78 research outputs found

    Contemporary socio-political approaches to poverty alleviation in developing countries

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    Савремено друштво је обележено периодом вртоглаве иновације, подржане глобализацијом и технолошким развојем, који омогућавају демократизацију и активно учешће становништва у свакодневним социјално-економским и политичким процесима. Међутим, предности ових иновација нису доспеле до свих слојева становништва, будући да је скоро једна петина светског становништва остала заробљена у „зачараном кругу” сиромаштва из кога још увек није пронађен пут изласка. Овај рад се бави анализом појаве и ефеката сиромаштва у земљама у развоју, као и фактора који доприносе тој појави и савременим методама које се употребљавају да се оно ублажи. Научни допринос овог рада је у компаративној анализи савремених приступа планова и програма ублажавању сиромаштва у земљама у развоју. Други важан допринос односи се на закључке о могућности да се утврде дугорочна и одржива решења за третман феномена сиромаштва кроз активно учешће сиромашних у тим процесима. Рад почиње дефиницијом сиромаштва и анализом традиционалних историјских приступа овој појави, у циљу одређивања фактора који доприносе формирању и задржавању сиромаштва у земљама у развоју. Проучавањем класичних приступа може се разумети и повод за дефинисање алтернативних савремених приступа ублажавању сиромаштва. У раду се дефинишу и значајне разлике у карактеру и интензитету сиромаштва између развијених и земаља у развоју, са циљем објашњавања потребе за посебним приступима који су прилагођени реалним условима тих земаља. Аутор одбацује дефиницију сиромаштва као ендемске болести, уз аргумент да се сиромашни слојеви становништва могу третирати као потенцијални фактори процеса ублажавања па и елиминисања сиромаштва, сопственим ангажовањем за побољшање свог социјално-економског положаја. Након појмовног одређивања и разматрања нових теорија о сиромаштву, аутор закључује да је дошло до реконцептуализације појма сиромаштва кроз дубљу спознају о животима и потребама самих сиромашних категорија становништва. Овакав приступ „од основе ка врху” омогућио је да се сиромашни укључе у процесе дефинисања стратегија за ублажавање сиромаштва и помогао је v да се креирају нова решења која одговарају том сегменту становништва. Преласком са пасивног ка активном учешћу, приступи ублажавању сиромаштва у земљама у развоју бивају дефинисани концептом заједничке одговорности. У анализи ефеката савремених приступа, аутор се концентрише на улогу финансија у сиромаштву, односно на истраживање о тржишном приступу финансијске инклузије и државном приступу условних новчаних трансфера. Почевши од аргумента да је приступ финансијским услугама од великог значаја за сиромашно становништво, аутор истражује ефикасност финансијске инклузије у процесу ублажавања сиромаштва и детаљније анализира ефекат микрофинансија на овај сегмент становништва. Преласком на анализу социјалне политике и приступа од растућег значаја у свету, у раду се износи комплексна анализа условних новчаних трансфера и њиховог ефекта на постизање краткорочних и дугорочних резултата ублажавања сиромаштва, посебно у земљама у развоју. Применом инстердисциплинарног приступа истраживању сиромаштва, аутор повезује финансијску инклузију и условне новчане трансфере кроз студију случаја у Колумбији и закључује да су блиско повезани, а да се њиховом интеграцијом могу постићи још значајнији резултати. Кроз закључке емпиријског истраживања у Јужној Америци и анализу примене иновативних приступа, аутор указује на значај иновација и неопходност интердисциплинарног приступа и инклузије у процесу ублажавања сиромаштва у свету. Технолошке иновације чине савремено друштво ефикаснијим, продуктивнијим и богатијим, али могу имати значајну улогу у процесу ублажавања сиромаштва. Уколико се процесом привредног развоја не води рачуна о најсиромашнијим особама, тренд социјалне неједнакости ће се наставити, а човечанство ће бити лишено могућности коришћења потенцијалних благодети великог сегмента савременог друштваContemporary society is marked by a period of dizzying innovation, spurred on by the phenomena of globalization and technological development, which have supported democratization and the active participation of citizens in everyday socioeconomic and political processes. However, these innovations have not reached everyone, given that one fifth of the world's population remains trapped, with no defined pathway out of the cycle of poverty. This dissertation offers an analysis of the evolution and effects of poverty in developing countries, as well as the factors contributing to this issue and the contemporary approaches that have been used to alleviate poverty. The dissertation's scientific contribution is its critical comparative analysis of contemporary approaches to poverty alleviation plans and programs in developing countries. Additionally, it offers conclusions that help define short-term and long-term sustainable solutions to poverty alleviation through the active engagement of the poor. The research begins with an analysis of the traditional historical approaches to poverty and its associated definitions, with the goal of determining which factors contribute to the formation and persistence of poverty in developing countries. Studying the classical approaches, one is able to understand the need for defining alternative contemporary approaches to poverty alleviation. The dissertation provides clarification as to the specific differences in the character and intensity of poverty in developed and developing countries, with the goal of demonstrating the need for targeted approaches, adapted to the conditions of each country. The author rejects the notion that poverty is an endemic problem, through the argument that the poor can be considered a potential partner in alleviating and even eliminating poverty via their engagement in the gradual improvement of their socioeconomic situation. After defining the relevant terms and analyzing newer theories related to poverty, such as the theory of human development, the author identifies a reconceptualization of poverty, grounded in a much deeper understanding of the lives and needs of the poor. This “bottom-up approach” has catalyzed the active participation of the poor in co-defining strategies for poverty alleviation, and has helped create approaches that fit the needs of this segment of the population. By transitioning from vii passive to active participation, contemporary socio-political approaches to poverty alleviation in developing countries are defined through the concept of coresponsibility. Analyzing the effects of these contemporary approaches, the author focuses on the role that finance plays in poverty, by analyzing the market-based financial inclusion approach and the government-led conditional cash transfer approach. Beginning with the argument that access to financial services is of crucial importance to the poor, the author analyzes the impact of financial inclusion on poverty alleviation processes, with a special focus on the role of microfinance. Transitioning to an assessment of social policy, the dissertation continues with a complex analysis of conditional cash transfers, an approach that is gaining global popularity, and their ability to support short-term and long-term poverty alleviation goals, particularly in the context of developing countries. Applying an interdisciplinary approach to poverty research, the author connects these two perspectives in a case study of the country of Colombia, concluding that financial inclusion and conditional cash transfer programs are intricately connected, and that their integration can lead to even greater impact. Through empirical research in South America and analyses of the application of innovative approaches, the author concludes by highlighting the importance of innovation, interdisciplinarity and inclusion in the process of worldwide poverty alleviation. Technological innovation has made contemporary society more efficient, connected and productive. However, if it does not support the needs of the poorest segment of the population, the trend of inequality will continue and mankind will have lost the opportunity to take advantage of the significant contributions of this segment of the populatio

