16 research outputs found

    Histamine index and clinical expression of rheumatoid arthritis activity

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    Background/Aim: Many arguments prove the pathophysiologic role of histamine in the process of remodeling and joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis. The aim of our study was to find out if there was a relation between histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood with clinical expression of disease activity. Methods: Histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood was determinated in 19 patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Histamine concentration measurement was based on the Shore's fluorometric method. Histamine index (HI) was evaluated as a ratio between histamine concentration in synovial fluid and blood. Disease activity score, DAS 28 (3), with three variables (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the number of swelled joints and the number of tender joints) was also evaluated. Results: Our results showed that there was no significant difference in concentration of histamine in synovial fluid and blood related to disease activity. However, there was a significiant difference in the histamine index which was increased proportionally with disease activity. Conclusion: Our study indicates that histamine index could be useful in estimation of rheumatoid arthritis activity

    Glucagon Effects on Ischemic Vasodilatation in the Isolated Rat Heart

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    The myocardial reperfusion following ischemia leads to the ischemic vasodilation by affecting the release of various vasoactive substances, such as free radicals, NO, and histamine. In addition, some evidences suggest that glucagon itself may alter the release of those substances. In this study, we investigated the ischemic vasodilation of the isolated rat heart, as well as the concentrations of NO, TBARS, and histamine in the coronary venous effluent either in the presence or in the absence of glucagon. Our results showed that in the presence of glucagon, there was a faster restoration of coronary perfusion pressure during ischemic vasodilation compared to the absence of glucagon (124 ± 5.6 versus 81 ± 5.2 s) with no apparent changes in TBARS concentration. The glucagon's administration leads to the decreased release of histamine by approximately 35%. Biphasic release of NO in the presence of glucagon initially showed augmentation by 60%, followed by the significant attenuation of 45%

    Histamine Blood Concentration in Ischemic Heart Disease Patients

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    The aim of this study was to investigate histamine blood concentration in subjects suffering from different types of ischemic heart diseases during the period of eight days. Our results showed that the histamine blood level was associated with different types of ischemic heart diseases. The blood histamine level in all investigated patients was significantly higher when compared to control subjects (44.87 ± 1.09 ng mL−1), indicating the increase of histamine release in patients suffering from coronary diseases. In patients suffering from ACS-UA and ACS-STEMI, the second day peak of histamine level occurs (90.85 ± 6.34 ng mL−1 and 121.7 ± 6.34 ng mL−1, resp.) probably as the reperfusion event. Furthermore, our data suggest that histamine can be additional parameter of myocardial ischemia along with cardiac specific enzymes and may prove to be an excellent single prognostic marker for multitude of ischemic heart diseases

    The Impact of Hippocampal Sex Hormones Receptors in Modulation of Depressive-Like Behavior Following Chronic Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Exercise Protocols in Rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate alterations in depressive-like behaviors in rats following chronic administration of a supraphysiological dose of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) as well as exposure to a prolonged exercise protocol. The role of hippocampal sex hormones receptors in the modulation of depressive-like behavior was also assessed. A total of 48 male Wistar albino rats were divided into six groups: control, exercise (1 h/day, five consecutive days), nandrolone-decanoate (ND, 20 mg/kg/week, in a single dose), exercise plus ND, testosterone-enanthate (TE, 20 mg/kg/week, in a single dose), and exercise plus TE. After the 6-week protocols were complete, the rats underwent behavioral testing in the tail suspension test (TST). Rats were sacrificed for the collection of blood samples, to determine sex hormones levels, and isolation of the hippocampus, to determine [androgen receptors (AR) and estrogen receptors α (ERα)] expression. ND and TE treatment induced significant depressive-like behavior, opposing the antidepressant effect of exercise. Chronic TE administration elevated testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) serum levels, and this was augmented by exercise. In contrast, ND and exercise alone did not alter T or DHT levels. There were no changes in serum estradiol levels in any of the groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that exercise reduced AR immunoreactivity in all hippocampal regions and increased the ERα expression in the CA1, dentate gyrus (DG), and total hippocampal sections, but not in the CA2/3 region. AASs administration increased AR expression in all hippocampal regions, although not the total hippocampal section in the TE group and did not significantly decrease ERα. The hippocampal AR/ERα expression index was lowered while parvalbumin (PV)-immunoreactivity was enhanced by exercise. AASs administration increased the AR/ERα index and reduced PV-immunoreactivity in the hippocampus. The number of PV-immunoreactive neurons negatively correlated with the antidepressant effects and the AR/ERα ratio. Our results suggest a potential role of the numerical relationship between two sex hormones receptors (stronger correlation than for each individual receptor) in the regulation of depressive-like behavior via the hippocampal GABAergic system in rats, which allow better understanding of the hippocampal sex hormones receptors role in modulation of depressive-like behavior

