27 research outputs found

    Seri manual GLS: Pentingnya memahami gaya belajar

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    Manual GLS ini dibuat untuk menyempurnakan kegiatan literasi di sekolah. Dengan tetap berfokus pada upaya untuk menumbuhkan generasi yang memiliki kemampuan berpikir kritis, memecahkan masalah dengan kreatif, mampu berkolaborasi dan berkomunikasi dengan baik, modul ini menyajikan berbagai kegiatan melalui kecakapan menyimak, membaca, berbicara, dan menulis dengan media multimodal


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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to investigate the implementation of reading instruction in EFL classroom. The method used was a survey research. The data for this research was gathered by distributing a questionnaire. The questionnaire was formulated based on the theories of experts about the ideal reading instruction. The data were analyzed descriptively by looking at the percentage of choice derived from the subjects of the research. This research discussed six best characteristics of reading instruction. It also presented six less implemented characteristics of reading instruction in EFL classroom

    A Critical Discourse Analysis on Shopee 12.12 Birthday Sale Advertisement

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    Advertising is one of the means used to deliver and promote a product and these ads also contain elements of discourse on it. In every advertisement, impress and attract consumers are the main points such as the model, sound, picture, and verbal language that have to be used so that potential consumers will be directly connected and interest to the product being advertised by listening to, looking at, and reading. This research aims to analyze the woman’s position in Shopee 12.12 birthday sale advertisement. This research uses Sara Mills’ critical discourse analysis approach with the Feminist Stylist Approach (FSA) approach. One of the discourses which analyze about feminist sees how is the position of subject-object and the viewers on Shopee 12:12 birthday sale advertisement, then it will reveal the discourse which will be shown to the public to know the woman’s construction and to explain the pattern of woman’s construction through some scenes on Shopee 12:12 birthday sale advertisement. The focus of this research is the formulation used to analyze an advertising discourse whether it is a critical discourse or not

    The effectiveness of Quizlet application towards students’ motivation in learning vocabulary

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    Increasing motivation is necessary for students in learning English vocabulary. The higher motivation the students gain, the bigger success they achieve in mastering vocabulary. However, most students in senior high schools have less motivation in learning vocabulary, especially in memorizing them. Thus, the teachers need to discover appropriate media for increasing their motivation. Some applications can be used through the smartphone as the need for vocabulary learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using Quizlet Application as the media for increasing the students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. Nonequivalent control group design was used in this research. The participants were 65 students who were divided into the experimental and the control groups. The students’ motivation was observed during the process of vocabulary learning by using the observation checklist. In processing the data, the Wilcoxon test was used. The results show the use of Quizlet Application is effective to increase the students’ motivation in learning vocabulary. Students felt more enthusiastic, did not get bored easily, and thus showed high interest when learning vocabulary via the app. They also did the tasks provided in that application independently

    Character Values in an EFL Textbook of Senior High Schools.

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    This research aimed to identify the character values that are presented in an EFL textbook entitled Pathway to English for Grade XI Peminatan Program and find out how the character values are integrated in written texts, tasks and images of an EFL textbook entitled Pathway to English for SMA/MA Grade XI Program Peminatan. This research used qualitative content analysis that was complemented by quantitative data. In order to select the EFL textbook that was suitable with the objectives of the research, convenience sampling and purposive sampling were employed. Then, the textbook was analyzed through decontextualization, recontextualization, categorization and compilation. During the research, the researcher acted as the primary instrument which analyzed, interpreted and collected the data by using data sheets that had been validated by a rater. This research yielded the following results. Firstly, it was found out that there were 27 values consisting of recommended character values from Curriculum 2013 and universal values. Among these values, responsibility had the most frequent appearances (19.91%) and goal setting had the least frequent appearances (0.08%). Secondly, character values were integrated in tasks, texts and images. In tasks, character values were promoted through discussion, individual tasks, presentations, and role-play. In written texts, the values were promoted through stories, poems, song lyrics, persuasive texts, dialogues, recount texts, procedures and reports. In images, the character values were promoted through action process, reactional process, circumstance, analytical process, classificational process and symbolic process. Based on the above findings, it is recommended for textbook writers to include more colorful images that display character values, and add learning activities that facilitate moral discussions and reflections. In addition, this research also recommends EFL teachers who use Pathway to English for Grade XI Peminatan Program to add learning activities which enable students to discuss character values in written texts


