44 research outputs found

    Change in the corporate identity of the brand DS Automobiles

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    The aim of this bachelor thesis on the topic "Change in the corporate identity of the brand DS Automobiles" is to describe and analyze the change of corporate identity and evaluate the effects of this change on the operation of DS Automobiles in the Czech market. In the theoretical part, I focus on the presentation of corporate identity as a whole, including corporate culture and communication, a unified visual style of the company and other elements. In the practical part I analyze changes in corporate identity. Part of the work is also a questionnaire survey among the target group, which focuses on the analysis of brand perception, brand awareness and corporate identity change.Cílem této bakalářské práce na téma "Změna firemní identity značky DS Automobiles" je popsat a analyzovat změnu firemní identity a vyhodnotit dopady této změny na působení společnosti DS Automobiles na českém trhu. V teoretické části se věnuji představení firemní identity jako celku zahrnujícího firemní kulturu a komunikaci, jednotný vizuální styl společnosti a další prvky. V praktické části provádím analýzu změn firemní identity. Součástí práce je také vlastní dotazníkové šetření mezi cílovou skupinou, které se zaměřuje na analýzu vnímaní značky DS Automobiles, povědomí o značce a také o změně firemní identity.Department of Marketing Communication and Public RelationsKatedra marketingové komunikace a public relationsFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Waste Brewery and Winery Yeast as a Raw Material for Biotechnological Productions

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    Yeast of the genus Saccharomyces is the most commonly used organism in the production of biotechnological products, and its amount produced in the production of beer and wine is enormous. It is reported that the worldwide annual production of both beverages entails the production of more than half a million tons of yeast, calculated on dry matter, the largest production of any microorganism worldwide. For this reason, it could be used as a potential secondary raw material. In the following review, we focus on the use of waste yeast biomass, particularly in terms of its processing into biofuels, especially biodiesel. Particular attention is also paid to the use of yeast as a source of sophisticated products, especially squalene and palmitoleic acid, an important raw material that can be used as a biodiesel additive, but also in cosmetic and dietetic products

    Freeing Aspergillus fumigatus of Polymycovirus Infection Renders It More Resistant to Competition with Pseudomonas aeruginosa Due to Altered Iron-Acquiring Tactics

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    A virus-free (VF) A. fumigatus isolate has been shown to be resistant in competition with Pseudomonas as compared to the isogenic line infected with Aspergillus fumigatus polymycovirus 1 (AfuPmV-1), and this phenotype was apparently related to alterations in iron metabolism. Here we investigated further the mechanisms underpinning this phenotype. The extracellular siderophore profiles of five isogenic VF and virus-infected (VI) strains were sampled at 24, 31, 48, 54, and 72 h in submerged cultures and quantitatively examined by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Intracellular profiles of conidia and cultures at the stationary growth phase were defined. VF A. fumigatus demonstrated the best fitness represented by the fastest onset of its exponential growth when grown on an iron-limited mineral medium. The exponential phase and transitional production phase of the extracellular triacetylfusarinine C (TafC) were achieved at 24 and 31 h, respectively, contrary to VI strains, which acted more slowly. As a result, the TafC reservoir was consumed sooner in the VF strain. Additionally, the VF strain had lower ferricrocin and higher hydroxyferricrocin content in the pellet during the stationary phase. All of these differences were significant (Kruskal–Wallis, p 0.01). In our study, the siderophore reservoir of a VF strain was consumed sooner, improving the fitness of the VF strain in competition with P. aeruginosa.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Optimization of production of haloalkane dehalogenases in stirred bioreactor

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    Optimization of the composition of the culture medium and the expression of the enzyme in the course of a batch culture in shake flasks. The development of fermentative processes for enzyme LinB in a stirred bioreactor. Scale-up process of cultivation to 180L scale. Down-stream processing of large scale cultivation

    Position of the Czech Republic and Great Britain to the European Union

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    Import 21/10/2013Cílem diplomové práce je analyzovat postoj vybraných zemí, tedy České republiky a Velké Británie k Evropské unii. V práci je zkoumán postoj politických představitelů České republiky a Velké Británie a také názor široké veřejnosti jak na konkrétní problematiku, tak na Evropskou unii jako celek. Diplomová práce sestává ze třech částí, z nichž první část se věnuje historickému vývoji evropské integrace s důležitými mezníky právě pro Velkou Británii a Českou republiku, dříve Československo. Druhá část vymezuje ekonomickou situaci v obou zemích, a to konkrétně situaci před vstupem a po vstupu do Evropské unie. Závěrečná část je zaměřena na zjištění konkrétních názorů a postojů politických představitelů a široké veřejnosti ve vztahu k Evropské unie. Stěžejní částí třetí kapitoly je analýza získaných dat z dotazníkového šetření a jejich následné vyhodnocení.The aim of this thesis is to analyze the attitude of selected countries, namely the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom to the European Union. This thesis explores the attitude of political leaders in Czech Republic and Great Britain as well as the general public opinion on specific issues and the European Union as a whole. The thesis consists of three parts, where the first part deals with the historical development of European integration with important milestones for the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, formerly Czechoslovakia. The second part defines the economic situation in both countries specifically the situation before and after joining the European Union. The final part focuses on the specific ideas and attitudes of political leaders and the general public in relation to the European Union. The main part of the third chapter is an analysis of the data obtained from the questionnaires and their evaluation.120 - Katedra evropské integracevelmi dobř

    Zhodnocení efektivnosti hospodaření Slezské nemocnice Opava v podmínkách transformace zdravotnictví

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    Import 21/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (152) podnikohospodářsk

    Use of the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation – the Real Estates Programme in the Zlín Region

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    Import 29/09/2010Cílem Bakalářské práce je analýza zkušeností příjemců dotace z Operačního programu Podnikání a inovace – program Nemovitosti ve Zlínském kraji. Bakalářská práce je zpracovávána na základě zadání firmou, která se zabývá vypracováním projektových dokumentací. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do tří kapitol. V první kapitole je stručně popsán Operační program Podnikání a inovace. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na možnosti podpory průmyslu a podnikání ve Zlínském kraji a jeho současná situace. Kapitola také představuje Strategii rozvoje Zlínského kraje. V závěrečné kategorii je vyhodnocen dotazník a zhodnoceno využívání tohoto operačního programu ve Zlínském kraji.The aim of my Bachelor Thesis is the analysis of experiences of grant recipients from the Enterprise and Innovation Operation Programme - Real Estates programme in the Zlín region. This dissertation has been written according to the material submitted by a company which deals with processing project documentation. The Bachelor Thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter briefly describes the Enterprise and Innovation Operation Programme. The second chapter focuses on the possibilities of promoting industry and business in the Zlín region and its current situation. This chapter also presents the development strategy of the the Zlín region. In the final chapter, the questionnaire is evaluated and the use of this operation programme in the Zlín region is assessed.120 - Katedra evropské integracevelmi dobř

    Production of sample of testing siderophore preparation

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    Description of batch culture process of fur mutant of wild strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 for siderophores production in continuously stirred bioreactor and preparation of lyophilized mixed siderophores (pyoverdin and pyochelin) sample