158 research outputs found

    Mystery of the Lyα Blobs

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the extended Lyman α blobs associated with the z=2.38 over-density J2143-4423, the largest known structure (110 Mpc) above z=2. We detect all 4 of the Lyα blobs in all four IRAC channels and we also detect 3 out of 4 of the blobs with MIPS 24μm. Conversion from rest-wavelength 7μm to total far-infrared luminosity using locally derived correlations suggests all the detected sources are in the class of ULIRGs or even Hyper-LIRGs. We find a weak correlation between Lyα and mid-infrared emission for the Lyα blobs (L_(Lyα)/L_(bol) = 0.05-0.2%). Nearly all Lyα blobs show some evidence for interaction, either in HST imaging, or the proximity of multiple MIPS sources within the Lyα cloud. This suggests that interaction or even mergers may be related to the production of Lyα blobs. Optical through infrared SEDs of the Lyα blobs do not show a clear 1.6μm bump, but rather are indicative of a composite of star formation and AGN energy sources

    PAH Emission Within Lyman Alpha Blobs

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    We present Spitzer observations of Lya Blobs (LAB) at z=2.38-3.09. The mid-infrared ratios (4.5/8um and 8/24um) indicate that ~60% of LAB infrared counterparts are cool, consistent with their infrared output being dominated by star formation and not active galactic nuclei (AGN). The rest have a substantial hot dust component that one would expect from an AGN or an extreme starburst. Comparing the mid-infrared to submillimeter fluxes (~850um or rest frame far infrared) also indicates a large percentage (~2/3) of the LAB counterparts have total bolometric energy output dominated by star formation, although the number of sources with sub-mm detections or meaningful upper limits remains small (~10). We obtained Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) spectra of 6 infrared-bright sources associated with LABs. Four of these sources have measurable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features, indicative of significant star formation, while the remaining two show a featureless continuum, indicative of infrared energy output completely dominated by an AGN. Two of the counterparts with PAHs are mixed sources, with PAH line-to-continuum ratios and PAH equivalent widths indicative of large energy contributions from both star formation and AGN. Most of the LAB infrared counterparts have large stellar masses, around 10^11 Mo. There is a weak trend of mass upper limit with the Lya luminosity of the host blob, particularly after the most likely AGN contaminants are removed. The range in likely energy sources for the LABs found in this and previous studies suggests that there is no single source of power that is producing all the known LABs.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    The Distribution of Lya-Emitting Galaxies at z=2.3

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    We present the detection of 34 Ly-alpha emission-line galaxy candidates in a 80x80x60 co-moving Mpc region surrounding the known z=2.38 galaxy cluster J2143-4423. The space density of Ly-alpha emitters is comparable to that found by Steidel et al. when targeting a cluster at redshift 3.09, but is a factor of 5.8 +/- 2.5 greater than that found by field samples at similar redshifts. The distribution of these galaxy candidates contains several 5-10 Mpc scale voids. We compare our observations with mock catalogs derived from the VIRGO consortium Lambda-CDM n-body simulations. Fewer than 1% of the mock catalogues contain voids as large as we observe. Our observations thus tentatively suggest that the galaxy distribution at redshift 2.38 contains larger voids than predicted by current models. Three of the candidate galaxies and one previously discovered galaxy have the large luminosities and extended morphologies of "Ly-alpha blobs".Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, emulateapj5, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission within Lyα Blobs

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    We present Spitzer observations of Lyα blobs (LABs) at z = 2.38-3.09. The mid-infrared ratios (4.5 μm/8 μm and 8 μm/24 μm) indicate that ~60% of LAB infrared counterparts are cool, consistent with their infrared output being dominated by star formation and not active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The rest have a substantial hot dust component that one would expect from an AGN or an extreme starburst. Comparing the mid-infrared to submillimeter fluxes (~850 μm or rest-frame far-infrared) also indicates that a large percentage (~2/3) of the LAB counterparts have total bolometric energy output dominated by star formation, although the number of sources with submillimeter detections or meaningful upper limits remains small (~10). We obtained Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) spectra of six infrared-bright sources associated with LABs. Four of these sources have measurable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features, indicative of significant star formation, while the remaining two show a featureless continuum, indicative of infrared energy output completely dominated by an AGN. Two of the counterparts with PAHs are mixed sources, with PAH line-to-continuum ratios and PAH equivalent widths indicative of large energy contributions from both star formation and AGN. Most of the LAB infrared counterparts have large stellar masses, around 10^(11) M_⊙. There is a weak trend of mass upper limit with the Lyα luminosity of the host blob, particularly after the most likely AGN contaminants are removed. The range in likely energy sources for the LABs found in this and previous studies suggests that there is no single source of power that is producing all the known LABs