    Effectiveness of clozapine, haloperidol and chlorpromazine in schizophrenia during a five-year period Eficácia da clozapina, haloperidol e clorpromazina na esquizofrenia em um período de cinco anos

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of low doses of clozapine in flexible regime in comparison with haloperidol and chlorpromazine in long term. METHOD: The naturalistic study was prospective, active-controlled with 325 adult outpatients of both genders (140 females), with mean year age of 34.8 (range 21-57), suffering from chronic schizophrenia. The first onset of illness was at the mean of 27.9 years (range 17-38), and subjects had the mean year age of 4.1±0.5 previous relapses. The patients were allocated to receive haloperidol (105 subjects, dose range 2-15 mg), chlorpromazine (n=105, 100-400 mg) or clozapine (n=115, 75-600 mg). The scores of psychometric instruments (GWB, PANSS, CGI) were regularly assessed during 5 year period. RESULTS: The sixty-six responders were included in per-protocol analysis: 12, 10 and 16 with positive and 7, 6 and 15 with negative schizophrenic syndrome in haloperidol, chlorpromazine and clozapine group, respectively. The statistically significant differences in all psychometric scores was found, for both schizophrenic syndromes, favoring clozapine. The distribution of eighteen different types of adverse events, which we noted, were significantly different among treatment groups ( χ2=315.7, df=34, pOBJETIVO: O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de baixas doses de clozapina em regime flexível comparando com o uso de haloperidol e clorpromazina por período de 5 anos. MÉTODO: Um estudo prospectivo naturalístico, ativo-controlado foi realizado com 325 pacientes com idade média de 34,8 (variância 21-57). Todos com diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. No primeiro surto da doença os pacientes apresentavam idade média de 27,9 anos (variância 17-38) e os surtos subsequentes apareceram em média 4,1±0,5 anos após. Os pacientes foram orientados a receberem haloperidol (105 pacientes com dose entre 2 e 15 mg), clorpromazina (105 pacientes com dose entre 100 e 400 mg) e clozapina (115 pacientes com dose entre 75 e 600 mg). Os instrumentos psicométricos utilizados (GWB, PANSS e CGI) foram regularmente empregados durante os 5 anos do estudo. RESULTADOS: Os 66 pacientes respondedores ao tratamento foram incluídos no protocolo de análise: 12, 10 e 16 apresentavam síndrome esquizofrênica positiva e 7, 6 e 15 síndrome negativa esquizofrênica com haloperidol, clorpromazina e clozapina, respectivamente. Diferenças estatísticas significantes foram observadas em todas as avaliações psicométricas em ambas síndromes esquizofrênicas favorecendo a clozapina. A distribuição de 18 tipos de efeitos colaterais observados foi diferente de modo significativo entre os 3 grupos estudados. A clozapina foi a droga que apresentou menos efeitos colaterais. CONCLUSÃO: A clozapina administrada por longo termo em pequenas doses em regime flexível apresenta melhor eficácia nas síndromes esquizofrênicas quando comparada a outras drogas antipsicóticas

    Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s) and central nervous system involvement: Case report

