108 research outputs found

    Direct Detection of Dark Matter particles with Long Range Interaction

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    We study the effect of a long-range DM-nuclei interaction occurring via the exchange of a light mediator. We consider the main direct detection experiments: DAMA, CoGeNT, CRESST, CDMS and XENON100. We find that a long-range force is a viable mechanism, which can provide full agreement between the various experiments, especially for masses of the mediator in the 10-30 MeV range and a light DM with a mass around 10 GeV. The relevant bounds on the light mediator mass and scattering cross section are then derived.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; To appear in the Proceedings of the 47th Rencontres de Moriond on Cosmolog

    Constraints on Dark Matter annihilations from reionization and heating of the intergalactic gas

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    Dark Matter annihilations after recombination and during the epoch of structure formation deposit energy in the primordial intergalactic medium, producing reionization and heating. We investigate the constraints that are imposed by the observed optical depth of the Universe and the measured temperature of the intergalactic gas. We find that the bounds are significant, and have the power to rule out large portions of the `DM mass/cross section' parameter space. The optical depth bound is generally stronger and does not depend significantly on the history of structure formation. The temperature bound can be competitive in some cases for small masses or the hadronic annihilation channels (and is affected somewhat by the details of structure formation). We find in particular that DM particles with a large annihilation cross section into leptons and a few TeV mass, such as those needed to explain the PAMELA and FERMI+HESS cosmic ray excesses in terms of Dark Matter, are ruled out as they produce too many free electrons. We also find that low mass particles (<~ 10 GeV) tend to heat too much the gas and are therefore disfavored.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; v2: minor comments added, matches version published on JCA

    Bounds on Dark Matter annihilations from 21 cm data

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    The observation of an absorption feature in the 21 cm spectrum at redshift z≈17z\approx 17 implies bounds on Dark Matter annihilations for a broad range of masses, given that significant heating of the intergalactic medium would have erased such feature. The resulting bounds on the DM annihilation cross sections are comparable to the strongest ones from all other observables.Comment: 8 pages. v2: improved treatment of energy depositio

    New Directions in Direct Dark Matter Searches

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    I present the status of direct dark matter detection with specific attention to the experimental results and their phenomenological interpretation in terms of dark matter interactions. In particular I review a new and more general approach to study signals in this field based on non-relativistic operators which parametrize more efficiently the dark matter-nucleus interactions in terms of a very limited number of relevant degrees of freedom. Then I list the major experimental results, pointing out the main uncertainties that affect the theoretical interpretation of the data. Finally, since the underlying theory that describes both the dark matter and the standard model fields is unknown, I address the uncertainties coming from the nature of the interaction. In particular, the phenomenology of a class of models in which the interaction between dark matter particles and target nuclei is of a long-range type is discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures; Invited review for special issue on "Direct Dark Matter Search (DMS)" to appear in Advances in High Energy Physic

    You can hide but you have to run: direct detection with vector mediators

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    We study direct detection in simplified models of Dark Matter (DM) in which interactions with Standard Model (SM) fermions are mediated by a heavy vector boson. We consider fully general, gauge-invariant couplings between the SM, the mediator and both scalar and fermion DM. We account for the evolution of the couplings between the energy scale of the mediator mass and the nuclear energy scale. This running arises from virtual effects of SM particles and its inclusion is not optional. We compare bounds on the mediator mass from direct detection experiments with and without accounting for the running. In some cases the inclusion of these effects changes the bounds by several orders of magnitude, as a consequence of operator mixing which generates new interactions at low energy. We also highlight the importance of these effects when translating LHC limits on the mediator mass into bounds on the direct detection cross section. For an axial-vector mediator, the running can alter the derived bounds on the spin-dependent DM-nucleon cross section by a factor of two or more. Finally, we provide tools to facilitate the inclusion of these effects in future studies: general approximate expressions for the low energy couplings and a public code runDM to evolve the couplings between arbitrary energy scales.Comment: 26 pages + appendices, 9 + 2 figures. The runDM code is available at https://github.com/bradkav/runDM/. v2: references added, version published in JHE

    Helioseismology with long range dark matter-baryon interactions

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    Assuming the existence of a primordial asymmetry in the dark sector, we study how DM-baryon long-range interactions, induced by the kinetic mixing of a new U(1)U(1) gauge boson and the photon, affects the evolution of the Sun and in turn the sound speed profile obtained from helioseismology. Thanks to the explicit dependence on the exchanged momenta in the differential cross section (Rutherford-like scattering), we find that dark matter particles with a mass of ∌10  GeV\sim 10\;{\rm GeV}, kinetic mixing parameter of the order of 10−910^{-9} and a mediator with a mass smaller than a few MeV improve the agreement between the best solar model and the helioseismic data without being excluded by direct detection experiments. In particular, the \LUX\ detector will soon be able to either constrain or confirm our best fit solar model in the presence of a dark sector with long-range interactions that reconcile helioseismology with thermal neutrino results.Comment: v2: new section on the importance of the self-interaction added, discussion on its magnitude added, some clarifications and some references added, few typos corrected, results slightly modified; matches version published on ApJ ; article with 12 pages and 4 figure

    Faint Light from Dark Matter: Classifying and Constraining Dark Matter-Photon Effective Operators

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    Even if Dark Matter (DM) is neutral under electromagnetism, it can still interact with the Standard Model (SM) via photon exchange from higher-dimensional operators. Here we classify the general effective operators coupling DM to photons, distinguishing between Dirac/Majorana fermion and complex/real scalar DM. We provide model-independent constraints on these operators from direct and indirect detection. We also constrain various DM-lepton operators, which induce DM-photon interactions via RG running or which typically arise in sensible UV-completions. This provides a simple way to quickly assess constraints on any DM model that interacts mainly via photon exchange or couples to SM leptons.Comment: 32 pages + appendices, 9 + 1 figures, 2 + 1 tables. v2: some clarifications and references added; conclusions unchanged; version published in JHE

    Millicharge or Decay: A Critical Take on Minimal Dark Matter

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    Minimal Dark Matter (MDM) is a theoretical framework highly appreciated for its minimality and yet its predictivity. Of the two only viable candidates singled out in the original analysis, the scalar eptaplet has been found to decay too quickly to be around today, while the fermionic quintuplet is now being probed by indirect Dark Matter (DM) searches. It is therefore timely to critically review the MDM paradigm, possibly pointing out generalizations of this framework. We propose and explore two distinct directions. One is to abandon the assumption of DM electric neutrality in favor of absolutely stable, millicharged DM candidates which are part of SU(2)LSU(2)_{\text{L}} multiplets with integer isospin. Another possibility is to lower the cutoff of the model, which was originally fixed at the Planck scale, to allow for DM decays. We find new viable MDM candidates and study their phenomenology in detail.Comment: 24 pages + appendices, 5 figures. v2: references added; v3: added discussion on millicharged MDM eptaplet; some clarifications and references added; conclusions unchanged; matches version to be published in JCA
