8 research outputs found

    Herbicides in Camps Bay (Cape Town, South Africa), supplemented

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    During 2017 the herbicides alachlor, atrazine, butachlor, metolachlor, and simazine were detected in water samples, beach sediments and marine biota collected at Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa. During that period, the annual rain catchment record was 77,000 m3, whereas the volume of chemically laden sewage discharged via the marine outfall was 693,500 m3 making the marine sewage outfall by far the most predominant source for these herbicides in the bay. The chemical load in the discharged sewage was not removed by the applied pre-treatment step, which only uses a 3 mm screen to eliminate plastic, paper, rags and other foreign materials. After passing through the Camps Bay pump station, the sewage is released to the bay at the following GPS position 33°56′42.214″ S 18°21′59.257″ E (Colenbrander et al., 2021) and at a discharge depth of 23 m and 1497 m from the beach. In our study the presence in marine biota of atrazine and simazine were taken as being indicative of the chemical signature of the sewage being released through the outfall, since these compounds were detected previously in the sewage prior to discharge. To our knowledge, our studies of the herbicides in diverse benthic organisms found in the near shore environment of Camps Bay are the first of their kind for this Western Cape region

    Report of the Working Group of Biological Effects

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    The Working Group on Biological Effects of Contaminants (WGBEC) investigates the biological effects of contaminants in the marine environment. The group provides research and increases the understanding of contaminant interactions and effects, including the development of inte-grated biological effects monitoring strategies, which are used to support international research and monitoring. The WGBEC has contributed significantly to the implementation and harmonization of tech-niques that can be used to evaluate the biological effects of pollutants in national monitoring programmes. An overview of national effect-based monitoring programmes of Member States is provided with the aim to support European countries and Regional Seas Conventions on their implementation. A summary of the national effects-based monitoring programmes has been pro-vided by twelve European countries represented at the WGBEC meetings. The adoption of bio-logical effects monitoring can differ widely and comparisons between approaches and the choice of biological effects methods used acts as an important tool. A summary of the main findings is presented. Furthermore, OSPAR's Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication Committee (HASEC) has en-couraged contracting parties to perform targeted biological effects monitoring to enhance the assessment of contaminants in sediment and biota towards the OSPAR QSR2023. WGBEC mem-bers contributed to the integrated biological effects approach assessment by providing data from their national monitoring activities to produce maps and figures to enable interpretations. Revision of the biological effects methods, including new techniques and developments, and the quality assurance of existing methods are core activities for the WGBEC, which require continu-ous discussion and evaluation by the group. Activities include the production of new ICES TIMES documents as well as intercalibration exercises to ensure Member States are providing comparable data for national monitoring. To this end, intercalibration exercises were performed under the BEQUALM programme for two of the more commonly used biological effects meth-ods, including micronucleus formation in mussel haemocytes and PAH metabolites in fish bile. These intercalibrations were successful despite identifying some variation in reported values be-tween laboratories. Further intercalibration exercises are planned and the WGBEC strongly sup-port the need for such quality assurance. In addition to the national monitoring activities and the different methods and approaches for determining the effects of contaminants on biological systems, the WGBEC was interested in discussing some key questions related to the potential impacts of contaminants to marine life. These questions included: the direct and indirect effects of natural and synthetic particles; how climate change and acidification parameters can interact with contaminants and influence bioa-vailability and effect; whether the structure of marine communities can be used to indicate con-taminant exposure; to provide guidance on performing risk assessments for contaminants of emerging concern; and to evaluate the effects of contaminants in marine sediments and whether current sediment toxicity tests are adequate. In addition, and as a wider concept, the linkages between contaminants in the marine environment and human health were also described.S

    lmpacts of drilling mud discharges on water column organism and filter feeding bivalves

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    The two main objectives of our project was to study possible effects of drilling mud discharges on water column organism (plankton and fish), and filter feeding bivalves, and to analyse metals in fish and bivalves exposed to suspended particles of drilling mud to find out if metals from the mud was taken up by the organisms. The results from the different parts of the project have been reported in 8 manuscripts/reports. The ultimate aim is to publish as many of these manuscripts as possible. Hence this report is a collection of early versions of future publications

    Water Column Monitoring 2012 Troll C platform

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    The WCM programme was performed at the Troll field where the potential biological effects of operational discharges were investigated. The 2012 WCM programme focused on caged mussels allowing for an increased number of sampling stations and biological effects endpoints to be measured. Therefore, the programme involved 13 mussel stations including 2 reference stations and 11 exposure stations. The positions of the 11 exposure stations at 500 m, 1000 m and 2000 m from the Troll C platform were positioned with respect to the predicted, and later confirmed, plume direction (Fig 1). Mussels (Mytilus spp.) were held at a depth of 15 m at all stations and retrieved after an exposure period of 6 weeks. The current meter data confi1med the expected dominant direction of the PW plume, and the stations selected for the biomarker analysis were in the PW plume axis direction