427 research outputs found

    Physical properties of Tolman-Bayin solutions: some cases of static charged fluid spheres in general relativity

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    In this article, Einstein-Maxwell space-time has been considered in connection to some of the astrophysical solutions as previously obtained by Tolman (1939) and Bayin (1978). The effect of inclusion of charge into these solutions has been investigated thoroughly and also the nature of fluid pressure and mass density throughout the sphere have been discussed. Mass-radius and mass-charge relations have been derived for various cases of the charged matter distribution. Two cases are obtained where perfect fluid with positive pressures give rise to electromagnetic mass models such that gravitational mass is of purely electromagnetic origin.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Discovery of a Nearby Low-Surface-Brightness Spiral Galaxy

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    During the course of a search for compact, isolated gas clouds moving with anomalous velocities in or near our own Galaxy (Braun and Burton 1998 A&A, in press), we have discovered, in the data of the Leiden/Dwingeloo survey (Hartmann and Burton 1997, Atlas of Galactic Neutral Hydrogen, CUP) of Galactic hydrogen, the HI signature of a large galaxy, moving at a recession velocity of 282 km/s, with respect to our Galaxy. Deep multicolor and spectroscopic optical observations show the presence of star formation in scattered HII regions; radio HI synthesis interferometry confirms that the galaxy is rich in HI and has the rotation signature of a spiral galaxy; a submillimeter observation failed to detect the CO molecule. The radio and optical evidence combined suggest its classification as a low-surface-brightness spiral galaxy. It is located in close spatial and kinematic proximity to the galaxy NGC 6946. The newly-discovered galaxy, which we call Cepheus 1, is at a distance of about 6 Mpc. It is probably to be numbered amongst the nearest few LSB spirals.Comment: 13 page LaTeX, requires aastex, 4 GIF figures. Accepted for publication in the AJ, January 199

    Multi locus sequence typing of Chlamydiales: clonal groupings within the obligate intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The obligate intracellular growing bacterium <it>Chlamydia trachomatis </it>causes diseases like trachoma, urogenital infection and lymphogranuloma venereum with severe morbidity. Several serovars and genotypes have been identified, but these could not be linked to clinical disease or outcome. The related <it>Chlamydophila pneumoniae</it>, of which no subtypes are recognized, causes respiratory infections worldwide. We developed a multi locus sequence typing (MLST) scheme to understand the population genetic structure and diversity of these species and to evaluate the association between genotype and disease.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A collection of 26 strains of <it>C. trachomatis </it>of different serovars and clinical presentation and 18 strains of <it>C. pneumoniae </it>were included in the study. For comparison, sequences of <it>C. abortus, C. psittaci</it>, <it>C. caviae</it>, <it>C. felis</it>, <it>C. pecorum </it>(<it>Chlamydophila</it>), <it>C. muridarum </it>(<it>Chlamydia</it>) and of <it>Candidatus protochlamydia </it>and <it>Simkania negevensis </it>were also included. Sequences of fragments (400 – 500 base pairs) from seven housekeeping genes (<it>enoA</it>, <it>fumC</it>, <it>gatA</it>, <it>gidA</it>, <it>hemN</it>, <it>hlfX</it>, <it>oppA</it>) were analysed. Analysis of allelic profiles by eBurst revealed three non-overlapping clonal complexes among the <it>C. trachomatis </it>strains, while the <it>C. pneumoniae </it>strains formed a single group. An UPGMA tree produced from the allelic profiles resulted in three groups of sequence types. The LGV strains grouped in a single cluster, while the urogenital strains were distributed over two separated groups, one consisted solely of strains with frequent occurring serovars (E, D and F). The distribution of the different serovars over the three groups was not consistent, suggesting exchange of serovar encoding <it>ompA </it>sequences. In one instance, exchange of <it>fumC </it>sequences between strains of different groups was observed. Cluster analyses of concatenated sequences of the Chlamydophila and Chlamydia species together with those of <it>Candidatus Protochlamydia amoebophila </it>and <it>Simkania negevensis </it>resulted in a tree identical to that obtained with 23S RNA gene sequences.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These data show that <it>C. trachomatis </it>and <it>C. pneumoniae </it>are highly uniform. The difference in genetic diversity between <it>C. trachomatis </it>and <it>C. pneumoniae </it>is in concordance with a later assimilation to the human host of the latter. Our data supports the taxonomy of the order of <it>Chlamydiales</it>.</p

    Multi Locus Sequence Typing of Chlamydia Reveals an Association between Chlamydia psittaci Genotypes and Host Species

