160 research outputs found

    Serotonin attenuates feedback excitation onto O-LM interneurons

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    The serotonergic system is a subcortical neuromodulatory center that controls cortical information processing in a state-dependent manner. In the hippocampus, serotonin (5-HT) is released by ascending serotonergic fibers from the midbrain raphe nuclei, thereby mediating numerous modulatory functions on various neuronal subtypes. Here, we focus on the neuromodulatory effects of 5-HT on GABAergic inhibitory oriens lacunosum-moleculare (O-LM) cells in the hippocampal area CA1 of the rat. These interneurons are thought to receive primarily local excitatory input and are, via their axonal projections to stratum lacunosum-moleculare, ideally suited to control entorhinal cortex input. We show that 5-HT reduces excitatory glutamatergic transmission onto O-LM interneurons. By means of paired recordings from synaptically connected CA1 pyramidal cells and O-LM interneurons we reveal that this synapse is modulated by 5-HT. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the reduction of glutamatergic transmission by serotonin is likely to be mediated via a decrease of calcium influx into presynaptic terminals of CA1 pyramidal cells. This modulation of excitatory synaptic transmission onto O-LM interneurons by 5-HT might be a mechanism to vary the activation of O-LM interneurons during ongoing network activity and serve as a brain state-dependent switch gating the efficiency of entorhinal cortex input to CA1 pyramidal neurons

    Direct Interaction of PP2A Phosphatase with GABAB Receptors Alters Functional Signaling

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    Addictive drugs usurp the brain's intrinsic mechanism for reward, leading to compulsive and destructive behaviors. In the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the center of the brain's reward circuit, GABAergic neurons control the excitability of dopamine (DA) projection neurons and are the site of initial psychostimulant-dependent changes in signaling. Previous work established that cocaine/methamphetamine exposure increases protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity, which dephosphorylates the GABABR2 subunit, promotes internalization of the GABAB receptor (GABABR) and leads to smaller GABABR-activated G-protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (GIRK) currents in VTA GABA neurons. How the actions of PP2A become selective for a particular signaling pathway is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that PP2A can associate directly with a short peptide sequence in the C terminal domain of the GABABR1 subunit, and that GABABRs and PP2A are in close proximity in rodent neurons (mouse/rat; mixed sexes). We show that this PP2A-GABABR interaction can be regulated by intracellular Ca2+ Finally, a peptide that potentially reduces recruitment of PP2A to GABABRs and thereby limits receptor dephosphorylation increases the magnitude of baclofen-induced GIRK currents. Thus, limiting PP2A-dependent dephosphorylation of GABABRs may be a useful strategy to increase receptor signaling for treating diseases.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dysregulation of GABAB receptors (GABABRs) underlies altered neurotransmission in many neurological disorders. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is involved in dephosphorylating and subsequent internalization of GABABRs in models of addiction and depression. Here, we provide new evidence that PP2A B55 regulatory subunit interacts directly with a small region of the C-terminal domain of the GABABR1 subunit, and that this interaction is sensitive to intracellular Ca2+ We demonstrate that a short peptide corresponding to the PP2A interaction site on GABABR1 competes for PP2A binding, enhances phosphorylation GABABR2 S783, and affects functional signaling through GIRK channels. Our study highlights how targeting PP2A dependent dephosphorylation of GABABRs may provide a specific strategy to modulate GABABR signaling in disease conditions

