31 research outputs found


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    Prior to conducting complete life cycle assessment of the bucket wheel excavator's belt conveyor, simplified life cycle assessment of its components has to be done. One of these components is return belt idler support 0°, which consists of idler support and three rollers. Simplified life cycle assessment of the idler roller is conducted with Ecodesign Assistant and Ecodesign PILOT tools. Conducted analysis has shown that the most significant stage of the idler roller life cycle is raw materials stage. Suggested strategies provide possible improvements towards more environmentally friendly and energy efficient idler roller design


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    At the end of the 19th century in the Czech Republic a new way of physical exercise entitled the “Sokol” or “Tyrš” system appeared. It spread to all the countries where Slavs lived and thus arrived among the Serbs who lived on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A group of Serbs from Foča in 1893 tried to establish the Serbian Soko society but the Austro-Hungarian authorities did not allow it. The first Serbian gymnastic society on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina called “Obilić” was founded in 1904 in Mostar. Many educated people of that time participated in the work of the Soko organizations, among them the medical doctor Branko Čubrilović. The main subject of this paper is Branko Čubrilović and his connections with Serbian Sokolism and the aim is to highlight his role in the development of Serbian Sokolism, primarily in the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in other areas where Serbs lived. The authors used a historical method

    Vlažnost i temperatura vazduha predviđaju broj objava na Tviteru u 10 zemalja – vremenske promene i LIWC psihološke kategorije

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    There are many indications that weather conditions influence human life and well-being. Some of these indicators, such as the influence of weather on human health, have been explored in detail. On the other hand, the influence of daily fluctuations of different meteorological variables on the human psychological state still remains unknown. We apply combined methods from statistics, psychology, machine learning, and complex networks theory to explore the influence of weather parameters on different psychological categories of Twitter users in ten different countries. Our results show that the temperature, pressure, and humidity are highly correlated with Twitter users’ activity, sense, and affect. Our comparative analysis for different countries shows that the strongest correlation was found for the USA, Italy, and Portugal, indicating differences between countries. However, our results show that the level of activity of Twitter users, described as Post Count, is strongly connected to changes in temperature and humidity in all countries. We use complex networks theory to explore these connections and differences between countries further. Our findings suggest that weather parameters can be used to predict Twitter users’ activity and psychological manifestations, which can be beneficial to marketing and advertising.Postoje mnoge indikacije da vremenske prilike utiču na živote i dobrobit ljudi. Neki od ovih pokazatelja, kao što je uticaj vremena na zdravlje ljudi, detaljno su istraženi. S druge strane, uticaj dnevnih fluktuacija različitih meteoroloških varijabli na psihičko stanje čoveka i dalje ostaje nepoznat. U ovom radu primenjujemo kombinovane metode iz statistike, psihologije, mašinskog učenja i složene teorije mreža da bismo istražili uticaj vremenskih parametara na različite psihološke kategorije korisnika Tvitera u deset različitih zemalja. Rezultati pokazuju da su temperatura, pritisak i vlažnost u korelaciji sa aktivnošcu, čulnim izražajima i afektom ́ kod korisnika Tvitera. Komparativna analiza među zemljama pokazuje da su najjače korelacije pronađene za SAD, Italiju i Portugal, što ukazuje na razlike između zemalja. Međutim, rezultati pokazuju da je broj tvitova korisnika društvene mreže Tviter povezan sa promenama temperature i vlažnosti u svim zemljama. Koristimo kompleksnu teoriju mreža da dalje istražimo ove veze i razlike između zemalja. Nalazi sugerišu da se vremenski parametri mogu koristiti za predviđanje aktivnosti i psiholoških manifestacija korisnika Tvitera, što može biti korisno za marketing i oglašavanje


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    The beginnings of Sokolism bind to the second half of the 19th century, namely to the Czech Miroslav Tyrš and its system of physical exercise. After the founding in the Czech Republic, Sokol movement began to spread in all Slavic countries as well as in those where Slavic nations lived. In this way, Sokolism arrived among Serbs who lived in America (USA), and they began to accept the idea of Sokolism in the mid-1907. In early 1909 began to appear the first initiatives for the establishment of Serbian Soko Societies. During 1909 two societies were founded, the in the next year five more, in 1911 three societies and in 1912 more than ten. In the second half of 1911 was established the union of Serbian Soko societies in America called Serbian Soko Parish in America (SSPA). Serbian Soko Society in Cleveland, Ohio, which is also the main subject of this research, was founded in the first half of 1912. The aim of the authors is to explore and present the exact date of the founding of this Society, the main initiators and founders, members and activities of the Society during its work. In this study authors used the historical method

