37 research outputs found

    Vulnerabilidad y capacidad de adaptación al riesgo de sequía

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    Las sequías se han convertido en uno de los riesgos que mayores afecciones produce en las poblaciones y en los territorios expuestos. Además, sabemos que, en un contexto de cambio climático, estos eventos y las consecuencias que generan se intensificarán. Por tanto, resulta fundamental desarrollar estrategias que, asumiendo la normalidad de estos episodios, permitan la anticipación y la correcta adaptación y que, a su vez, se basen en correctas evaluaciones y análisis de la vulnerabilidad al riesgo de sequía. Con este telón de fondo, se presenta una metodología que, entre otras innovaciones, desarrolla novedosos indicadores de capacidad de adaptación que permiten explorar la influencia de las dimensiones sociales e institucionales, como es el caso de la percepción y de la comunicación del riesgo, la inclusión del cambio climático en la planificación hidrológica, o el grado de confianza institucional y de conciencia ambiental

    Methodology For The Analysis Of Causes Of Drought Vulnerability On River Basin Scale.

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    Política de acceso abierto tomada de: https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/id/publication/16695The concept of vulnerability has emerged in recent decades as a key concept for the research on drought risk as well as in the implementation of mitigation strategies of drought risk. The context within which this concept emerges is one of scientific consensus: the research community agrees that we are witnessing a paradigm shift in water management policies, within a broader framework of changes in the relationship between humans and nature. In this context, vulnerability studies must become an instrument for the assessment and mitigation of risk. Based on the proposals put forward by the IPCC concerning the components of vulnerability (exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity), this paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation and analysis of drought vulnerability on the river basin scale. The methodology results in the calculation of a Drought Vulnerability Index (DVI) and the use of different techniques for the interpretation of results

    Drought, social agents and the construction of discourse in Andalusia

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    Despite the severity of the last droughts in Spain, there has not been any significant shift in the current planning strategies, due to a significant resistance to abandoning traditional practices against this hydrological risk. To better understand the origin of this resistance, the changing role of the relevant stakeholders in the debate and the key issues, this paper is aimed at undertaking a discursive analysis of the information conveyed by the media in hydrological years 2004–2005 and 2011–2012, through the application of the software Atlas.ti.This work has been funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Research Project “DIRECTIVA MARCO DEL AGUA Y RIESGOS HÍDRICOS: GESTIÓN Y MITIGACIÓN DE SEQUÍAS (GESTISEQ)” (CSO2011–29425), and Andalusia's Regional Government, Research Project “DESARROLLO DE UN MODELO DE ANTICIPACIÓN A LAS SEQUÍAS BASADO EN ESCENARIOS DINÁMICOS (GUADALSEQ)” (P11-HUM-7922)

    Challenges for the Integration of Water Resource and Drought-Risk Management in Spain

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    Droughts are risks characterized by their complexity, uncertainty, and a series of other features, which differentiate them from other natural disasters and affect the strategies designed to manage them. These characteristics highlight the close relationship between drought management and water resources management. The following hypothesis is raised in this study—unsatisfactory integration of a drought-risk and water resources management strategies, increases the vulnerability to drought. To corroborate this hypothesis, the Spanish case was analyzed, where droughts are a recurrent phenomenon, due to the Mediterranean climate. Starting from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) framework, which has been proposed to characterize vulnerability as a function of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity, this study analyzed the vulnerability in the Spanish River Basin Districts, through—(i) the integration of the predictable effects of climate change and the increased risk of exposure in hydrologic planning; (ii) the pressure on water resources that determines the sensitivity of the systems; and (iii) the development and implementation of drought management plans as a fundamental tool, in order to adapt before these events occur. The results showed that despite important advances in the process of conceiving and managing droughts, in Spain, there are still important gaps for an adequate integration of droughts risk into the water resource strategies. Therefore, despite the improvements, drought-risk vulnerability of the systems remained high.Plan Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Científica y Técnica de Excelencia. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad—FEDER. Convocatoria 2015, grant number CSO2015-64026-P “Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad socio-institucional a las sequías: propuesta metodológica, estudio de caso y elaboración de una Guía (EVALSOC)”

