110 research outputs found

    Carrying Capacity Estimation of Herbicide-Treated and Untreated Palm Oil Plantation for Bali Cows

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    This study aims to estimate the carrying capacity of oil palm plantations with the use of herbicides based on the forage availability for Bali cows. The research was performed in palm oil plantation owned by PTPN V Riau, from March 2016 until March 2017. The parameters observed were 1) Forage production that grows between palm trees at 6 weeks cutting age. The forage sample was taken from 5 point of 1x1m2, then subjected to proximate analysis. Data were analyzed with one-way random design, 2) Forage consumption; obtained by observation of 5 pregnant Bali cow and 7 non-pregnant for seven consecutive days 3). Estimated carrying capacity for Bali cows, obtained from the calculation of forage production (/ha/year) divided by forage consumption. The result of the research showed that 1). The production of dry matter (DM) forage in herbicide-treated areas was 689.55 kg/ha/year, not significantly different compared to untreated areas (622.33 kg/ha/year). Crude protein (CP) forage content of forage obtained from herbicide-treated area was significantly higher (p<0.05) than untreated area, whereas the total content of DM and total digestible nutrients (TDN) was not significantly different. DM consumption of pregnant Bali cow was on average 3.68±0.29 kg/head/day or 1,343.20±105.85 kg/head/year and non-pregnant 4.02±0.36 kg/head/day or 1,467.30±131.4 kg/head/year. The estimated carrying capacity on herbicide-treated (0.51 head of pregnant cow/ha), did not show any significant difference compared to untreated area (0.46 head/ha). For non-pregnant, the carrying capacity of herbicide-treated area (0.47 head/ha) was not different with non-treated area (0.42 head/ha). It was concluded that the use of herbicide on palm oil plantation had no effect on the carrying capacity of the Bali cow

    Pengaruh Buka-Tutup Kandang terhadap Kenyamanan dan Kinerja Produksi Sapi Peranakan Ongole (The Effects of Opening and Closing of House on the Ongole Crossbred Cattle’s Comfort and Performances)

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    This experiment was conducted to observe the effects of opening and closing of house on the Ongole Crossbred cattle’s comfort and performances. Nine bulls were divided into three groups of housing. The first group was taken care in the house which was opened in the noon and closed in the night (open-closed house), the second was in the closed house, and the third was in the opened house. The experiment was held for 90 days. The data collected were room condition (wind speed, temperature and humidity), physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance for completely randomized design. The analysis was continued by least significant difference test if there were differences. The result showed that wind’s speed in the open-closed house was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the noon and significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the night. There was no significantly difference on the room’s temperature among three types of house. Room’s humidity in the open-closed housed was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the daytime and significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the nighttime. There were no significant difference on the cattle’s physiological conditions, behaviors, physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion among three groups. It wasconcluded that opening in the daytime and closing in the nighttime of house had no effect on the Ongole Cross Breed cattle’s comfort and performances.(Key words: Open-closed house, Comfort, Performance, Ongole crossbred cattle

    Pengaruh Buka-Tutup Kandang terhadap Kenyamanan dan Kinerja Produksi Sapi Peranakan Ongole (The Effects of Opening and Closing of House on the Ongole Crossbred Cattle’s Comfort and Performances)

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    This experiment was conducted to observe the effects of opening and closing of house on the Ongole Crossbred cattle’s comfort and performances. Nine bulls were divided into three groups of housing. The first group was taken care in the house which was opened in the noon and closed in the night (open-closed house), the second was in the closed house, and the third was in the opened house. The experiment was held for 90 days. The data collected were room condition (wind speed, temperature and humidity), physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance for completely randomized design. The analysis was continued by least significant difference test if there were differences. The result showed that wind’s speed in the open-closed house was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the noon and significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the night. There was no significantly difference on the room’s temperature among three types of house. Room’s humidity in the open-closed housed was significantly lower (P<0.05) than that in the closed house in the daytime and significantly higher (P<0.05) than that in the opened house in the nighttime. There were no significant difference on the cattle’s physiological conditions, behaviors, physiological conditions, behaviors, feed and water intake, average daily gain and feed conversion among three groups. It was concluded that opening in the daytime and closing in the nighttime of house had no effect on the Ongole Cross Breed cattle’s comfort and performances. (Key words: Open-closed house, Comfort, Performance, Ongole crossbred cattle

