402 research outputs found

    Fear appeal construction in the Daily Mail Online:a critical discourse analysis of ‘Prime Minister Corbyn and the 1000 days that destroyed Britain’

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    The rhetorical fear appeal is a technique of political communication that seeks to elicit an emotional response in receivers with the intention of provoking them to political action desired by the rhetor. This paper examines a single example of fear appeal construction in the British press, the Mail Online’s ‘Prime Minister Corbyn and the 1000 days that Destroyed Britain’ (2015), through analysis of its use of two defining political myths, a conservative myth of declinism, and the utopia/anti-utopia binary myth. I firstly examine the origins and contemporary uses of fear appeals as techniques of political persuasion, before going on to examine how these are constructed. I then go on to analyse the Mail Online article’s use of these two powerful political myths, one, declinism, which I argue is utilised descriptively for the purposes of discourse construction, and the other, utopia/anti-utopia, which is utilised instructively. Finally, I propose a method of analysis combining recent approaches to the critical discourse analysis of myth with the cognitive-motivational-relational theory of emotion drawn from social psychology, in order to show how the Mail Online article is constructed as a discursive fear appeal

    The outlaw Josey Wales and the frontier myth of development

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    The cultural genre of the American western has developed through the myth/ideology of white European migration east to west across the American continent. This myth system is grounded in the archetypes of the Garden and Deliverance. Ideological revisions, most notably those associated with the emergence of the United States as a major industrial nation in the latter half of the 19th century, have been absorbed into western cultural products in the 20th century and the western film genre in particular. Western films that are considered both classic to the genre, and revisions to it, exist within the dominant myth/ideological system. These films represent at once a celebratory and alternatively a cautionary account of the emergence of the United States. Each however envisages a similar destiny, that of continental settlement and the sweeping away of the native inhabitants of the land. The intention of this paper is to locate the frontier myth of American expansion as the dominant narrative code in the western film and identify a single film which appears to be an exception to the unifying rule in that it exists outside of the dominant myth/ideological system of American development

    'God was with me in a wonderful manner':the Puritan origins of the Indian captivity narrative

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    This paper argues that the origins of the Indian captivity narrative should be understood in the historical contexts of its production in the New World as a narrative that is at once descriptive of the personal experiences of frontier captives of the seventeenth century, and is symbolic too of the Puritan errand of separation, settlement and eventual conquest of the land

    From Little Big Man to little green men:the captivity scenario in American culture

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    This paper seeks to link the seemingly diverse genres of the Indian captivity narrative and the alien abduction scenario. Whilst the Indian captivity narrative is plainly derived from first-hand accounts and can demonstrate a historical development based on the actuality of the experiences it describes, the alien abduction scenario though protesting its objective basis cannot. Rather than rejecting the validity of the alien abduction scenario on this account, the following attempts to account for the claims to reality of the alien abduction narrative by arguing that it exists in a historical continuum with the Indian captivity narrative. The narrative functions as part of a greater historical myth system in which national values of community safety and security, national progress and vitality and the preservation of core values against hostile enemies are central components. I argue that in the twentieth century the alien abduction narrative re-imagines these core concerns and in the context of exploration of the new frontier of space, provides for a re-energizing of the traditional captivity narrative, one in which abductees are positioned as colonists in perilous existence on the ‘final frontier’

    Documentation of the best practices in the implementation of KALAHI-CIDSS in the municipality of Besao

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    This study sought to document the Best practices of Besao in the implementation of Kapitbisig Labansa Kahirapan-Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services. Approaches and processes have become part of a development framework.The highlights in the evolution of processes and approaches are the changing dole-out paradigm to inclusive growth development paradigm and from the top to bottom planning to bottom to top planning.In general, the objective of KALAHI-CIDSS is: 1) Improve the responsiveness of local government to community needs; 2) Encourage communities to engage in development activities. 3) Deliver benefits to barangay residents through the individual sub-projects.KALAHI-CIDSS follows a community driven Strategy (People Centered Approach).CDD is operationalized through five-stage, three cycle community mobilization process called the Community empowerment Cycle or CEAC. The Three Cycle is progressive and was married with the existing cultural practices and this bore out Best Practices that can be adopted and pursued in the light of achieving Community Development. Implementation of KALAHICIDSS in Besao so far has undertaken notable implication.Findings show the following factors or practices which emerged during the implementation: 1) Inter-local Cooperation, 2) Harmonization of the KALAHI-CIDSS Processes in the Local Council Proceses 3) Adoption of the Community Plan in the Municipal Strategic Development Plan 4.Environmental Management, and 5) People’s participation and empowerment through synergized efforts between the Local Government Units and the PO’s and NGO’s.In terms of its sustainability, the interviewees observed the following challenges: interference of politics, existing laws contradicting to the procurement process of KALAHI-CIDSS, and the continuity of functionality of the organized operation and maintenance group and the organized sector

