación Tecnológica en Obras Históricas, de la Maestría en Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano, dictado por el Prof. Dr. Ing. Arq. Jorge Daniel Czajkowski (FAU-UNLP).Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Effect of telmisartan and ramipril on atrial fibrillation recurrence and severity in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome and recurrent symptomatic paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation

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    This study evaluated the effect of telmisartan, ramipril, and amlodipine on atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence and severity in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome. A total of 391 hypertensive outpatients with metabolic syndrome, in sinus rhythm but with at least 2 episodes of AF in the previous 6 months were randomized to telmisartan, ramipril, or amlodipine for 1 year. At the first AF, ventricular rate (VR) and plasma cardiac troponin I (TnI) were evaluated. P-wave dispersion (PWD) and procollagen type I carboxy-terminal peptide (PIP) were evaluated before and after 12 months of treatment. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were similarly and significantly reduced by all treatments (P < .001). In all, 49\% of patients treated with amlodipine had a recurrence of AF as did 25.5\% of patients with ramipril and 12.9\% of patients with telmisartan (P < .01 vs amlodipine and P < .05 vs ramipril). Ventricular rate and TnI at the first AF recurrence were significantly lower with telmisartan and ramipril than with amlodipine. P-wave dispersion was reduced by ramipril (-5.1 ms, P < .05) and even more by telmisartan (-11 ms, P < .01). Telmisartan and ramipril induced a similar PIP reduction (-52.8 and -49.8 µg/L, respectively, P < .01). These findings suggested that in these patients telmisartan was more effective than ramipril in reducing AF recurrence and severity as well as in improving PWD, despite a similar BP reduction and a similar improvement in cardiac fibrosis. This could be related to a specific effect of telmisartan on atrial electric remodeling

    Psychometric properties of the Italian body shape questionnaire: an investigation of its reliability, factorial, concurrent, and criterion validity

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    PURPOSE: This study was set up to investigate the reliability, factorial, concurrent, and criterion validity of the Italian version of the 34-item Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and its shorter versions. METHODS: The study included 231 patients diagnosed with an eating disorder and 58 putatively healthy people (comparison sample). The Italian BSQ-34 was administered to participants together with the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Information on body mass index, caloric intake at baseline, and the number of episodes of self-vomiting per week was also acquired. RESULTS: Cronbach’s alpha of BSQ-34 was 0.971 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.965–0.976) in patients and 0.960 (0.944–0.974) in controls. Test–retest stability in patients (n = 69), measured with intraclass correlation coefficient, was 0.987 (0.983–0.991). Confirmatory factor analysis of the single-factor model yielded acceptable fit for all versions of the BSQ. On all BSQ versions, patients scored higher than controls with a large effect size when calculated as Cliff’s delta. BMI and mean caloric intake at baseline had a stronger association with BSQ-34 than levels of anxiety and depression. The analysis with the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve showed that the BSQ-34 distinguished patients with an eating disorder from controls with good accuracy (Area Under the Curve = 86.5; 95% CI 82.2–90.7). CONCLUSION: The Italian version of the BSQ possesses good psychometric properties, in both the long and the shortened versions, and it can be applied to measure body dissatisfaction for both clinical and research purposes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level III, Evidence obtained from well-designed cohort or case–control analytic studies. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40519-022-01503-6

    Effect of valsartan and ramipril on atrial fibrillation recurrence and P-wave dispersion in hypertensive patients with recurrent symptomatic lone atrial fibrillation

