47 research outputs found

    Potentialities of line planting technique in rehabilitation of logged over area referred to species diversity, growth and soil quality

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    Pamoengkas P (2010) Potentialities of line planting technique in rehabilitation of logged over area referred to species diversity, growth and soil quality. Biodiversitas 11: 34-39. Human interventions in the utilization of tropical forest resources are experiencing unanticipated consequences. The selective logging practices generally cause considerable damage to vegetation and the soil surface. It is supposed that soil condition and vegetation growth rate are deteriorated and reduced. Therefore, scientist strongly argue that the only way to achieve sustainability of Indonesian natural forest will require that the production natural forest is managed through methods that are acceptable from the perspective of environment as well as timber production. This means that there will be a strong need and incentive for methods and innovative technology. For more than two decades, tropical rainforest in Indonesia have been managed intensively under the Indonesian selective cutting (TPI) and later on by the Indonesian selective cutting and replanting (TPTI) and then, selective cutting and line planting (TPTJ) system. TPTJ, as one example of selective cutting, recently become a proper alternative should be taken into consideration in the management of production natural forest in Indonesia by planting dipterocarp species in line. In this system, planting line (width 3 m) and intermediate line (width 17 m) are made alternately. The initial width of line is 3 m and to be expanded until 10 m within 5 years to introduce more light. The objective of this research was to assess growth and soil quality of TPTJ system. The object of research was TPTJ plot of various ages from 1 year to 7 years. For achieving the objective, 14 sample plots measuring 200 m x 200 m each, were laid out at research plots. The result showed that growth respond of Shorea leprosula toward the width of planting line was better comparing to Shorea parvifolia, but generally from this growth assessment it seems that individual tree has a successfully performance. In terms of soil quality, it was seen that planting line establishment of 3 m and more, does not cause soil properties decrease in the whole plots

    Struktur dan Komposisi Jenis Tegakan Shorea pinanga di KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor

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    The plantation forest of Shorea pinanga, established outside its native habitat in KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor since 1940, serves as the focal point of this research. The study aims to analyze the natural regeneration process within the stands of S. pinanga and assess the structural development of the forest in the area. Vegetation analysis was employed across five research plots (plots 11, 12, 68, 72, and 100), each with two observation plots. The findings reveal that the mature Shorea pinanga plantation has formed a stand structure resembling a natural forest, exhibiting an inverted "J-shaped" growth pattern. Natural regeneration of S. pinanga was observed in all research plots, with similarities in S. pinanga species identified in both seedling and tree stages in Plots 11, 68, and 72. These results are anticipated to provide valuable insights into the natural regeneration of the mature Shorea pinanga plantation, contributing to sustainable forest management goals. Keywords: Natural regeneration, plantation forest, Shorea pinanga, stand structureHutan tanaman Shorea pinanga di KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor, yang telah ditanam di luar habitat aslinya sejak tahun 1940 menjadi objek penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses regenerasi alami pada tegakan S. pinanga dan struktur tegakan yang berkembang di kawasan tersebut. Metode analisis vegetasi digunakan dalam lima petak penelitian (petak 11, 12, 68, 72, dan 100), masing-masing dengan dua plot pengamatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hutan tanaman S. pinanga yang telah mencapai usia tua membentuk struktur tegakan yang mirip dengan hutan alam, mengikuti pola pertumbuhan kurva "J terbalik". Regenerasi alami S. pinanga berhasil teridentifikasi di semua petak penelitian, dengan adanya kemiripan jenis S. pinanga pada tingkatan semai dan pohon di Petak 11, 68, dan 72. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sumber informasi berharga mengenai regenerasi alami hutan tanaman S. pinanga tua, mendukung upaya pencapaian tujuan pengelolaan hutan yang berkelanjutan. Kata kunci: Hutan tanaman, Shorea pinanga, struktur tegakan, regenerasi alam

    Stand structure of Unmanaged Red Meranti Plantation (ShoreaLeprosula Miq.) in Haurbentes Forest Research, Jasinga

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    Natural regeneration of Dipterocarpaceae depends on the availability of the mother trees, flowering cycle, and favorable site conditions. Potential seed of Shorea leprosula in Haurbentes Forest Research, Jasinga District, Bogor, should be supported with sufficient regeneration ability. This research aims to identify the condition of regeneration of Shorea leprosula, environmental conditions and soil conditions that support for the sustainability of the S. leprosula regeneration in Haurbentes Forest Research, Jasinga, Bogor district. The results of the vegetation analysis showed that condition of the forest regeneration S. leprosula in KHDTK Haurbentes quite sufficient for seedling which are found quite a lot and dominating on every block of observations. However, seedlings are experiencing obstacles in resuming its growth to the level of sapling and poles. This can be seen by the existence of another species that dominates at the level of the sapling and the least amount of poles found. The existence of competition with other species and lack of space grows to regeneration due to the dominance of mature trees suspected that caused the regeneration S. leprosula on blocks of thisplant disturbed. Environmental conditions and soil conditions sufficiently support growth of S. leprosula. However, the lack of light intensity that goes into the stands is suspected to be one of the barriers to regeneration of S. leprosula