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    Chlamydia comprises a group of obligate intracellular bacterial parasites responsible for a variety of diseases in humans and animals, including several zoonoses. Chlamydia trachomatis causes diseases such as trachoma, urogenital infection and lymphogranuloma venereum with severe morbidity. Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common cause of community-acquired respiratory tract infections. Chlamydia psittaci, causing zoonotic pneumonia in humans, is usually hosted by birds, while Chlamydia abortus, causing abortion and fetal death in mammals, including humans, is mainly hosted by goats and sheep. We used multi-locus sequence typing to asses the population structure of Chlamydia. In total, 132 Chlamydia isolates were analyzed, including 60 C. trachomatis, 18 C. pneumoniae, 16 C. abortus, 34 C. psittaci and one of each of C. pecorum, C. caviae, C. muridarum and C. felis. Cluster analyses utilizing the Neighbour-Joining algorithm with the maximum composite likelihood model of concatenated sequences of 7 housekeeping fragments showed that C. psittaci 84/2334 isolated from a parrot grouped together with the C. abortus isolates from goats and sheep. Cluster analyses of the individual alleles showed that in all instances C. psittaci 84/2334 formed one group with C. abortus. Moving 84/2334 from the C. psittaci group to the C. abortus group resulted in a significant increase in the number of fixed differences and elimination of the number of shared mutations between C. psittaci and C. abortus. C. psittaci M56 from a muskrat branched separately from the main group of C. psittaci isolates. C. psittaci genotypes appeared to be associated with host species. The phylogentic tree of C. psittaci did not follow that of its host bird species, suggesting host species jumps. In conclusion, we report for the first time an association between C. psittaci genotypes with host species

    Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma Maria P:ssä

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    Tiivistelmä Tekijät: Paananen Riina ja Korkiakoski Merika Työn nimi: Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma Maria P:ssä Tutkintonimike: Restonomi (AMK), matkailun koulutus Asiasanat: tapahtuma, viini, viininmaistelu, Chile Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja järjestää Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma. Tapahtuman toimeksiantajana toimi kajaanilainen yritys Viinibaari Maria P. Tapahtuma haluttiin toteuttaa baarin imagoon sopivaksi. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada Viini-baarille lisää asiakkaita tutustuttamalla kokemattomia viininmaistajia viineihin. Työ oli toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö, jonka tuotoksena oli Viininmaistelun alkeet -tapahtuma. Opinnäytetyöhön kerättiin teoriapohjaa viininmaistelusta sekä viinin ja ruoan yhdistämisestä, Chilestä viinimaana ja tapahtuman järjestämisestä. Näitä kaikkia käytettiin lopullisen tuotoksen valmistumiseen. Toteutuksen arviointina toimi tapahtumaan osallistuneilta saatu kirjallinen palaute. Palautteen mukaan kehittämistehtävän toteutuksessa onnistuttiin hyvin, sillä opinnäytetyön ennalta määritellyt tavoitteet saavutettiin. Opinnäytetyötä voidaan käyttää apuna jatkossa vastaavien tapahtumien suunnittelussa.Abstract Authors: Paananen Riina & Korkiakoski Merika Title of the Publication: Basics of wine tasting- event Degree title: Bachelor of Hospitality Management Keywords: event, wine, tasting, Chile The purpose for this thesis was to plan and arrange Basics of wine tasting –event. The commissioner for this thsesis was a local bar in Kajaani called Viinibaari Maria P. The event was planned to suit the imago of the bar. The objective of the thesis was to gain more customers to Viinibaari Maria P by introducing various wines to novice wine tasters. This research was a functional thesis which produced the Basics wine tasting event. The theory of this thesis focused on wine tasting, combining wine and food, Chile as a wine producer, and on planning and arranging an event. The feedback for the execution consists of the feedback forms that the customers of the event were asked to fill in. In addition observation method was used for evaluation. According to the feedback the event was successful because the objective of the thesis was reached. Our conclusion is that this thesis can be used as a guide in planning similar events

    The period and amplitude changes of Polaris (alpha UMi) from 2003 to 2007 measured with SMEI

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    We present an analysis of 4.5 years of high precision (0.1%) space-based photometric measurements of the Cepheid variable Polaris, obtained by the broad band Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) instrument on board the Coriolis satellite. The data span from April 2003 to October 2007, with a cadence of 101 minutes and a fill factor of 70%. We have measured the mean peak to peak amplitude across the whole set of observations to be 25 mmag. There is, however, a clear trend that the size of the oscillations has been increasing during the observations, with peak to peak variations less than 22 mmag in early 2003, increasing to around 28 mmag by October 2007, suggesting that the peak to peak amplitude is increasing at a rate of 1.39 \pm 0.12 mmag yr^{-1}. Additionally, we have combined our new measurements with archival measurements to measure a rate of period change of 4.90 \pm 0.26 s yr^{-1} over the last 50 years. However, there is some suggestion that the period of Polaris has undergone a recent decline, and combined with the increased amplitude, this could imply evolution away from an overtone pulsation mode into the fundamental or a double pulsation mode depending on the precise mass of Polaris.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, accepted in MNRA