    Production performances and herd book of simmental and holstein friesian cattle in central Serbia

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    Central Serbia has a long tradition of cattle farming and, as a hilly-mountainous area it favors rearing of dual purpose Simmental breed, and to a lesser extent, Holstein-Friesian dairy breed. The first Herd Book of Serbia was founded in 1935. The high quality breeding animals registered are under the control of production performance properties. According to expert report of the Institute for Animal Husbandry and the results of the implementation of the breeding program in 2018 in the territory of Central Serbia, there were a total of 153.979 quality breeding animals of Simmental and 16509 quality breeding animals of Holstein-Friesian breed in the main herd. Both breeds are of national interest and are included in the breeding-selection program for dairy cattle that are implemented through the cooperation of breeders and breeding organizations in the field. In Central Serbia, there are 157 registered breeding organizations involved in breeding and livestock recording activities. In this paper, data of the Head breeding organization in cattle farming, the Institute for Animal Husbandry, as well as reports issued by the same entity each year were used. A tabular analysis and a five-year trend are presented according to: the number of recorded animals, primiparous females in linear evaluation, the realized yield of milk, milk fat and protein, as well as the trend of the number of bull dams in the population. Based on the analysis of the results of work on cattle breeding and selection, it can be concluded that some progress has been made in milk production of both breeds. It is important to emphasize that there is a significant effect of mentioned factors on the productivity of entire cattle population in Central Serbia. Systematic work on the breeding and selection of cattle is an important work that should be carried out in high quality, continuously and appropriately in order to achieve maximum effects in cattle production

    Variability and heritability of milk traits of holstein - frisian bull dams and their progeny

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    The research was performed on Holstein-Friesian and Black and White bull dams reared on five farms of Agricultural Corporation of Belgrade - PKB. The study included 575 lactations of cows selected as bull dams and their progeny calved in the period from 2007 - 2014 and represent progeny of 24 bulls. The following dairy traits were analysed in a standard lactation (305 days): milk yield (kg) - MY, milk fat content (%) - % MF, milk fat yield (kg) - MFY, protein content (%) - % PC and protein yield (kg) - PY. Holstein-Friesian bull dams and their progeny, in standard lactation, produced on average 9239.84 +/- 1607.64 kg of milk, with a milk fat content of 3.44 +/- 0.20 and protein content of 3.21 +/- 0.12. The impact of bull - sire, year of birth, lactation order, farm, year and calving season was present at different levels of statistical significance on yield traits, while the genetic group had no influence on any of the milk traits. Bull sire, year of birth, lactation order and calving season did not influence the variability of milk fat and protein content. Heritability of observed milk traits was medium to low. The content of milk fat and protein had the lowest values of heritability, 0.014, and 0.024, respectively. The heritability of milk yield, milk fat yield and protein yield was 0.293, 0.319 and 0.273, respectively

    Fenotipske korelacije linearnih ocena tipa i proizvodnih osobina krava simentalske rase

