6 research outputs found

    Manejo de hiperglucemia asociada al uso de pasireotida en pacientes con enfermedad de Cushing o acromegalia. Recomendaciones de un panel de expertos

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    Contexto: la pasireotida ha demostrado eficacia en el tratamiento de pacientes con enfermedad de Cushing y acromegalia; sin embargo, es frecuente que los pacientes tratados con pasireotida presenten hiperglucemia. Objetivo: proporcionar lineamientos y recomendaciones en Colombia para el control y el manejo de hiperglucemia secundaria a pasireotida en pacientes con enfermedad de Cushing y acromegalia. Metodolog铆a: se utiliz贸 la metodolog铆a de panel de expertos. Previo al panel se hizo una revisi贸n de la evidencia disponible para las preguntas de inter茅s formuladas por especialistas en Endocrinolog铆a, la cual fue actualizada posterior a la reuni贸n. Participaron especialistas de diferentes zonas del pa铆s, quienes discutieron las preguntas y formularon recomendaciones para el control y el tratamiento de la hiperglucemia secundaria a pasireotida en enfermedad de Cushing y acromegalia. Resultados: se formularon 16 recomendaciones para el control y manejo de la hiperglucemia secundaria al uso de pasireotida en pacientes con enfermedad de Cushing y 7 para pacientes con acromegalia. Las recomendaciones fueron formuladas y validadas por un panel de expertos, a partir de evidencia y de su experiencia cl铆nica. Conclusiones: es frecuente que pacientes con acromegalia o enfermedad de Cushing tratados con pasireotida presenten alteraciones en el metabolismo de la glucosa como consecuencia de la terapia. Existe poca evidencia de alto nivel para la formulaci贸n de recomendaciones para el manejo de la hiperglucemia secundaria al uso de pasireotida en ambas patolog铆as, aqu铆 las recomendaciones generadas fueron con base en opini贸n de expertos y son las primeras publicadas para Colombia

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly : a focus on comorbidities

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    Q2Q1Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare, insidious disease resulting from the overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and is associated with a range of comorbidities. The extent of associated complications and mortality risk is related to length of exposure to the excess GH and IGF-1, thus early diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Unfortunately, acromegaly is often diagnosed late, when patients already have a wide range of comorbidities. The presence of comorbid conditions contributes significantly to patient morbidity/mortality and impaired quality of life. Methods: We conducted a retrospective literature review for information relating to the diagnosis of acromegaly, and its associated comorbidities using PubMed. The main aim of this review is to highlight the issues of comorbidities in acromegaly, and to reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Findings and conclusions: Successful management of acromegaly goes beyond treating the disease itself, since many patients are diagnosed late in disease evolution, they present with a range of comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. It is important that patients are screened carefully at diagnosis (and thereafter), for common associated complications, and that biochemical control does not become the only treatment goal. Mortality and morbidities in acromegaly can be reduced successfully if patients are treated using a multimodal approach with comprehensive comorbidity management.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8433-5435N/

    Decisiones acertadas en Endocrinolog铆a: recomendaciones de un panel de expertos de la Asociaci贸n Colombiana de Endocrinolog铆a, Diabetes y Metabolismo

