9 research outputs found

    The ssDNA Theory of BRCAness and Genotoxic Agents

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    Cancers that are deficient in BRCA1 or BRCA2 are thought to be hypersensitive to genotoxic agents because they cannot prevent or repair DNA double strand breaks, but observations in patients suggest this dogma may no longer agree with experiment. Here, we propose that single stranded DNA underlies the hypersensitivity of BRCA deficient cancers, and that defects in double strand break repair and prevention do not. Specifically, in BRCA deficient cells, ssDNA gaps developed because replication was not effectively restrained in response to stress. In addition, we observed gaps could be suppressed by either restored fork restraint or by gap filling, both of which conferred therapy resistance in tissue culture and BRCA patient tumors. In contrast, restored double strand break repair and prevention did not confer therapy resistance when gaps were present. Critically, double strand breaks were not detected after therapy when apoptosis was inhibited, supporting a framework in which double strand breaks are not directly induced by genotoxic agents, but instead are created by cell death nucleases and are not fundamental to genotoxic agents. Together, these data indicate that ssDNA replication gaps underlie the BRCA cancer phenotype, BRCAness, and we propose are fundamental to the mechanism-of-action of genotoxic chemotherapy

    A Novel Approach to Targeted Oncologic Therapy - Co-culture Viability of Polymer Prodrug Conjugation to Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Background/Purpose: Conjugation of polymer prodrugs to tumor homing cells, such as Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), could provide a vehicle for actively targeted delivery of polymer prodrugs. Methods: Human Bone Marrow MSCs were conjugated to either a doxorubicin polymer prodrug or free doxorubicin and were co-cultured with T-cells. Viability was assessed through the use of a Vi-cell counter. In Vivo Migration Analysis was performed NOD SCID mice implanted with subcutaneous MDA MB-231 breast cancer xenografts. Following tumor establishment, mice were injected via lateral tail vein injection with either saline or polymer loaded MSCs. Five days following stem cell injection, mice were euthanized, tumors were harvested and sections were analyzed using fluorescent microscopy and immuno-histochemical staining for cd105. Results: T-cell viability was reduced when co-cultured with MSCs conjugated to free doxorubicin although cells co-cultured with MSCs conjugated to doxorubicin polymer did not exhibit reduced viability. Polymer loaded MSCs displayed intact tumor homing migratory ability in vivo (Figure 1). Conclusion: MSCs conjugated to doxorubicin released the drug, resulting in reduced neighboring T-cells viability. MSCs loaded with polymer maintained their migratory capacity were able to migrate to tumors in vivo. MSCs therefore represent a potential vehicle for targeted drug delivery. Future work will focus on developing methods for releasing the drug upon successful delivery to the target in vivo

    Opposing Roles of FANCJ and HLTF Protect Forks and Restrain Replication during Stress

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    The DNA helicase FANCJ is mutated in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and Fanconi anemia (FA). Nevertheless, how loss of FANCJ translates to disease pathogenesis remains unclear. We addressed this question by analyzing proteins associated with replication forks in cells with or without FANCJ. We demonstrate that FANCJ-knockout (FANCJ-KO) cells have alterations in the replisome that are consistent with enhanced replication stress, including an aberrant accumulation of the fork remodeling factor helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF). Correspondingly, HLTF contributes to fork degradation in FANCJ-KO cells. Unexpectedly, the unrestrained DNA synthesis that characterizes HLTF-deficient cells is FANCJ dependent and correlates with S1 nuclease sensitivity and fork degradation. These results suggest that FANCJ and HLTF promote replication fork integrity, in part by counteracting each other to keep fork remodeling and elongation in check. Indicating one protein compensates for loss of the other, loss of both HLTF and FANCJ causes a more severe replication stress response

    Replication Fork Stability Confers Chemoresistance in BRCA-deficient Cells

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    Brca1- and Brca2-deficient cells have reduced capacity to repair DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination (HR) and consequently are hypersensitive to DNA damaging agents, including cisplatin and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors. Here we show that loss of the MLL3/4 complex protein, PTIP, protects Brca1/2-deficient cells from DNA damage and rescues the lethality of Brca2-deficient embryonic stem cells. However, PTIP deficiency does not restore HR activity at DSBs. Instead, its absence inhibits the recruitment of the MRE11 nuclease to stalled replication forks, which in turn protects nascent DNA strands from extensive degradation. More generally, acquisition of PARPi and cisplatin resistance is associated with replication fork (RF) protection in Brca2-deficient tumor cells that do not develop Brca2 reversion mutations. Disruption of multiple proteins, including PARP1 and CHD4, leads to the same end point of RF protection, highlighting the complexities by which tumor cells evade chemotherapeutic interventions and acquire drug resistance

    Custom Autonomous Robotic Painter

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    Today humans out perform robots in problem solving, adaptability, and creativity. The goal of this project was to bridge the gap between robotic and human capabilities through the development of an autonomous painting robot. The custom design of the mechanics, electronics, and software allowed for a versatile solution. Image decomposition techniques were used to break down input images into feature areas that were reconstructed by the robot. Vision feedback was also performed during the painting process to apply corrections to the artwork dynamically. Understanding the motions undertaken by painters and replicating it in a robotic platform can revolutionize the art form, contribute to the scientific advancement of robotic capabilities, and reduce the workload needed to construct paintings

    Exploring the City of Islands: Interactive Resources for Analyzing the Venetian Lagoon

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    Our project team created a unified database of demographic, dimensional, historical, and cultural information pertaining to each of the 166 islands in the Venetian Archipelago. Deliverables included online encyclopedia entries, an interactive map application that will help users access and compare island information, and bibliographic resources. We also created prototypes for booklets and brochures on the lesser known islands of Venice. Each deliverable creates easy access to information on this historic city for tourists, researchers and city officials alike

    Opposing Roles of FANCJ and HLTF Protect Forks and Restrain Replication during Stress

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    Summary: The DNA helicase FANCJ is mutated in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer and Fanconi anemia (FA). Nevertheless, how loss of FANCJ translates to disease pathogenesis remains unclear. We addressed this question by analyzing proteins associated with replication forks in cells with or without FANCJ. We demonstrate that FANCJ-knockout (FANCJ-KO) cells have alterations in the replisome that are consistent with enhanced replication stress, including an aberrant accumulation of the fork remodeling factor helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF). Correspondingly, HLTF contributes to fork degradation in FANCJ-KO cells. Unexpectedly, the unrestrained DNA synthesis that characterizes HLTF-deficient cells is FANCJ dependent and correlates with S1 nuclease sensitivity and fork degradation. These results suggest that FANCJ and HLTF promote replication fork integrity, in part by counteracting each other to keep fork remodeling and elongation in check. Indicating one protein compensates for loss of the other, loss of both HLTF and FANCJ causes a more severe replication stress response. : Peng et al. find that loss of FANCJ enhances the replisome association of helicase-like transcription factor (HLTF). HLTF depletion suppresses fork degradation in FANCJ-deficient cells, and FANCJ depletion suppresses aberrant fork elongation in HLTF-deficient cells. However, the combined loss of HLTF and FANCJ causes severe replication stress. Keywords: FANCJ/BACH1/BRIP1, Fanconi anemia, hereditary breast cancer, DNA replication, replication stress response, helicase, replisome, fork protection, fork degradation, iPON