10 research outputs found

    Medición Temprana de la Usabilidad en Ambientes OO-Method

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    En este documento se presenta la instanciación de un método de evaluación de la usabilidad para OO-Method, un entorno de generación automática de código a partir de Modelos Conceptuales. El propósito de este trabajo es el de proporcionar un mecanismo para evaluar la usabilidad del sistema a partir de su Modelo Conceptual.Panach Navarrete, JI. (2007). Medición Temprana de la Usabilidad en Ambientes OO-Method. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/12913Archivo delegad

    A framework to identify primitives that represent usability within Model-Driven Development methods

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    Context: Nowadays, there are sound methods and tools which implement the Model-Driven Development approach (MDD) satisfactorily. However, MDD approaches focus on representing and generating code that represents functionality, behaviour and persistence, putting the interaction, and more specifically the usability, in a second place. If we aim to include usability features in a system developed with a MDD tool, we need to extend manually the generated code. Objective: This paper tackles how to include functional usability features (usability recommendations strongly related to system functionality) in MDD through conceptual primitives. Method: The approach consists of studying usability guidelines to identify usability properties that can be represented in a conceptual model. Next, these new primitives are the input for a model compiler that generates the code according to the characteristics expressed in them. An empirical study with 66 subjects was conducted to study the effect of including functional usability features regarding end users' satisfaction and time to complete tasks. Moreover, we have compared the workload of two MDD analysts including usability features by hand in the generated code versus including them through conceptual primitives according to our approach. Results: Results of the empirical study shows that after including usability features, end users' satisfaction improves while spent time does not change significantly. This justifies the use of usability features in the software development process. Results of the comparison show that the workload required to adapt the MDD method to support usability features through conceptual primitives is heavy. However, once MDD supports these features, MDD analysts working with primitives are more efficient than MDD analysts implementing these features manually. Conclusion: This approach brings us a step closer to conceptual models where models represent not only functionality, behaviour or persistence, but also usability features. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was developed with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Project SMART ADAPT (TIN201342981-P), TIN2011-23216 and was co-financed by ERDF. It also has the support of Generalitat Valenciana-funded ORCA Project (PROMETEO/2009/015) and UV (UV-INV-PRECOMP13-115032).Panach Navarrete, JI.; Juristo, N.; Valverde Giromé, F.; Pastor López, O. (2015). A framework to identify primitives that represent usability within Model-Driven Development methods. Information and Software Technology. (58):338-354. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2014.07.002S3383545

    Including Functional Usability Features in a Model-Driven Development Method

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    The Software Engineering (SE) community has historically focused on working with models to represent functionality and persistence, pushing interaction modelling into the background, which has been covered by the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) community. Recently, adequately modelling interaction, and specifically usability, is being considered as a key factor for success in user acceptance, making the integration of the SE and HCI communities more necessary. If we focus on the Model-Driven Development (MDD) paradigm, we notice that there is a lack of proposals to deal with usability features from the very first steps of software development process. In general, usability features are manually implemented once the code has been generated from models. This contradicts the MDD paradigm, which claims that all the analysts effort must be focused on building models, and the code generation is relegated to model to code transformations. Moreover, usability features related to functionality may involve important changes in the system architecture if they are not considered from the early steps. We state that these usability features related to functionality can be represented abstractly in a conceptual model, and their implementation can be carried out automatically.This work has been developed with the support of MICINN (PROS-Req TIN2010-19130-C02-02, TIN2011-23216), UV (UV-INV-PRECOMP12-80627), GVA (ORCA PROMETEO /2009 /015), and co-financed with ERDF. We also acknowledge the support of the ITEA2 Call 3 UsiXML (20080026) and funding by the MITYC under the project TSI-020400-2011-20.Panach Navarrete, JI.; Juristo Juzgado, N.; Pastor López, O. (2013). Including Functional Usability Features in a Model-Driven Development Method. Computer Science and Information Systems. 10(3):999-1024. https://doi.org/10.2298/CSIS120213016PS999102410

    In Search of Evidence for Model-Driven Development Claims: An Experiment on Quality, Effort, Productivity and Satisfaction