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    Contexto: en el a帽o 2022 la Asociaci贸n Colombiana de Endocrinolog铆a, Diabetes y Metabolismo (ACE) se une a la iniciativa Decisiones Acertadas para evitar pr谩cticas m茅dicas excesivas. Objetivo: generar cinco recomendaciones basadas en evidencia que permitan reconsiderar conductas inapropiadas en la pr谩ctica cl铆nica. Metodolog铆a: se estableci贸 un comit茅 revisor que recibi贸 las recomendaciones de "no hacer" de los miembros de la ACE. Se realiz贸 una preselecci贸n de las propuestas m谩s frecuentes y se llev贸 a cabo una b煤squeda sistem谩tica de la literatura. Posteriormente, mediante la metodolog铆a Delphi, se realizaron rondas de iteraci贸n para seleccionar las cinco recomendaciones que lograron mayor consenso entre el panel de expertos. Resultados: entre octubre de 2022 a abril de 2023, se recibieron propuestas de 117 miembros activos de la ACE. Se recopilaron 211 recomendaciones, de las cuales 109 fueron seleccionadas para su an谩lisis posterior. Tras una evaluaci贸n minuciosa, se preseleccionaron las 20 recomendaciones m谩s frecuentes. Luego, el panel Delphi eligi贸 cinco recomendaciones, incluyendo cuatro centradas en el uso excesivo de pruebas diagn贸sticas y una de intervenci贸n terap茅utica. Conclusiones: se recomienda evitar la ecograf铆a tiroidea de rutina en poblaci贸n general o hipotiroidea sin cambios en el examen f铆sico, as铆 como abstenerse de solicitar marcadores de recambio 贸seo en pacientes con osteoporosis. Tambi茅n se desaconseja la medici贸n de insulina basal y/o poscarga de glucosa en individuos con sobrepeso, obesidad o signos de resistencia a la insulina, junto con mediciones indiscriminadas de vitamina D y la prescripci贸n innecesaria de suplementos de vitamina D en la poblaci贸n general. Al evitar estas pr谩cticas, se prioriza una atenci贸n selectiva y centrada en el paciente, lo que reduce el sobrediagn贸stico y el sobretratamiento de patolog铆as endocrinas. Estas decisiones mejoran la gesti贸n de recursos, la calidad de la atenci贸n y los resultados cl铆nicos, beneficiando tanto a los pacientes como al sistema de salud

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities

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    Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare, insidious disease resulting from the overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and is associated with a range of comorbidities. The extent of associated complications and mortality risk is related to length of exposure to the excess GH and IGF-1, thus early diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Unfortunately, acromegaly is often diagnosed late, when patients already have a wide range of comorbidities. The presence of comorbid conditions contributes significantly to patient morbidity/mortality and impaired quality of life. Methods: We conducted a retrospective literature review for information relating to the diagnosis of acromegaly, and its associated comorbidities using PubMed. The main aim of this review is to highlight the issues of comorbidities in acromegaly, and to reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Findings and conclusions: Successful management of acromegaly goes beyond treating the disease itself, since many patients are diagnosed late in disease evolution, they present with a range of comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. It is important that patients are screened carefully at diagnosis (and thereafter), for common associated complications, and that biochemical control does not become the only treatment goal. Mortality and morbidities in acromegaly can be reduced successfully if patients are treated using a multimodal approach with comprehensive comorbidity management. 漏 2016, The Author(s)

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities

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    Introduction: Acromegaly is a rare, insidious disease resulting from the overproduction of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and is associated with a range of comorbidities. The extent of associated complications and mortality risk is related to length of exposure to the excess GH and IGF-1, thus early diagnosis and treatment is imperative. Unfortunately, acromegaly is often diagnosed late, when patients already have a wide range of comorbidities. The presence of comorbid conditions contributes significantly to patient morbidity/mortality and impaired quality of life. Methods: We conducted a retrospective literature review for information relating to the diagnosis of acromegaly, and its associated comorbidities using PubMed. The main aim of this review is to highlight the issues of comorbidities in acromegaly, and to reinforce the importance of early diagnosis and treatment. Findings and conclusions: Successful management of acromegaly goes beyond treating the disease itself, since many patients are diagnosed late in disease evolution, they present with a range of comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. It is important that patients are screened carefully at diagnosis (and thereafter), for common associated complications, and that biochemical control does not become the only treatment goal. Mortality and morbidities in acromegaly can be reduced successfully if patients are treated using a multimodal approach with comprehensive comorbidity management. 漏 2016, The Author(s)

    Challenges in the diagnosis and management of acromegaly: a focus on comorbidities

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