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    This study compared the effect of antihypertensive treatment with valsartan or ramipril on atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence, on P-wave dispersion, (PWD) and on serum procollagen type I carboxy terminal peptide (PIP).A total of 369 mild hypertensive (systolic blood pressure (SBP) >140 and/or 90 < diastolic blood pressure (DBP) < 110 mm Hg) outpatients in sinus rhythm but with at least two episodes of AF in the previous 6 months were randomized to valsartan (n = 122), ramipril (n = 124), or amlodipine (n = 123) for 1 year. Clinic blood pressure (BP) and a 24-h electrocardiogram (ECG) were evaluated monthly. Patients were asked to report any episode of symptomatic AF and to perform an ECG as early as possible. PWD and serum PIP levels were evaluated before and after each treatment period.SBP and DBP were significantly reduced by the three treatments (P < 0.001). A total of 46 (47.4\%) patients treated with amlodipine had a recurrence of AF as did 26 (27.9\%) patients treated with ramipril (P < 0.01 vs. amlodipine) and 16 (16.1\%) patients treated with valsartan (P < 0.01 vs. amlodipine and P < 0.05 vs. ramipril). The Kaplan-Meyer analysis showed a significant reduction of AF episodes in the valsartan group (P = 0.005 log-rank test) as well as in the ramipril group (P = 0.021), even if at a lesser degree. PWD values were significantly reduced by ramipril (-4.2 ms, P < 0.05) and even more by valsartan (-11.2 ms, P < 0.01), the difference being significant (P < 0.01). Serum PIP levels were reduced by ramipril (-49.7 microg, P < 0.001) and valsartan (-49.3 microg, P < 0.001).Despite similar BP lowering, valsartan and ramipril were more effective than amlodipine in preventing new episodes of AF, but the effect of valsartan was greater than that of ramipril. This could be related to the greater PWD reduction observed with valsartan


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    Para garantizar la conservación y preservación del patrimonio inmueble de manera general, existen principios establecidos por el ICOMOS desde 1966, los mismos que incentivan a la creación de archivos documentales, que deben ser actualizados y que adquieren mayor importancia cuando se incluye como tema de estudio al patrimonio del siglo XX, el cual requiere ser conocido, comprendido y gestionado. Tras la conferencia realizada por la misma organización en Madrid, en 2011, se plantean criterios para identificar el valor y significado sociocultural de estos bienes en los cuales se destaca la importancia de generar inventarios que contengan información: técnica, métrica, histórica, gráfica, tecnológica, de uso, identificación, localización y contexto. Sin embargo, en la ciudad de Cuenca, los archivos documentales de arquitectura moderna se limitan a fichas de registro superficiales que exponen un contenido técnico y de gestión municipal, lo que ha ocasionado la falta de comunicación entre los organismos que velan por su protección generando una subutilización de recursos y profundizando la molestia de parte de los dueños por poseer un bien, que a su criterio no debería ser parte de un inventario patrimonial. Es por esta razón, que la presente investigación aborda un acercamiento a la arquitectura moderna a través de la adaptación de una metodología de documentación digital y tridimensional al contenido de una ficha de catalogación para arquitectura moderna, como caso estudio en la ciudad de Cuenca. De esta manera, los resultados cubren los requisitos para crear archivos documentales que permitan análisis comparativos para establecer una significancia del patrimonio moderno y demostrar la importancia de la valoración y difusión de este patrimonio y su aporte histórico a nivel local y nacional.Palabras clave: Patrimonio moderno, documentación digital, valoración, inventario. AbstractIn order to guarantee the conservation and preservation of the immovable heritage in general, there are principles established by ICOMOS since 1966, which encourage the creation of documentary files, that must be updated and become more important when the study of the 20th-century heritage is included, which requires to be known, understood and managed. After the conference held by the same organization in Madrid, 2011, criteria are proposed to identify the value and socio-cultural significance of these assets in which the importance of generating inventories containing: technical, metric, historical, graphic, technology, use, identification, location, and context information. However, in the city of Cuenca, the documentary files of modern architecture are limited to superficial registration cards that expose a technical and municipal management content, which has caused the lack of communication between the organizations that ensure their protection, generating an underutilization of resources and deepening the annoyance on the part of the owners for owning a property, who in their opinion should not be part of a heritage inventory. For this reason, the present research addresses an approach to modern architecture through the adaptation of a three-dimensional and digital documentation methodology to the content of a cataloging sheet for modern architecture, as a case study in Cuenca. In this way, the results cover the requirements to create documentary files that allow comparative analysis to establish a significance of modern heritage and demonstrate the importance of the valuation and dissemination of this heritage and its historical contribution at the local and national level.Keywords: Modern heritage, digital documentation, valuation, inventory

    Low-Grade Uterine Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma: Prognostic Analysis of Clinico-Pathological Characteristics, Surgical Management, and Adjuvant Treatments. Experience From Two Referral Centers