    U-ADAPT! Adaptación urbana al calor extremo

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    Ponencia presentada en: XII Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Santiago de Compostela entre el 19 y el 21 de octubre de 2022.[ES]Los Eventos de Calor Extremo (ECE) son una gran amenaza para muchas ciudades y están consideradas como uno de los peligros más mortales a nivel mundial. En este trabajo se describe el marco de trabajo desarrollado por el proyecto U-ADAPT! (Urban-Adaptation), financiado por la Unión Europea. El marco de trabajo proporciona una completa herramienta analítica para entender, explicar y desarrollar adaptaciones a las condiciones de calor extremas en zonas urbanas. Fue construido a partir de un proceso iterativo con base en literatura científica, planes de adaptación de ciudades y en participación pública de actores relevantes como un primer paso para generar un indicador que mida el grado de adaptación de las ciudades europeas. UADAPT! se estructura en cinco metas generales en relación con cinco dominios diferentes: (i) el efecto isla de calor, (ii) la exposición a ECE, (iii) la sensibilidad a ECE, (iv) la capacidad de reacción, (v) la capacidad de adaptación. Estas cinco metas se despliegan en veintidós objetivos de adaptación que son a su vez desarrollados en un total de ciento veinticinco medidas y estrategias de adaptación específicas. De esta manera, U-ADAPT! pretende centrarse en la evaluación de la profundidad y velocidad del proceso de adaptación y crear una herramienta que permita a los ciudadanos demandar un entorno seguro y sostenible a las instituciones responsables del proceso de adaptación.[EN]Extreme Heat Events (EHE) are a major concern for many urban areas worldwide and are considered as one of the deadliest natural hazards globally. In this work, we describe the U-ADAPT! framework for urban adaptation to extreme heat. The framework of this EU-funded project for urban adaptation to Extreme Heat Events presented in this paper provides a heuristic analytical tool for understanding, explaining, and developing local adaptation to extreme heat conditions. It was developed in an iterative process building on existing scholarly debates, on administrative adaptation plans, and on participatory consultation with community stakeholders as a prior step to develop an indicator to ground-test adaptation in European Union’s urban areas. The framework is structured across five different adaptation goals in relation with five different domains: (i) urban heat island effect, (ii) EHE exposure, (iii) EHE sensitivity, (iv) EHE coping capacity, (v) EHE adaptive capacity. These goals are in turn unfolded into twenty-two adaptation objectives, each of one extensively described and illustrated through a collection of specific adaptation measures or strategies. U-ADAPT! aims to create a unique interdisciplinary framework and a replicable multidimensional indicator on adaptation to EHE that empower European Union citizens to demand a safe and sustainable environment and hold institutions accountable for the adaptation process to current and upcoming risks.Este proyecto recibe financiación del programa de investigación e innovación Horizon 2020 de la Unión Europa bajo una ayuda Marie Skłodowska-Curie No. [101019424]

    The role played by environmental concern and institutional trust in changing public preferences for water management

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    Efforts to improve the efficiency of irrigation systems in areas which suffer from water scarcity have often failed to reduce water demand owing to the constant expansion of irrigation. Andalusia, in southern Spain, is a clear case in point, as the publicly funded programs aimed at improving irrigation put forward since the 1990s after recurrent episodes of drought have not been able to meet agrarian demand. This situation has generated an active debate among stakeholders and public managers. This study aims to investigate the role of public opinion in this debate, as demanded by new water governance models, embodied in the Water Framework Directive. We use the results of a representative annual survey in Andalusia between 2004 and 2013. First, we analyze the evolution of public support for the two most costly public measures: constructing reservoirs and improving irrigation. Second, we analyze some attitudes that may have affected a change in public opinion, including institutional trust and environmental concern. The results suggest that the public legitimizes the administration's bid for more efficient irrigation systems, essentially for environmental reasons. However, should attempts to control water demand continue to fail, support for this measure may be withdrawn

    Cartografía de riesgo de inundación en la planificación territorial para la gestión del riesgo de desastre. Escalas de trabajo y estudios de casos en España

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    Las inundaciones son el riesgo natural que genera mayores impactos socioeconómicos y territoriales en el litoral mediterráneo español. El aumento en la frecuencia de este tipo de eventos y una desajustada ocupación del suelo ha elevado la exposición y la vulnerabilidad de territorios y poblaciones en las últimas décadas. El mapa es el documento de acreditación legal del riesgo y pieza clave para la toma de decisiones en las distintas escalas geográficas de la ordenación territorial. Este trabajo plantea una evaluación multiescalar del tratamiento de la cartografía de riesgo de inundación en los instrumentos de ordenación territorial y analiza el grado de vinculación entre ellos. Se examinan los casos de la Comunidad Valenciana y Andalucía, territorios altamente expuestos y vulnerables ante inundaciones. Los resultados identifican importantes retos conceptuales y metodológicos, especialmente en los documentos de planificación urbana y en lo referente a cuestiones ligadas con la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad.Flood risk causes the major socio-economic losses in the Spanish Mediterranean coast. As a result of a misalignment of land use policies and practices, which have not considered floods hazard sufficiently, the increase in the frequency of floods due to climate change, exposure and vulnerability have increased in last decades. Territorial planning is a key tool to promote preventive risk management, and risk mapping is the key piece for decision making at the different geographical scales of land use planning. This paper presents a systematic multi-scale analysis of risk map treatment in territorial planning instruments at different scales, and analyzes the degree of linkage between them. The analysis has been carried out in two case studies in Spain (Valencian Community and Andalusia). Results show that the use of flood risk mapping continues to pose important challenges, especially in urban planning documents, and in relation to vulnerability assessment

    Nota preliminar : El viaje en la geografía moderna

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    págs.: 9-11Capítulo incluido en el libro: El viaje en la geografía moderna. Pilar Paneque Salgado y Juan Francisco Ojeda Rivera (Editores). Sevilla: Univeridad Internacional de Andalucía, 2013. ISBN: 978-84-7993-236-7. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/640