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    Introduction Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s) is an antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (PR3-ANCA)-associated vasculitis, which commonly involves the upper and lower respiratory tracts and kidneys. Central nervous system involvement is reported in less than 11%, and rarely present at onset. Case Outline We report the case of a 41-year-old male patient with a high disease activity, large organ involvement, as well as central nervous system manifestations presented at onset. Treatment with intravenous pulse methylprednisolone, followed by the pulsed doses of cyclophosphamide was induced. After 6 months of cyclophosphamide pulse therapy a remission was achieved. Next, azathioprine was used for maintenance during the next 18 months. There were no disease flares during 24-month follow-up. Conclusion Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s) with large organ involvement, affecting the central nervous system structures require a rapid diagnosis and intensive medication treatment in order to prevent or reduce irreversible damage. Our experience confirms the findings reported in the literature that the severe forms of the disease are associated with increased probability of achieving remission, which reflects increased responsiveness of such patients to immunosuppressant therapy

    Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s) and central nervous system involvement: Case report

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    Introduction Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s) is an antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (PR3-ANCA)-associated vasculitis, which commonly involves the upper and lower respiratory tracts and kidneys. Central nervous system involvement is reported in less than 11%, and rarely present at onset. Case Outline We report the case of a 41-year-old male patient with a high disease activity, large organ involvement, as well as central nervous system manifestations presented at onset. Treatment with intravenous pulse methylprednisolone, followed by the pulsed doses of cyclophosphamide was induced. After 6 months of cyclophosphamide pulse therapy a remission was achieved. Next, azathioprine was used for maintenance during the next 18 months. There were no disease flares during 24-month follow-up. Conclusion Granulomatosis with polyangitis (Wegener’s) with large organ involvement, affecting the central nervous system structures require a rapid diagnosis and intensive medication treatment in order to prevent or reduce irreversible damage. Our experience confirms the findings reported in the literature that the severe forms of the disease are associated with increased probability of achieving remission, which reflects increased responsiveness of such patients to immunosuppressant therapy

    Glucagon Effects on 3H-Histamine Uptake by the Isolated Guinea-Pig Heart during Anaphylaxis

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    We estimated the influence of acute glucagon applications on 3H-histamine uptake by the isolated guinea-pig heart, during a single 3H-histamine passage through the coronary circulation, before and during anaphylaxis, and the influence of glucagon on level of histamine, NO, O2-, and H2O2 in the venous effluent during anaphylaxis. Before anaphylaxis, glucagon pretreatment does not change 3H-histamine Umax and the level of endogenous histamine. At the same time, in the presence of glucagon, 3H-histamine Unet is increased and backflux is decreased when compared to the corresponding values in the absence of glucagon. During anaphylaxis, in the presence of glucagon, the values of 3H-histamine Umax and Unet are significantly higher and backflux is significantly lower in the presence of glucagon when compared to the corresponding values in the absence of glucagon. The level of endogenous histamine during anaphylaxis in the presence of glucagon (6.9–7.38 × 10−8 μM) is significantly lower than the histamine level in the absence of glucagon (10.35–10.45 × 10−8 μM). Glucagon pretreatment leads to a significant increase in NO release (5.69 nmol/mL) in comparison with the period before glucagon administration (2.49 nmol/mL). Then, in the presence of glucagon, O2- level fails to increase during anaphylaxis. Also, our results show no significant differences in H2O2 levels before, during, and after anaphylaxis in the presence of glucagon, but these values are significantly lower than the corresponding values in the absence of glucagon. In conclusion, our results show that glucagon increases NO release and prevents the increased release of free radicals during anaphylaxis, and decreases histamine level in the venous effluent during cardiac anaphylaxis, which may be a consequence of decreased histamine release and/or intensified histamine capturing by the heart during anaphylaxis

    Manufacturing of Biodegradable Scaffolds to Engineer Artificial Blood Vessel

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    Blood vessels diseases such as cardiac infarction with coronary artery occlusion, peripheral arterial disorders, or stroke of carotid or cerebral arteries, are the leading causes of death in the world. One of medical procedures for clinical treatment of vascular diseases is the blood vessels grafting. As the autologous blood vessels, which are the “golden standard” for coronary grafting, are not always suitable for blood vessels grafting, there is a need to develop artificial blood vessels as a vascular prostheses, either from natural and synthetic materials, permanent synthetic or biodegradable scaffolds which would be suitable for vascular grafts. Considering this to be our study goal we made bilayered biodegradable polycaprolactone scaffolds with different properties and evaluated their morphological and biomechanical characteristics