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    OBJECTIVE: Low-grade uterine endometrial stromal sarcoma (LG-ESS) is a rare tumor characterized by an overall good survival but showing a indolent behavior and a variable risk of recurrence. There is no clear consensus on the optimal management of these tumors and no prognostic or predictive factors have been established. With this study, we evaluated the prognostic relevance of several clinical, surgical, and pathological features in patients affected by LG-ESS to identify risk factors associated with recurrence. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 52 LG-ESS cases, treated from January 1st, 1994, to May 31st, 2020, in two referral centers. The relationship between recurrence and clinicopathological characteristics as well as surgical treatment was investigated. Risk of recurrence and disease-free survival (DFS) were estimated by Cox regression and the Kaplan-Meier analysis, respectively. RESULTS: Of 52 patients with LG-ESS, 8 experienced recurrence (15%). The median follow-up was 100 months (SD ± 96, range: 15–336). By univariate analysis, fragmentation/morcellation, tumor size, FIGO stage, higher mitotic count, presence of necrosis, and lymphovascular space invasion (LSVI) resulted associated with a poorer outcome. Conversely, the surgical modality (laparotomic vs laparoscopic and hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy vs local excision) and pelvic lymphadenectomy were not. Even the different modalities of adjuvant therapy (hormonal therapy, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy) showed no prognostic significance. Tumor fragmentation/morcellation and higher mitotic count resulted independent prognostic variables at multivariate analysis. CONCLUSIONS: This data supports the avoidance of any type of morcellation if LG-ESS is suspected preoperatively. Higher mitotic count and, possibly, tumor size, advanced FIGO stage, necrosis, and LVSI could be exploited to tailor the adjuvant therapy, but these results need to be confirmed in larger prospective studies

    A high-throughput cloning system for reverse genetics in Trypanosoma cruzi

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The three trypanosomatids pathogenic to men, <it>Trypanosoma cruzi</it>, <it>Trypanosoma brucei </it>and <it>Leishmania major</it>, are etiological agents of Chagas disease, African sleeping sickness and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. The complete sequencing of these trypanosomatid genomes represented a breakthrough in the understanding of these organisms. Genome sequencing is a step towards solving the parasite biology puzzle, as there are a high percentage of genes encoding proteins without functional annotation. Also, technical limitations in protein expression in heterologous systems reinforce the evident need for the development of a high-throughput reverse genetics platform. Ideally, such platform would lead to efficient cloning and compatibility with various approaches. Thus, we aimed to construct a highly efficient cloning platform compatible with plasmid vectors that are suitable for various approaches.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We constructed a platform with a flexible structure allowing the exchange of various elements, such as promoters, fusion tags, intergenic regions or resistance markers. This platform is based on Gateway<sup>® </sup>technology, to ensure a fast and efficient cloning system. We obtained plasmid vectors carrying genes for fluorescent proteins (green, cyan or yellow), and sequences for the <it>c-myc </it>epitope, and tandem affinity purification or polyhistidine tags. The vectors were verified by successful subcellular localization of two previously characterized proteins (<it>Tc</it>Rab7 and PAR 2) and a putative centrin. For the tandem affinity purification tag, the purification of two protein complexes (ribosome and proteasome) was performed.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We constructed plasmids with an efficient cloning system and suitable for use across various applications, such as protein localization and co-localization, protein partner identification and protein expression. This platform also allows vector customization, as the vectors were constructed to enable easy exchange of its elements. The development of this high-throughput platform is a step closer towards large-scale trypanosome applications and initiatives.</p

    Brain Metastases from Ovarian Cancer: Current Evidence in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

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    With this review, we provide the state of the art concerning brain metastases (BMs) from ovarian cancer (OC), a rare condition. Clinical, pathological, and molecular features, treatment options, and future perspectives are comprehensively discussed. Overall, a diagnosis of high-grade serous OC and an advanced disease stage are common features among patients who develop brain metastases. BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations, as well as the expression of androgen receptors in the primary tumor, are emerging risk and prognostic factors which could allow one to identify categories of patients at greater risk of BMs, who could benefit from a tailored follow-up. Based on present data, a multidisciplinary approach combining surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy seem to be the best approach for patients with good performance status, although the median overall survival (&lt;1 year) remains largely disappointing. Hopefully, novel therapeutic avenues are being explored, like PARP inhibitors and immunotherapy, based on our improved knowledge regarding tumor biology, but further investigation is warranted