    Representing IT Performance Management as Metamodel

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    Many empirical studies have shown that the business value from investment in IT projects can be greater than the one being currently achieved. Thus it calls for specific focus on IT governance in order to reach fusion between business and IT goals. Good IT performance management should enable the business and IT executives to understand how IT is contributing to the achievement of business goals. The paper addresses the issue of representing IT governance best practice frameworks as ontological metamodels. Special attention is dedicated to VAL IT framework, which represents a comprehensive framework to maximize business value from IT investments. The paper points out the necessity of analyzing, comparing and integrating IT governance frameworks in order to complement different knowledge and generate ontological metamodel of IT performance management. Scope ofour work is in the static aspect of the framework and as the metalanguage Extended Entity/Relationship model is used

    Strukturna karakterizacija proteina zastupljenih u kasnoj fazi embriogeneze iz biljke Ramonda Serbica : Potencijalni inhibitor agregacije α‐ sinukleina

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    Ramonda serbica is an endemic and resurrection plant species that can survive extreme dehydration even over months. Desiccation (loss of >95% of cellular water) leads to protein denaturation, aggregation, and degradation and impairs membrane lipid fluidity, resulting in loss of membrane integrity at the cellular level. The induction of late embryogenesis abundant proteins (LEAPs) is considered an essential component of desiccation tolerance strategy in so-called resurrection plants. This heterogeneous group of anhydrobiosis-related intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is characterized by high structural plasticity enabling them to interact with various ligands and partners, including ion sequestration and stabilization of membranes and enzymes during freezing or drying. the aim of our research is to assess the potential of selected RsLEAPs to inhibit the aggregation of α-synuclein, paving the way for new therapeutic strategies against neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease. Our new transcriptome database of R. serbica leaves allowed us to identify around 165 members of LEA protein family. Based on multiple sequence alignment, secondary structure prediction and 3D structure modelling we classified identified LEAPs into six groups (according to the Pfam database) and showed that more than 50% of identified LEAPs exhibited a high propensity to form α-helices. As predicted by several bioinformatic tools, more than 70% of identified LEAPs were found to be highly disordered. By using molecular dynamic simulations, we identified the most favourable conformations of representative LEAPs and showed the loss of the secondary, α-helical structure in water, in contrast to globular proteins. Structural characterization of LEAPs is a key to understand their function and regulation of their intrinsic structural disorder-to-order transition during desiccation. These findings will promote transformative advancements in various fields, such as the development of new strategies in neurodegenerative disorders, cell preservation technology and the improvement of crop drought tolerance.Ramonda serbica endemska vrsta, i biljka vaskrsnica, sposobna da preživi u uslovima ekstremne dehidratacije tokom perioda dužeg od mesec dana. Desikacija (gubitak preko 95 % vode u ćeliji) dovodi do denaturacije, agregacije i degradacije proteina, i utiče na fluidnost membrana, što finalno dovodi do gubitka integriteta ćelije. Prisustvo proteina zastupljenih u kasnoj fazi embriogeneze (late embryogenesis abundant proteins – LEAPs) se smatra esencijalnim delom strategije tolerancije na desikaciju kod vaskrsnica. Ovu heterogenu grupu prirodno neuređenih proteina, povezanih sa anhidrobiozom, odlikuje visoka strukturna plastičnost koja im