    Glycosylated clusterin species facilitate Aβ toxicity in human neurons

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    We thank members of Synthego Corporation generating the CLU exon 2 knockout iPSC lines and their support in this research. This work was supported by AstraZeneca as part of a CASE studentship and the Valat-Jones Foundation (Nigel and Françoise Jones).Clusterin (CLU) is one of the most significant genetic risk factors for late onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the mechanisms by which CLU contributes to AD development and pathogenesis remain unclear. Studies have demonstrated that the trafficking and localisation of glycosylated CLU proteins is altered by CLU-AD mutations and amyloid-β (Aβ), which may contribute to AD pathogenesis. However, the roles of non-glycosylated and glycosylated CLU proteins in mediating Aβ toxicity have not been studied in human neurons. iPSCs with altered CLU trafficking were generated following the removal of CLU exon 2 by CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing. Neurons were generated from control (CTR) and exon 2 −/− edited iPSCs and were incubated with aggregated Aβ peptides. Aβ induced changes in cell death and neurite length were quantified to determine if altered CLU protein trafficking influenced neuronal sensitivity to Aβ. Finally, RNA-Seq analysis was performed to identify key transcriptomic differences between CLU exon 2 −/− and CTR neurons. The removal of CLU exon 2, and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-signal peptide located within, abolished the presence of glycosylated CLU and increased the abundance of intracellular, non-glycosylated CLU. While non-glycosylated CLU levels were unaltered by Aβ25–35 treatment, the trafficking of glycosylated CLU was altered in control but not exon 2 −/− neurons. The latter also displayed partial protection against Aβ-induced cell death and neurite retraction. Transcriptome analysis identified downregulation of multiple extracellular matrix (ECM) related genes in exon 2 −/− neurons, potentially contributing to their reduced sensitivity to Aβ toxicity. This study identifies a crucial role of glycosylated CLU in facilitating Aβ toxicity in human neurons. The loss of these proteins reduced both, cell death and neurite damage, two key consequences of Aβ toxicity identified in the AD brain. Strikingly, transcriptomic differences between exon 2 −/− and control neurons were small, but a significant and consistent downregulation of ECM genes and pathways was identified in exon 2 −/− neurons. This may contribute to the reduced sensitivity of these neurons to Aβ, providing new mechanistic insights into Aβ pathologies and therapeutic targets for AD.Peer reviewe

    Phosphorylation of Glutamine Synthetase on Threonine 301 Contributes to Its Inactivation During Epilepsy

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    The astrocyte-specific enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS), which catalyzes the amidation of glutamate to glutamine, plays an essential role in supporting neurotransmission and in limiting NH4+ toxicity. Accordingly, deficits in GS activity contribute to epilepsy and neurodegeneration. Despite its central role in brain physiology, the mechanisms that regulate GS activity are poorly defined. Here, we demonstrate that GS is directly phosphorylated on threonine residue 301 (T301) within the enzyme’s active site by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Phosphorylation of T301 leads to a dramatic decrease in glutamine synthesis. Enhanced T301 phosphorylation was evident in a mouse model of epilepsy, which may contribute to the decreased GS activity seen during this trauma. Thus, our results highlight a novel molecular mechanism that determines GS activity under both normal and pathological conditions.</p

    Clusterin Is Required for β-Amyloid Toxicity in Human iPSC-Derived Neurons

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    Our understanding of the molecular processes underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is still limited, hindering the development of effective treatments, and highlighting the need for human-specific models. Advances in identifying components of the amyloid cascade are progressing, including the role of the protein clusterin in mediating β-amyloid (Aβ) toxicity. Mutations in the clusterin gene (CLU), a major genetic AD risk factor, are known to have important roles in Aβ processing. Here we investigate how CLU mediates Aβ-driven neurodegeneration in human induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC)-derived neurons. We generated a novel CLU-knockout iPSC line by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing to investigate Aβ-mediated neurodegeneration in cortical neurons differentiated from wild type and CLU knockout iPSCs. We measured response to Aβ using an imaging assay and measured changes in gene expression using qPCR and RNA sequencing. In wild type neurons imaging indicated that neuronal processes degenerate following treatment with Aβ25-35 peptides and Aβ1-42 oligomers, in a dose dependent manner, and that intracellular levels of clusterin are increased following Aβ treatment. However, in CLU knockout neurons Aβ exposure did not affect neurite length, suggesting that clusterin is an important component of the amyloid cascade. Transcriptomic data were analyzed to elucidate the pathways responsible for the altered response to Aβ in neurons with the CLU deletion. Four of the five genes previously identified as downstream to Aβ and Dickkopf-1 (DKK1) proteins in an Aβ-driven neurotoxic pathway in rodent cells were also dysregulated in human neurons with the CLU deletion. AD and lysosome pathways were the most significantly dysregulated pathways in the CLU knockout neurons, and pathways relating to cytoskeletal processes were most dysregulated in Aβ treated neurons. The absence of neurodegeneration in the CLU knockout neurons in response to Aβ compared to the wild type neurons supports the role of clusterin in Aβ-mediated AD pathogenesis

