106 research outputs found

    Transfer of Cs-134 and Cs-137 from soils to plants in cultivated and uncultivated soils in different regions of Yugoslavia

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    10th international congress of the International Radiation Protection Association; May 14-19, 2000; Hiroshima, Japa

    Comparison of two different methods for gross alpha and beta activity determination in water samples

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    Measurement of the gross alpha and beta activity concentrations in various matrices is suitable as a preliminary screening procedure to determine whether further analysis related to specific radionuclide is necessary. In Serbia, according to current regulations, radioactivity concentrations in drinking water for gross alpha and gross beta should be LT 0.5 and LT 1.0 Bq L-1, respectively. The generally accepted methods for gross alpha and beta activity analysis of drinking water in different countries are: EPA 900.0 and ISO methods (ISO 9696, water quality - measurement of gross alpha activity in non-saline water - thick source method, and ISO 9697, water quality - measurement of gross beta activity in non-saline water). This paper describes comparison of preparations and measurement gross alpha and beta activity in bottled mineral waters as well as in tap waters in Serbia using two methods: EPA 900.0 with and without ash, and ISO methods. Concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS) in investigated water samples was determined. Based on obtained TDS, certain volume was evaporated. The instrumentation used to count the gross alpha and gross beta activities for both methods is alpha/beta low level proportional counter Thermo Eberline FHT 770 T

    Cs137 activity in the milk and dairy products in Serbia during 2016

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    Jednu od osnovnih mera za rano otkrivanje i kontrolu prisustva radioaktivnih materija u mleku i mlečnim proizvodima predstavlja stalni radijaciono-higijenski nadzor i radijaciono-higijenska ekspertiza. U radu su izneti rezultati rada Laboratorije za radijacionu higijenu - »LABRAH» pri Naučnom institutu za veterinarstvo Srbije u Beogradu. Tokom 2016. godine sprovedena je radijaciono-higijenska kontrola gamaspektrometrijskom analizom zračenja nad ukupno 349 uzoraka mleka i mlečnih proizvoda pri unutrašnjoj i graničnoj kontroli. Mala aktivnost radionuklida veštačkog porekla 137Cs pokazuje, da je efektivna doza za stanovništvo od tog radionuklida unetog ingestijom, značajno ispod preporučene godišnje granice primljene doze za pojedinca iz stanovništva (0,1 mSv/god), što znači da su ispitivani uzorci bili ispravni sa radijaciono-higijenskog aspekta.One of the basic measures for early detection and control of the presence of radioactive materials in milk and dairy products is constant radiation-hygienic monitoring and radiation-hygienic expertise. The paper presents the results of the Laboratory for Radiation Hygiene - "LABRAH" at the Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. During 2016, radiation-hygienic control with gamma-spectrometric radiation analysis was conducted over a total of 349 samples of milk and dairy products at internal and border control. A small activity of 137Cs of artificial origin shows that the effective dose for the population from this radionuclide introduced by ingestion is significantly below the recommended annual dose limit for the individual from the population (0.1 mSv/year), which means that tested samples were correct from the radiation-hygienic aspect

    Gamma spectrometry testing of imported tea in period of 2015 to 2018

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati gamaspektrometrijskog ispitivanja različitih čajevaporeklom iz uvoza. Ispitana su 162 uzorka u periodu od 2015.godinedo 2018. godine.Maksimalnavrednost za 137Cs je iznosila 5,04 Bq/kg suvog uzorka, što ukazuje da su svi čajevi bili bezbedni za ljudsku upotrebu.The paper presents the results of gamma spectrometry testing of different imported tea. 162 samples were tested during the period from 2015 to 2018. The maximum value for 137Cs was 5.04 Bq/kg of dry sample, indicating that the all tea samples were safe for human use.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Cs137 activity in the milk and dairy products in Serbia during 2016

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    Jednu od osnovnih mera za rano otkrivanje i kontrolu prisustva radioaktivnih materija u mleku i mlečnim proizvodima predstavlja stalni radijaciono-higijenski nadzor i radijaciono-higijenska ekspertiza. U radu su izneti rezultati rada Laboratorije za radijacionu higijenu - »LABRAH» pri Naučnom institutu za veterinarstvo Srbije u Beogradu. Tokom 2016. godine sprovedena je radijaciono-higijenska kontrola gamaspektrometrijskom analizom zračenja nad ukupno 349 uzoraka mleka i mlečnih proizvoda pri unutrašnjoj i graničnoj kontroli. Mala aktivnost radionuklida veštačkog porekla 137Cs pokazuje, da je efektivna doza za stanovništvo od tog radionuklida unetog ingestijom, značajno ispod preporučene godišnje granice primljene doze za pojedinca iz stanovništva (0,1 mSv/god), što znači da su ispitivani uzorci bili ispravni sa radijaciono-higijenskog aspekta.One of the basic measures for early detection and control of the presence of radioactive materials in milk and dairy products is constant radiation-hygienic monitoring and radiation-hygienic expertise. The paper presents the results of the Laboratory for Radiation Hygiene - "LABRAH" at the Scientific Institute for Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade. During 2016, radiation-hygienic control with gamma-spectrometric radiation analysis was conducted over a total of 349 samples of milk and dairy products at internal and border control. A small activity of 137Cs of artificial origin shows that the effective dose for the population from this radionuclide introduced by ingestion is significantly below the recommended annual dose limit for the individual from the population (0.1 mSv/year), which means that tested samples were correct from the radiation-hygienic aspect

