355 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Penanganan Limbah Batik Di Kota Pekalongan

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan mengenai implementasi kebijakan penanganan limbah batik di Kota Pekalongan yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Lingkungan Hidup Kota Pekalongan. Kebijakan ini dilatar belakangi oleh perkembangan industri batik yang maju dan semakin banyak jumlahnya sehingga secara otomatis dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh limbah batik dan diterbitkannya Peraturan Daerah Kota Pekalongan Nomor 3 Tahun 2010 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Tujuan dari kebijakan ini adalah terciptanya bentuk pengendalian lingkungan akibat limbah batik yang dibuang sembarangan sehingga dapat terwujud kelestarian lingkungan hidup agar di masa mendatang setidaknya mengalami penurunan pencemaran limbah batik.Guna menjelasakan implementasi kebijakan penanganan limbah batik di Kota Pekalongan, maka digunakan metode mixed (antara metode kualitatif dan metode kuantitatif). Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah pemerintah yang diwakili oleh KLH, Dinas Kesehatan, pengusaha batik dan masyarakat. Adapun metode pengumpulan data adalah melalui wawancara, observasi, meneliti dokumen dan kuesioner yang dilakukan dengan pemilihan responden menggunakan purposive sampling dan random sampling.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hingga akhir tahun 2011 implementasi kebijakan penanganan limbah batik di Kota Pekalongan telah berjalan dengan kurang baik. Kebijakan ini sebenarnya dapat memberikan manfaat yang besar bagi terciptanya kelestarian lingkungan hidup sekitar. Akan tetapi dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan terdapat hambatan-hambatan seperti jumlah limbah batik semakin meningkat seiring berkembangnya industri, masuknya limbah batik yang berasal dari Kabupaten Pekalongan, biaya untuk penanganan limbah batik membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar. Sementara itu baik dari pengusaha batik maupun masyarakat menyatakan setuju apabila kebijakan penanganan limbah batik di Kota Pekalongan sangat perlu dilanjutkan karena mempunyai tujuan yang baik untuk mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui penanganan limbah batik yang sudah mencemari sungai di Kota PekalonganRekomendasi untuk penelitian mendatang, diperlukan peningkatan anggaran untuk pembangunan Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL), perlu ada evaluasi atau melakukan jejak pendapat mengenai pelaksanaan kebijakan ini kepada masyarakat, agar mengetahui bagaimana yang dirasakan dan diharapkan oleh masyarakat, Pemerintah Kota Pekalongan perlu membangun lokasi industri batik dalam satu tempat yang berada di wilayah pinggiran kota yang dapat menampung seluruh pengusaha batik

    Genebank ‐ in vitro propagation of potato and sweetpotato. CIP‐SOP056 V 3.0

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    This procedure describes the in vitro multiplication of potato and sweetpotato germplasm for international and national germplasm distribution, as well as, in vitro conservation, phytosanitary, and cryopreservation activities

    Quantifying Electrophoretic Deposition of Nanocrystal Superlattices Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance

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    Pantoea agglomerans bacteremia: A rare case of spontaneous human infection by a plant pathogen in an immunocompromised host.

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    Introduction: Pantoea agglomerans is a Gram negative ubiquitous bacteria commonly isolated from plant surfaces, seeds, fruits and animal/human feces usually introduced to human by ingestion of infected fruits/vegetables, thorn pricks and gastrointestinal translocation in lack of stomach acidity. However, the pathogen can also cause opportunistic human infection especially when the immune system is impaired. The aim of this case report is to investigate clinical features in a patient with P. agglomerans bacteremia and bring attention the opportunistic infection by this rare bacteria. Case presentation: We present a case of 57 year old caucasian lady with past medical history of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Atrial fibrillation, Immunoglobulin (IgG) deficiency, recurrent pneumonia, urine infection, oral/vaginal candidiasis, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease who presents with one week history of increased shortness of breath, chest tightness and productive cough without fever/chills. She also had high INR of 4.7 (target 2-3) despite taking normal dose of warfarin. She denies plant exposure. Her vitals were stable, saturation maintained with oxygen supplementation. Chest exam revealed very poor air entry bilaterally suggesting exacerbation of COPD. Oral thrush was present. Recent IgG level within last 6 months was low. Blood culture grew Pantoea agglomerans, pan-sensitive to most of the antibiotics. Chest X ray, CT scan abdomen and urine studies could not localize the source of infection. She was treated with Ceftriaxone, INR normalized to therapeutic range and she improved to baseline after 10 days of treatment. Discussion and conclusion: P. agglomerans is a rare cause of bacteremia which usually presents as fever, chills and general toxicity, however could also present as a cause of exacerbation of chronic diseases. Spontaneous infection can occur in a immunocompromised host, however the pathogen is of low virulence. The link between upper GI symptoms along with antacid receipt and spontaneous P. agglomerans infection could be possible, however needs further study. Hence, P. agglomerans should be considered one of the possible cause of spontaneous bacteremia in a immunocompromised host

    Genebank ‐ propagacion in vitro de papa y camote. CIP - SOP056 V 3.0

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    Este procedimiento describe la multiplicacion de germoplasma in vitro de papa y camote para la distribucion internacional, nacional y dentro del CIP, asi como para actividades de conservacion in vitro, fitosanidad y crioconservacio

    Impact of climate change on phenology of Rhododendron arboreum Sm., Myrica esculenta Buch.­Ham. ex D. Don and Alnus nepalensis D. Don

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    This study was objectively carried out to show the trend of climatic variables to determine the effect of climatic variables on seasons and assess the response of phenology of a tree rhododendron Rhododendron arboreum Sm., kaphal Myrica esculenta Buch.­Ham. ex D. Don and the Nepalese alder Alnus nepalensis D. Don at Bakte, Devithan and Nagarkot forests of Kavreplanchok district, Nepal. Climatic data such as rainfall and temperature from 1947 to 2016, were collected. Maps of selected sites were prepared and stratified into tree rhododendron, kaphal and Nepalese alder block. Altogether 60 samples having 10 × 10 m were collected from different directions (South, North, East and West). The diameter and height of seedlings were recorded and temperature was registered between February 18 to March 15, 2018. The total of 50 households was surveyed to get familiar with the ideas about climate change and its impacts on phenology. The result showed the highest average annual temperature around 17.41 °C in 2012, while rainfall was recorded highest about 2345.5 mm in 1985. The estimated highest monsoon temperature was 22.61 °C in 2012 and the lowest 8.93 °C in winter 1997. The (1947–2016) winter rainfall shows increasing by 0.05 mm but monsoon rainfall is decreasing by 2.99 mm annually. Direct measurements of temperature for 26 days showed the highest 26.5 °C on March 14 and the lowest 21.8 °C in February 18, 2018. The highest number of flowers of tree rhododendron and kaphal was found in southern aspect. The flowering started 15–30 days earlier its normal date, which was also confirmed by local people. Height growth of seedlings of tree rhododendron was 1.5 cm at southern aspect. This research will be useful for science community and policy makers