94 research outputs found

    Social and economic background of digital economy : conditions for transition

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze indicators that characterize the level of digital sector development, and to develop measures to stimulate the digitalization process. For the Russian Federation, indicators necessary for comparative analysis are those that enable the indentification of a gap in digital sector development between the Russian Federation and the leading European countries.peer-reviewe

    Observation of coherent electron transport in self-catalysed InAs and InAs1–xSbx nanowires grown on silicon

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    We report the observation of phase coherent transport in catalyst-free InAs and InAs1–xSbx nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon (111) substrates. We investigate three different methods to gain information on the phase coherence length of the nanowires: first through the study of universal conductance fluctuations as a function of both magnetic field and gate voltage and then through localisation effects. The analysis of these different quantum effects gave consistent results and a phase-coherence length in the hundred nanometre range was extracted for all nanowires below 10 K. This demonstrates the potential of catalyst-free nanowires as building blocks for future quantum electronics devices directly integrated with silicon circuits

    Modeling the impact of weather and climatic conditions and nutrition variants on the yield of spring barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    Crop yield is a result of the interaction between plant genetic traits, soil properties, agrotechnology and climatic regimes. Low yield tend to be formed in regions where it is limited to the extent of water availability, heat stress and the short duration of the grain filling period. High temperature and drought stress are projected to reduce crop yields and threaten food security. The article presents the results of studies on the effectiveness of treatment of spring barley crops with modern growth-regulating drugs on the background of mineral fertilizers, carried out in different weather and climatic conditions in 2013–2017 yrs on the Southern chernozem in the conditions of Steppe of Ukraine. It was studied the influence of weather and climatic conditions, varietal characteristics of spring barley and nutrition variants on the formation of grain yield. It was determined that the cultivation of spring barley, the introduction of pre-sowing cultivation of mineral fertilizer at a dose of N30P30 (background) and the use of crop foliar fertilizing at the beginning of the phase of stooling and earing by the complex organo-mineral fertilizer Escort bio created favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants of the studied varieties, which in turn had a positive effect on grain yield. Thus, according to this variant of nutrition, on average, during the years of research, it was formed the yield of 3.25–3.61 t ha-1 grains depending on the studied variety. Results of researches showed that weather conditions during the years of research significantly influenced on the productivity of spring barley varieties. In 2016 the amount of precipitation was the highest (174.0 mm), the temperature during vegetation of spring barley was +14.9 °C. In 2013 the amount of precipitation was the lowest (67.4 mm), the temperature was +18.5 °C. The lowest crop yield was formed in 2013, and the highest yield was formed in 2016. Studies showed that the influence of weather factors in various interfacial periods of growth and development of spring barley was significant enough for the manifestation of signs of yield and its elements and is more dependent on rainfall

    Formation of photosynthetic and grain yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) depend on varietal characteristics and plant growth regulators

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    ArticleThe aim of the study was to determine the efficiency of the barley treatment crops with modern retrograde preparations on the background of the mineral fertilizers introduction into the photosynthetic activity of crops and grain yield. The experiments were carried out in 2013 -2017 on the southern black soil in the conditions of the Ukrainian Steppe. On the basis of the study results, it was determined that the introduction of irrigated fertilizer barley in a dose of N30P30 (background) under pre-sowing cultivation and the application of extra-root crop supplements at the phases beginning of the barley outflow straw into the tube and the organoleptic fermentation of Organic D2 and natural microbial complex Escort - Bio creates favorable conditions for the formation at the optimal levels of photosynthetic parameters and grain yield. Thus, on average, over the years of research and by factor variety, grain yield on these experimental variants was 3.37–3.41 t ha-1 , which exceeded its level on uncontrolled control by 0.71–0.75 t ha-1 or 26.7–28.2%. Based on the study results, the use of modern regenerating agents against the background of mineral fertilizers can be recommended as an expedient and effective measure of spring barley raising the productivity

    Pharmaceutical assessment of the rationale of the application of chemotherapy schemes containing immunotherapeutic drugs in the treatment of classical Hodgkin's lymphoma

