16 research outputs found

    Cumulative asbestos exposure and mortality from asbestos related diseases in a pooled analysis of 21 asbestos cement cohorts in Italy

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    Background: Despite the available information on cancer risk, asbestos is used in large areas in the world, mostly in the production of asbestos cement. Moreover, questions are raised regarding the shape of the dose response relation, the relation with time since exposure and the association with neoplasms in various organs. We conducted a study on the relationship between cumulative asbestos exposure and mortality from asbestos related diseases in a large Italian pool of 21 cohorts of asbestos-cement workers with protracted exposure to both chrysotile and amphibole asbestos. Methods: The cohort included 13,076 workers, 81.9% men and 18.1% women, working in 21 Italian asbestos-cement factories, with over 40 years of observation. Exposure was estimated by plant and period, and weighted for the type of asbestos used. Data were analysed with consideration of cause of death, cumulative exposure and time since first exposure (TSFE), and by gender. SMRs were computed using reference rates by region, gender and calendar time. Poisson regression models including cubic splines were used to analyse the effect of cumulative exposure to asbestos and TSFE on mortality for asbestos-related diseases. 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) were computed according to the Poisson distribution. Results: Mortality was significantly increased for ‘All Causes’ and ‘All Malignant Neoplasm (MN)’, in both genders. Considering asbestos related diseases (ARDs), statistically significant excesses were observed for MN of peritoneum (SMR: men 14.19; women 15.14), pleura (SMR: 22.35 and 48.10), lung (SMR: 1.67 and 1.67), ovary (in the highest exposure class SMR 2.45), and asbestosis (SMR: 507 and 1023). Mortality for ARDs, in particular pleural and peritoneal malignancies, lung cancer, ovarian cancer and asbestosis increased monotonically with cumulative exposure. Pleural MN mortality increased progressively in the first 40 years of TSFE, then reached a plateau, while peritoneal MN showed a continuous increase. The trend of lung cancer SMRs also showed a flattening after 40 years of TSFE. Attributable proportions for pleural, peritoneal, and lung MN were respectively 96, 93 and 40%. Conclusions: Mortality for ARDs was associated with cumulative exposure to asbestos. Risk of death from pleural MN did not increase indefinitely with TSFE but eventually reached a plateau, consistently with reports from other recent studie

    Italian pool of asbestos workers cohorts: asbestos related mortality by industrial sector and cumulative exposure

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    Objective. Italy has been a large user of asbestos and asbestos containing materials until the 1992 ban. We present a pooled cohort study on long-term mortality in exposed workers. Methods. Pool of 43 Italian asbestos cohorts (asbestos cement, rolling stock, shipbuilding, glasswork, harbors, insulation and other industries). SMRs were computed by industrial sector for the 1970-2010 period, for the major causes, using reference rates by age, sex, region and calendar period. Results. The study included 51 801 subjects (5741 women): 55.9% alive, 42.6% died (cause known for 95%) and 1.5% lost to follow-up. Asbestos exposure was estimated at the plant and period levels. Asbestos related mortality was significantly increased. All industrial sectors showed increased mortality from pleural malignancies, and most als

    Efficacia degli antibotritici: effetti della distribuzione su vite

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    La modalità con cui la miscela viene distribuita sul bersaglio influisce sul deposito sulla vegetazione, ma soprattutto sulla sua efficacia. Le prove svolte con ugelli diversi per trattamenti antibotritici su pergola trentina doppia non hanno evidenziato differenze sul grado di copertura del grappolo tra ugelli a cono vuoto e antideriva a iniezione d’aria. Inoltre dalle prove è emerso che l’impiego dei 500 L/ha del prodotto testato, in 2 passaggi opposti l’un l’altro sotto l’ala, ha favorito l’incremento dei depositi medi sia sulla vegetazione sia sui grappol

    Studi epidemiologici sul giallume europeo delle drupacee (ESFY) in impianti peschicoli del veronese

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    Vengono riportati i risultati di indagini effettuati nel decennio 1995-2004 per il monitoraggio di ESFY in numerosi pescheti della provincia di Verona, nonch\ue8 sulla presenza di psillidi infetti dal patogeno e sulla presenza di piante spontanee, possibili serbatoio d'inoculo per ESFYP nelle stesse aree. E' stato verificato un progressivo incremento della malattia (2% medio di nuove infezioni ogni anno), la presenza di piante spontanee di prugnolo e mirabolano infette e di numerosi individui di Cacopsylla pruni infetti da ESFYP

    Prove di contenimento delle popolazioni di Cacopsylla pruni vettore del giallume europeo delle drupacee

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    Vengono presentati i risultati di alcune sperimentazioni effettuate per valutare l'influenza su Cacopsylla pruni e sulla diffusione del fitoplasma agente del giallume europeo delle drupacee (ESFY) di alcune strategie di difesa adottate nei pescheti contro gli afidi e i tripidi. Dai dati raccolti emerge che per contenere la diffusione della malattia non \ue8 sufficiente un solo trattamento aficida effettuato in pre fioritura; mentre due (pre e post fioritura) o tre (pre, post fioritura e scamiciatura) intreventi insetticidi sortiscono uguali risultati sia sul vettore sia sulla riduzione della percentuale di nuove piante ammalate. Con prove di semicampo \ue8 stata inoltre valutata l'efficacia nei confronti delle forme mobili di C. pruni degli insetticidi normalmente impiegati in peschicoltura in primavera