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    Determining the degree of correlation between two or more traits depends to a large extent on their manifestation. The knowledge of genetic and phenotypic correlations between body characteristics of the animal and product characteristics can help define the breeding goal, but also to define and harmonize the assessment criteria. Although the phenotypic and genetic correlations between the traits of body development and type and the milk yield show different degrees of variation, they should be taken into account in the final assessment of the breeding value of the animal so that the selection programs are more comprehesively defined. The examination of phenotypic correlations of linear assessment scores of the type, milk and fertility traits was performed on a total of 303 cows of the Simental breed in the first three lactations. The examination of phenotypic correlations included the following milk performance properties in the first three standard lactations: milk yield, milk fat content, milk fat yield, yield of 4% corrected milk; also fertility traits: age at current calving and service period in each lactation; while the linear type scoring included a group of traits: type or frame, muscularity, fundament, udder.Poznavanje fenotipske povezanosti osobina mlečnosti i plodnosti, sa linearnim ocenama tipa je veoma značajno u selekcijskom radu, gde se pored visoke proizvodnje, očekuje dobro zdravlje kao i dug produktivni život grla u stadu. U ovom istraživanju medjusobna pozitivna i potpuna fenotipska povezanost prinosa mleka, mlečne masti i 4% mast korigovanog mleka ustanovljena je u sve tri laktacije, kao i niska i uglavnom pozitivna povezanost pokazatelja prinosa i sadržaja mlečne masti. Niska i uglavnom pozitivna fenotipska povezanost utanovljena je u sve tri laktacije i za pokazatelje mlečnosti i plodnosti, ali i za pokazatelje plodnosti i tipa. Fenotipska povezanost pokazatelja mlečnosti i prosečnih ocena tipa je bila srednje jaka i uglavnom pozitivna za osobine prinosa i slaba i uglavnom negativna izmedju osobina tipa i sadržaja mlečne masti. Fenotipska povezanost ispitivanih osobina pokazuje da se prilikom odabira kako priplodnih junica, tako i semena za oplodnju krava i junica, mora povesti računa i o tipskim karakteristikama, jer će to pored odabira po mlečnosti doprineti ostvarenju veće proizvodnje mleka i bržem genetskom unapredjenju naše populacije


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    There are numerous methods for decontamination of animal feed, and a relatively inexpensive method is the application of inorganic adsorbents. Adsorbents from the group of alumosilicates are particularly important, especially bentonite. Inorganic adsorbents are able to detoxify foods contaminated with mycotoxins by their adsorption power, while minimizing the negative effects on the organism. The aim of this study was to examine and determine whether the use of natural bentonite has an effect on adsorption of aflatoxins from food. The influence of daily intake of bentonite at different doses (30 and 50 g / head) on the content of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk of examined cows was examined. By mycotoxicological analysis of the feed it was determined that maize grains were infested with aflatoxin B1 (1.24 μg/kg) and that this was the cause of the AFM1 metabolite in raw milk of cows. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the content of AFM1 in milk of cows consuming food with a daily intake of 30 and 50 g bentonite was significantly reduced

    Cattle Herd book and Record Keeping in Central Serbia

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    Serbia has a tradition of cattle production, and the area of Central Serbia, as a hilly region is suitable for farming of the combined Simmental and dairy Holstein-Friesian breed. The first Herd Book of Serbia was founded in 1935. The high quality breeding animals registered in the main register and the herd book are under the control of production performance. According to the expert report of the Institute for Animal Husbandry and the results of the implementation of the breeding program in 2017, on the territory of Central Serbia, there were 147,997 high quality breeding animals of the Simmental and 17,192 of Holstein-Friesian breed in the main/parent herd. Both breeds of national interest for rearing in the territory of Central Serbia are included in the breeding – selection programs for cattle for milk production, which are implemented through the cooperation of farmers and local breeding organizations in the field. In the territory of Central Serbia there are 157 registered local breeding organizations that are carrying out the activities of cattle recording/registering and selection. In this paper the data of the Main Breeding Organization in cattle breeding, the Institute for Animal Husbandry, and its annual report are used. A tabular analysis and a five-year trend of animals are presented according to: the number of registered animals, linearly evaluated first calving females, the realized yield of milk, milk fat and protein, as well as the trend of the number of bull dams in the population. Based on the analysis of the results of work on the selection of bovine animals, it can be concluded that some progress has been made in the production of milk of both breeds. It is important to emphasize that the mentioned results are reflected on the productivity of the entire population of cattle in Central Serbia

    The effect of age on eemen quality of Holsteinfriesian bulls

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    The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of the bull age on production and some semen quality traits. The semen was collected during 2014. The LSD test (Least Significant Difference) was used to compare the bulls of different age groups and the results of this test showed in some cases significant differences. This test showed that there was no significant difference in ejaculate volume between six-year-old and four-year-old bulls, but in two-year-old bulls a significant difference to older bull groups was determined. The results showed that there was a significant effect of the bull age (p<0.001) on the ejaculate volume and the number of doses per ejaculate