40 research outputs found

    Άρση Βαρών σε αθλητές/τριες με Κινητική Αναπηρία

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    O σκοπός της παρούσας πτυχιακής εργασίας είναι να συνοψίσει τα μέχρι σήμερα ερευνητικά αποτελέσματα, να περιγράψει τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία αναφορικά με την ενασχόληση των αθλητών με κινητική αναπηρία και να αξιολογήσει τα ερευνητικά δεδομένα αναφορικά με την άρση βαρών σε πάγκο.The purpose of this particular study, is to gather the results of scientific researches, describe the international bibliography concerning the engagement of athletes with physical disabilities with the sport of Paralympic Weightlifting and evaluate those research data

    Economic crisis and integration: Deconstructing social borders in Rhodes Island

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    Greece has been the focus of the mass media because of the ongoing economic crisis and the mixed migration flows that use the country as entry point to Europe. Although conceptually different, both phenomena converge in a vicious cycle that triggers an othering process. The economic crisis transfers Greece from the geopolitical centre to the periphery making the country dependent on the external economic and political decision making. Nevertheless, apart from being at the border, Greece is also the border of Europe. Peripherality appoints to Greece an instrumental role for the management of migration. Boundaries as “thresholds” produce patters of inclusion and exclusion creating by that perceptions of the Self and the Other. To that extent, the instrumental role of Greece as consequence of its peripherisation amplifies locally an othering process. Based on a different function of borders and peripheries, namely the endorsement of antagonistic narratives, this article discusses potential interventions in that vicious cycle. A local cultural diversity in Rhodes, Greece, the Rhodian Muslim community has been the receiving end of diversity management policies with particular emphasis on education throughout the 20th century. The knowledge accumulated may support new efforts countering the othering process. ResumenGrecia se ha situado en el centro de atención de los medios de comunicación a causa de la actual crisis económica y de los flujos migratorios mixtos que utilizan el país como punto de entrada a Europa. Ambos fenómenos convergen en un círculo vicioso que desencadena un proceso de alterización. La crisis económica mueve a Grecia desde el centro geopolítico a la periferia, haciendola dependiente de la toma de decisiones económicas y políticas externas. Además de estar en la frontera, Grecia es también la frontera de Europa. La perifericidad le atribuye un papel instrumental en la gestión de la migración. Los límites como "umbrales" producen patrones de inclusión y exclusión que se crean por esa percepción de Sí mismo y del Otro. El papel instrumental de Grecia como consecuencia de su periferización amplifica localmente un proceso de alterización. Basado en una función diferente de las fronteras y las periferias, y con el respaldo de narrativas antagónicas, en este artículo se discuten posibles intervenciones en ese círculo vicioso. Una diversidad cultural local en Rodas (Grecia), la comunidad musulmana rodesa, ha sido la receptora de las políticas de gestión de la diversidad con particular énfasis en educación a través del siglo XX. El conocimiento acumulado puede respaldar nuevos esfuerzos para contrarrestar el proceso de alterización.

    Experimental comparison of impairment-aware RWA algorithms in a GMPLS-controlled dynamic optical network

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    The European research project DICONET proposed and implemented a multi-plane impairment-aware solution for flexible, robust and cost-effective core optical networks. The vision of DICONET was realized via a set of cross-layer optimization algorithms designed to serve the network during planning and operation. The cross-layer modules were incorporated in a common software platform forming a planning and operation tool that takes into account physical-layer impairments in the decision making. The overall solution relies on a GMPLS-based control plane that was extended to disseminate the physical layer information required by the cross-layer modules. One of the key activities in DICONET concerns the routing and wavelength assignment of traffic demands that arrive dynamically during the network operation. Identifying the important role of dynamic lightpath provisioning, in this work we focused on the performance of routing algorithms in dynamic optical networks. We tested the suitability and performance of two different online IA-RWA algorithms in a 14-node experimental test-bed that employed centralized control-plane architecture under the same network and traffic conditions. The parameters used to evaluate the two routing engines included the lightpath setup time and the blocking ratio in a traffic scenario where connections arrive and depart from the network dynamically. Results for different traffic loads showed that optimum impairment-aware decisions are made at the expense of higher lightpath setup times.Postprint (published version

    Routing Protocols for Efficient Communication in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks

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    In this paper we demonstrate the significant impact of the user mobility rates on the performance on two different approaches for designing routing protocols for ad-hoc mobile networks: (a) the route creation and maintenance approach and (b) the “support ” approach, that forces few hosts to move acting as “helpers ” for message delivery. We study a set of representative protocols for each approach, i.e. DSR and ZRP for the first approach and RUNNERS for the second. We have implemented the three protocols and performed a large scale and detailed simulation study of their performance. Our findings are: (i) DSR achieves low message delivery rates but manages to deliver messages very fast; (ii) ZRP behaves well in networks of low mobility rate, while its performance drops for networks of highly mobile users; (iii) RUNNERS seem to tolerate well (and in fact benefit from) high mobility rates. Based on our investigation, we design and implement two new protocols that result from the synthesis of the investigated routing approaches. We conducted an extensive, comparative simulation study of their performance. The new protocols behave well both in networks of diverse mobility motion rates, and in some cases they even outperform the original ones by achieving lower message delivery delays