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    The use of new chemotherapy regimens for Hodgkin lymphoma, containing immunotherapeutic drugs, such as brentuximab vedotin, is an urgent direction in the development of modern oncohematology. The inclusion of these drugs in programs of financial support for hematological oncology patients by the state requires an assessment of the rationality of their use under the conditions of the current health care resource provision. The aim of the research is to carry out a pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the rationality of the use of brentuximab vedotin drugs in the treatment of classic Hodgkin lymphoma. Materials – the results of clinical studies of the effectiveness of two chemotherapy regimens for Hodgkin lymphoma (BrECAPP and BrECADD), which were published by German scientists in 2017 (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, CN-01443068), data from the domestic market of anticancer drugs and state procurement of medicines. General theoretical and applied (organizational and economic, marketing and pharmacoeconomic analysis, mathematical and statistical, etc.) research methods were applied. According to the results of the pharmacoeconomic evaluation of the rationality of the use of the BrECAPP and BrECADD schemes in the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma, it was established that according to the indices of complete response after chemotherapy (%) the BrECADD scheme has clinical and economic advantages of application, and according to the index of complete remission as the final result of treatment (%), the situation is quite the opposite, that is, the BrECAPP scheme has advantages. The evaluation of the safety profile of the application makes it possible to assert the advantages of the application of the BrECADD scheme. Thus, taking into account the three indices under study (organ toxicity (%), manifestations of peripheral neuropathies (%) and the development of hematological side effects (%)), the indicated scheme had a clinical and economic advantage over the alternative scheme in two indices. This is organ toxicity (%), CEA2 = UAH 3,323.87/unit. ef. (%) against CEA1 = UAH 3,854.52/unit. ef. (%) according to the BrECAPP scheme and the development of hematological side effects (%) – CEA2 = UAH 29,008.32/unit. ef. (%) against CEA1 = UAH 29,084.14/unit. ef. (%) according to the BrECAPP scheme. In general, it can be stated that the BrECADD scheme is more rational and has economic advantages in the treatment of classical Hodgkin lymphoma compared to the BrECAPP regimen in terms of clinical efficacy and safety profile

    Lasing of donor-bound excitons in ZnSe microdisks

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    Excitons bound to flourine atoms in ZnSe have the potential for several quantum optical applications. Examples include optically accessible quantum memories for quantum information processing and lasing without inversion. These applications require the bound-exciton transitions to be coupled to cavities with high cooperativity factors, which results in the experimental observation of low-threshold lasing. We report such lasing from fluorine-doped ZnSe quantum wells in 3 and 6 micron microdisk cavities. Photoluminescence and selective photoluminescence spectroscopy confirm that the lasing is due to bound-exciton transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; introduction rewritte

    Europium doping of zincblende GaN by ion implantation

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    Eu was implanted into high quality cubic (zincblende) GaN (ZB-GaN) layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Detailed structural characterization before and after implantation was performed by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Rutherford backscattering/channeling spectrometry. A low concentration ( direction, while a Ga substitutional site is observed for W-GaN:Eu. The implantation damage in ZB-GaN:Eu could partly be removed by thermal annealing, but an increase in the wurtzite phase fraction was observed at the same time. Cathodoluminescence, photoluminescence (PL), and PL excitation spectroscopy revealed several emission lines which can be attributed to distinct Eu-related optical centers in ZB-GaN and W-GaN inclusions

