4,636 research outputs found

    Our astrochemical heritage

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    Our Sun and planetary system were born about 4.5 billion years ago. How did this happen and what is our heritage from these early times? This review tries to address these questions from an astrochemical point of view. On the one hand, we have some crucial information from meteorites, comets and other small bodies of the Solar System. On the other hand, we have the results of studies on the formation process of Sun-like stars in our Galaxy. These results tell us that Sun-like stars form in dense regions of molecular clouds and that three major steps are involved before the planet formation period. They are represented by the pre-stellar core, protostellar envelope and protoplanetary disk phases. Simultaneously with the evolution from one phase to the other, the chemical composition gains increasing complexity. In this review, we first present the information on the chemical composition of meteorites, comets and other small bodies of the Solar System, which is potentially linked to the first phases of the Solar System's formation. Then we describe the observed chemical composition in the pre-stellar core, protostellar envelope and protoplanetary disk phases, including the processes that lead to them. Finally, we draw together pieces from the different objects and phases to understand whether and how much we inherited chemically from the time of the Sun's birth.Comment: Invited review to be published in "The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review

    Platelets as mediators of Thromboinflammation in chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

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    Chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) are stem cell disorders driven by mutations in JAK2, CALR, or MPL genes and characterized by myeloid proliferation and increased blood cell counts. They encompass three closely related conditions, including essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera, and primary myelofibrosis. Elevated levels of cytokines released by clonal and non-clonal cells generate a chronic proinflammatory state that contributes to disease pathogenesis. Thrombosis represents the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in MPN, although paradoxically, patients may also present with a bleeding diathesis. The mechanisms leading to thrombosis are complex and multiple and include increased blood cells together with qualitative abnormalities of red cells, leukocytes, and platelets that favor a prothrombotic activated phenotype. The functional interplay between blood cells, the clotting cascade, and dysfunctional endothelium contributes to hypercoagulability and this process is perpetuated by the effect of inflammatory cytokines. In addition to their well-known function in hemostasis, platelets contribute to innate immunity and inflammation and play a key role in MPN thromboinflammatory state. In vivo platelet activation leads to platelet aggregate formation and exposure of adhesion molecules which favor their interaction with activated neutrophils and monocytes leading to circulating platelet-leukocyte heterotypic aggregates. Platelets are recruited to the activated endothelium further enhancing the reciprocal activation of both cell types. Crosstalk between activated cells drives cytokine production, further fuelling the self-reinforcing thromboinflammatory loop. In addition, MPN platelets provide a procoagulant scaffold which triggers the coagulation cascade and platelet-derived microparticles amplify this response. Markers of platelet, leukocyte, endothelial and coagulation activation are increased in MPN patients although prospective studies are required to determine the potential value of these parameters for identifying patients at increased thrombotic risk. Thrombosis remains the main complication of MPN patients, with a high risk of recurrence despite adequate cytoreductive and antithrombotic treatment. Deeper insight into the mechanism favoring thrombosis development in this setting may lead to novel therapeutic approaches for MPN thrombosis. Considering the critical role of inflammation in the vascular risk, concomitant targeting of inflammatory pathways could potentially impact on primary or secondary prevention strategies.Fil: Marin Oyarzún, Cecilia Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; ArgentinaFil: Heller, Paula Graciela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Médicas; Argentin

    Social Responsibility as a Driver for Local Sustainable Development

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    The increased interconnection among local and global players induced by globalization, as well as the need for a complete application of the “subsidiarity principle”, calls for a re-thinking of the “corporate social responsibility” concept. This new concept broadens the perspective of the single company interacting with its own stakeholders in relation to specific social and environmental impacts, to a network of organizations, with different aims and natures, collaborating on relevant sustainability issues. In this paper, the authors will provide a definition of “Territorial Social Responsibility”, sustaining the multi-stakeholder approach as a driver toward local sustainable development. Firstly, theoretical approaches to sustainable development at the territorial level will be examined, identifying the most innovative ideas about governance, network relation and development theories. The idea of development focuses not only on the economic aspects, but on the structural and institutional factors. The existence of cooperative territorial networks is essential to fulfil the creation of tangible and intangible assets at the local level. At the same time, the effectiveness of the decision-making and rules’ system can stimulate and empower territorial networks to tackle sustainable development. An analytical framework, scheme-shaped, will be set in order to identify the main aspects, indicators and practices characterizing the territorial social responsibility concept. It will represent a first attempt to create a feasible instrument aimed at understanding how cooperative social responsible actors, operating in the same territory, could direct the path toward sustainable development.Local Sustainable Development, Territorial Social Responsibility, Participation, Local Governance, Accountability, Sustainability Reporting, Multi-Stakeholder Approach, Networks

    Substance Use in Jaltenango, Chiapas: Finding dignified approaches to treat addiction