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    Context: Model-Driven Development (MDD) is a paradigm that prescribes building conceptual models that abstractly represent the system and generating code from these models through transformation rules. The literature is rife with claims about the benefits of MDD, but they are hardly supported by evidences. Objective: This experimental investigation aims to verify some of the most cited benefits of MDD. Method: We run an experiment on a small set of classes using student subjects to compare the quality, effort, productivity and satisfaction of traditional development and MDD. The experiment participants built two web applications from scratch, one where the developers implement the code by hand and another using an industrial MDD tool that automatically generates the code from a conceptual model. Results: Outcomes show that there are no significant differences between both methods with regard to effort, productivity and satisfaction, although quality in MDD is more robust to small variations in problem complexity. We discuss possible explanations for these results. Conclusions: For small systems and less programming-experienced subjects, MDD does not always yield better results than a traditional method, even regarding effort and productivity. This contradicts some previous statements about MDD advantages. The benefits of developing a system with MDD appear to depend on certain characteristics of the development context. 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This work was developed with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation project SMART ADAPT (TIN2013-42981-P), TIN2011-23216 and was co-financed by ERDF. It also has the support of Generalitat Valenciana-funded IDEO project (PROMETEOII/2014/039) and UV (UV-INV-PRECOMP13-115032).Panach Navarrete, JI.; España Cubillo, S.; Dieste, O.; Pastor López, O.; Juristo Juzgado, N. (2015). In Search of Evidence for Model-Driven Development Claims: An Experiment on Quality, Effort, Productivity and Satisfaction. Information and Software Technology. 62:164-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infsof.2015.02.012S1641866

    Towards the Consolidation of Cybersecurity Standardized Definitions

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    [ES] La ciberseguridad es un dominio vasto y complejo, por lo que las empresas están buscando activamente soluciones eficientes en este área. Los Knowledge Graphs (KG) son uno de los mecanismos que utilizan las organizaciones para explorar la seguridad entre activos y posibles ataques. Sin embargo, la gran cantidad de información puede generar una mala interpretación de los conceptos representados en estos modelos conceptuales. Como un Knowledge Graph puede considerarse una implementación de una conceptualización, la base de los conceptos es fundamental. De ahí, el apoyo de las mejores prácticas de Modelado Conceptual, especialmente de la rama de Ontologías. En este informe se lleva a cabo un estudio piloto para descubrir el estado del arte en ”Ontologías de Ciberseguridad”. A partir de este estudio, proponemos una encuesta para ampliar nuestro enfoque terminológico. La encuesta produjo una gran cantidad de datos, por lo que desarrollamos una API REST para la manipulación de datos y una base de datos NoSQL para almacenarlos, que es la principal contribución de este documento. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar una herramienta de análisis ontológico para ayudar a las partes interesadas a evitar malas interpretaciones durante el desarrollo y la implementación de los KG.[EN] Cybersecurity is a vast and complex domain, therefore enterprises are actively seeking efficient solutions in this matter. Knowledge Graphs (KG) are one of the mechanisms that organizations use to explore the security among assets and possible attacks. However, the great amount of information can create misinterpretation of concepts represented in these structures of conceptualizations. As a KG may be considered an implementation of a conceptualization, the grounding of concepts is fundamental. Therefore, the support of Conceptual Modeling best-practices, especially regarding the branch of Ontologies. We made a pilot study that finds out the state-of-art in ”Cybersecurity Ontologies”. From this study, we propose a survey to extend our terminological approach. The survey produced a huge amount of data, thus we develop a REST API for data manipulation and a NoSQL database to store them which is the main contribution of this document. Our goal is to provide an ontological analysis tool to help stakeholders avoid misinterpretations during KGs development and implementation.This work has been developed under the project Digital Knowledge Graph – Adaptable Analytics API with the financial support of Accenture LTD.Franco Martins Souza, B.; Serrano Gil, LJ.; Reyes Román, JF.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Pastor López, O. (2021). Towards the Consolidation of Cybersecurity Standardized Definitions. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/16389

    Propuestas para la Captura de Requisitos y el Modelado de la Interacción en el marco de MDA

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    [ES] El desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos (DSDM) se ha posicionado como una técnica relevante para garantizar la calidad del soft-ware producido industrialmente. Propuestas como MDA (Model-Driven Ar-chitecture) son indicadores de dicha aceptación. En este artículo se presen-tan unas propuestas de extensión para un método MDA de desarrollo de sistemas informáticos de gestión llamado OO-Method, el cual tiene su im-plementación industrial en la herramienta OLIVANOVA. Las propuestas de extensión se proponen para afrontar distintos retos a la hora de aplicar OO-Method en las distintas etapas del proceso de DSDM. Más concretamente, este artículo se centra en cómo afrontar la captura de requisitos y el desarro-llo de interfaces de usuario avanzadas que garanticen la usabilidad. Para ca-da uno de estos retos, se discute cómo abordarlos desde la perspectiva MDA.España Cubillo, S.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Aquino, N.; Valverde Giromé, F.; Pastor López, O. (2009). Propuestas para la Captura de Requisitos y el Modelado de la Interacción en el marco de MDA. Novática. (202):61-67. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/77406S616720

    Incorporación de mecanismos de usabilidad en un entorno de producción de software dirigido por modelos

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    Actualmente, uno de los principales retos de la Ingeniería del Software (IS) es el desarrollo de sistemas de calidad. La calidad es una propiedad del software que cuenta con diversas características, entre ellas la usabilidad, que es en la que se centra esta tesis. La IS se ha centrado históricamente en problemas de funcionalidad y de persistencia, relegando a un segundo plano aspectos de la interacción con el usuario, y más concretamente, de la usabilidad. Este vacío ha sido cubierto por la comunidad Interacción Persona-Ordenador (IPO), que ha propuesto recomendaciones para mejorar la usabilidad. Algunas de estas recomendaciones deben ser consideradas desde las primeras fases de construcción de los sistemas a fin de evitar realizar cambios en la arquitectura una vez ésta haya sido diseñada. Estas recomendaciones se conocen como Functional Usability Features (FUF). La incorporación de los FUFs desde las primeras fases del proceso de desarrollo añade cierta complejidad a la construcción de sistemas, ya que el analista ha de tener en cuenta más factores a la hora del desarrollo. Esta tesis presenta una solución basada en transformaciones entre modelos. El objetivo de la tesis es el de presentar un método (llamado MIMAT) para incorporar los FUFs dentro de un método de desarrollo Model-Driven Development (MDD). Para ello, se profundiza en los cambios que el diseñador del método MDD debe aplicar para enriquecer dicho método con los FUFs. Una vez incorporados los FUFs, el analista que modele sistemas con el método MDD puede utilizar las características de usabilidad en el desarrollo de sistemas. La principal ventaja de esta aproximación es que el analista puede incorporar las características de usabilidad simplemente a partir de modelos conceptuales, dejando la implementación a las transformaciones de modelo a código. La factibilidad de MIMAT se ha demostrado aplicándolo a un método de desarrollo MDD específico: OO-Method.Panach Navarrete, JI. (2010). Incorporación de mecanismos de usabilidad en un entorno de producción de software dirigido por modelos [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8379Palanci

    A proposal to elicit usability requirements within a model-driven development environment

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    [EN] Nowadays there are sound Model-Driven Development (MDD) methods that deal with functional requirements, but in general, usability is not considered from the early stages of the development. Analysts that work with MDD implement usability features manually once the code has been generated. This manual implementation contradicts the MDD paradigm and it may involve much rework. This paper proposes a method to elicit usability requirements at early stages of the software development process such a way non-experts at usability can use it. The approach consists of organizing several interface design guidelines and usability guidelines in a tree structure. These guidelines are shown to the analyst through questions that she/he must ask to the end-user. Answers to these questions mark the path throughout the tree structure. At the end of the process, we gather all the answers of the end-user to obtain the set of usability requirements. If we represent usability requirements according to the conceptual models that compose the framework of a MDD method, these requirements can be the input for next steps of the software development process. The approach is validated with a laboratory demonstration.This work has been developed with the support of MICINN (PROS-Req TIN2010-19130-C02-02), UV (UV-INV-PRECOMP13-115032), GVA (ORCA PROMETEO/2009/015), and cofinanced with ERDF. We also acknowledge the support of the Intra European Marie Curie Fellowship Grant 50911302 PIEF-2010. We also thank Sergio España, Francisco Valverde, Marcela Ruiz and María Jose Villanueva for their participation in the experimental validation.Ormeño Ayala, YI.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Condori Fernández, ON.; Pastor López, O. (2014). A proposal to elicit usability requirements within a model-driven development environment. International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design. 5(4):1-21. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijismd.2014100101S1215

