170 research outputs found

    Magnon-photon coupling in the noncollinear magnetic insulator Cu 2 OSeO 3

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    Anticrossing behavior between magnons in the noncollinear chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3 and a two-mode X-band microwave resonator was studied in the temperature range 5–100 K. In the field-induced ferrimagnetic phase, we observed a strong-coupling regime between magnons and two microwave cavity modes with a cooperativity reaching 3600. In the conical phase, cavity modes are dispersively coupled to a fundamental helimagnon mode, and we demonstrate that the magnetic phase diagram of Cu2OSeO3 can be reconstructed from the measurements of the cavity resonance frequency. In the helical phase, a hybridized state of a higher-order helimagnon mode and a cavity mode—a helimagnon polariton—was found. Our results reveal a class of magnetic systems where strong coupling of microwave photons to nontrivial spin textures can be observed

    Antimicrobial peptides expression by ocular surface cells in response to Acanthamoeba castellanii: an in vitro study

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    International audienceAims: Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are natural effectors of the innate immune response. Much work has been done to study their response and effects on bacterial and viral infection. Little if any information is available in relation to protozoal infections. Our aim was to comprehensively study the gene expression of the ocular AMPs in human corneal limbal epithelial cells (HCLE) stimulated with Acanthamoeba castellanii (AC). Methods: Human corneal limbal epithelial cells were exposed to AC at different time points, up to 9 hours, the genomic profile of the AMPs were analysed at these time point using real time PCR. HCLE cells not infected with AC were used as controls. Results: Seven of the 8 studied AMPs showed statistically significant upregulation in gene expression. Human beta Defensin 3 (hBD3) showed a very significant 10 fold upregulation in the exposed cells and Ribonuclease-7 (RNase-7) showed a very early and consistent increase. Human beta Defensin 1 (hBD1) was the only downregulated AMP. Conclusions: The study data suggests a possible role of the AMPs in combating the amoebic infection at the ocular surface. Using AMPs singly or in combination is a promising avenue for further exploration in the treatment of the sight threatening Acanthamoeba keratitis

    An improved algorithm for optimal load shedding in power systems

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    A blackout is usually the result of load increasing beyond the transmission capacity of the power system. A collapsing system enters a contingency state before the blackout. This contingency state is characterized by a decline in the bus voltage magnitudes. To avoid blackouts, power systems may start shedding load when a contingency state occurs called under voltage load shedding (UVLS). The success of a UVLS scheme in arresting the contingency state depends on shedding the optimum amount of load at the optimum time and location. This paper proposes a hybrid algorithm based on genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO). The proposed algorithm can be used to find the optimal amount of load shed for systems under stress (overloaded) in smart grids. The proposed algorithm uses the fast voltage stability index (FVSI) to determine the weak buses in the system and then calculates the optimal amount of load shed to recover a collapsing system. The performance analysis shows that the proposed algorithm can improve the voltage profile by 0.022 per units with up to 75% less load shedding and a convergence time that is 53% faster than GA

    Decarbonize Russia — A Best–Worst Method Approach for Assessing the Renewable Energy Potentials, Opportunities and Challenges

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    Russia is known to be a country with enormous energy resources both renewables and non-renewables. Much of the country's effort towards energy generation has been on the development of the non-renewables over the years. This study examined the opportunities and challenges in Russia's Renewable energy (RE) sector. By coupling both interviews and literature reviews, a total of 8 main opportunities and 7 key challenges were identified and discussed. The Best–Worst-Method was used to assign weights to the various factors using inputs of 30 experienced experts in Russia's RE sector. According to the obtained results, the most significant opportunity that the country would have to take advantage of is the opportunity to export RE outside the shores of the country, it recorded 27.7 percent. This is followed by the country's target for the RE sector which scored 18%, hydrogen production and need to meet local energy requirements followed with 12% each. The greatest challenge which also serve as a hindrance to the development of RE in the country is the low attention given to clean technologies from government, it recorded a weight of 31.4%. This is followed by unequal playing field, and strict local content requirements which recorded 17.9% and 13.5%, respectively. The study ended with some strategic recommendations to authorities for the development of the sector. © 2021 The Authors

    Modeling of Efficient Control Strategies for LCC-HVDC Systems: A Case Study of Matiari–Lahore HVDC Power Transmission Line

