22 research outputs found

    Morske alge grčke obale: Rhodophyta bez Ceramiales

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    An updated checklist of the red seaweeds (Rhodophyta), excluding the order Ceramiales, of the Greek coasts is provided, based on literature records, critically reviewed from present-day taxonomic and nomenclatural aspects. The total number of genera, species and infraspecific taxa currently accepted is 78, 138 and 4 respectively. The occurrence of each taxon in the North Aegean, South Aegean and Ionian Seas is given. Knowledge gaps are pointed, with 57 taxa pending confirmation of their presence marked. Moreover, 13 excludenda and 12 inquirenda taxa are briefly discussed. In overall, a solid updated baseline of the Rhodophyta (excluding Ceramiales) taxa occurence in Greece is provided, critical for future tailor-targeting seaweed studies.U radu autori prikazuju ažurirani popis crvenih morskih algi grčkih obala (Rhodophyta), isklju-čujući red Ceramiales, koji se temelji na literaturnim zapisima, te je kritički pregledan s danaÅ”njih taksonomskih i nomenklaturnih aspekata. Ukupan broj rodova, vrsta i infraspecifičnih taksona koji su trenutno prihvaćeni je 78, 138 i 4, respektivno.Prikazana je pojava svake svojte u sjevernom i južnom Egejskom moru i u Jonskom moru. Uoče-ne su praznine u znanju, tj. s 57 taksona koji čekaju potvrdu njihove prisutnosti. Å toviÅ”e, ukratko se raspravlja o 13 isključenih i 12 ispitivanih svojti. U cjelini, osigurana je čvrsta ažurirana osnovica pojavljivanja Rhodophyta (isključujući Ceramiales) u Grčkoj, Å”to je presudno za buduće studije usmjerene na ciljane vrste

    Alge grčkih obala: Rhodophyta: Ceramiales

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    An updated checklist of the red seaweeds (Rhodophyta) of the Order Ceramiales of the Greek coasts is provided, based on literature records, critically reviewed from present-day taxonomic and nomenclatural aspects. The total number of genera, species and infraspecific taxa currently accepted is 60, 118 and 2, respectively. The occurrence of each taxon in the North Aegean, South Aegean and Ionian Seas is given. Knowledge gaps are pointed, with 70 taxa pending confirmation of their presence marked. Moreover, 15 excludenda and 20 inquirenda taxa are briefly discussed. In this paper is given an updated base of the Ceramiales taxa occurrence in Greece, needed for future targeted seaweed studies.Ažurirani popis crvenih algi (Rhodophyta) iz reda Ceramiales na grčkim obalama napravljen je na temelju zapisa iz stručne literature i kritički je preispitan s danaÅ”njih aspekata taksonomije i nomenklature. Ukupan broj rodova, vrsta i intraspecijskih taksonomskih kategorija koje su danas prihvaćene je 60, 118, odnosno 2. Prikazana je pojava svake svojte u sjevernom i južnom Egejskom moru te u Jonskom moru. Ukazano je na propuste u dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima, uključivo za 70 svojti za koje je u tijeku potvrda da je zabilježena njihova prisutnost. Å toviÅ”e, u raspravi su izneseni podaci o 15 neprihvaćenih i problematičnih svojti kao i o 20 svojti upitnog i sumnjivog taksonomskog statusa. U ovom radu su prikazani ažurirani podaci o pojavljivanju crvenih algi Ceramiales u Grčkoj, a koji su neophodni za izradu budućih ciljanih studija

    Further expansion of the alien seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia var. distichophylla (Sonder) Verlaque, Huisman & Procacini (Ulvophyceae, Bryopsidales) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

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    We are grateful to Andreas Antoniou (Dep. of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development & Environment, Cyprus) for his assistance in the preparation of the illustrations. We would also like to thank Dr. Sotiris Orfanidis (NAGREF ā€“ Fisheries Research Institute, Kavala, Greece) for his valuable advice and both the DFMR and HSR / HCMR Rhodes crew and George Hatiris for their help in samplings. Special thanks are due to Dinos Leonidou (SeaQuest Divers Cyprus) for accompanying the deep dive for sampling Caulerpa at Cavo Greco. We are grateful to the Total Foundation (Paris) for its funding support to this study within the framework of the project ā€œBrown algal ecology and biodiversity in the eastern Mediterranean Seaā€ and to the MASTS pooling initiative (Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland, funded by the Scottish Funding Council and contributing institutions; grant reference HR09011).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    New records of the rare deep-water alga Sebdenia monnardiana (Rhodophyta) and the alien Dictyota cyanoloma (Phaeophyceae ) and the unresolved case of deep-water kelp in the Ionian and Aegean Seas (Greece)

