191 research outputs found

    Fermion localization on thick branes

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    We consider chiral fermion confinement in scalar thick branes, which are known to localize gravity, coupled through a Yukawa term. The conditions for the confinement and their behavior in the thin-wall limit are found for various different BPS branes, including double walls and branes interpolating between different AdS_5 spacetimes. We show that only one massless chiral mode is localized in all these walls, whenever the wall thickness is keep finite. We also show that, independently of wall's thickness, chiral fermionic modes cannot be localized in dS_4 walls embedded in a M_5 spacetime. Finally, massive fermions in double wall spacetimes are also investigated. We find that, besides the massless chiral mode localization, these double walls support quasi-localized massive modes of both chiralities.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    On the construction of a finite Siegel space

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    In this note we construct a finite analogue of classical Siegel's Space. Our approach is to look at it as a non commutative Poincare's half plane. The finite Siegel Space is described as the space of Lagrangians of a 2n2n dimensional space over a quadratic extension EE of a finite base field FF. The orbits of the action of the symplectic group Sp(n,F)Sp(n,F) on Lagrangians are described as homogeneous spaces. Also, Siegel's Space is described as the set of anti-involutions of the symplectic group.2

    Nivel de conocimiento del profesional de enfermería sobre prevención de complicaciones en paciente con diabetes mellitus - hospital de Supe, 2021

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    Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de conocimientos del profesional de enfermería sobre prevención de complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes mellitus – hospital de Supe, 2021. Metodología: diseño no experimental, tipo descriptiva, de corte transversal y enfoque cuantitativo; constituida por una muestra de 31 usuarios. Se aplicó instrumento validado y confiable, elaborado por Jorge Cornejo Sandoval (2018). Se utilizó el programa Excel y SPSS 25. Resultados: se aprecia del total 100% (31) tienen nivel de conocimiento que mantiene el profesional de enfermería sobre prevención de complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes mellitus, hallándose el 74.19% (23) de enfermeros poseen un nivel de conocimiento de medio, 16.13% (5) tienen nivel de conocimiento alto y el 9.677% (3) conservan un nivel de conocimiento bajo. Conclusión: El personal de enfermería del hospital de Supe, tiene un nivel de conocimiento medio acerca sobre la prevención de complicaciones en pacientes con diabetes mellitus en dicho establecimiento

    Calidad de servicios y su influencia en las ventas en tiendas comerciales. Una revisión sistemática en los últimos 10 años

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    RESUMEN Calidad del servicio es una estrategia básica para enmarcar la estructura y funcionalidad organizativa dentro de parámetros que consideran dentro de las expectativas y necesidades de los clientes, la importancia del recurso humano para dar respuestas a estas exigencias debe ser determinantes para garantizar la calidad de los servicios que se ofertan. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este trabajo es revisar los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo valorar el nivel de evidencia científica que existe sobre la calidad del servicio y cómo puede afectar directamente en las ventas para así determinar si las recomendaciones existentes de las investigaciones son las adecuadas. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se ha realizado una revisión sistemática de artículos científicos consultando las bases de datos Redalyc, Scielo en los últimos 10 años en el idioma español. La mayoría de las recomendaciones realizadas, han sido a través de guías prácticas o artículos de opinión. Los artículos sobre la calidad del servicio nos han permitido determinar que las recomendaciones realizadas por las sociedades científicas tengan una base científica sólida. PALABRAS CLAVES: calidad del servicio, ventas

    Nitrogen Fertilization of Corn Grown with a Cover Crop

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    Objectives of this project were to study corn nitrogen (N) fertilization requirement and corn-soybean yield response when grown in a rye cover cropping system. Multiple rates of N fertilizer are applied, with measurement of corn yield response to applied N and soybean yield with and without a fall planted winter rye cover crop. The study is being conducted at multiple research farms, with the intent for comparison of with and without a cover crop system across varying soil and climatic conditions in Iowa

    Corn nitrogen rate response and crop yield in a rye cover crop system

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    Water quality impairment related to N loss from crop production fields continues to be a concern in Iowa, including meeting the USEPA nitrate-N drinking water standard and reducing N export to the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore, in-field production practices would be helpful to aid in reduction of nitrate leaching and movement to water systems. One practice identified in the science assessment for the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy is use of a winter cereal rye (Secale cereal L.) cover crop, where a mean 31% (29% standard deviation) nitrate-N reduction would be expected, but with a 6% (22% standard deviation) corn yield decrease (SP 435). Due to cost, planting flexibility, success in establishment, and winter hardiness, winter rye has been a common cover crop choice. However, the impacts of winter rye on crop productivity differ among geographic areas and production systems, including the influence on N recycling and corn N fertilization requirement. With N returned to the soil as cover crop biomass degrades, is it immobilized by microbial processing of the cover crop biomass, or is it added to plant-available N during annual crop N uptake? The objectives of the research were to determine the impact of a winter cereal rye cover crop on corn N fertilization requirement and corn and soybean crop productivity