    Effect of Different Pre-Freezing Time on Quality of Frozen Fat-Tailed Ram Semen

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    This study aimed to determining the effect of temperature changes on the sperm quality of fat-tailed sheep during the freezing process using a microcontroller. This study was conducted from April to October 2018 at the Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science UGM. The study was used twelve mature ram. The methods were conducted by collecting semen using artificial vagina, semen dilution, freezing semen, thawing and semen quality test. The pre-freezing temperature time were grouped for 6, 9, and 12 minutes. Data of frozen semen quality (motility, viability, and abnormality) the data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the study was arranged using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The average of spermatozoa motility after semen freezing with a 5 to -140°C decrease in pre freezing temperature for 12 minutes (50±5.3%) was significantly different (P<0.05) compared to 9 minutes (48±4.8%) and 6 minutes (43±4.8%). The average of spermatozoa viability after semen freezing with a decrease in pre freezing temperature of 5 to -140°C for 12 minutes (55±4.7%) was significantly different (P<0.05) compared to that for 9 minutes (52±3.5%) and 6 minutes (49±5.7%). The average of spermatozoa abnormality after freezing with a decrease in pre freezing temperature of 5 to -140°C for 6, 9, and 12 minutes was not significantly different (10±2.4%, 9±0.8%, and 10±0.9%, respectively). Based on the findings, it is possible to conclude that semen freezing at a lower pre-freezing temperature of 0 to -140°C for 12 minutes can improve the quality of freezing results

    Body Weight, Physiological Status and Volatile Fatty Acid on Kacang and Etawah Crossbreed Goat by Reduction and Refeeding of Feed Quantity

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    The aimed of this study was to observe the effect of feed restriction and refeeding on body weight, physiological status and blood VFA on Kacang and Etawah Crossbreed Goat. Eight male goats consisting of 4 Kacang Goats and 4 Etawah Crossbred goats were used as experiment objects in this study. Both types of goats were subjected to the same treatment (three phases). First was adaptation, feed was given gradualy until reach the intended amount. Secondly, the feed was reduced by giving as much as 1.7% dry matter of body weight for each; thirdly, both goats were fed on ad libitum (refeeding phase). The variables observed were body weight changes, physiological status and blood VFA. The data obtained were analyzed by Various Random Test using Completely Randomized Design (RAL) on 2x2 factorial patterns. Duncan Multiple Range Test was used to test treatments that significantly different. The results showed that the pattern of changes in body weight on both goats breeds were relatively similar. Physiological status (pulse, rectal and respiratory temperature) on both breed of goats were not significantly different. However, decrease in the amount of feed impacted in the decrease in body temperature, pulsus and respiration, although it was still within normal range. The same also happened on blood VFA levels. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that breed differences breed of goat did not affect the physiological condition of goat. Differences in the amount of feed affect the physiological conditions and the performance of goat production


