848 research outputs found

    Minimal sufficiency with covert even

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    Exclusive particles (e.g. just) express exclusivity inferences by negating focus alternatives to the sentence they modify. Grosz (2012) observes that they can sometimes give rise to what he calls minimal sufficiency readings, which seem to affirm, rather than negate, focus alternatives. Grosz proposes to analyze them in terms of the rank-order reading, a kind of scalar reading of exclusive particles that is independently attested. Coppock & Beaver (2014) put forward a similar analysis based on their unified semantics for different uses of exclusive particles. We point out that these previous accounts fail to capture the distribution of minimal sufficiency readings, in particular, the relevance of distributivity, and propose an alternative analysis where the scalar component of the minimal sufficiency reading comes from a covert version of even, rather than from the exclusive particle itself. Empirical support for this comes from the generalization that an overt even can be added to sentences that have minimal sufficiency readings without changing the meaning, but not to sentences that do not allow for minimal sufficiency readings. We argue that our account not only captures the distribution of the minimal sufficiency reading, but also derives the inferences involved in the minimal sufficiency reading compositionally together with the standardly assumed semantics for exclusive particles and even

    A Critical Analysis on the Current Design Criteria for Cathodic Protection of Ships and Superyachts

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    Classification Society and ISO standard regulate the design of cathodic protection (CP) plans of ships and superyachts. However, due to shipyards’ long experience, the hull vessel protection plans often rely on an adaptation of previous CP designs for similar ships. This simple practice could expose ships to low protection or overprotection. Here, the protection plan of an existing 42 m superyacht is considered to highlight critical CP design issues. The numerical analysis gives evidence of discrepancies between the CP design proposed in accordance with ISO standard and the protection plan that was actually implemented. Indeed, for a proper protection plan, the anode weight according to the ISO standard is 2.7 kg, whereas the real protection plan uses a 7 kg anode. The numerical optimization highlights an optimal anode mass of 5 kg (−28.5% in weight). It provides sufficient protection for the expected lifetime, and will preserve the system in cases of damage to the hull and a consequent increase in the breakdown factor. This new solution underlines the importance and necessity of improving cathodic protection plan design

    A comparison of electrochemical degradation of phenol on boron doped diamond and lead dioxide anodes

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    This work compares two electrode materials used to mineralize phenol contained in waste waters. Two disks covered with either boron doped diamond (BDD) or PbO2 were used as anodes in a one compartment flow cell under the same hydrodynamic conditions. Efficiencies of galvanostatic electrolyses are compared on the basis of measurements of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Galvanostatic electrolyses were monitored by analysis of phenol and of its oxidation derivatives to evaluate the operating time needed for complete elimination of toxic aromatics. The experimental current efficiency is close to the theoretical value for the BDD electrode. Other parameters being equal, phenol species disappeared at the same rate using the two electrode materials but the BDD anode showed better efficiency to eliminate TOC and COD. Moreover, during the electrolysis less intermediates are formed with BDD compared to PbO2 whatever the current density. A comparison of energy consumption is given based on the criterion of 99% removal of aromatic compounds

    Characterizing early adolescent food waste using the mobile food record.

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    This study aimed to assess the amount of plate waste and how plate waste was disposed by early adolescent girls using a mobile food record (mFR). Participants were girls nine to thirteen years residing in O’ahu, Hawai’i (n = 93). Foods selected and leftover were estimated using a three day mFR. Each leftover food was then classified as thrown into the trash, fed to a pet, eaten later, or other (e.g., composted). Repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted and Tukey’s post-hoc test were used to adjust for multiple comparisons between times (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack) on leftover food and leftover food thrown into the trash. The percentage of food leftover and thrown into the trash was highest at lunch. The percentage of protein, grain, vegetables, fruit, and dairy leftover at lunch were unexpectedly low compared to previous studies. The median for percentage of food thrown into the trash at lunch was <5% for all food groups, and was consistently low across the day (<10%). Average energy intake was 436 kcal (±216) at lunch, and 80% of caregivers reported total household income as ≥$70,000. Studies in real-time using technology over full days may better quantify plate waste among adolescents

    Characterisation of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-\u3b4- Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-\u3b4composite as cathode for solid oxide fuel cells

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    Mixture of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-\u3b4 and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-\u3b4, was investigated as promising cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). The two perovskites possess high catalytic activity for the oxygen reduction (ORR), although some problems related to their chemical and structural stability have still to be overcome in view of improving durability of the cell performance. The achievement of a stable and high-performing composite material is the aim of this study. In principle, chemical equilibrium at the LSCF-BSCF interface may be reached through ions interdiffusion during the sintering process, resulting in the chemical stabilization of the material. The composite-cathode deposited on Ce0.8Sm0.2O2-\u3b4 electrolyte was then investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) as a function of temperature, overpotential and time. The results exhibited an interesting electrochemical behavior of the electrode toward oxygen reduction reaction. XRD analysis was performed to detect structural modification during thermal or operation stages and it was found that after the sintering the two starting perovskites were no longer present; a new phase with a rhombohedral La0,4Sr0,6FeO3-type structure (LSF) is formed. An improvement in composite cathode durability has been detected under the considered operating conditions (200 mAcm-2, 700 \ub0C) in comparison with the pure BSCF electrode. The results confirmed this new electrode as promising system for further investigation as IT-SOFC cathode