    Interlaboratory comparison material homogeneity testing

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    The homogeneity of fertilizer samples for interlaboratory gamma-ray spectrometry comparison was tested by determination of the total. count rate and the count rates for two U-238. lines, one K-40 line and one common U-235 and Ra-226 line. Homogeneity testing was accomplished by determination of the minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation for each parameter and comparison of their standard deviations with predefined tolerances, by Cochrans test, and by a one-way ANOVA. The standard deviations were all less than these tolerances. All samples passed Cochrans test and the one-way ANOVA test for homogeneity

    Гамаспектрометријска контрола хране за људе и животиње након акцидента у Чернобиљу

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    Nuklearni akcident u Černobilju koji se desio 26.04.1986.godine u bivšem SSSR-u, (danas Ukrajina) izazvao je veliku pažnju i zabrinutost javnosti zbog moguće kontaminacije životne sredine. Radioaktivni oblak je do naših prostora stigao za nekoliko dana, kada su u uzorcima aerosola i padavina u bivšoj Jugoslaviji detektovani radionuklidi poreklom iz Černobilja. Laboratorije u Srbiji koje su bile opremljene za merenja su započele ispitivanje radioaktivnosti odmah nakon akcidenta, a u Laboratoriji za Radijacionu higijenu Naučnog instituta za veterinarstvo Srbije sadržaj radionuklida se ispituje gamaspektrometrijski u namirnicama i hrani za životinje od 1989. godine. Godišnje je analizirano od 206 do 2400 uzoraka. Od toga je najviše bilo uzoraka ribljeg brašna, mesa, riba, mleka u prahu, itd., koji su većinom bili radijaciono-higijenski ispravni i bezbedni za upotrebu. Nakon akcidenta u Fukušimi 2011. godine pojačana je analiza hrane koja dolazi iz Azije. Najveći broj ispitanih uzoraka su bile ribe iz Tajlanda, Kine i Vijetnama, a ispitivani uzorci su bili radijaciono-higijenski ispravni i bezbedni za upotrebu.The nuclear accident at Chernobyl, which occurred on 26 April 1986 in former SSSR, (now Ukraine), caused a great deal of attention and public concern about the possible contamination of the environment. In a few days the radioactive cloud came to our country, when radionuclides were detected in the samples of aerosol and precipitation. Laboratories in Serbia have begun testing radioactivity in food samples immediately after the accident, while radionuclide content is examined in food and feed in the Laboratory for Radiation Hygiene of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine of Serbia since 1989 by gamma spectrometry method. It was measured from 206 to 2400 samples annually. The most analysed samples were fishmeal, meet, fish, milk powder, etc. Almost all samples were radiation-hygienically correct and safe for use. Number of analysis of food that comes from Asia was increased after the accident in Fukushima in 2011. The largest number of samples have been fish from Thailand, China, Vietnam. All of the samples were radiation-hygienically correct and safe for use.Article is part of: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8230

    Determination of inorganic compounds in drinking water on the basis of house water heater scale, part 1: Determination of heavy metals and uranium

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    The analysis of scale originated from drinking water on the house water heater, showed that scale is basically calcium carbonate that crystallizes hexagonally in the form of calcite. Scale taken as a sample from different spots in Belgrade – upper town of Zemun (sample 1) and Pančevo (sample 2) showed different configuration although it came from the same waterworks. That indicates either that the water flowing through waterworks pipes in different parts of the city is not the same or the waterworks net is not the same (age, maintaining, etc). All the elements which are dominant in drinking water (Ca, Mg, K, and Na), and which could be found in water by natural processes, are by their content far below the values regulated by law. The analysis also showed the presence of many metals: Ti, Pb, Zn, Cu Li, Sr, Cd, and Cr in the first sample, which are not found in the scale taken near Pančevo. The results obtained by calculating the mass concentration in drinking water on the basis of scale content, showed that both waters belonged to the category of low mineral waters. Contents of inorganic substances in these waters (117.85 mg/dm3 for sample 1 or 80.83 mg/dm3 for sample 2) are twice lower than the values predicted by the legislation. Gammaspectrometric analysis indicates the presence of radioactive elements – uranium and strontium which can influence human health