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan sekam padi sebagai sumber serat dalam ransum berbasis limbah pangan hotel kering terhadap pertumbuhan dan karakteristik karkas ternak babi. Dua puluh empat ekorbabi persilangan Landrace x Yorkshire jantan kastrasi, dengan umur 2 bulan dan berat badan 26,15±0,73 kg dibagi dalam empat kelompok perlakuan ransum, yaitu tanpa sekam padi (R0), 10% sekam padi (R1), 20% sekam padi (R2), dan 30% sekam padi (R3). Penelitian menggunakan kandang individu dengan lantai beton, berukuran panjang 1,9 m dan lebar 0,5 m. Pakan diberikan secara ad libitum. Pengamatan dilaksanakan selama 10 minggu. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola searah. Apabila terdapat perbedaan, analisis dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan Duncan’s new Multiple Range Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsumsi pakan kelompok R1 adalah 2,85±0,12 kg BK/ekor/hari, lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada kelompok R0, R2, dan R3 yang berturut-turut hanya 2,66±0,86; 2,64±0,04 dan 2,63±0,03 kg BK/ekor/hari. Konsumsi pakan berdasarkan berat badan metabolis kelompok R0 adalah 126,11±2,97 g BK/kg BB0,75/hari, lebih rendah (P<0,05) daripada R1 yaitu 131,32±2,07 g BK/kg BB0,75/hari. Berat badan akhir, pertambahan berat badan harian, berat potong, berat karkas, dan loin eye area kelompok R3 berturutturutadalah 84,33±4,67 kg; 0,83±0,06 kg/ekor/hari; 83,83±3,40 kg; 53,50±1,80 kg dan 29,00±2,65 cm2, lebih rendah (P<0,05) daripada R1 yang berturut-turut 95,00±4,37 kg; 0,98±0,06 kg/ekor/hari; 92,33±2,89 kg; 67,83±0,58 kg dan35,67±2,52 cm2. Konversi pakan kelompok R3 adalah 3,18±0,20, lebih tinggi (P<0,05) daripada R0 dan R1 yang berturut-turut hanya 2,89±0,20 dan 2,90±0,07. Persentase karkas kelompok R3 adalah 63,86±2,55%, lebih rendah(P<0,05) daripada ketiga kelompok lainnya yang berturut-turut 72,88±0,96; 73,51±2,09 dan 70,71±0,33%. Lemak punggung kelompok R0 adalah 3,55±0,16 cm, lebih tebal (P<0,05) daripada R2 dan R3 yang berturut-turut hanya2,97±0,35 dan 2,48±0,19 cm. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan sekam padi pada konsentrasi 10% dalam ransum berbasis limbah pangan hotel kering mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan karkas ternak babi.(Kata kunci: Sekam padi, Limbah pangan hotel, Pertumbuhan, Karkas, Babi

    The Effect of Season on the Feed Quantity and Quality and Growth Performance of Male Bali Cattle Fattened in Smallholder Farms

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    The research was aimed to determine the effect of season on feed quantity and quality, and growth performance of male Bali cattle fattened in smallholder farms. Observation from January to March for rainy season and June to August for dry season. Feed quantity and quality were observed covering all feedstuff used farmers in fattening. Cattle used for rainy season was 50 heads aged 1.5 – 4.0 years with initial body weight (BW) 188.03±31.85 kg. In dry season, observation was continued for the same cattle as many as 35 heads aged 2.0 – 4.5 years and initial BW was 261.80±38.46 kg. Data were analyzed by quantitative descriptiption for feed quantity and quality, while growth performance were analyzed by independent T-Test. Results of study showed the dominant type of feedstuff used during rainy and dry season were L.leucocephala (56.00 vs 33.14%), Zea mays fresh straw 18.44% (rainy season), natural grass (13.00 vs 22.25%), P.purpuroides (3.68 vs 3.99%) and G.sepium (1.36 vs 29.69%). Crude protein (CP) of L.leucocephala and G.sepium higher during the dry season, while S. grandiflora, natural grass, and P.purpuroides higher in rainy season. The DMD (%) of L. leucocephala and S. grandiflora in rainy and dry seasons were almost the same, but G.sepium had DMD higher in dry season. The OMD L.leucocephala and G. sepium higher during the dry season, while the S.grandiflora had higher during the rainy season. Natural grass and P.purpuroides had DMD and OMD higher during the rainy season. Dry matter intake (kg/head/day) of cattle during dry season was higher (P<0.01), but rainy season ADG and FCR was higher (P<0.01). It can be concluded the feed used by farmers during the rainy season was more varied, with better quality. As a result, the performance of Bali cattle fattened was higher in the rainy season than in the dry season

    The Effect of High Quality Feed Supplement on Growth Performance Post-Weaning Calves