    Application of electro-fenton process for the treatment of methylene blue

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    The electrochemical removal of an aqueous solution containing 0.25 mM of methylene blue (MB), one of the most important thiazine dye, has been investigated by electro-Fenton process using a graphite-felt cathode to electrogenerate in situ hydrogen peroxide and regenerate ferrous ions as catalyst. The effect of operating conditions such as applied current, catalyst concentration, and initial dye content on MB degradation has been studied. MB removal and mineralization were monitored during the electrolysis by UV\u2013Vis analysis and TOC measurements. The experimental results showed that MB was completely removed by the reaction with \u2022OH radicals generated from electrochemically assisted Fenton\u2019s reaction, and in any conditions the decay kinetic always follows a pseudo-first-order reaction. The faster MB oxidation rate was obtained applying a current of 300 mA, with 0.3 mM Fe2+at T=35 \ub0C. In these conditions, 0.25 mM MB was completely removed in 45 min and the initial TOC was removed in 90 min of electrolysis, meaning the almost complete mineralization of the organic content of the treated solution

    Electrochemical synthesis of peroxomonophosphate using boron-doped diamond anodes

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    A new method for the synthesis of peroxomonophosphate, based on the use of boron-doped diamond electrodes, is described. The amount of oxidant electrogenerated depends on the characteristics of the supporting media (pH and solute concentration) and on the operating conditions (temperature and current density). Results show that the pH, between values of 1 and 5, does not influence either the electrosynthesis of peroxomonophosphate or the chemical stability of the oxidant generated. Conversely, low temperatures are required during the electrosynthesis process to minimize the thermal decomposition of peroxomonophosphate and to guarantee significant oxidant concentration. In addition, a marked influence of both the current density and the initial substrate is observed. This observation can be explained in terms of the contribution of hydroxyl radicals in the oxidation mechanisms that occur on diamond surfaces. In the assays carried out below the water oxidation potential, the generation of hydroxyl radicals did not take place. In these cases, peroxomonophosphate generation occurs through a direct electron transfer and, therefore, at these low current densities lower concentrations are obtained. On the other hand, at higher potentials both direct and hydroxyl radical-mediated mechanisms contribute to the oxidant generation and the process is more efficient. In the same way, the contribution of hydroxyl radicals may also help to explain the significant influence of the substrate concentration. Thus, the coexistence of both phosphate and hydroxyl radicals is required to ensure the generation of significant amounts of peroxomonophosphoric acid

    A Comprehensive Approach to Improve Performance and Stability of State-of-the- Art Air Electrodes for Intermediate Temperature Reversible Cells: An Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis

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    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are devices for the transformation of chemical energy in electrical energy. SOFC appear very promising for their very high efficiency, in addition to the capability to work in reverse mode, which makes them suitable for integration in production units powered with renewables. Research efforts are currently addressed to find chemically and structurally stable materials, in order to improve performance stability during long-term operation. In this work, we examine different approaches for improving stability of two state-of-the-art perovskite materials, La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-\uf064 (LSCF) and Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-\uf064 (BSCF), very promising as air electrodes. Two different systems are considered: (i) LSCF and BSCF porous electrodes impregnated by a nano-sized La0.8Sr0.2MnO3-\uf064 layer and (ii) LSCF-BSCF composites with the two phases in different volume proportions. The study considers the results obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy investigation, observing the polarisation resistance (Rp) of each system to evaluate performance in typical SOFC operating conditions. Furthermore, the behaviour of polarisation resistance under the effect of a net current load (cathodic) circulating for hundreds of hours is examined, as parameter to evaluate long-term performance stability

    Rheology of Lamellar Liquid Crystals in Two and Three Dimensions: A Simulation Study

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    We present large scale computer simulations of the nonlinear bulk rheology of lamellar phases (smectic liquid crystals) at moderate to large values of the shear rate (Peclet numbers 10-100), in both two and three dimensions. In two dimensions we find that modest shear rates align the system and stabilise an almost regular lamellar phase, but high shear rates induce the nucleation and proliferation of defects, which in steady state is balanced by the annihilation of defects of opposite sign. The critical shear rate at onset of this second regime is controlled by thermodynamic and kinetic parameters; we offer a scaling analysis that relates the critical shear rate to a critical "capillary number" involving those variables. Within the defect proliferation regime, the defects may be partially annealed by slowly decreasing the applied shear rate; this causes marked memory effects, and history-dependent rheology. Simulations in three dimensions show instead shear-induced ordering even at the highest shear rates studied here. This suggests that the critical shear rate shifts markedly upward on increasing dimensionality. This may in part reflect the reduced constraints on defect motion, allowing them to find and annihilate each other more easily. Residual edge defects in the 3D aligned state mostly point along the flow velocity, an orientation impossible in two dimensions.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure

    Vorticity Banding During the Lamellar-to-Onion Transition in a Lyotropic Surfactant Solution in Shear Flow

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    We report on the rheology of a lamellar lyotropic surfactant solution (SDS/dodecane/pentanol/water), and identify a discontinuous transition between two shear thinning regimes which correspond to the low stress lamellar phase and the more viscous shear induced multi-lamellar vesicle, or ``onion'' phase. We study in detail the flow curve, stress as a function of shear rate, during the transition region, and present evidence that the region consists of a shear banded phase where the material has macroscopically separated into bands of lamellae and onions stacked in the vorticity direction. We infer very slow and irregular transformations from lamellae to onions as the stress is increased through the two phase region, and identify distinct events consistent with the nucleation of small fractions of onions that coexist with sheared lamellae.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure