4 research outputs found

    Boto, A Class Ii Transposon In Moniliophthora Perniciosa, Is The First Representative Of The Pif/ Harbinger Superfamily In A Phytopathogenic Fungus

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    Boto, a class II transposable element, was characterized in the Moniliophthora perniciosa genome. The Boto transposase is highly similar to plant PIF-like transposases that belong to the newest class II superfamily known as PIF/Harbinger. Although Boto shares characteristics with PIF-like elements, other characteristics, such as the transposase intron position, the position and direction of the second ORF, and the footprint, indicate that Boto belongs to a novel family of the PIF/Harbinger superfamily. Southern blot analyses detected 6-12 copies of Boto in C-biotype isolates and a ubiquitous presence among the C- and S-biotypes, as well as a separation in the C-biotype isolates from Bahia State in Brazil in at least two genotypic groups, and a new insertion in the genome of a C-biotype isolate maintained in the laboratory for 6 years. In addition to PCR amplification from a specific insertion site, changes in the Boto hybridization profile after the M. perniciosa sexual cycle and detection of Boto transcripts gave further evidence of Boto activity. As an active family in the genome of M. perniciosa, Boto elements may contribute to genetic variability in this homothallic fungus. This is the first report of a PIF/Harbinger transposon in the genome of a phytopathogenic fungus. © 2013 SGM.1591112125Altschul, S.F., Madden, T.L., Schäffer, A.A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W., Lipman, D.J., Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: A new generation of protein database search programs (1997) Nucleic Acids Res, 25, pp. 3389-3402Anaya, N., Roncero, M.I.G., Stress-induced rearrangement of Fusarium retrotransposon sequences (1996) Mol Gen Genet, 253, pp. 89-94Andebrhan, T., Furtek, D.B., Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of Crinipellis perniciosa isolates from different hosts (1994) Plant Pathol, 43, pp. 1020-1027Andebrhan, T., Figueira, A., Yamada, M.M., Cascardo, J., Furtek, D.B., Molecular fingerprinting suggests two primary outbreaks of witches' broom disease (Crinipellis perniciosa) of Theobroma cacao in Bahia, Brazil (1999) Eur J Plant Pathol, 105, pp. 167-175Bastos, C.N., Evans, H.C., A new pathotype of Crinipellis perniciosa (Witches' broom disease) on solanaceous hosts (1985) Plant Pathol, 34, pp. 306-312Bastos, C.N., Andebrhan, T., de Almeida, L.C., Comparação morfológica de isolados de Crinipellis perniciosa (1988) Fitopatol Bras, 13, pp. 202-205Benton, W.D., Davis, R.W., Screening lambdagt recombinant clones by hybridization to single plaques in situ (1977) Science, 196, pp. 180-182Bergemann, M., Lespinet, O., M'Barek, S.B., Daboussi, M.J., Dufresne, M., Genome-wide analysis of the Fusarium oxysporum mimp family of MITEs and mobilization of both native and de novo created mimps (2008) J Mol Evol, 67, pp. 631-642Daboussi, M.J., Capy, P., Transposable elements in filamentous fungi (2003) Annu Rev Microbiol, 57, pp. 275-299Daboussi, M.J., Langin, T., Transposable elements in the fungal plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum (1994) Genetica, 93, pp. 49-59Daboussi, M.J., Langin, T., Brygoo, Y., Fot1, a new family of fungal transposable elements (1992) Mol Gen Genet, 232, pp. 12-16de Arruda, M.C., Ferreira, M.A., Miller, R.N., Resende, M.L., Felipe, M.S., Nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA variability in Crinipellis perniciosa from different geographic origins and hosts (2003) Mycol Res, 107, pp. 25-37de Arruda, M.C., Miller, R.N., Ferreira, M.A., Felipe, M.S., Comparison of Crinipellis perniciosa isolates from Brazil by ERIC repetitive element sequence-based PCR genomic fingerprint (2003) Plant Pathol, 52, pp. 236-244Dobinson, K.F., Harris, R.E., Hamer, J.E., Grasshopper, a long terminal repeat (LTR) retroelement in the phytopathogenic fungus Magnaporthe grisea (1993) Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 6, pp. 114-126Dufresne, M., Hua-Van, A., El Wahab, H.A., Ben M'Barek, S., Vasnier, C., Teysset, L., Kema, G.H.J., Daboussi, M.J., Transposition of a fungal miniature inverted-repeat transposable element through the action of a Tc1-like transposase (2007) Genetics, 175, pp. 441-452Evans, H.C., Witches' broom disease of cocoa (Crinipellis perniciosa) in Ecuador (1978) Ann Appl Biol, 89, pp. 185-192Felipe, M.S.S., Azevedo, M.A., Vainstein, M.H., Schrank, A., Biologia molecular de fungos filamentosos: Construção de banco genômico e de cDNA (1992) Manual Técnico, p. 99. , In, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil: Escola Superior de Agricultura 'Luiz de Queiroz'Fleetwood, D.J., Scott, B., Lane, G.A., Tanaka, A., Johnson, R.D., A complex ergovaline gene cluster in epichloe endophytes of grasses (2007) Appl Environ Microbiol, 73, pp. 2571-2579Fleetwood, D.J., Khan, A.K., Johnson, R.D., Young, C.A., Mittal, S., Wrenn, R.E., Hesse, U., Scott, B., Abundant degenerate miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements in genomes of epichloid fungal endophytes of grasses (2011) Genome Biol Evol, 3, pp. 1253-1264Gómez-Gómez, E., Anaya, N., Roncero, M.I.G., Hera, C., Folyt1, a new member of the hAT family, is active in the genome of the plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum (1999) Fungal Genet Biol, 27, pp. 67-76Goodwin, T.J., Poulter, R.T., The DIRS1 group of retrotransposons (2001) Mol Biol Evol, 18, pp. 2067-2082Goodwin, T.J., Butler, M.I., Poulter, R.T., Cryptons: A group of tyrosine-recombinase-encoding DNA transposons from pathogenic fungi (2003) Microbiology, 149, pp. 3099-3109Griffith, G.W., Hedger, J.N., A novel method for producing basidiocarps of the cocoa pathogen Crinipellis perniciosa using a branvermiculite medium (1993) Eur J Plant Pathol, 99, pp. 227-230Grzebelus, D., Yau, Y.Y., Simon, P.W., Master: A novel family of PIF/Harbinger-like transposable elements identified in carrot (Daucus carota L.) 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    Fusarium verticillioides strains isolated from corn feed: characterization by fumonisin production and RAPD fingerprinting