    Correlation Between the Width of Planting Line Toward the Growth of Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula Miq.) in Silvicultural System of Selective Cutting and Line Planting

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    The demand of timber for industry is increasing, along with the increasing rate of population growth. It brings an impact toward the timber demand. Increased productivity is expected able to balancing the needs without caused a damage to the forest ecosystem it self. One of the silvicultural system which suitable to be implemented in natural forest is Selective Cutting Line Planting (TPTJ) which planted with S. leprosula species. One of the effort to increase productivity is by determining the land-width which suitable with the S. leprosula species, so that it can grows optimally. The result shows that there is a correlation between the width of planting line toward the growth of diameter and height. The optimum width for the S. leprosula planting line is 6 meters

    The Growth of Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula Miq) with Selective Cutting and Line Planting of Silvicultural System at the Forest Concessionaire PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma, Central Kalimantan

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    Contribution of forest for development of this nation can not be regarded as small, so that the forests must be managed and used optimally and well  preserved. As an effort to preserve and enhance timber production, PT. Sari Bumi Kusuma (PT. SBK) as one of the holders of Forest Concessionaire (IUPHHK-HA), have been applied Selective Cutting and Line Planting (TPTJ) silvicultural system in it’s management of natural forest production since 1999. Red Meranti (Shorea leprosula) is one of the flagship sppecies which are selected in TPTJ because it better growth than other Meranti sppecies.However, the growth of S. leprosula in line planting  excessively unknown yet. This research aimed to know the diameter growth of S. leprosula 5 - 9 in TPTJ silvicultural system. Research conducted in Mei 2009  in PT. SBK’s areas. Data of diameter growth collected through observation of the 100 m x 100 m sampling plots (1 ha).Plot samples were taken in each age planting which are purposively selected based on the age of 5 to 9 years old of planting, where in each of the plot samples there are five lines of planting. Analysis of research data including diameter stand structure, data normality test, Mean Annual Increment (MAI), and curve of diameter growth. Diameter growth of of S. leprosula which planted in line generally sppreading normally, where the most frequency of individual tree is in the diameter class that represents the mean (average) of the stand diameter, and show sigmoid shape curve of the diameter growth. The average increment (MAI) of S. leprosula were highest at the age of seven year plantation i.e to 2.31 cm / year and the lowest at the age of five year plantation i.e 1.45 cm / year. The largest diameter found at the age of nine years after planting i.e 28.5 cm (average 19.7 cm)

    Growth Respond of Red Meranti on Width of Planting Line and Light Intensity in TPTJ Silvicultural System

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    Shorea leprosula is one of red meranti species which included into target species and became pre-eminent in the silviculture intensive technique (SILIN), as well as having a good prospect to be developed as shorea plantation forest in Indonesia. This research aims to find out the growth of S. leprosula on width of planting line, crown closure, and light intensity in areal of TPTJ silvicultural system. This research was conducted in areal TPTJ that  consist of plantation of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Each plots consist of 100 x 100 m sized and selected 4 planting line for observation and measurement. The data of diameter and height of trees, width line, crown closure, and light intensity was collected during reseach time.Results showed that the growth of S. leprosula in TPTJ silvicultural system can be categorized as rapid growth with 1,32 cm/year average diameter increment, 1,61 cm/year height increment, and  86,57% percentage of live. The width of planting line effected to increase diameter and height with 5% value. Regression results showed that crown closure affect to S. leprosula diameter and height increment and light intensity affect to diameter increment. The best growth increment is at TPTJ 2009 plot with diameter increment is 1,63 cm/year and height increment is 1,91 m/year on 5 m width line, 77,71% crown closure, and light intensity of 10.632 lux

    IDENTIFIKASI KESESUAIAN LAHAN UNTUK JATI (Tectona grandis Linn.f) DI PT. MELAPI TIMBER, KALIMANTAN TIMUR Identify Suitable Land for Jati (Tectona grandis L.f) in PT. Melapi Timber, East Kalimantan

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    Land evaluation of a tract of land, for its suitability to be planted with a particular plantation species is an importantstep for species choice in plantation forest. A weight factor matching (WFM) approach of this study, was used to identifysuitable land for jati (Tectona grandis L.f) in PT. Melapi Timber, East Kalimantan. Land suitability is affected by climate,soil and topograph. According to WFM, the results indicated that important variables which limit T. grandis in theresearch area were pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), potassium (P) and soil depth condition. The study results showthat 4 of 5 land units are marginally suitable (S3) for T. grandis cultivation in PT. Melapi Timber.Key words: Land evaluation, suitability, Tectona grandis L.f., weight factor matching (WFM

    Diameter growth performance and estimated carbon stock of Shorea spp. at KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor