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    With the recent development in power electronic devices, HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) systems have been recognized as the most prominent solution to transmit electric power economically. Today, several HVDC projects have been implemented physically. The conventional HVDC systems use grid commutation converters, and its commutation relies on an AC system for the provision of voltage. Due to this reason, there are possibilities of commutation failure during fault. Furthermore, once the DC (Direct Current) system power is interrupted momentarily, the reversal of work power is likely to cause transient over-voltage, which will endanger the safety of power grid operation. Hence, it is necessary to study the commutation failure and transient over-voltage issues. To tackle the above issues, in this paper, the dynamic and transient characteristics of Pakistan’s first HVDC project, i.e., the Matiari–Lahore ±660 kV transmission line has been analyzed in an electromagnetic transient model of PSCAD/EMTDC. Based on the characteristics of the DC and the off-angle after the failure, a new control strategy has been proposed. The HVDC system along with its proposed control strategy has been tested under various operating conditions. The proposed controller increases the speed of fault detection, reduces the drop of AC voltage and DC and suppresses the commutation failure probability of LCC-HVDC (line commutated converter-high voltage direct current). © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Treatment of active lupus nephritis with the novel immunosuppressant 15-deoxyspergualin: an open-label dose escalation study

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    Introduction: As the immunosuppressive potency of 15-deoxyspergualin (DSG) has been shown in the therapy of renal transplant rejection and Wegener's granulomatosis, the intention of this study was to evaluate the safety of DSG in the therapy of lupus nephritis (LN). Methods: Patients with histologically proven active LN after prior treatment with at least one immunosuppressant were treated with 0.5 mg/kg normal body weight/day DSG, injected subcutaneously for 14 days, followed by a break of one week. These cycles were repeated to a maximum of 9 times. Doses of oral corticosteroids were gradually reduced to 7.5 mg/day or lower by cycle 4. Response was measured according to a predefined decision pattern. The dose of DSG was adjusted depending on the efficacy and side effects. Results: 21 patients were included in this phase-I/II study. After the first DSG injection, one patient was excluded from the study due to renal failure. 5 patients dropped out due to adverse events or serious adverse events including fever, leukopenia, oral candidiasis, herpes zoster or pneumonia. 11/20 patients achieved partial (4) or complete responses (7), 8 were judged as treatment failures and one patient was not assessable. 12 patients completed all 9 cycles; in those patients, proteinuria decreased from 5.88g/day to 3.37g/day (P = 0.028), Selena-SLEDAI decreased from 17.6 to 11.7. In 13/20 patients, proteinuria decreased by at least 50%; in 7 patients to less than 1g/day. Conclusions: Although the number of patients was small, we could demonstrate that DSG provides a tolerably safe treatment for LN. The improvement in proteinuria encourages larger controlled trials

    Histone H1 Depletion Impairs Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation

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    Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are known to possess a relatively open chromatin structure; yet, despite efforts to characterize the chromatin signatures of ESCs, the role of chromatin compaction in stem cell fate and function remains elusive. Linker histone H1 is important for higher-order chromatin folding and is essential for mammalian embryogenesis. To investigate the role of H1 and chromatin compaction in stem cell pluripotency and differentiation, we examine the differentiation of embryonic stem cells that are depleted of multiple H1 subtypes. H1c/H1d/H1e triple null ESCs are more resistant to spontaneous differentiation in adherent monolayer culture upon removal of leukemia inhibitory factor. Similarly, the majority of the triple-H1 null embryoid bodies (EBs) lack morphological structures representing the three germ layers and retain gene expression signatures characteristic of undifferentiated ESCs. Furthermore, upon neural differentiation of EBs, triple-H1 null cell cultures are deficient in neurite outgrowth and lack efficient activation of neural markers. Finally, we discover that triple-H1 null embryos and EBs fail to fully repress the expression of the pluripotency genes in comparison with wild-type controls and that H1 depletion impairs DNA methylation and changes of histone marks at promoter regions necessary for efficiently silencing pluripotency gene Oct4 during stem cell differentiation and embryogenesis. In summary, we demonstrate that H1 plays a critical role in pluripotent stem cell differentiation, and our results suggest that H1 and chromatin compaction may mediate pluripotent stem cell differentiation through epigenetic repression of the pluripotency genes