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    In this study a total of 16 Fusarium verticillioides strains isolated from corn feed samples were characterized by fumonisin (FB) production and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). All the strains produced FB1 and FB2 with levels ranging from 2.41 to 3996.36 µg/g, and from 1.18 to 1209.91 µg/g, respectively. From the 16 F. verticillioides strains, four were identified as low (3.59 to 1289.84 µg/g), eight as intermediate (>1289.84 to 3772.44 µg/g) and four strains as high (>3772.44 µg/g) fumonisin producers. From the total of 105 loci amplified, 60 (57.14%) were polymorphic. RAPD analysis showed very similar patterns among low, moderate and high fumonisin-producing strains. Although RAPD markers were capable of discriminating the different F. verticillioides strains, there was no clear association between these makers and fumonisin production.<br>Neste estudo, 16 cepas de F. verticillioides isoladas de amostras de ração de milho foram caracterizadas com base na produção de fumonisinas (FB) e em marcadores de polimorfismos de DNA amplificado ao acaso (RAPD). Todas as cepas produziram FB1 e FB2, com níveis variando, respectivamente, de 2,41 a 3996,36 µg/g e 1,18 a 1209,91 µg/g. De acordo com a produção de fumonisinas totais (FB1 + FB2) e a distribuição por análise de quartis, do total de 16 cepas de F. verticillioides, quatro foram identificadas como baixas produtoras de fumonisinas (3,59 a 1289,84 µg/g), oito como intermediárias (>1289,84 a 3772,44 µg/g) e quatro como altas produtoras de fumonisinas (>3772,44 µg/g). Os 10 primers utilizados amplificaram 105 locos, 60 (57,14%) dos quais foram polimórficos. As análises de RAPD mostraram padrões muito similares entre as cepas baixas, médias e altas produtoras de fumonisinas. Embora os marcadores RAPD tenham se mostrado capazes de discriminar as diferentes cepas de F. verticillioides, não foi detectada nenhuma associação entre estes marcadores e a produção de fumonisinas