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    Shorea leprosula Miq. and Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume are fast growing plant and they can be used as a rehabilitation plant. Plant adaptability can be seen from the growth in diameter. Furthermore, rehabilitation plants have the potential to store carbon stocks which can support Indonesia's Forestry And Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030 program. This study aims to analyze diameter growth and estimate carbon stocks stored in 8-year-old S. leprosula and S. selanica species in unproductive forest area KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor. Furthermore, the data collection of diameter was conducted by census while carbon stock estimation used allometric equations. The diameter distribution of S. leprosula and S. selanica was normally distributed. The normal diameter distribution is defined as the highest number of frequencies around the mean value. The results of the normality test of S. leprosula and S. selanica have normal diameter distribution data which indicate that these species have good adaptability in unproductive forest areas. Moreover, the incremental growth of S. leprosula diameter is 1.38 cm while the diameter increment of S. selanica is 1.19 cm. The carbon stock of S. leprosula is 4.72 tons/ha while S. selanica is 8.32 tons/ha. S. leprosula and S. selanica have good adaptability. Thus, they can be used as plants to rehabilitate unproductive forests and store potential carbon stocks.Shorea leprosula Miq. dan Shorea selanica (Lam.) Blume merupakan tanaman cepat tumbuh dan dapat digunakan sebagai tanaman rehabilitasi. Adaptabilitas tanaman dapat dilihat dari pertumbuhan diameter. Tanaman rehabilitasi berpotensi menjadi penyimpan cadangan karbon yang dapat mendukung program Indonesia’s Forestry And Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pertumbuhan diameter serta menduga cadangan karbon yang tersimpan pada jenis S. leprosula dan S. selanica umur 8 tahun pada areal hutan tidak produktif KHDTK Haurbentes, Bogor. Pengumpulan data diameter dilakukan secara sensus dan pendugaan cadangan karbon menggunakan persamaan alometrik. Sebaran diameter pada jenis S. leprosula dan S. selanica tersebar normal. Sebaran diameter normal diartikan sebagai jumlah frekuensi terbanyak pada sekitar nilai tengah. Hasil uji normalitas S. leprosula dan S. selanica memiliki data sebaran diameter normal yang menandakan jenis ini memiliki daya adaptabilitas yang baik pada areal hutan tidak produktif. Pertumbuhan riap diameter S. leprosula sebesar 1,38 cm dan riap diameter S. selanica sebesar 1,19 cm. Cadangan karbon S. leprosula sebesar 4,72 ton/ha dan S. selanica sebesar 8,32 ton/ha. S. leprosula dan S. selanica memiliki daya adaptabilitas yang baik, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai tanaman rehabilitasi hutan tidak produktif dan penyimpan cadangan karbon yang potensial


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    Forest management can have an impact on changes in forest structure and composition of plant species. Functional species Group (FSG) may explain the unity of the trees species that are selected in a group in a forest management activities so that it can help in explaining the characteristic of biodiversity such as the quality of habitat and ecosystem processes. The purpose of this research is to know the composition of forest vegetation that the production system are managed with a Silviculture system of TPTJ as seen from the forest structure and composition of the type that belongs to FSG for the stands and natural regeneration in log over area (LOA) and KPPN (The Conservation of Germplasm Area) IUPHHK-HA PT. Sarmiento Parakantja Timber (Sarpatim), Central Kalimantan. Analysis of the composition of the stands type and structure used terraced path in the area of TPTJ and KPPN. The results showed that the types of climax on an entire swath of observations, generally have greater proportion than the group of pioneers, the number of the climax type is 100 while pioneer type is 59. The structure of the stands form a J reverse curve, it show that the composition of vegetation recovery on log over areas managed by using TPTJ and KPPN Silviculture system has balance characteristic of uneven age forest. The value of diversity is high (H'>3). Most of tree and stands community have different communities (ID>50%).Key words: LOA, FSG, TPTJ, stand structure, composition of specie

    MANAJEMEN TEMPAT TUMBUH PADA TANAMAN Eucalyptus pellita DI PT. PERAWANG SUKSES PERKASA INDUSTRI, DISTRIK LIPAT KAIN, RIAU Site Management Eucalyptus pellita at PT. Perawang Sukses Perkasa Industri, Riau

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    Eucalyptus sp. is species which the developed in forest plantation of Indonesia as wood fiber plantation. Wood fiber for pulp and paper is important, so we need to know management of site to obtain the optimal growth of Eucalyptus pellita at PT. Perawang Sukses Perkasa Industri (PSPI). The aim of the research was to observe fertilization management and maintenance management at PT. PSPI. This research used Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) method to take data of plant growth. The cluster had 4 plot. The sample was E. pellita 1-4 years. Fertilization management at PT PSPI were basic fertilizer (CIRP/Cristmast Island Rock Phosphate and NPK) and supplementary fertilizer (NPK-1, NPK2, NPK-3). Maintenance Management at PT. PSPI were ring weeding, sport spray of herbicide and slash. Maintenancing and fertilizing were given to the plot according to the environmental conditions and the age factor. The best growth increment was in plot P2. P2 had 4.14 diameter increment and 5.72 height increment.Keywords: Eucalyptus pellita, Forest Health Monitoring, Industrial forest, site management, maintenance management, fertilization managemen