21 research outputs found

    Iron Deficiency and Iron Deficiency Anemia in Children

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    Iron deficiency anemia is considered the most common and widespread nutritional form of anemia in childhood. Red cells are hypochromic and microcytic with low mean corpuscular volume (MCV), low mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and low reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr). Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is increased. Serum iron is reduced, transferrin is increased and serum ferritin is decreased. Prematurity, decreased dietary source, malabsorption and blood loss represent the most common causes of iron deficiency. Recommended oral dose of elemental iron is 2–6 mg/kg/day; when normal hemoglobin values are reached, treatment must be generally continued for 3 months in order to replenish iron stores. Rarely intravenous therapy is required. The pediatricians and other health care providers should strive to prevent and eliminate iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia

    Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Lentil Wastes: Antioxidant Activity Evaluation and Metabolomic Characterization

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    The recovery of industrial by-products is part of the zero-waste circular economy. Lentil seed coats are generally considered to be a waste by-product. However, this low-value by-product is rich in bioactive compounds and may be considered an eco-friendly source of health-promoting phytochemicals. For the first time, a sustainable microwave-assisted extraction technique was applied, and a solvent screening was carried out to enhance the bioactive compound content and the antioxidant activity of green and red lentil hull extracts. With respect to green lentil hull extracts that were obtained with different solvents, the aqueous extract of the red lentil seed coats showed the highest total phenolic and total flavonoid content (TPC = 28.3 ± 0.1 mg GAE/g dry weight, TFC = 1.89 ± 0.01 mg CE/100 mg dry weight, respectively), as well as the highest antioxidant activity, both in terms of the free radical scavenging activity (ABTS, 39.06 ± 0.73 mg TE/g dry weight; DPPH, IC50 = 0.39 μg/mL) and the protection of the neuroblastoma cell line (SH-SY5Y, IC50 = 10.1 ± 0.6 μg/mL), the latter of which has never been investigated so far. Furthermore, a metabolite discovery analysis was for the first time performed on the aqueous extracts of both cultivars using an HPLC separation which was coupled with an Orbitrap-based high-Resolution Mass Spectrometry technique

    Il parco sommerso di Baia: da sito archeologico ad area marina protetta

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    Come è noto, per effetto del fenomeno del bradisismo, l’antica fascia costiera dei Campi Flegrei, la regione vulcanica a nord-ovest di Napoli – il cui nome deriva da ϕλεγραιoς, ardente – ha subito uno sprofondamento di alcuni metri già a partire dal IV sec. d.C., con la conseguente sommersione di tutti gli edifici che vi erano costruiti, relativi a località famose dell’Impero: Puteoli, la più celebre città commerciale, Baiae, la più famosa località residenziale, Misenum, la sede della flotta ..

    Studio di un carro romano dalla Villa c.d. di Arianna a Stabia

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    Paola Miniero, Studio di un carro romano dalla Villa c.d. di Arianna a Stabia, p. 171-209. Il rinvenimento di numerosi frammenti pertinenti all'apparato in ferro ed in legno di un carrus scavato nel 1981 nel settore meridionale della villa romana c.d. di Arianna a Stabia costituisce l'oggetto di questo articolo. Si tratta dello studio di tutti i frammenti rinvenuti, di cui si dà il catalogo, proponendo di essi, in base ai confronti con elementi simili soprattutto dei carri traci, l'identificazione, secondo una proposta di ricostruzione del veicolo, di cui si allegano piante, prospetti e sezioni. Si illustrano infine gli elementi, prevalentemente in bronzo, degli attacchi e dei finimenti dei cavalli, dando di essi il catalogo e si conclude con qualche osservazione sul tipo di carro e sulla sua destinazione.Miniero Paola. Studio di un carro romano dalla Villa c.d. di Arianna a Stabia. In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 99, n°1. 1987. pp. 171-209

    La villa romana nel Castello di Baia: un riesame del contesto

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    Presentiamo un riesame su base stratigrafica e stilistica dell’apparato decorativo dell’impianto tardo – repubblicano scoperto nel Padiglione Cavaliere del Castello aragonese di Baia. L’esame della planimetria dimostra che l’impianto è il risultato di un progetto edilizio unitario basato su moduli proporzionali e simmetrici che presenta una diversa concezione della casa romana ad atrio, per l’assenza del vestibulum e fauces. L’esame delle pavimentazioni in opus signinum e in tessellato, sulla base di confronti stilistici con esempi di Pompei ed Ostia datati su base stratigrafica, fa ritenere unitario l’apparato decorativo pavimentale con cronologia negli anni 60-50 a.C. La parete dipinta in II stile è in fase con il pavimento della soprastante terrazza . La decorazione rientra nel repertorio formale del II stile della fase IB del Beyen. Si confronta con rappresentazioni molto simili presenti in celebri case e ville tardo – repubblicane di Pompei e del suo pagus, rispetto alle quali presenta grande qualità e freschezza nella resa stilistica, nonchè originalità nella raffigurazione di alcuni motivi di repertorio.We present here a reconsideration, on stratigraphic and stylistic foundations, of the decorative elements of the late Republican installations uncovered in the Knight’s Pavilion of the Aragonese castle at Baia. An examination of the plan demonstrates that the installation is the result of a uniform construction project based on proportional and symmetrical units that present a different design from the atrium villa, through the absence of a vestibulum and fauces. The examination of the opus signinum and tile pavements, of comparable style with examples from Pompeii and Ostia dated on the basis of the stratigraphy, suggests a homogenous decorative paving scheme with a chronology from 60 to 50 BC. The wall painted in the second style is of the same phase as the pavement in terrace  above. The decoration recalls the formal repertoire of the second style in phase IB at Beyen. It has portrayals that are very similar to those present in well-known late-Republican houses and villas of Pompeiii and of its pagus, compared with which it presents quality and freshness in its stylistic rendering, as well as originality in its depiction of some motifs of the repertoire

    La villa San Marco a Stabia

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    La villa San Marco a Stabia. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1999. 680 p. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 258

    The great Millennials’ trouble: leading or confused green generation? An Italian insight

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    3sinonenoneMichelle Bonera; Anna Paola Codini; Giulia MinieroBonera, Michelle; Codini, Anna Paola; Miniero, Giuli

    Short time and long time in green consumption: the role of time horizon

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    Even if a general sensitivity to green consumption increased in the last years, consumers tend to postpone the adoption of green behaviors along the time. Basing on these considerations this paper will investigate the effect of time horizon construct – the time a consumer believes will elapse before he can experience the outcomes caused by his eventual choice – in compliance with green and not green products consumption. The paper reports the results of an experimental study showing that the time horizon of consumption decision plays an important role in driving consumers’ choice, especially when a “green” behavior is expected