omogućava interakciju sa brojnim ligandima i partnerima. LEA proteini su uključeni u heliranje jona, stabilizaciju membrana i enzima tokom zamrzavanja ili suše. Cilj našeg istraživanja je procena potencijala izabranog LEA proteina iz ramonde da inhibira agregaciju α-sinukleina, otvarajući put ka razvoju novih terapija za lečenje neurodegenerativnih poremećaja poput Parkinskonove bolesti. Analiziranjem transkriptoma listova R. serbica i formiranjem baze podataka identifikovano je oko 165 proteina koji pripadaju LEA proteinskoj familiji. Na osnovu višestrukog poravnjanja aminokiselinskih sekvenci, predviđanja sekundarne strukture i 3D strukturnog modelinga, identifikovani LEA proteini su podeljeni u šest grupa (prema Pfam bazi podataka) i pokazano je sa velikom verovatnoćom da je više od 50 % LEA proteina u mogućnosti da formira α-helikse. Pomoću nekoliko bioinformatičkih alata predviđeno je da više od 70 % identifikovanih LEA proteina formira visoko neuređenu strukturu. Korišćenjem simulacije molekularne dinamike, identifikovane su najpovoljnije konformacije reprezentativnih LEA proteina. Tom prilikom je kod LEA proteina uočen gubitak sekundarne α-heliksne strukture u vodi, za razliku od globularnih proteina kada je ova struktura favorizovana. Strukturna karakterizacija LEA proteina je ključna za razumevanje njihove funkcije i regulaciju njihovog prelaska iz neuređene u uređenu konformaciju tokom desikacije. Ova saznanja bi trebalo da omoguće značajna napredovanja na različitim poljima, kao što je razvoj novih strategija u borbi protiv neurodegenerativnih poremećaja, tehnologija čuvanja zamrznutih ćelija, kao i na povećanje otpornosti useva na sušu

    De Novo Transcriptome Sequencing of Ramonda serbica: Identification of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins

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    An extreme loss of cellular water or desiccation (5-10% of relative water content) leads to protein denaturation, aggregation and degradation, and affects the fluidity of membrane lipids resulting in loss of membrane integrity [1]. The essential constituents of vegetative desiccation tolerance in so-called resurrection plants are late embryogenesis abundant proteins (LEAPs). This heterogeneous group of anhydrobiosis-related intrinsically disordered proteins forms mostly random conformation when fully hydrated, turning into compact α-helices during desiccation [2]. Based on in vitro studies, LEAPs can be involved in water binding, ion sequestration, stabilization of both membrane and enzymes during freezing or drying, while by forming intracellular proteinaceous condensates they increase structural integrity and intracellular viscosity of cells during desiccation. Here, we identify 164 members of LEA gene family in endemic and relict resurrection species Ramonda serbica by integrating previously done de novo transcriptome and homologues protein motifs. Identified LEAPs were classification into six groups according to Protein family (PFAM) database and the most populated group was LEA4 containing 47% of total identified LEAPs. By using four secondary structure predictors, we showed that this group exhibited a high propensity to form amphipathic α-helices (81% of total sequence length is predicted to form α-helical structure). This implies that charged residues might be exposed to the solvent, while hydrophobic amino acids might interact with lipid bilayers or with other target proteins in the cell. In addition, as predicted by several bioinformatic tools, more than 70% of identified LEAPs were found to be highly disordered (~64%). Structural characterization of LEAPs is a key to understand their function and regulation of their intrinsic structural disorder-to-order transition during desiccation. These findings will promote transformative advancements in various fields, such as the development of new strategies in neurodegenerative disorders, cell preservation technology and the improvement of crop drought tolerance.Book of Abstracts; Belgrade BioInformatics Conference 2021, 21-25 June 2021, Vinča, Serbi

