14 research outputs found

    Meta-Information and Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems

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    In this work we compile our research regarding meta-information in multi-agent systems. In particular, we describe some agents profiles represent- ing different attitudes which describe how agents consider meta-information in their decisions-making and reasoning processes. Furthermore, we describe how we have combined different meta-information available in multi-agent systems with an argumentation-based reasoning mechanism. In our approach, agents are able to decide more conflicts between information/arguments, given that they are able to use different meta-information (often combined) to decide between such conflicting information. Our framework for meta-information in multi- agent systems was implemented based on a modular architecture, thus other meta-information can be added, as well as different meta-information can be combined in order to create new agents profiles. Therefore, in our approach, different agents profiles can be instantiated for different application domains, allowing flexibility in the choice of how agents will deal with conflicting infor- mation in those particular domains

    Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation

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    Chatbots are extensively used in modern times and are exhibiting increasingly intelligent behaviors. However, being relatively new technologies, there are significant demands for further advancement. Numerous possibilities for research exist to refine these technologies, including integration with other technologies, especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which has received much attention and development. This study aims to explore the ability of chatbot technologies to classify arguments according to the reasoning patterns used to create them. As argumentation is a significant aspect of human intelligence, categorizing arguments according to various argumentation schemes (reasoning patterns) is a crucial step towards developing sophisticated human-computer interaction interfaces. This will enable agents (chatbots) to engage in more sophisticated interactions, such as argumentation processes

    Distributed Theory of Mind in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Theory of Mind is a concept from developmental psychology which elucidates how humans mentalise. More specifically, it describes how humans ascribe mental attitudes to others and how they reason about these mental attitudes. In the area of Artificial Intelligence, Theory of Mind serves as a fundamental pillar in the design of intelligent artificial agents that are supposed to coexist with humans within a hybrid society. Having the ability to mentalise, these artificial agents could potentially exhibit a range of advanced capabilities that underlie meaningful communication, including empathy and the capacity to better understanding the meaning behind the utterances others make. In this paper, we propose a distributed theory of mind approach in multi-agent systems, in which agents and human users share evidence to reach more supported conclusions about each other’s mental attitudes. We demonstrate our approach in a scenario of stress detection, in which personal agents infer whether their users are stressed or not according to the distributed theory of mind approach

    An Interpretable Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Occupational Stress in Healthcare Professionals

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    In the last few years, several scientific studies have shown that occupational stress has a significant impact on workers, particularly those in the healthcare sector. This stress is caused by an imbalance between work conditions, the worker’s ability to perform their tasks, and the social support they receive from colleagues and management professionals. Researchers have explored occupational stress as part of a broader study on affective systems in healthcare, investigating the use of biomarkers and machine learning approaches to identify early conditions and avoid Burnout Syndrome. In this paper, a set of machine learning (ML) algorithms was evaluated using statistical data on biomarkers from the Affective Road database to determine whether the use of explanations can help identify stress more objectively. This research integrates explainability and machine learning to aid in the identification of various levels of stress, which has not been previously evaluated for the domain of occupational stress. The Random Forest is the best-performing model for this assignment, followed by k-Nearest Neighbors and Neural Network. Later, explainers were applied to the Random Forest, highlighting feature importance, partial dependencies between characteristics, and a summary of the impact of features on outputs based on their values


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    No Brasil, a área de direito tributário tem enfrentado sérios problemas devido ao atual modelo de aplicação da lei no país. Os casos de aplicação da lei tributária, em particular, têm uma grande parcela de responsabilidade pelas altas taxas de congestionamento judicial. O grande volume de ações judiciais vencidas dificulta a eficácia da justiça. Um dos pontos identificados como gargalo para a conclusão de tais processos legais, mais especificamente nos processos fiscais relacionados ao imposto municipal, é a identificação dos Avisos de Recebimento (AR) que comprovam que os devedores receberam informações sobre as dívidas que devem. Somente quando os tribunais estão na posse de um AR devidamente assinado, o processo pode avançar; quando uma entrega de aviso falhou, é necessário tentar novamente a entrega do aviso de dívida e, de fato, pode ser necessário encontrar meios alternativos de entrar em contato com o devedor. Para ajudar a acelerar a resolução de tais processos, estão sendo desenvolvidos aplicativos baseados em técnicas de inteligência artificial. Tendo em mente que a área do direito geralmente tem alguma resistência à adoção de sistemas automatizados, está sendo trabalhado em uma abordagem explicável que pode mostrar ao usuário qual raciocínio foi usado para chegar à conclusão sugerida, o que permite que os especialistas jurídicos tomem uma decisão final. Uma ontologia com conceitos relacionados ao direito tributário no Brasil está sendo desenvolvida. Essa ontologia será utilizada por um agente inteligente capaz de raciocinar sobre seus conceitos, extrair informações de documentos usando o Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN) e identificar padrões de raciocínio em processos utilizando a mineração de argumentos.CEECIND/01997/2017, UIDB/00057/20