    Дослідження епідеміології деменції та хвороби Альцгеймера в Україні

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    Against the background of systematic aging of the population and increase in life expectancy the problems of the spread of all forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, are becoming increasingly important. Аim. To study epidemiology of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in Ukraine. Materials and methods. Data from the Center for Mental Health and Monitoring of Drugs and Alcohol of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for 2015-2019 were studied. In the research, in addition to general theoretical methods, methods of epidemiological studies were also used. Results and discussion. It has been found that since 2018 in Ukraine, the incidence rates of all mental disorders (4.0 %) increased, including organic lesions with symptomatic manifestations of cognitive impairment (2.0 %), all forms of dementia (6.0 %), vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (9.0 % each). The structure of dementia is dominated by vascular forms of dementia (62.59 %), while Alzheimer’s disease has been characterized since 2015 by a systematic increase in the proportion (%) from 7.0 % to 12.0 %. The average prevalence of dementia in Ukraine is 99.72, and Alzheimer’s disease is 5.34 per 100 thousand population. A significant fluctuation in the prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in different regions of the country has been proven. Thus, in the regions of the country, these indicators differed by 6 or more times. The highest prevalence rates of dementia were observed in 7 regions (Vinnytsia, Donetsk, Zaporizhia, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Cherkasy and Chernihiv regions) and Kyiv, and for Alzheimer’s disease – in 3 regions (Zaporizhia, Kherson, Chernihiv) and Kyiv. Conclusions. It is necessary to introduce an effective system for recording and monitoring cases of all forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. This will form the basis for the development of models for the rational distribution of healthcare resources for the effective treatment and social rehabilitation of these groups of patients in Ukraine.На фоне планомерного старения населения и увеличения продолжительности жизни проблемы распространения всех форм деменции, в т. ч. болезни Альцгеймера, приобретают все большую актуальность. Целью работы стало проведение исследования эпидемиологии деменции и болезни Альцгеймера в Украине. Материалы и методы. Материалом исследования были данные Центра психического здоровья и мониторинга наркотиков и алкоголя МЗ Украины за 2015-2019 годы. В работе, кроме общетеоретических методов, использованы и методы эпидемиологических исследований. Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что с 2018 г. в Украине увеличились показатели заболеваемости всеми расстройствами психики (4,0 %), в т. ч. органическими поражениями с симптоматическими проявлениями нарушений когнитивных функций (2,0 %), всеми формами деменции (6,0 %), сосудистой деменцией и болезнью Альцгеймера (по 9,0 %). В структуре деменции доминируют сосудистые формы (62,59%), а болезнь Альцгеймера характеризуется с 2015 г. планомерным ростом удельного веса с 7,0 % до 12,0 %. Средний показатель распространенности деменции в Украине составлял 99,72, а болезни Альцгеймера – 5,34 человека на 100 тыс. населения. Доказано значительное колебание показателей распространенности деменции и болезни Альцгеймера по разным регионам страны. Так, по областям Украины эти показатели отличались в 6 и более раз. Самые высокие показатели распространенности деменции наблюдались в 7 областях (Винницкая, Донецкая, Запорожская, Житомирская, Киевская, Черкасская, Черниговская) и г. Киеве, а болезни Альцгеймера – в 3-х областях (Запорожская, Херсонская, Черниговская) и г. Киеве. Выводы. Доказана необходимость внедрения эффективной системы фиксации и мониторинга случаев всех форм деменции, в т. ч. болезни Альцгеймера. Это позволит сформировать основу для разработки моделей рационального распределения ресурсов здравоохранения для эффективного лечения и социальной реабили-тации указанных групп больных в Украине.На тлі планомірного старіння населення та збільшення тривалості життя проблеми поширення всіх форм деменції, зокрема хвороби Альцгеймера, набувають дедалі більшої актуальності. Метою роботи стало проведення дослідження епідеміології деменції та хвороби Альцгеймера в Україні. Матеріали та методи. Матеріалами дослідження були дані Центру психічного здоров’я і моніторингу наркотиків та алкоголю МОЗ України за 2015-2019 роки. У науковій розвідці, окрім загальнотеоретичних методів, використано методи епідеміологічних досліджень. Результати та їх обговорення. Виявлено, що з 2018 р. в Україні збільшились показники захворюваності на всі розлади психіки (4,0 %), зокрема на органічні ураження із симптоматичними проявами порушень когнітивних функцій (2,0 %), на всі форми деменції (6,0 %), судинну деменцію та хворобу Альцгеймера (по 9,0 %). У структурі деменцій домінує судинна форма (62,59 %), а хвороба Альцгеймера з 2015 р. характеризується планомірним зростанням питомої ваги з 7,0 % до 12,0 %. Середній показник поширеності деменції в Україні дорівнював 99,72, а хвороби Альцгеймера – 5,34 особи на 100 тис. населення. Виявлено значне коливання показників поширеності деменції та хвороби Альцгеймера в різних регіонах країни. Так, в областях України зазначені показники відрізнялись у 6 і більше разів. Найвищі показники поширеності деменції спостерігали в 7 областях (Вінницька, Донецька, Запорізька, Житомирська, Харківська, Черкаська та Чернігівська) та м. Києві, а хвороби Альцгеймера – у 3-х областях (Запорізька, Херсонська, Чернігівська) та м. Києві. Висновки. Доведено необхідність впровадження ефективної системи фіксації та моніторингу випадків усіх форм деменції, зокрема хвороби Альцгеймера. Це формує підґрунтя для розроблення моделей раціонального розподілу ресурсів охорони здоров’я з метою ефективного лікування та соціальної реабілітації зазначених груп хворих в Україні

    On the Relationship between Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound Parameters and the Underlying Vascular Architecture Extracted from Acoustic Angiography

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    Dynamic contrast-enhanced ultrasound (DCE-US) has been proposed as a powerful tool for cancer diagnosis by estimation of perfusion and dispersion parameters reflecting angiogenic vascular changes. This work was aimed at identifying which vascular features are reflected by the estimated perfusion and dispersion parameters through comparison with acoustic angiography (AA). AA is a high-resolution technique that allows quantification of vascular morphology. Three-dimensional AA and 2-D DCE-US bolus acquisitions were used to monitor the growth of fibrosarcoma tumors in nine rats. AA-derived vascular properties were analyzed along with DCE-US perfusion and dispersion to investigate the differences between tumor and control and their evolution in time. AA-derived microvascular density and DCE-US perfusion exhibited good agreement, confirmed by their spatial distributions. No vascular feature was correlated with dispersion. Yet, dispersion provided better cancer classification than perfusion. We therefore hypothesize that dispersion characterizes vessels that are smaller than those visible with AA