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    Substance use disorders in Mexico have been prevalent for years, and increased since the COVID-19 pandemic. In rural areas of Chiapas, hardly reached by medical attention, let alone mental health services, treating addiction has become a challenge. In Mexico, substance use is strongly linked to gender norms, socioeconomic situations, education and psychoemotional factors. This capstone explores current treatment methods in Mexico’s “anexos”, and proposes alternative and dignified approaches for recovery from a public health lens and a holistic approach. The literature review covers the determinants of substance use, social consequences, existing treatment options and access barriers. Through qualitative interviews with stakeholders, the needs, pains, and gaps of the target population were listened and understood, as well as the best practices according to mental health experts, resulting in a project proposal to provide quality, dignified attention to substance use disorders in rural Chiapas. This project involves training for non-specialized staff, professional staffing, skill-building activities for patients, and support groups for families of patients, in order to address the problem as a system that does not only depend on the patient’s abstinence, but the social support around them, too

    Forced child unions: From legal reform to social disruption—Formative research in five communities in Chisec, Alta Verapaz

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    Evidence has shown that child early and forced marriage/unions (CEFM/U) are harmful to the rights and development of girls and adolescents. It has also shown that increasing the minimum marriage age is not enough to eradicate this phenomenon because of the underlying practices of social institutions at the community level. This report details an investigation undertaken when a modification to the Civil Code was approved, then modified, in order to increase the minimum age of marriage in Guatemala. The investigation aimed to identify the norms, practices, and attitudes prevailing in the school, family, religion, government, and economy with regard to CEFM/U. The report concludes that reform of the law on the minimum age for marriage has brought about some change to the practice of child marriage, but its scope is limited. This research recommends actions that cause social disruption by all social institutions to the practices and norms that affect girls and adolescents

    #OperaciónAraña: Performance and Feminist Avant-garde

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    #OperaciónAraña was a performative action conceived by the Ni Una Menos collective in Argentina and co-organized with the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion and women from the Subway Workers Trade Union, together with more than seventy feminist groups. The action consisted of a performative occupation of the entire subway network in the city of Buenos Aires on July 31, 2018. Its aim was to visibilize the claim for legal abortion in the immediate context of legislative debates on the legalization of abortion voted (and rejected) in the Senate House on August 8th, 2018. Through a material analysis of the action, this paper will focus on the concepts of artistic and media activism, performance, and feminist avantgarde. The claim for legal, safe, and free abortion in this context is a concept that articulates a macropolitical and legal dimension and a micropolitical dimension that aims to a transformation of the meaning of life for pregnant bodies and affects social reproduction.#OperaciónAraña fue una acción performativa concebida por el colectivo argentino Ni Una Menos y co-organizado con la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito, con Metrodelegadas, las trabajadoras de la Asociación Gremial de Trabajadores del Subte y Premetro, junto a más de setenta grupos feministas. La acción consistió en la ocupación performativa de la red subterránea entera de la ciudad de Buenos Aires el 31 de julio del 2018. La acción buscó visibilizar la demanda por el aborto legal en el contexto de debates legislativos sobre la legalización del aborto que se sometió a votación (y fue rechazada) en el Senado el 8 de agosto 2018. Mediante un análisis material de la acción, este artículo enfoca los conceptos del activismo artístico y mediático, performance, y vanguardia feminista. La demanda por el aborto legal, seguro y gratuito en este contexto es un concepto que articula las dimensiones macropolíticas, legales, y micropolíticas, que busca transformar el significado de la vida para cuerpos embarazados, con ramificaciones para la reproducción social.Fil: Cortes Rocca, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Palmeiro, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    #OperaciónAraña: Performance and Feminist Avant-garde

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    #OperaciónAraña was a performative action conceived by the Ni Una Menos collective in Argentina and co-organized with the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion and women from the Subway Workers Trade Union, together with more than seventy feminist groups. The action consisted of a performative occupation of the entire subway network in the city of Buenos Aires on July 31, 2018. Its aim was to visibilize the claim for legal abortion in the immediate context of legislative debates on the legalization of abortion voted (and rejected) in the Senate House on August 8th, 2018. Through a material analysis of the action, this paper will focus on the concepts of artistic and media activism, performance, and feminist avantgarde. The claim for legal, safe, and free abortion in this context is a concept that articulates a macropolitical and legal dimension and a micropolitical dimension that aims to a transformation of the meaning of life for pregnant bodies and affects social reproduction.#OperaciónAraña fue una acción performativa concebida por el colectivo argentino Ni Una Menos y co-organizado con la Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito, con Metrodelegadas, las trabajadoras de la Asociación Gremial de Trabajadores del Subte y Premetro, junto a más de setenta grupos feministas. La acción consistió en la ocupación performativa de la red subterránea entera de la ciudad de Buenos Aires el 31 de julio del 2018. La acción buscó visibilizar la demanda por el aborto legal en el contexto de debates legislativos sobre la legalización del aborto que se sometió a votación (y fue rechazada) en el Senado el 8 de agosto 2018. Mediante un análisis material de la acción, este artículo enfoca los conceptos del activismo artístico y mediático, performance, y vanguardia feminista. La demanda por el aborto legal, seguro y gratuito en este contexto es un concepto que articula las dimensiones macropolíticas, legales, y micropolíticas, que busca transformar el significado de la vida para cuerpos embarazados, con ramificaciones para la reproducción social.Fil: Cortes Rocca, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Palmeiro, Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    La utilización de herramientas de informática para la capacitación de enfermería