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    This research aimed to evaluate the effect of high quality feed supplement (HQFS) in growth performance of post-weaning calves. Twenty four calves post-weaning aged 6 months old, consisting of 12 males and 12 females, randomly divided into 2 groups, each group consisting of 6 calves. Grouping male and female calves fed control feed plus HQFS, was formulated from corn grain, corn gluten meal (CGM), pollard, soybean meal (SBM), wheat flour and agromix booster (treatment diet) as first group (treatment), and the second group was fed control feed without addition of HQFS (control). This study was conducted for 6 weeks. The variables observed included feed intake (dry matter, crude protein, and TDN), weight gain, feed conversion, feed cost per gain and body size (body length, chest girth, and withers height). The treatment was in factorial 2x2 in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Growth performance of post weaning calves were analyzed as repeated measures with feed (treatment and control) and sex (male and female) as factors.  Results showed that the CP consumption, ADG and chest girth of treatment group was higher than (P<0.01) than the control group (0.42 and 0.34 kg/d, 0.95 and 0.71 kg/d, and 12.41 and 8.25 cm). TDN consumption, feed conversion, and body length of the treatment group were higher (P<0.05) than the control group (3.08 and 2.57 kg/d, 3.64 and 4.86, and 8.12 and 5.95 cm). DM consumption, chest girth and feed cost per gain of treatment and control group were not significant (3.87 and 3.69 kg/d, 7.30 and 6.72 cm, and IDR 16,280.00 and IDR 19,167.00). There was no difference between the growth of post-weaning calves between the male and female groups. There was no interaction between feed type and sex of the post-weaning calves. The conclusion of this study was that post-weaning calves fed HQFS (20.2%) produced better growth performance than controls

    Potential Analysis and Development Strategies Based on Zoning For Beef Cattle Farming in Kepulauan Bangka-Belitung Province

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    This research was aimed in detemining the potency mapping and development strategies based on zoning for beef cattle farming in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province. This research was implemented by using two-stages survey method. The first stage was analyzing and making regional potency mapping from secondary data with potential index analyses. The second stage was observing the results of the observation, an in-depth interview, and focus group discussion towards 42 respondents consisted of 14 cattle farmers, 5 cattle sellers, 5 agriculture agency officers, and 18 officials who were in charge of the cattle function in regency/city. Purposive sampling was used to choose respondents. Meanwhile, the data analysis used SWOT analysis. The results of potency mapping showed that Bangka had the highest index (the most potential). Pangkalpinang had the lowest index (potential). The qualitative SWOT analysis resulted in the strategy of SO (Strength-Opportunity), WO (Weakness-Opportunity), ST (Strength-Treat), and WT (Weakness-Threats). Qualitative analysis of SWOT showed the internal factor -0,153 (x) and external factor 0,34 (y). The strategies were in quadrant III; changing the policies by minimizing the weakness to take advantage of opportunities. The analysis for RTRW documents and the result of SWOT analysis generated 6 (six) zones and development priorities. Thus, the development plan of beef cattle consisted of priority zones: 1). I: production center and product processing in Bangka Tengah; 2) II: Cattle farmer integration in Bangka, Bangka Barat, and Belitung Timur; 3) III: Cattle farming in a previously ex-mining land in Bangka, Bangka Barat, and Belitung Timur; 4) IV: production center with local based feed production in Bangka Selatan; 5) V: Modern cattle farm with technology-based in Pangkalpinang; 6) VI: Animal farm with agrotourism based in Pangkalpinang and Belitung. 

    Tingkat Hubungan Antara Variabel Penduga Bobot Daging (Carcass Cutability) Karkas Segar Sapi Simpo Dan Limpo Jantan* [Correlation Level of Beef Carcass Cutability Prediction Variables in Hot Carcass of Simpo and Limpo Cattle]

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    Estimation of carcass cutability is an important factor in beef marketing. This research was conducted to observe the relationship among variables of carcass cutability estimation in hot carcass of SimPO (Simmental-Peranakan Ongole) and LimPO (Limousin-Peranakan Ongole) cattle. Eighty three bulls were used, consisted of 51 SimPO and 32 LimPO cattle. The data collected were age, body weight, carcass weight (X1), fat thickness (X2), ribeye area (X3), percentage of visera fat (X4), and carcass cutability. The data were analyzed using Independent Sample T-test, correlation 2-tailed, enter and stepwise regression analysis, and estimation curve. There were no different of age, body weight, X1, X2, X3, X4, and carcass cutability among SimPO and LimPO. There was a positive correlation between X1, X2, X3, X4 and carcass cutability (P<0,05), except to LimPO which had negative correlation for X4. The regression equation and determination coefficient of SimPO and LimPO were Y=-24,726+0,916X1; R2=0,948 and Y=-28,461+0,929X1; R2=0,996, respectively. The result indicated that the best equation for SimPO was a linear equation (R2=0,948), and a quadratik equation (R2=0,996) for LimPO
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