7 research outputs found


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    Music has a remarkable ability to influence mood, improve concentration and stimulate human emotions. In the context of a learning simulation involving reading, listening, writing and eating snacks, memorable music was found to have a positive impact on adult learners' cognitive processes. From a study involving three adult learners aged between 18-29 years old, purposive non-random sampling was used to ensure inclusion criteria as adult learners without hearing loss. The research used a qualitative study with data collected through interviews and observations and thematic analysis. This research shows that memorable music has a positive impact on adult learners' cognitive processes. The integration of music in learning improved participants' attention, memory and thinking. Understanding the complex interactions between music and cognitive processes provides valuable insights for psychological and biological understanding, contributing to effective applications in rehabilitation, treatment and education

    Evaluasi Kapasitas Kepala Jembatan Akibat Perubahan Beban Gempa Rencana Sesuai SNI 2833:2016

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    Pelaksanaan kepala jembatan X dilakukan di tahun 2015 yang direcanakan pada tahun 2013 masih menggunakan peraturan yang terdahulu yaitu SNI 2833:2008. Sehubungan dengan dikeluarkanya peraturan baru yaitu SNI 2833:2016 maka terdapat perubahan beban gempa rencana dari peraturan lama ke baru sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi terhadap kapasitas kepala jembatan terhadap beban gempa rencana sesuai SNI 2833:2016 dan dilakukan justifikasi perkuatan apabila kepala jembatan tidak layan menerima beban yang bekerja . Evaluasi kapasitas kepala jembatan dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengecekan terhadap kapasitas dimensi, kapasitas tulangan, kapasitas daya dukung pada  pondasi dan lendutan menggunakan software SAP2000 untuk menganalisisnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kapasitas pada dimensi kebutuhan tulangan didalam dimensi kepala jembatan masih memadai di semua bagian, kapasitas tulangan yang terpasang disetiap bagian kepala jembatan lebih besar dari hasil analisis sehingga masih kuat menahan beban yang bekerja, kapasitas daya dukung pondasi yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan daya dukung izin dan lendutan yang terjadi dibawah yang diizinkan, maka kepala jembatan masih kuat menerima beban yang bekerja sehingga tidak dilakukan justifikasi perkuatan


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    Men and women are distinct, physically and mentally. It makes the language used by men distinct from the language used by women. The differences between the language used by men and women formed because society has constructed them to be different. Since the differences between men's and women's language can be observed in conversation, the researcher chooses an American TV show, The Ellen Show episode The Incomparable Malala Yousafzai, as the object of analysis. The researcher finds language friction in Malala's utterances during the show. Malala, as a woman, tends to use features commonly used by men, and it contrasts with the theory of women's language proposed by Robin Lakoff. This research aims to identify the changes in men's and women's language features used by Malala and the features of women's language used properly by Malala by combining women's language theory by Robin Lakoff and men's language theory by Jennifer Coates. It is done to compare the tendency of Malala in using men and women language features. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The research's results show that there are indications that the language used by Malala is more attached to the characteristics of men's language. It is proven by the findings of this research, which states that there are three kinds of changes in women's language features, such as humor sentences, non-standard grammar, and direct speech. Furthermore, there are four kinds of changes in men's language features, such as competitive sentences, minimal responses, compliments, and commands and directives. Moreover, the researcher also finds that there are only two out of ten features of women language used appropriately by Malala, such as intensifiers and lexical hedges or fillers

    Semantic Relation of the Football Supporter Names in Indonesia

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    This article aims to analyze the lingual aspects of Indonesian football supporters’ names due to its potential to unravel the intricate interplay between language, social dynamics, and culture within this community. The data sources are Indonesian football supporters’ names from 28 clubs of the 1st and 2nd 2022/2023 league competitions. The data source is quite representative because these leagues are the two best professional leagues with the largest number of supporters in Indonesia. The authors collected data using note-taking techniques from official club websites, official supporters’ websites, media reports, and supporters’ social media accounts. Moreover, the authors also interviewed supporters from two popular League 1 clubs, PSS Sleman and Persib Bandung. Interviews were conducted to validate the naming of supporters, the language origin, and the diversity of the supporter names. Data analysis was examined by identifying the morpheme elements, categorizing the formation of naming supporters, analyzing the lexical meaning of the names, and categorizing the meaning relation of the semantic markers in the supporters’ names. Based on these findings, the authors identified trends in the semantic relations that are widely used in the naming of Indonesian supporters. The study findings show that the supporters’ names are morphologically formed through abbreviations/acronyms, lexical borrowing, and compounding. Through semantic identification, there are three categories of semantic references in the supporters’ names, namely the origin of the region and club, local culture, and military terms. In these three semantic references, the lexical choices such as mania, extreme, fanatik, brajamusti, and other military terms in the supporters’ names show the tendency of ultras feelings and fanatism of the football fandom

    Jurnal ilmu sosial indonesia vol.2 no.2 desember 2021

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    I, 134 hlm.; 15,5 x 23,4 c