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    El crecimiento tecnológico cada vez más complejo, el envejecimiento de la población, unos entornos laborales radicalmente distintos y el rápido crecimiento de los conocimientos científicos requieren unas funciones y responsabilidades de la enfermería mucho más amplias. La enfermería como disciplina de las ciencias de la salud ha sido influenciada por la tecnología en sus diferentes áreas, sin embargo, el cuerpo humano sigue siendo el primer instrumento para la prestación de los cuidados. En este sentido es necesaria una tecnología que por muy elemental que sea debe ser comprendida y practicada para qué pase a formar parte del proceso de cuidado y haga la práctica de enfermería más eficiente. El conocimiento debe ser el eje de interés en la formación de los enfermeros, aunado al desarrollo de habilidades y destrezas con lo que se forma la capacidad de los profesionales en esta área, lo que sin duda les guiará a ser excelentes. Hoy no hay discusión del significativo poder que tiene en la enfermería contemporánea, utilizar la informática como herramienta para adquirir nuevos conocimientos para el bienestar y seguridad de las personas sanas o enfermas, de la familia y comunidad. La gran rapidez con la que Internet se ha expandido y se ha popularizado en los últimos años ha venido a alterar la forma de vida de millones de personas que utilizan la red en diferentes actividades de su vida cotidiana, llegando a causar cambios en muchos aspectos de la sociedad. A la profesión de enfermería le corresponde garantizar a la sociedad sus conocimientos y cuidados, acordes con la situación en la que en cada momento se desarrolla, actualizándose permanentemente para adquirir nuevos conocimientos que permitan aplicarlos a la profesión de enfermería, favoreciendo la labor, la atención que se les brinda a los pacientes y la capacidad de afrontar cualquier situación. Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo determinar qué grado de importancia le da el personal de enfermería de los servicios de internación del Hospital Carlos Saporiti de Rivadavia, a la capacitación a través de la utilización de la informática, durante el periodo abril-julio 2012.Fil: Ceferino Natalia Paola. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería..Fil: Villarreal, Graciela Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Escuela de Enfermería.

    Medición de títulos de deuda a ser mantenidos hasta su vencimiento y no afectados por coberturas : el caso de títulos que devengan intereses sobre saldos ajustados por CER

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    La Resolución Técnica (RT) N" 17 de la FACPCE prevé la utilización del Método del Costo Amortizado (o Método de la Tasa Efe ctiva) para la medición periódica primaria de algunos componentes patrimoniales. Entre los que se incluyen las inversiones en títulos de deuda a ser mantenidos hasta su vencimiento y no afectados por coberturas. Básicamente, la medición de activos a través del Método del Costo Amortizado implica sumar a1 importe del activo contabilizado inicialmente -neto de cobranzas- los resultados financieros devengados, calculados "exponencialmente" sobre la base de dicho importe utilizando la tasa interna de retorno determinada al momento de la medición inicial. No obstante, en la aplicación concreta de este método se presentan algunas cuestiones de dudosa resolución. Particularmente, en relación a aquellos títulos de deuda emitidos con tasa de interés variable a determinar para cada servicio de intereses, o bien -como ocurre con gran parte de los títulos que pueden encontrarse en el mercado- emitidos con tasa de interés constante pero que devengan intereses sobre saldos que deben ajustarse también para cada servicio de intereses. En estos casos, al tener que determinar la tasa interna de retorno al momento de la medición inicial, surge la necesidad de "estimar" los flujos de fondos a cobrar, respecto de lo cual ni la normativa vigente -RT No 17- ni la doctrina contable han establecido pautas a seguir. En este marco, en el presente trabajo se analiza el Método del Costo Amortiza como criterio de medición de ciertos títulos de deuda, poniendo especial énfasis en los aspectos que hacen a la concreta y efectiva operativización del mismo en el caso particular de los títulos que devengan intereses sobre saldos ajustados por CER.Fil: Bersia, Paola. Universidad Nacional de Río CuartoFil: Ficco, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Río CuartoFil: Ricci, Sergio. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuart

    Object-oriented Bayesian networks for a decision support system for antitrust enforcement

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    We study an economic decision problem where the actors are two firms and the Antitrust Authority whose main task is to monitor and prevent firms' potential anti-competitive behaviour and its effect on the market. The Antitrust Authority's decision process is modelled using a Bayesian network where both the relational structure and the parameters of the model are estimated from a data set provided by the Authority itself. A number of economic variables that influence this decision process are also included in the model. We analyse how monitoring by the Antitrust Authority affects firms' strategies about cooperation. Firms' strategies are modelled as a repeated prisoner's dilemma using object-oriented Bayesian networks. We show how the integration of firms' decision process and external market information can be modelled in this way. Various decision scenarios and strategies are illustrated