    Characterization of outer membrane vesicles of plant growth promoting bacteria Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN

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    Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) are microorganisms present in plant rhizosphere that stimulate plant growth, as well as prime plants against abiotic and biotic stress. PGPB are also located in plant intercellular space and can directly interfere with plant pathogens. Many different mechanisms of interaction between plants and PGPB has been shown, but the interaction through outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) has only been proposed. OMVs are membrane-enclosed nanostructures produced by Gram-negative bacteria. Size of OMVs can range from 20 to 300 nm, depending on the strain. In this research, we determined optimal method for isolation of OMVs produced by Paraburkholderia phytofirmans PsJN, characterized the size range of OMVs, their concentration and origin. OMVs from PGPB PsJN have been isolated us\ing two methodological approaches: 1) differential centrifugation, ultrafiltration, and purification using Optiprep density gradient, and 2) OMV isolation by the commercial ExoBacteria OMV Isolation Kit that uses an affinity-based column system. Size and concentration of isolated OMVs were analyzed using Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA). As the OMVs are derived from outer membranes of bacteria, their origin has been proven using an essay for detection of lipopolysaccharides. In addition, protein profiles of OMV from PsJN were visualized by SDS-PAGE. Comparing different methods for isolation and purification of vesicles from PsJN we concluded that for our PGPB strain the commercial ExoBacteria OMV Isolation Kit provides the highest yield. Quantification of OMV using NTA of OMVs produced by P. phytofirmans PsJN, isolated with the commercial kit, showed a mean particle numeration of 4.05*109 particles/ml. Size of OMVs isolated from PsJN ranged from 50 to 200 nm. Detection of lipopolysaccharides confirmed that isolated vesicles originated from outer membranes of PsJN. These findings are the important first step in our research of the role of OMVs in PGPB interaction with plants.Book of abstract: ICGEB WORKSHOP; Trends in microbial solutions for sustainable agriculture, 13 – 15 September 2023. Belgrade, Serbi

    Dehydrins in the service of protecting the DNA helix from the aspect of molecular dynamics (MD)

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    Drought stress is one of the greatest threats to global food security, posing a major challenge to agriculture. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying desiccation tolerance in resurrection plants like Ramonda serbica Panc., can provide valuable insights for improving crop resilience. Dehydrins are intrinsically disordered proteins known to accumulate in these plants in response to desiccation. Among several proposed physiological roles, it has been suggested that dehydrins can protect DNA from damage during water shortage. Here, we have characterised dehydrins from R. serbica, selected a representative one and evaluated its potential to interact with DNA. Most of the R. serbica dehydrins were designated as hydrophilins (glycine content >6%; GRAVY index <1). They exhibit a high disorder propensity, making them quite dynamic in solution. Furthermore, they were predicted to localize in the nucleus. To examine the potential interactions with DNA in silico, we have selected a representative, highly hydrophilic dehydrin (Gravy index: –1.29) containing a high percentage of glycine (22.6%) and charged amino acids (lysine, glutamate and aspartate). Its 3D structures were determined using the Phyre 2 intensive modelling and AlphaFold. The dehydrin-DNA complex was manually adjusted, following molecular dynamic simulation (MDS) in both cases of hydration and desiccation. To simulate complete hydration, the DNAdehydrin complex was solvated in a water box, with final dimensions of 100×69×82 Å, neutralised with 0.15 M NaCl. The system underwent a 10,000-step energy minimization, consecutive 1250 ps equilibration NVE (constant number of atoms, volume and energy) heating from 10 K to 298 K and 100 ns NPT (constant number of atoms, pressure and temperature) MD production at 1 bar, and 1 fs integration step. In all simulations, periodic boundary conditions (PBC) were implemented and the CHARMM36 force field was used. The obtained results revealed that selected dehydrin can interact with both minor and major DNA grooves. The phosphate groups from the DNA molecule form salt bridges with the positively charged lysines from polylysine, K-segment, contributing to the complex stability. Overall, we have provided evidence for possible dehydrin-DNA interactions. However, the exact nature and significance of these interactions is still an area of active research in vitro.Book of abstract: 4th Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference, June 19-23, 202