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    Parts of the macroalgal flora of the eastern Mediterranean remain incompletely known. This applies in particular to the circalittoral communities. This study, based upon 2 cruises in the Ionian and Aegean Seas, surveyed benthic communities from 40 to 150 m depth by remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) with a special focus on detecting communities of the Mediterranean deep-water kelp Laminaria rodriguezii. These were complemented by shallow-water surveys on adjacent coastlines by snorkelling and scuba diving. While no kelp could be detected at any of the sites surveyed, ROV surveys of northern Euboia Island revealed the first east Mediterranean record of Sebdenia monnardiana (Sebdeniales, Rhodophyta). Snorkelling surveys on the coast of southeast Kefalonia yielded the first record of the alien alga Dictyota cyanoloma in Greece. This paper reports rbcL and SSU sequences for Sebdenia monnardiana, and COI for Dictyota cyanoloma.Peer reviewe

    Deliverable 1.1 review document on the management of marine areas with particular regard on concepts, objectives, frameworks and tools to implement, monitor, and evaluate spatially managed areas

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    The main objectives if this document were to review the existing information on spatial management of marine areas, identifying the relevant policy objectives, to identify parameters linked to the success or failure of the various Spatially Managed marine Areas (SMAs) regimes, to report on methods and tools used in monitoring and evaluation of the state of SMAs, and to identify gaps and weaknesses in the existing frameworks in relation to the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and management of SMAs. The document is naturally divided in two sections: Section 1 reviews the concepts, objectives, drivers, policy and management framework, and extraneous factors related to the design, implementation and evaluation of SMAs; Section 2 reviews the tools and methods to monitor and evaluate seabed habitats and marine populations.peer-reviewe

    Proposing a network of marine protected areas in the central Ionian archipelagos and the Korinthiakos gulf

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    We identified priority areas for conservation to complement the existing marine protected areas (MPAs) in the Central Ionian Archipelagos and the Korinthiakos Gulf, Eastern Mediterranean, based on the principles of systematic conservation planning. This transparent method for the design of MPA networks is considered more efficient and successful in representing the biodiversity of a region. In order to apply systematic conservation planning we used the computational tool Marxan. Our objective was to provide adequate protection for the biodiversity of the study area while minimizing the impact on the socioeconomically important human activities in the area. We used 17 conservation features (species and habitats) as well as surrogates for three fishing sectors and tourism to estimate the socioeconomic cost, as inputs in our analyses. After classifying our features into two categories (high and low priority), we created three scenarios with different targets for our conservation features: low (60% and 20%), medium (70% and 40%) and high (80% and 60%). The low target scenario demanded the protection of 24% of the study area, the medium 34% and the high 45%. The proposed network of MPAs should be subjected to zoning and adaptive management, supported by solid monitoring and evaluation of previous management decisions.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Could European marine conservation policy benefit from systematic conservation planning?

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    1. The Natura 2000 network of protected areas aims to assure the long-term survival of Europeā€™s most valuable and threatened species and habitats. Yet, evidence shows that the present network fails to represent effectively the biodiversity of the region. 2. Priority areas for conservation of coastal and offshore biodiversity features in the Greek Ionian Sea were identified, based on the principles of systematic conservation planning (SCP). SCP is a transparent method for the design ofMPA networks and is considered more efficient and successful in representing the biodiversity of a region. 3. The prioritization software Marxan was used and three scenarios with different sets of targets for 17 (high and low priority) conservation features were produced. These scenarios explicitly took into account socio-economic factors expressed as a single cost metric, weighting different economic sectors in proportion to their contribution to the GDP of the region. Then results were compared with the existing Natura 2000 sites in terms of goal achievement, area requirements, and cost. 4. The solutions produced by the systematic approach demanded less area and lower cost to achieve the goals set, when the selection of all Natura 2000 sites was not forced. Existing Natura 2000 sites alone failed to achieve conservation goals for some EU priority and other important coastal and offshore habitats and species of the Mediterranean Sea. 5. It is suggested that the use of systematic conservation planning and related computational tools could benefit the selection of European marine priority areas, especially in the context of ecosystem-based marine spatial management.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    Inner ionian archipelagos and adjacent gulfs: ecological mapping for the needs of ecosystem-based marine spatial

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    Mapping of ecosystem components (natural and socioeconomic) is a prerequisite for ecosystem-based marine spatial management (EB-MSM). To initiate the process of EB-MSM in the Inner Ionian Archipelagos and adjacent gulfs, the main relevant ecosystem components were mapped based on existing spatial information and expert judgment. The natural components mapped included habitat types and species of conservation importance, according to national and European legislation and international agreements. Main human activities/pressures related to fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, and industry were also mapped. A substantial overlapping between ecological features and human activities was identified, confirming the need for a well planned approach of managing marine space in order to mitigate conflicts for marine resources and to conserve marine ecosystems and their associated goods and services.JRC.H.1-Water Resource