    An empirical study to evaluate the impact of mindfulness on helpdesk employees

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    Purpose: Mindfulness is a meditation technique whose main goal involves maintaining a calm mind and training attention by focusing only on a single thing (the support) at a time; this support is usually the practitioner’s breathing. The practice of mindfulness aims to improve concentration and attention, which has proven useful in knowledgeintensive and stressful work environments like technological companies. This article aims to find empirical evidence on the positive effect of the practice of mindfulness on a sample of 56 helpdesk employees working for a consulting and information technology company (Accenture) with respect to: i) their attention awareness; ii) a set of key performance indicators (KPIs); and iii) the perceived benefits of mindfulness. Method: Of the 56 recruited employees, 29 worked as managers, and 27 worked as agents answering phone calls to solve software issues of the main information system of the Andalusian Health Service, a public organization with more than 115,000 employees. Mindfulness (the treatment) was applied to 26 subjects, while the other 30 subjects were the control group. For all subjects, their attention awareness was measured using the MAAS scale. Results: Both helpdesk managers and agents significantly improved their attention awareness with respect to the control group. Regarding organizational KPIs, in general, no evidence of significant differences between groups was detected, apart from the fact that the number of phone calls answered was significantly lower in the mindfulness group, probably due to a longer call duration caused by a deliberate better attention to the customer, but without degrading any other KPI. With respect to the perceived benefits of the treatment, the questionnaires show relevant improvements perceived by most employees after practicing mindfulness.Conclusions: We confirm that mindfulness improves attention awareness and benefits the working and personal life of helpdesk employees. However, further research is needed to identify a clear impact on productivity.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2021–126227NB–C21Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2021–126227NB–C22Junta de Andalucía PYC20 RE 084 USJunta de Andalucía P18–FR–2895 (EKIPMENT-PLUS)Junta de Andalucía US-1264651Junta de Andalucía US–1381595 (MEMENTO)Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2021-123824OB-I00Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PGC2018–097265–B–I0

    A Survey on the Definition of Cybersecurity Concepts

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    Hoy en día brindar una gestión eficaz y eficiente de la “Ciberseguridad” es una actividad fundamental. En este contexto, la identificación de activos y la consideración de sus características de seguridad pueden reducir las amenazas del negocio. Por esta razón, las asociaciones de estándares como el International Organization for Standardization and International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC), la industria representada en el Object Management Group (OMG), entre otras, incluida la academia, desarrollan activamente enfoques/t´ecnicas, herramientas y mecanismos para brindar soluciones eficientes. Así, es como se exploran los Grafos de Conocimiento (Knowledge Graphs – KG) apoyados en Inteligencia Artificial (AI) para realizar análisis de seguridad en modelos organizacionales. Sin embargo, el uso de estos artefactos añade nuevos desafíos, destacando la complejidad en la interpretación, el arbitraje, el intercambio de términos y definiciones en la especificación del modelo. Además, la gestión de grafos es una tarea de orden superior, ya que se generan a partir de diversas fuentes y de una gran cantidad de información. De acuerdo con lo anterior hemos iniciado un estudio piloto que descubre en primera instancia el estado del arte en “Ontologías de Ciberseguridad”. Con el fin de proponer una base ontológica de referencia que contribuya en la generación y evite malas interpretaciones durante el desarrollo de grafos de conocimiento. En este documento, se presenta la segunda iteración del estudio con el objetivo específico de expandir nuestro enfoque en la terminología y definición de conceptos de Ciberseguridad a través de un experimento.Este trabajo ha sido desarrollado bajo el marco de los proyectos”Digital Knowledge Graph – Adaptable Analytics API” y ”PROMETEO/2018/176”con el apoyo financiero de Accenture LTD y la Generalitat Valenciana co-financiadacon ERDF.Serrano Gil, LJ.; Franco Martins Souza, B.; Reyes Román, JF.; Panach Navarrete, JI.; Pastor López, O. (2021). Una Encuesta acerca de la Definición de Conceptos de Ciberseguridad. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/17475