519 research outputs found

    Solar or meteorological control of lower ionospheric fluctuations (2-15 and 27 days) in middle latitudes

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    Several types of short and long term effects of solar activity on the lower ionosphere are related to solar flares, the sector structure of the interplanetary magnetic field and some periodicities in sunspots or solar radio flux. The most evident periodicities of the Sun are the 11 year cycle of its activity and the differential rotation period near 27 days (25 to 30 days). Here, the following questions are discussed: which periods between 2 and 15 days and near 27 days occur in ionospheric absorption during the interval July 1980 to July 1985 and are these periods related to similar periods in solar Ly-alpha flux, geomagnetic activity, or neutral wind near 95 km observed in Collm (GDR). Day-time absorption data obtained by the A3 method was used for the following radio-paths: (164 kHz), (1539 kHz), (6090 kHz). With the use of these data the electron density variations in the lower ionosphere can be analyzed. An attempt was made to clarify the nature of the observed fluctuations in absorption

    Ionospheric effects of the extreme solar activity of February 1986

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    During February 1986, near the minimum of the 11 year Solar sunspot cycle, after a long period of totally quiet solar activity (R sub z = 0 on most days in January) a period of a suddenly enhanced solar activity occurred in the minimum between solar cycles 21 and 22. Two proton flares were observed during this period. A few other flares, various phenomena accompanying proton flares, an extremely severe geomagnetic storm and strong disturbances in the Earth's ionosphere were observed in this period of enhanced solar activity. Two active regions appeared on the solar disc. The flares in both active regions were associated with enhancement of solar high energy proton flux which started on 4 February of 0900 UT. Associated with the flares, the magnetic storm with sudden commencement had its onset on 6 February 1312 UT and attained its maximum on 8 February (Kp = 9). The sudden enhancement in solar activity in February 1986 was accompanied by strong disturbances in the Earth's ionosphere, SIDs and ionospheric storm. These events and their effects on the ionosphere are discussed

    Impact of COVID-19 on banking performance in the case of Bulgarian bank system

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    After the World Financial and Economic Crisis, the frequency of bank performance analysis has increased. The reason for this is the negative effects of the crisis, which led to a total rethinking of business models and the behavior of bankers. And while analysts were looking for changes in the behavior of the determinants of bank performance indicators, the world faced a new factor – Covid-19, which gave a new impetus to the studies. Subject of research in this publication are the banks in Bulgaria, and the purpose of the analysis is to outline the determinants of bank profitability and efficiency in the conditions of Covid-19. The thesis advocated in the research is that the banks in Bulgaria are affected by Covid-19 in regards to their key performance indicators, but indirectly and do not fall within the outlined borderlines of a "collapse" of the system, in the context of the countries outside the euro area

    A Model of the Influence of Neutral Air Dynamics on the Seasonal Variation in the Low Ionosphere

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    Recently it has become clear that the phenomena in the ionospheric D-region are determined to a great extent by dynamical processes in the strato-mesosphere D-region. In this respect much attention is paid to the study of the winter anomaly (WA) phenomenon on medium and short radiowaves, in which the meteorological character of the lower ionosphere is most prominent. Significant experimental data about the variations of the electron concentration, N, ion composition, temperature and dynamic regime during WA permit a better understanding of the character of the physical processes in the middle atmosphere. The influence of the neutral wind on the seasonal variation of the electron concentration N for the altitude interval 90 or = z or = 120 km, where the ratio upsilon sub in/omega sub i, of the ion-neutral collision frequency, upsilon sub in and the ion gyrofrequency, omega sub i decreases from 40 to 1 was evaluated. CIRA-72 is used as a model of the zonal wind

    On Self-Similar Extremal Processes

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    We study the limit behaviour of the sequence of extremal processes under a regularity condition on the norming sequence ζn and asymptotic negligibility of the max-increments of Yn.This paper is partially supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Sciences under grand MM 234/1996

    The Fight Against Unregulated Fishing in the Arctic. Deterring Unregulated Fishing by Vessels under the 2018 Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Agreement

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    Climate change and its consequences have an impact over the oceans and their marine ecosystems, especially in the Arctic. Following these changes, the ice-thickness is receding, and the Central Arctic Ocean waters are becoming more accessible. Some of the commercially valuable fish stocks are also observed to migrate northwards. Such migration might lead to growing fishing activities once vessels are able to be present at these waters. This would lead to increased possibilities for fishing in contradiction with established conservation and management measures. The Arctic states took initiative with regards to this issue and, in 2018, together with five more parties, signed a novel agreement, according to which no fishing shall be authorized until sufficient scientific knowledge is obtained. Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to investigate how the parties to this agreement can deter the unregulated fishing activities in the Central Arctic Ocean

    Social psychological and managerial perusal of demographic characteristics of the boards

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     Formed over the years as institutions belonging to the white educated men, the boards were a forbidden territory for those who didn`t seem to fit into the group of `the best`. Based on self-alikeness and hidden behind their own limitations for the different ones, they were the elite of the corporate management. But the globalizing and ready-to-change world destroyed their security and forced them to totally reconsider their composition and behaviour in terms of being open to the new times, thus accepting women in the top management. The road to the top for the women is long but not impossible any more. Since the middle of the last century the analysists are looking for the reasons for the glass limitations before the women. The Social identity theory and the Principal Agent theory are just vague representatives of the possible reasons for the rejection and the acceptance of women in boards. While the first of them only shows reasons for not letting women into the elite team, the latter proves their right to participate actively, even if just in the role of independent directors

    About another apple of discord - the gender pay gap amongst the top management of the banks

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    The studies about the lack of women in boards of financial institutions often cover the "glass limitations", the built stereotypes, the man's world of the bankers, etc. This problem directly correlates to another one - the gender pay gap. The intensification of the conflict between men and women about the pays or the financial bonuses is still an ongoing issue, with big financial conglomerates announce over 40% difference in favour of the men. And even though gender discrimination at hiring and pays is illegal, and there are lots of regulations on this matter, the women face both problems in the upper echelons.In attempt to disprove their "lower value", women look for a way to have a fair appraisal for their work - a chance to reach the top levels (not based on the quotas rules) and narrow the pay gap between them and the men. Is the Theory of the Human Capital valid nowadays? Are there antitheses or at least partial evidence to confute the allegation that women do not posses enough knowledge, skills and experience

    Decomposing Color Expressions in Malayalam

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    Experimental Evidence for the Syntax of Phrasal Comparatives in Polish

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    Pancheva (2009) argues that phrasal comparatives in Polish exhibit a subject-island effect. She proposes an account of the island effect as a combination of several factors: than has a small clause complement in phrasal comparatives; wh-movement turns the than-clause into a degree predicate; wh-movement of the vP subject is prohibited by an anti-locality constraint; sub-extraction of the vP subject is then the only option, but it causes an island violation. Informally elicited judgments support this proposal but there is a fair amount of variability among and even within speakers. Given this variability in speakers’ responses, we need to elicit judgments in controlled conditions allowing subsequent quantitative analysis. We conducted two acceptability-rating studies on Polish comparatives following standard experimental procedures and testing a large number of speakers. The results support the small clause analysis of phrasal comparatives
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