    LEA4 proteins: How disordered are they?

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    Abstract book: 1st ML4NGP meeting on machine learning and non-globular proteins, July 5-7, 2023, Bratislava, Slovaki

    De Novo Transcriptome Sequencing of Ramonda serbica : Identification of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins

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    An extreme loss of cellular water or desiccation (5-10% of relative water content) leads to protein denaturation, aggregation and degradation, and affects the fluidity of membrane lipids resulting in loss of membrane integrity [1]. The essential constituents of vegetative desiccation tolerance in so-called resurrection plants are late embryogenesis abundant proteins (LEAPs). This heterogeneous group of anhydrobiosis-related intrinsically disordered proteins forms mostly random conformation when fully hydrated, turning into compact α-helices during desiccation [2]. Based on in vitro studies, LEAPs can be involved in water binding, ion sequestration, stabilization of both membrane and enzymes during freezing or drying, while by forming intracellular proteinaceous condensates they increase structural integrity and intracellular viscosity of cells during desiccation. Here, we identify 164 members of LEA gene family in endemic and relict resurrection species Ramonda serbica by integrating previously done de novo transcriptome and homologues protein motifs. Identified LEAPs were classification into six groups according to Protein family (PFAM) database and the most populated group was LEA4 containing 47% of total identified LEAPs. By using four secondary structure predictors, we showed that this group exhibited a high propensity to form amphipathic α-helices (81% of total sequence length is predicted to form α-helical structure). This implies that charged residues might be exposed to the solvent, while hydrophobic amino acids might interact with lipid bilayers or with other target proteins in the cell. In addition, as predicted by several bioinformatic tools, more than 70% of identified LEAPs were found to be highly disordered (~64%). Structural characterization of LEAPs is a key to understand their function and regulation of their intrinsic structural disorder-to-order transition during desiccation. These findings will promote transformative advancements in various fields, such as the development of new strategies in neurodegenerative disorders, cell preservation technology and the improvement of crop drought tolerance.Book of Abstracts; Belgrade BioInformatics Conference 2021, 21-25 June 2021, Vinča, Serbi

    De Novo Transcriptome Sequencing of Ramonda serbica: Identification of the Candidate Genes Involved in the Desiccation Tolerance

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    Introduction: Ramonda serbica Panc. is a resurrection plant that can survive a long period of severe dehydrationdesiccation. Desiccation induces cellular membrane integrity loss, protein aggregation, and denaturation, as well as accelerated generation of reactive oxygen species. However, R. serbica can fully recover its metabolic functions already one day upon watering [1]. Aim: to obtain more insight into the mechanisms of desiccation tolerance in R. serbica by differential de novo transcriptomics of hydrated (HL) and desiccated leaves (DL)

    Late embryogenesis abundant proteins: Structural characterisation and interaction with α-synuclein

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    Ressurection plants are extraordinary because of their ability to withstand long periods without water, enter a state of anhydrobiosis, and fully recover upon water arrival. Ramonda serbica is a relic and endemic species that belong to a very small group of desiccation-tolerant plants in Europe. Underlying physiological, molecular and morphological mechanisms that enable these plants to survive harsh environmental conditions have been an appealing subject to many researchers. Most of the genes responsible for this amazing ability are present in other plants, and this path of research where those genes could be activated in crops is growing much more attention because of the imminent crisis regarding food supplies in the near future. Key components involved in the response to dehydration in R. serbica plants were analysed through a comprehensive transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolite and photosynthetic study. Late embryogenesis abundant proteins play a significant role in the complex defence processes involved in desiccation tolerance. Defining physicochemical characteristics and specific physiological functions of late embryogenesis abundant proteins – LEAPs may lead to their applicability in other areas of research