1,034 research outputs found

    How can the road construction domain contribute to the CE concept

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    Over the last century, our society has been set up on a linear economic system that, based on the concept «make, take and dispose», has promoted an unsustainable development and use of natural resources. In recent years, this has led to a change of paradigm by targeting a more circular approach to meet the increasing environmental requirements dictated by the net-zero emissions goal of 2050. Thus, under the pressing needs for a transition to a more sustainable socio-technical system, the circular economy (CE) concept has gained in popularity

    Integration of some examples of geodesic flows via solvable structures

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    Solvable structures are particularly useful in the integration by quadratures of ordinary differential equations. Nevertheless, for a given equation, it is not always possible to compute a solvable structure. In practice, the simplest solvable structures are those adapted to an already known system of symmetries. In this paper we propose a method of integration which uses solvable structures suitably adapted to both symmetries and first integrals. In the variational case, due to Noether theorem, this method is particularly effective as illustrated by some examples of integration of the geodesic flows

    Taphonomy and the Reconstruction of Tomb Architecture and Mortuary Practices at Protohistoric Crustumerium (Rome)

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    This paper takes into account all factors that affected the preservation of tombs and their inventories in the burial grounds of ancient Crustumerium, a Latin settlement 13 km north of Rome, inhabited between the 9th and 5th c. BC. Its aim is to highlight the combined effect of two main processes;a) the severe erosion of the topsoil and the underlying soft volcanic bedrock caused by centuries of ploughing that has profoundly affected the preservation of tomb architecture, i.e. landscape processes;b) post-depositional processes affecting organic materials (wood, textiles, human bone) and inorganic materials (pottery, metal) in the tombs as a result of flooding, collapse and the acidity of the soil, i.e. taphonomy

    Can partial splenectomy preserve humoral immunity in pediatric patients? Risks and benefts of partial splenectomy

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    Te spleen plays an important role in removing normal and abnormal cells from the blood and in providing an immunologic response to encapsulated bacteria. Surgical splenectomy provides efective treatment for several pediatric disorders, such as congenital and acquired hemolytic anemias, abdominal traumas and immunological and metabolic disorders, but it is associated with an immediate and lifelong risk of overwhelming infection. An alternative to conventional splenectomy is partial splenectomy, recommended especially in children younger than 5 years of age. Recommendations for the prevention of overwhelming post-total splenectomy infection include: Pneumococcal, Haemophilus infuenzae type B and Meningococcal immunizations, antimicrobial prophylaxis and prompt antibiotic treatment of acute febrile illness; conversely, there is no clear evidence indicating which prevention measures are to be performed in patients undergoing partial splenectomy

    Prostate cancer screening research can benefit from network medicine: an emerging awareness

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    Up to date, screening for prostate cancer (PCa) remains one of the most appealing but also a very controversial topics in the urological community. PCa is the second most common cancer in men worldwide and it is universally acknowledged as a complex disease, with a multi-factorial etiology. The pathway of PCa diagnosis has changed dramatically in the last few years, with the multiparametric magnetic resonance (mpMRI) playing a starring role with the introduction of the “MRI Pathway”. In this scenario the basic tenet of network medicine (NM) that sees the disease as perturbation of a network of interconnected molecules and pathways, seems to fit perfectly with the challenges that PCa early detection must face to advance towards a more reliable technique. Integration of tests on body fluids, tissue samples, grading/staging classification, physiological parameters, MR multiparametric imaging and molecular profiling technologies must be integrated in a broader vision of “disease” and its complexity with a focus on early signs. PCa screening research can greatly benefit from NM vision since it provides a sound interpretation of data and a common language, facilitating exchange of ideas between clinicians and data analysts for exploring new research pathways in a rational, highly reliable, and reproducible way


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    Background: An original case of incomplete (and reasonably fatal) human trepanation is described in this short paper. The diagnosis was made on the cremated remains of a young adult individual who died in Rome, Italy during the 2nd century AD. Clinical Presentation: The trepanation was incomplete, as death occurred quickly due to vascular lesions, according to the anatomic analysis of the bone piece. Comparable trepanation from Roman times are described and related to this case. Conclusion: Even if archaeological, this case highlights the possibility of such a diagnosis on post-fire fragmented bones. Very suggestive lesions of section are of great interest for the history of such a practice during classical Antiquity. Lastly, from a medical and forensic point of view, such a diagnosis may be of interest during any identification process and research for a cause of death during anthropological analyses.Uvod: Ovaj kratki rad opisuje izvorni slučaj nedovršene, fatalne trepanacije. Dijagnoza trepanacije postavljena je temeljem pregleda kremiranih ostataka mlade odrasle osobe umrle u II. stoljeću u Rimu. Klinička slika: Anatomskom analizom kostiju utvrđena je nedovršena trepanacija, vjerojatno zbog smrti koja je nastupila netom nakon početka zahvata kao posljedica oštećenja krvožilja. Uz to, prikazani nalaz uspoređuje se sa sličnim slučajevima trepanacije iz rimskog razdoblja. Zaključak: Iako temeljen na arheološkim ostacima, ovaj slučaj ističe mogućnost dijagnosticiranja trepanacije iz kremiranih i fragmetniranih koštanih ostataka. Sugestivna oštećenja utvrđena na koštanom materijalu od značajnog su interesa za povijest trepanacije u klasičnoj antici. Također, ovakav slučaj može biti od interesa medicinskoj struci tijekom identifikacijskih procesa i antropološkog utvrđivanja uzroka smrti iz koštanih ulomaka

    Diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography vs hysteroscopy in benign uterine endocavitary findings

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography vs hysteroscopy in patients with benign uterine endocavitary findings. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This retrospective study evaluated 202 patients submitted to sonohysterography after transvaginal ultrasound examination suspicious for uterine endocavitary findings. Cytological sample was taken and analyzed from the fluid used to distend the uterine cavity. Of 202 patients enrolled for this study, 86 patients underwent gynaecological surgery, of whom 77 were treated with operative hysteroscopy and 9 with other gynaecological surgical techniques. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate diagnostic agreement between sonohysterography vs hysteroscopy and cytology vs histology. RESULTS: Diagnostic concordance between sonohysterography and hysteroscopy was significant (k value 0.87). The correlation between cytological and histological findings had a moderate level of concordance (k value 0.49).CONCLUSIONS: Sonohysterography provides a diagnostic accuracy as well as hysteroscopy, therefore, it could be considered an alternative procedure in the diagnosis of benign uterine endocavitary findings

    Morphological evolution of Bardigiano horse

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    The Bardigiano horse is a local breed of the province of Parma. Since the institution of the Stud Book in 1977, the breed has improved its diffusion and is currently present with 110 stallions and over 1700 mares in 43 provinces in Italy and beyond that in Germany, Switzerland and Hungary

    gender and quality of life in laryngectomized patients

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    Background: the aim of this study was to investigate possible correlations between the perception of postoperative quality of life and gender. Methods: the questionnaires “the Brief illness Perception Questionnaire” (B-iPQ) and “Voice handicap index” (Vhi) were administered to 94 patients divided into two groups according to gender group a: 73 men, group B: 21 women. RESULTS: The results showed that gender should be considered a factor influencing perceived quality of life in laryngectomized patients. Specifically, women showed greater concern towards the disease, its evolution, and the consequences on their lives, compared to men. CONCLUSIONS: the care of the laryngectomized woman should consider the impact that loss of voice has on the perception of her femininity, and the physical, functional, and above all emotional issues that such surgeries may lead to for women