511 research outputs found

    Energy-Aware Lease Scheduling in Virtualized Data Centers

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    Energy efficiency has become an important measurement of scheduling algorithms in virtualized data centers. One of the challenges of energy-efficient scheduling algorithms, however, is the trade-off between minimizing energy consumption and satisfying quality of service (e.g. performance, resource availability on time for reservation requests). We consider resource needs in the context of virtualized data centers of a private cloud system, which provides resource leases in terms of virtual machines (VMs) for user applications. In this paper, we propose heuristics for scheduling VMs that address the above challenge. On performance evaluation, simulated results have shown a significant reduction on total energy consumption of our proposed algorithms compared with an existing First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS) scheduling algorithm with the same fulfillment of performance requirements. We also discuss the improvement of energy saving when additionally using migration policies to the above mentioned algorithms.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing, March 5-9, 2012, Hanoi, Vietna

    A Secure Template Generation Scheme for Palmprint Recognition Systems

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    With the development of more and more systems which provide service based on the identity of a person, the importance of personal identification is growing. Providing authorized users with secure access to the services is a challenge to the personal identification systems. There are several conventional means for personal identi¯cation which include passports, keys, tokens, access cards, personal identification number (PIN), passwords. Unfortunately, passports, keys, access cards, tokens, can be lost, stolen or duplicated, and passwords, PINs can be forgotten,cracked or shared. These drawbacks cause a great loss to the concerned. Biometric systems are proving to be an e±cient solution to this problem. A biometric identity verification system tries to verify user identities by comparing some sort of behavioral or physiological trait of the user to a previously stored sample of the trait. The recent developments in the biometrics area have lead to smaller, faster and cheaper systems, which in turn has increased the number of possible application areas for biometric identity verification. Palmprint can be one of the biometrics, used for personal identification or verification. As a small central part of the palmprint image is used for this purpose, so it is important to find that region of interest. We propose a rotation and translation invariant preprocessing scheme which finds the central part of the palmprints. As biometric systems are vulnerable to replay, database and brute-force attacks, such potential attacks must be analyzed before they are massively deployed in security systems. Along with security, also the privacy of the users is an important factor as the constructions of lines in palmprints contain personal characteristics. We propose a cryptographic approach to encrypt the palmprint images by an advanced Hill cipher technique for hiding the information on the palmprints. It also provides security to the palmprint images from being attacked by above mentioned attacks. So, during the template generation, the encrypted palmprint sub-images are first decrypted and then the features are extracted

    Changes in growth and phycocolloid content of Gelidiella acerosa and Gracilaria edulis

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    Results obtained on seasonal growth, yield and physical properties of agar in Gelidiella acerosa and Gracilaria edulis for a period of one year are presented. Vegetation of these two species occurred throughout the year with two peak growth periods

    Development of a metagenomic DNA extraction procedure and PCR detection of human enteric bacteria in vegetable salad tissues

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    Outbreaks of illness due to human enteric pathogenic bacteria via fresh vegetables warrant intensive research on changing strategies of these bacteria in alterning their hosts for survival. The systemic infection of human pathogenic bacteria in plants and the plant growth stage at which they establish endophytic relationship is poorly understood. Since cucumber and carrot are major vegetables consumed in the form of unprocessed salads in India, our study aimed at determination of infection abilities of Salmonella enterica sub sp. enterica and Aeromonas hydrophila in carrot and cucumber, respectively based on a  metagenomic detection system. We report an optimized metagenomic DNA isolation procedure from vegetable tissues co-cultivated with bacteria under laboratory conditions. Colonization of bacteria in vegetable tissues was studied by amplification of bacterial 16S rRNA coding region from the metagenome. DNA obtained from carrot vegetable pieces inoculated with Salmonella resulted in expected amplification of 1.2 kb region of bacterial 16S rRNA source sequences. However, the approach failed to detect Aeromonas in cucumber tissues.  We conclude that carrot could be a symptomless alternate host for  Salmonella sp

    A Review Of Trends In Research On Web Mining

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    In recent years the growth of the World Wide Web exceeded all expectations. Today there are several billions of HTML documents, pictures and other multimedia files available via internet and the number is still rising. But considering the impressive variety of the web, retrieving interesting content has become a very difficult task.So, the World Wide Web is a fertile area for data mining research.Web mining is a research topic which combines two of the activated research areas: Data Mining and World Wide Web. Web mining research relates to several research communities such as Database, information Retrieval and Artificial intelligence, visualization.This paper reviews the research and application issues in web mining besides proving an overall view of Web mining


