3 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Buku Siswa Berbasis Masalah Di SMP Negeri 1 Buay Pemuka Bangsa Raja

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    Based on the results of observations conducted on science text books in SMP Negeri 1 Buay Nations elder King, less able to increase students' know ledge of newton law materials, there fore researchers this problem-based student book. Based on internal testing results, this book meets product development 99% of the development means that the book has been in accordance with the specifications of the product are planned. Material suitability test results, 99% or qualitatively describe the material in the book is very appropriate. External test results, level 3.5 is qualitatively the attractiveness of the product or good used books appealing as learning resources. Based on the study conducted by a group learning test 83% of students achieving minimum standards of completeness criteria specified, it indicates book research results effectively used as a learning resource.Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan terhadap buku pelajaran IPA di SMP Negeri 1 Buay Pemuka Bangsa Raja, kurang mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa tentang materi hukum newton, oleh sebab itu peneliti menggembangkan buku siswa berbasis masalah ini. Berdasarkan hasil uji internal, buku pengembangan ini memenuhi produk 99% berarti buku hasil pengembangan telah sesuai dengan spesifikasi produk yang direncanakan. Hasil uji kesesuaian materi, 99% atau secara kualitatif materi yang di paparkan dalam buku sangat sesuai. Hasil uji eksternal, tingkat kemenarikan produk 3,5 secara kualitatif buku menarik atau baik digunakan sebagai sumber belajar. Berdasarkan kajian pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh kelompok uji 83% siswa mencapai standar kriteria ketuntasan minimal yang ditetapkan, hal ini menunjukkan buku hasil penelitian efektif digunakan sebagai sumber belajar

    Chemical Content and Sensory Characteristics of Herbal Chicken Essence from Indonesia

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    The purpose was to determine the chemical content (water, protein, fat, ash, and carbohydrate) and sensory characteristics of Herbal Chicken Essence (HCE), a functional drink containing chilcken extract, from Indonesia. The experimental design was factorial and completely randomized with two replicates. There are four formulas in this study, namely F1 (broiler chicken and coconut sugar), F2 (broiler chicken and coconut sugar), F3 (IPB D1 chicken and palm sugar), and F4 (IPB D1 chicken and coconut sugar). The chemical content data were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. Panelists used in the sensory tests included 30 participants. There was a significant effect (p<0.05) of chicken and sugar substitution on water, ash, protein, and carbohydrate contents. Formula 2 (broiler chicken and coconut sugar) is the most preferred in almost all sensory attributes (aroma, taste, mouthfeel, aftertaste, and overall acceptance) because the sour taste found in coconut sugar is able to suppress the fishy taste found in HCE. The substitution of the chicken breed and sugar in the HCE formulations affected the chemical content and sensory characteristic

    Mutant P53 Expression Of Oral Transformed Epithelium Cell In Rats Injected By Benzo[A]Pyrene

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    Benzopyrene is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) compound that can cause transformation of normal cells into malignant. Benzopyrene enters the body and is converted to benzopyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol-9,10-epoxide (BPDE), making it easier to bind covalently with DNA, causing DNA mutation. Tumor suppressor gene p53, plays an important role in cell cycle arrest at checkpoint phase and inducing apoptosis of cells that have DNA damage. DNA mutation in tumor suppressor genes make cells immortal which results in cell transformation and develops into malignancies. This research is a True Experimental Laboratories with Posttest only control group design. 25 RattusNovergicus were randomly divided into five groups including the control group (without benzopyrene injection) and 4 treatment groups injected with benzopyrene each for 4 weeks (P1), 6 weeks (P2), 8 weeks (P3) and 10 weeks (P4). The transformation cells formed was obtained by HE staining. Mutant p53 expression was obtained by Immunohistochemistry process. Histopathological examination was performed using a 400x magnification light microscope with 5 different visual fields. Therefore, the expression of mutant p53 was calculated and analyzed statistically with the One Way Anova Test. Results of this study showed that there was signifficance difference in mutant p53 expression of oral transformed epithelium cell injected by benzopyrene (p=0.000) and highest expression was at 10th week. So, it can be concluded that the mutant P53 expression of oral transformed epithelium cells in rats was increased after injected by benzopyren