    Hormones and depression in women

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    ABSTRACT The biological plausibility for the effect of sex hormones on the central nervous system is now supported by a considerable amount of clinical data. This critical review guides the reader through the plethora of data, from the earliest reports of menstrual madness in the nineteenth century to neurobiological work in the new millennium. It illustrates through the scientific evidence base that, although the effect of estrogen on the central nervous system, particularly on mood and depression, remains a controversial area, there is now considerable evidence for the psychotherapeutic benefits of estrogens in the triad of hormone-responsive depressive disorders: postnatal depression, premenstrual depression and perimenopausal depression. The article also reviews the compelling data that testosterone supplementation has positive effects for depression, libido and energy, particularly where patients have only partially responded to estrogen therapy

    Análisis de vulnerabilidad sísmica en edificios escolares del plan La Serena

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    A partir de los daños generado por los sismos intraplaca que afectaron a la Región de Coquimbo en enero de 2019, surge la posibilidad de analizar las condiciones de vulnerabilidad de los establecimientos educacionales construidos bajo el Plan La Serena en el periodo de 1946-1952, puesto que el daño en estas construcciones podría ser altamente perjudicial para la población infantil y el funcionamiento de la ciudad. Estas construcciones tienen una antigüedad de aproximadamente 70 años y no cumplen con las actuales normativas chilenas de diseño sismorresistente. A partir de ello, se realiza un análisis de vulnerabilidad sísmica de dichas obras, adaptando el método italiano G.N.D.T a los parámetros que inciden en el comportamiento sismorresistente de los establecimientos educacionales, considerando su morfología y tipología arquitectónica, para de este modo, identificar posibles casos críticos que requieren ser observados en mayor detalle

    Farmacocinética del paracetamol en el adulto mayor de la provincia de Ica 2008 - 2009

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDetermina los parámetros farmacocinéticos del paracetamol ingerido por vía oral en la población adulta con los rasgos genotípicos y fenotípicos propios de nuestro país. El objetivo general fue determinar la farmacocinética del adulto mayor de la ciudad de Ica - Perú. De una muestra de 30 personas de ambos sexos se sometieron a un ensayo farmacocinético del paracetamol previo cumplimiento de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se ha logrado determinar que la farmacocinética del paracetamol en el adulto mayor es diferente a la farmacocinética señalada para el consumidor en general. Como resultado encontramos que la concentración máxima se logra a los 1,5 horas de la administración del comprimido de paracetamol; un comprimido de 500 mg no logra concentraciones plasmáticas óptimas para un efecto farmacológico deseado dado que estas concentraciones son menores a 10 ug/mL y la vida media del paracetamol es de 4,7 horas en el adulto mayor participantes del presente estudio.Tesi

    Hormonal replacement therapy prescribing in menopausal women in the UK: A descriptive study

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies on the prescribing of hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) medicines to treat symptoms of menopause are lacking. AIM: To describe the prescribing of HRT in a cohort of UK menopausal women. DESIGN & SETTING: Population-based drug utilization study using IQVIA Medical Research Database. METHOD: Primary care data of women with recorded menopause and/or 50 years and older between January 2010 and November 2021 were extracted from the database. The incidence rate (IR) of women who received their first prescription for HRT was calculated annually using person-years at risk (PYAR) as the denominator. IRs of HRT were estimated by type and route of administration. Relative changes in annual IR were expressed as percentages and the average percentage change was assessed using linear regression. Annual prescribing prevalence per 100 women was calculated using mid-year menopausal population estimates. RESULTS: The IR of prescribing of HRT increased from 5.01 in 2010-18.16 per 1000 PYAR in 2021, a relative increase of 13.64% (95% CI 6.97-20.30) per year. IR of fixed combinations of HRT increased from 3.33 to 12.23 per 1000 PYAR in 2010 and 2021, respectively. Transdermal formulations of HRT increased from 1.48 to 14.55 per 1000 PYAR in 2010 and 2021, respectively. The overall proportion of women in receipt of a prescription for HRT changed from 7.89% in 2010 to 6.8% in 2020. CONCLUSION: Our study shows steady increase in the number of women receiving their first prescription for HRT during the study period which suggests regained acceptance of HRT medicines
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