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    This present study explores the use high-resolution multi-spectral remote sensing data for generating within-field soil variability map as an inputs required for site-specific management of agriculture. The study was conducted for an experimental plot in Central Potato Research Station of Jalandhar, India. Thirty-five soil samples were collected from the field at regular intervals. The samples were analyzed for soil organic carbon, available nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium and soil texture. Various soil-related indices were calculated from IKONOS multispectral data, which included Brightness Index (BNI), Hue Index (HI), Saturation Index (SI), Coloration Index (CI), Redness Index (RI) and three principal components (PC1, PC2 and PC3). Variability of soil and spectral parameters were analyzed by estimating coefficient of variation (CV). The correlation analysis was carried out to study the relationship between soil and spectral parameters. Multiple regression models were generated, using stepwise regression technique, to estimate soil properties from RS data. The results showed that, CV of soil parameters was highest for available P (29.9%), followed by silt percentage (20.8%). Among the spectral parameters the CV was highest for PC3 (161.9%), followed PC2 (101.4%) and PC1 (84.0%). The soil organic carbon, available N and silt content were significantly correlated with spectral indices. The multiple regression equation between OC and spectral indices was significant with R = 0.733 and F = 6.277. Available N, silt and sand also formed significant multiple regression equations with spectral parameters. These empirical equations were used to generate soil fertility variability plans. 1

    Combining request scheduling with web caching

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    We extend the classic paging model by allowing reordering of requests under the constraint that a request is delayed by no longer than a predetermined number of time steps. We first give a dynamic programming algorithm to solve the offline case. Then we give tight bounds on competitive ratios for the online case. For caches of size k, we obtain bounds of k + O(1) for deterministic algorithms and Theta(log k) for randomized algorithms. We also give bounds for the case where either the online or the offline algorithm can reorder the requests, but not both. Finally, we extend our analysis to the case where pages have different sizes

    Web Usage Mining: A Survey on Pattern Extraction from Web Logs

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    As the size of web increases along with number of users, it is very much essential for the website owners to better understand their customers so that they can provide better service, and also enhance the quality of the website. To achieve this they depend on the web access log files. The web access log files can be mined to extract interesting pattern so that the user behaviour can be understood. This paper presents an overview of web usage mining and also provides a survey of the pattern extraction algorithms used for web usage mining

    Auxin-binding proteins without KDEL sequence in the moss Funaria hygrometrica

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    Whereas the important plant growth regulator auxin has multiple effects in flowering plants, it induces a specific cell differentiation step in the filamentous moss protonema. Here, we analyse the presence of classical auxin-binding protein (ABP1) homologues in the moss Funaria hygrometrica. Microsomal membranes isolated from protonemata of F. hygrometrica have specific indole acetic acid-binding sites, estimated to be about 3–5 pmol/mg protein with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) between 3 and 5 μM. Western analyses with anti-ABP1 antiserum detected the canonical endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localised 22–24 kDa ABP1 in Zea mays, but not in F. hygrometrica. Instead, polypeptides of 31–33 and 46 kDa were labelled in the moss as well as in maize. In F. hygrometrica these proteins were found exclusively in microsomal membrane fractions and were confirmed as ABPs by photo-affinity labelling with 5-azido-[7-3H]-indole-3-acetic acid. Unlike the classical corn ABP1, these moss ABPs did not contain the KDEL ER retention sequence. Consistently, the fully sequenced genome of the moss Physcomitrella patens, a close relative of F. hygrometrica, encodes an ABP1-homologue without KDEL sequence. Our study suggests the presence of putative ABPs in F. hygrometrica that share immunological epitopes with ABP1 and bind auxin but are different from the classical corn ABP1

    Altered structural and functional connectivity in late preterm preadolescence: An anatomic seed-based study of resting state networks related to the posteromedial and lateral parietal cortex

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    Objective: Late preterm birth confers increased risk of developmental delay, academic difficulties and social deficits. The late third trimester may represent a critical period of development of neural networks including the default mode network (DMN), which is essential to normal cognition. Our objective is to identify functional and structural connectivity differences in the posteromedial cortex related to late preterm birth. Methods: Thirty-eight preadolescents (ages 9-13; 19 born in the late preterm period (≥32 weeks gestational age) and 19 at term) without access to advanced neonatal care were recruited from a low socioeconomic status community in Brazil. Participants underwent neurocognitive testing, 3-dimensional T1-weighted imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging and resting state functional MRI (RS-fMRI). Seed-based probabilistic diffusion tractography and RS-fMRI analyses were performed using unilateral seeds within the posterior DMN (posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus) and lateral parietal DMN (superior marginal and angular gyri). Results: Late preterm children demonstrated increased functional connectivity within the posterior default mode networks and increased anti-correlation with the central-executive network when seeded from the posteromedial cortex (PMC). Key differences were demonstrated between PMC components with increased anti-correlation with the salience network seen only with posterior cingulate cortex seeding but not with precuneus seeding. Probabilistic tractography showed increased streamlines within the right inferior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus within late preterm children while decreased intrahemispheric streamlines were also observed. No significant differences in neurocognitive testing were demonstrated between groups. Conclusion: Late preterm preadolescence is associated with altered functional connectivity from the PMC and lateral parietal cortex to known distributed functional cortical networks despite no significant executive neurocognitive differences. Selective increased structural connectivity was observed in the setting of decreased posterior interhemispheric connections. Future work is needed to determine if these findings represent a compensatory adaptation employing alternate neural circuitry or could reflect subtle pathology resulting in emotional processing deficits not seen with neurocognitive testing. Copyright