    A Novel Neurotrophic Drug for Cognitive Enhancement and Alzheimer's Disease

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    Currently, the major drug discovery paradigm for neurodegenerative diseases is based upon high affinity ligands for single disease-specific targets. For Alzheimer's disease (AD), the focus is the amyloid beta peptide (Aß) that mediates familial Alzheimer's disease pathology. However, given that age is the greatest risk factor for AD, we explored an alternative drug discovery scheme that is based upon efficacy in multiple cell culture models of age-associated pathologies rather than exclusively amyloid metabolism. Using this approach, we identified an exceptionally potent, orally active, neurotrophic molecule that facilitates memory in normal rodents, and prevents the loss of synaptic proteins and cognitive decline in a transgenic AD mouse model

    Identification of Metabolites in the Normal Ovary and Their Transformation in Primary and Metastatic Ovarian Cancer

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    In this study, we characterized the metabolome of the human ovary and identified metabolic alternations that coincide with primary epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) and metastatic tumors resulting from primary ovarian cancer (MOC) using three analytical platforms: gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) using buffer systems and instrument settings to catalog positive or negative ions. The human ovarian metabolome was found to contain 364 biochemicals and upon transformation of the ovary caused changes in energy utilization, altering metabolites associated with glycolysis and β-oxidation of fatty acids—such as carnitine (1.79 fold in EOC, p<0.001; 1.88 fold in MOC, p<0.001), acetylcarnitine (1.75 fold in EOC, p<0.001; 2.39 fold in MOC, p<0.001), and butyrylcarnitine (3.62 fold, p<0.0094 in EOC; 7.88 fold, p<0.001 in MOC). There were also significant changes in phenylalanine catabolism marked by increases in phenylpyruvate (4.21 fold; p = 0.0098) and phenyllactate (195.45 fold; p<0.0023) in EOC. Ovarian cancer also displayed an enhanced oxidative stress response as indicated by increases in 2-aminobutyrate in EOC (1.46 fold, p = 0.0316) and in MOC (2.25 fold, p<0.001) and several isoforms of tocopherols. We have also identified novel metabolites in the ovary, specifically N-acetylasparate and N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate, whose role in ovarian physiology has yet to be determined. These data enhance our understanding of the diverse biochemistry of the human ovary and demonstrate metabolic alterations upon transformation. Furthermore, metabolites with significant changes between groups provide insight into biochemical consequences of transformation and are candidate biomarkers of ovarian oncogenesis. Validation studies are warranted to determine whether these compounds have clinical utility in the diagnosis or clinical management of ovarian cancer patients

    Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of an industrial SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic facility.

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    On 11th March 2020, the UK government announced plans for the scaling of COVID-19 testing, and on 27th March 2020 it was announced that a new alliance of private sector and academic collaborative laboratories were being created to generate the testing capacity required. The Cambridge COVID-19 Testing Centre (CCTC) was established during April 2020 through collaboration between AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and the University of Cambridge, with Charles River Laboratories joining the collaboration at the end of July 2020. The CCTC lab operation focussed on the optimised use of automation, introduction of novel technologies and process modelling to enable a testing capacity of 22,000 tests per day. Here we describe the optimisation of the laboratory process through the continued exploitation of internal performance metrics, while introducing new technologies including the Heat Inactivation of clinical samples upon receipt into the laboratory and a Direct to PCR protocol that removed the requirement for the RNA extraction step. We anticipate that these methods will have value in driving continued efficiency and effectiveness within all large scale viral diagnostic testing laboratories