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    Tujuan jangka panjang dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengembangan desain instruksional bagi a) Paket Program PBIPA bagi calon guru Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Asing dan b) Paket Program Pengajaran BIPA dan membina jejaring dengan rekanan dalam dan luar negeri yang berminat terhadap pengembangan pengajaran bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Target khusus yang akan dicapai dikaitkan dengan Kurikulum FBS UNY 2002, bahwa (1) Paket Program PBIPA merupakan paket pilihan yang berdiri sendiri dan kelulusannya diberikan sertifikat terpisah dari transkrip program S1 dan akan dibuka untuk mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Indonesia atau non-bahasa Indonesia. Karenanya, perlu dilakukan studi: i) desain instruksional dan beberapa aspeknya, ii) sosialisasi paket pada mahasiswa dan rekanan yang memerlukan lulusan program Paket Pengajaran PBIA, dan iii) melakukan penelitian perbaikan pengajaran untuk semua mata kuliah dalam Paket Pengajaran PBIA; (2) Paket Pengajaran BIPA akan ditekankan pada: i) penyusunan kurikulum bagi program in country 3 atau 6 bulan, pengajaran BIPA bagi keperluan khusus (Indonesian for Specific Purposes), dan penyusunan modul pembelajaran; ii) pembentukan jejaring dan kerjasama dengan universitas di luar negeri yang berminat terhadap pembelajaran bahasa dan budaya Indonesia, dan iii) membina kolaborasi dengan rekanan yang dimungkinkan terlibat dalam pelaksanaan Paket Pengajaran BIPA. Metode yang dipakai disesuaikan dengan tujuan pengembangan, antara lain: survei, observasional, dan berbagai metode yang dipakai dalam research-based teaching. Hasil penelitian ialah sebagai berikut. Dalam rancangan kurikulum 2007, program PBIPA diintegralkan dengan jumlah 144 sks. Hal ini berbeda dengan rancangan semula, yaitu memisahkan program PBIPA dari jumlah 144 sks. Pengintegralan ini sejalan dengan salah satu program I-MHERE, yaitu perintisan Jurusan PBSI menjadi program studi yang bertaraf internasional. Salah satunya ialah dengan memasuk-kan program PBIPA dalam kurikulum 2007 sebagai bagian yang integral dari jumlah 144 sks. Oleh karena hal tersebut, program ini untuk sementara waktu belum dapat dibuka untuk jurusan non PBSI. Silabus telah direvisi berdasarkan angket dan wawancara yang ditujukan kepada pihak-pihak (dosen) yang terlibat BIPA. Berdasarkan silabus yang telah direvisi ini dibuat tujuh modul yang akan diujicobakan pada tahap selanjutnya. Sosialisasi program PBIPA telah dilakukan secara nonformal kepada mahasiswa. Sosialisasi program ini secara formal baru akan dilakukan setelah kurikulum 2007 selesai dibuat. FBS, 2007 (PEND. BHS & SASTRA INDONESIA

    Desain induk Gerakan Literasi Sekolah

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    Desain induk ini disusun guna memberi arahan strategis bagi kegiatan literasi di lingkungan satuan pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Pelaksanaan GLS akan melibatkan unit kerja terkait di Kemendikbud dan juga pihak-pihak lain yang peduli terhadap pentingnya literasi. Kerja sama semua pemangku kepentingan di bidang pendidikan sangat diperlukan untk melaksanakan gerakan bersama yang terintegrasi dan efektif


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    This study aims to reveal the realization of genre text in the texts of an English textbook through Systemic Functional Linguistics perspective focusing on: (1) types of ideational meaning, (2) types of interpersonal meaning, (3) types of textual meaning, (4) the extent to which the English teachers comprehend the application of SFL in the texts. This study employed a mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative). The quantitative method was used to measure the frequency of meta-function of SFL in the texts and qualitative method was used to gain further discussion on the description of each meta-function including to explain the comprehended of English teachers‟ understanding of SFL. The data source is Bahasa Inggris X revised 2017 published by Ministry of Education and Culture. The data were gathered from 6 texts of each genre text (descriptive, recount and narrative texts). The data were collected through observation and note-taking technique. The results of this research are as follows. (1) The realization of ideational meaning shows that the most frequently used one is the material process (57.4%) while the behavioural process is the least frequently used in the texts (0.47%). (2) The interpersonal meaning involves the mood system, and declarative mood is the most frequently used in the texts (93.7%). (3) The realization of textual meaning shows that the dominant theme in the texts is topical theme (80.1%) while the less number of occurrences is interpersonal theme (2.20%). (4) Most of the English teachers have been aware of the SFL applied in texts although the SFL theory is not written in textbook explicitly. This study gives the implication to educational practice and recommendation to English teachers based on the provided analysis