    Argumentation-based dialogues for task reallocation among rational agents

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    Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS ([email protected]) on 2015-09-24T14:02:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 475171 - Texto Completo.pdf: 23619666 bytes, checksum: 28243e1337b86bf3d0ef2cd45f2a0717 (MD5)Made available in DSpace on 2015-09-24T14:02:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 475171 - Texto Completo.pdf: 23619666 bytes, checksum: 28243e1337b86bf3d0ef2cd45f2a0717 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-27Argumentation appears in two main lines of research in the field of multi-agent systems: argumentation-based reasoning and argumentation-based dialogues. In this document we present an approach exploring both of those lines of research. First, we develop an argumentation-based reasoning mechanism in an agent-oriented programming language based on the BDI architecture. This reasoning mechanism is based on a defeasible logic formalism and the notion of defeasible semantics. Using that argumentation-based reasoning mechanism, agents can reason under uncertainty and can use arguments to supports their claims when engaging in multi-agent dialogues. Second, we give operational semantics to a set of speech acts found in the literature on argumentation-based dialogues. That semantics is also given in the context ofBDI-inspired agentorlented programming languages. Next, we define a protocol for argumentation-based dialogues for task reallocation, using the reasoning mechanism and the operational semantics. We prove that the protocol terminates and that it can reach ideal solutions under certain assumptions. Finally, we descrlbe an application domain used as case study, and we evaluate our work with some examples of real problems from that application scenario.Argumenta??o aparece em duas principais linhas de pesquisa no campo de sistemas multi-agentes: racioc?nio baseado em argumenta??o e di?logos baseados em argumenta??o. Neste documento n?s apresentamos uma abordagem que explora essas duas linhas de pesquisa. Primeiro) n?s desenvolvemos um mecanismo de racioc?nio baseado em argumenta??o em uma linguagem de programa??o orientada a agentes, a qual ? baseada na arquitetura BDI. Este mecanismo de racioc?nio ? baseado no formalismo de defeasible logic e na no??o da sem?ntica defeasible. Usando este mecanismo de racioc?nio baseado em argumenta??o, agentes podem raciocinar sobre incertezas e podem usar argumentos para dar suporte ?s suas alega??es quando envolvidos em di?logos multiagentes. Segundo, n?s damos sem?ntica operacional para um conjunto de atos de fala encontrados na literatura de di?logos baseados em argumenta??o. Esta sem?ntica ? tamb?m dada no contexto de linguagens de programa??o orientada a agentes inspiradas pela arquitetura BDI. Al?m dissot n?s definimos um protocolo para di?logos baseados em argumenta??o para realoca??o de tarefas, considerando o mecanismo de racioc?nio e a sem?ntica operacional apresentados. Provou-se que o protocolo termina e que atinge solu??es ideais, dados alguns pressupostos desse trabalho. Finalmente, n?s descrevemos um dom?nio de aplica??o usado como estudo de caso, e avaliamos nosso trabalho com alguns exemplos de problemas reais dentro desse cen?rio da aplica??o

    Uma Aplicação para Gerenciamento de Motoristas Autônomos: Usufruindo da Escalabilidade Oferecida por Sistemas Multiagentes

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    Aplicações utilizando sistemas multiagentes ganharam grande interesse da comunidade de inteligência artificial nos últimos anos, devido ao grande potencial do paradigma em tratar aplicações distribuídas com ambientes e entidades dinâmicas. Neste trabalho descrevemos uma aplicação para gerenciamento de motoristas autônomos, baseada no paradigma de sistemas multiagentes. O paradigma de sistemas multiagentes mostra-se bem adequado para o desenvolvimento da aplicação proposta, possuindo característica e facilidades no desenvolvimento de técnicas de escalabilidade, as quais são o foco deste trabalho. Nas simulações realizadas, foram obtidos resultados otimistas com relação ao tempo de espera médio de um cliente por um taxi. Foram obtidos tempos abaixo de 15 minutos para no máximo um passageiro por taxi, e tempos abaixo de 30 minutos para uma taxa de até 5 passageiros por taxi

    Um Sistema de Simulação de Epidemias Utilizando Sistemas Multiagentes

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    RESUMOThe virus SARS-CoV-2 caused a pandemic that started in 2019, ithas crowded hospitals, and caused millions of deaths around theworld. This disease has promoted an immeasurable impact on people’slives. One of the most important aspects of combating anepidemic is to understand how the virus is transmitted, and howfast it propagates through the environment, considering the largenumber of variables involved that can be observed by scientificmethods. Aiming to provide this understanding, in this work, wepropose an epidemic simulation system, focusing on the COVID-19scenario, implemented using multi-agent systems. The epidemicsimulation system is based on the well-known SIR transmissionmodel. Also, to evaluate the proposed simulation system, we tookinto consideration the main causes pointed out by the MundialHealth Organization about the transmission of COVID-19, simulatingdifferent scenarios related to the pandemic, validating theimplementation of the simulation system