    Corn and Soybean Production with a Winter Rye Cover Crop

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    Objective of this project wasto study corn nitrogen (N) fertilization requirement and corn/soybean yield response when grown in a rye cover cropping system. Multiple rates of N fertilizer were applied, with measurement of corn yield response to applied N and soybean yield with and without a fall-planted winter rye cover crop. The study was conducted at multiple research farms, with the intent for comparison of with and without a cover crop system across varying soil and climatic conditionsin Iowa

    The Screen as a Hospitable Border: Analysing the Ethics, Aesthetics and Politics of Documentary Films about Migration and Border-crossing Experiences

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    My project aims to sketch out a theoretical framework to think about documentary films about migration and border-crossings in terms of their political potential. Thus, this work seeks to address the question of whether and how it is possible for these documentaries to give rise to political and ethical relationships that are not directly sanctioned by the nation-state and its sovereign power. In order to do this, I first draw on Jacques Derrida’s proposal of an ethics and politics of hospitality as an alternative conceptualization of political relations that, instead of being determined by membership to a nation-state and geo-political borders, are based on relations of responsibility and solidarity amongst individuals regardless of their citizenship status. Secondly, I argue that Ariella Azoulay’s triadic model of photography exemplifies Derrida’s notion of the ethics and politics of hospitality. For Azoulay, photography can give rise to political relations between the photographed, the photographer and the spectators. Since these relationships are not mediated by the nation-state and are based on partnership, solidarity and equality, I claim that they are relationships of hospitality that are able to disrupt the hierarchies of the social order. Thirdly, I argue that Azoulay’s triadic model can be transposed to the form of documentary, but that this transposition needs to acknowledge the fact that photography and documentary are two different visual media. Finally, I expand my analysis of this transposition by examining three contemporary documentaries about migration and drawing on the work of Jacques Rancière, Hito Steyerl and Trinh T. Minh-Ha. I discuss how the political and ethical bonds between filmmaker, filmed subject and spectators are shaped by the form and stylistic features of each of these documentaries. I conclude that documentaries are like borders, interstitial spaces, where the question of politics converges with questions of ethics and aesthetics

    Corn Nitrogen Fertilization Requirement and Corn–Soybean Productivity with a Rye Cover Crop

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    Winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop (RCC) has potential to reduce NO3–N loss from corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] fields. However, RCC effects on annual crop productivity and corn optimal N fertilization requirement are unclear. The objectives were to evaluate corn and soybean yield response to RCC and corn optimal N rate. Treatments were no-RCC and RCC with six fertilizer N rates (0–225 kg N ha-1) applied to corn in a no-till corn–soybean (CS) rotation at four Iowa sites in 2009 through 2011. The RCC biomass and N uptake was low, with a maximum of 1280 kg dry matter (DM) ha-1 and 26 kg N ha-1, respectively. In the no-N control, the RCC reduced soil profile NO3–N by 15 kg N ha-1 only at time of RCC control before corn planting. Corn canopy sensing, plant height, and plant population indicated more N stress, reduced plant stand, and slower growth with RCC. The RCC reduced corn grain yield by 6% at the economic optimum N rate (EONR). The EONR was the same with no-RCC and RCC, but plant N uptake efficiency (PUE) was reduced at low N rates with RCC, but not above the EONR. Soybean yield was not affected by RCC. Results indicate N fertilization rate should be the same with or without RCC. Improvement in RCC systems and management could make RCC a more viable practice within no-till corn and soybean production

    Cover Crop Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions: Role of Mineralizable Carbon

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from denitrification in agricultural soils often increases with N fertilizer and soil nitrate (NO3) concentrations. Overwintering cover crops in cereal rotations can decrease soil NO3 concentrations and may decrease N2O emissions. However, mineralizable C availability can be a more important control on N2O emission than NO3 concentration in fertilized soils, and cover crop residue provides mineralizable C input. We measured the effect of a winter rye (Secale cereale L.) cover crop on soil N2O emissions from a maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system treated with banded N fertilizer at three rates (0, 135, and 225 kg N ha–1) in Iowa. In addition, we conducted laboratory incubations to determine if potential N2O emissions were limited by mineralizable C or NO3 at these N rates. The rye cover crop decreased soil NO3 concentrations at all N rates. Although the cover crop decreased N2O emissions when no N fertilizer was applied, it increased N2O emissions at an N rate near the economic optimum. In laboratory incubations, N2O emissions from soils from fertilizer bands did not increase with added NO3, but did increase with added glucose. These results show that mineralizable C availability can control N2O emissions, indicating that C from cover crop residue increased N2O emissions from fertilizer band soils in the field. Mineralizable C availability should be considered in future evaluations of cover crop effects on N2O emissions, especially as cover crops are evaluated as a strategy to mitigate agricultural greenhouse gas emissions
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