    Ultraviolet-Bright, High-Redshift ULIRGS

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    We present Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the z=2.38 lya-emitter over-density associated with galaxy cluster J2143-4423, the largest known structure (110 Mpc) above z=2. We imaged 22 of the 37 known lya-emitters within the filament-like structure, using the MIPS 24um band. We detected 6 of the lya-emitters, including 3 of the 4 clouds of extended (>50 kpc) lyman alpha emission, also known as Lya Blobs. Conversion from rest-wavelength 7um to total far-infrared luminosity using locally derived correlations suggests all the detected sources are in the class of ULIRGs, with some reaching Hyper-LIRG energies. Lya blobs frequently show evidence for interaction, either in HST imaging, or the proximity of multiple MIPS sources within the Lya cloud. This connection suggests that interaction or even mergers may be related to the production of Lya blobs. A connection to mergers does not in itself help explain the origin of the Lya blobs, as most of the suggested mechanisms for creating Lya blobs (starbursts, AGN, cooling flows) could also be associated with galaxy interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    The gravitational force and potential of the finite Mestel disk

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    Mestel determined the surface mass distribution of the finite disk for which the circular velocity is constant in the disk and found the gravitational field for points in the z=0z=0 plane. Here we find the exact closed form solutions for the potential and the gravitational field of this disk in cylindrical coordinates over all the space. The Finite Mestel Disk (FMD) is characterized by a cuspy mass distribution in the inner disk region and by an exponential distribution in the outer region of the disk. The FMD is quite different from the better known exponential disk or the untruncated Mestel disk which, being infinite in extent, are not realistic models of real spiral galaxies. In particular, the FMD requires significantly less mass to explain a measured velocity curve

    Clustering of Lyman alpha emitters at z ~ 4.5

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    We present the clustering properties of 151 Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at z ~ 4.5 selected from the Large Area Lyman Alpha (LALA) survey. Our catalog covers an area of 36' x 36' observed with five narrowband filters. We assume that the angular correlation function w(theta) is well represented by a power law A_w = Theta^(-beta) with slope beta = 0.8, and we find A_w = 6.73 +/- 1.80. We then calculate the correlation length r_0 of the real-space two-point correlation function xi(r) = (r/r_0)^(-1.8) from A_w through the Limber transformation, assuming a flat, Lambda-dominated universe. Neglecting contamination, we find r_0 = 3.20 +/- 0.42 Mpc/h. Taking into account a possible 28% contamination by randomly distributed sources, we find r_0 = 4.61 +/- 0.6 Mpc/h. We compare these results with the expectations for the clustering of dark matter halos at this redshift in a Cold Dark Matter model, and find that the measured clustering strength can be reproduced if these objects reside in halos with a minimum mass of 1-2 times 10^11 Solar masses/h. Our estimated correlation length implies a bias of b ~ 3.7, similar to that of Lyman-break galaxies (LBG) at z ~ 3.8-4.9. However, Lyman alpha emitters are a factor of ~ 2-16 rarer than LBGs with a similar bias value and implied host halo mass. Therefore, one plausible scenario seems to be that Lyman alpha emitters occupy host halos of roughly the same mass as LBGs, but shine with a relatively low duty cycle of 6-50%.Comment: 23 pages in preprint format, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    A Successful Broad-band Survey for Giant Lya Nebulae I: Survey Design and Candidate Selection

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    Giant Lya nebulae (or Lya "blobs") are likely sites of ongoing massive galaxy formation, but the rarity of these powerful sources has made it difficult to form a coherent picture of their properties, ionization mechanisms, and space density. Systematic narrow-band Lya nebula surveys are ongoing, but the small redshift range covered and the observational expense limit the comoving volume that can be probed by even the largest of these surveys and pose a significant problem when searching for such rare sources. We have developed a systematic search technique designed to find large Lya nebulae at 2<z<3 within deep broad-band imaging and have carried out a survey of the 9.4 square degree NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS) Bootes field. With a total survey comoving volume of ~10^8 h^-3_70 Mpc^3, this is the largest volume survey for Lya nebulae ever undertaken. In this first paper in the series, we present the details of the survey design and a systematically-selected sample of 79 candidates, which includes one previously discovered Lya nebula.Comment: Accepted to ApJ after minor revision; 25 pages in emulateapj format; 18 figures, 3 table

    The Distribution of Ly-alpha-Emitting Galaxies at z=2.38: Paper 2, Spectroscopy

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    In Paper 1 of this series we identified an 80 co-moving Mpc filament of candidate Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies at redshift 2.38. In this paper we present spectroscopy of the 37 galaxy candidates. Our spectroscopy reached a surface brightness limit of 5.0E-17 erg/cm^2/s/arcsec^2. Of the 14 candidates down to this limit, 12 were confirmed to be Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies at the filament redshift. We also obtained spectral confirmation for six of the lower surface brightness candidates, all of which also lay at the filament redshift. In addition, we identify a foreground cluster of QSOs at z=1.65.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Evolution of Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers: Metallicities and Star Formation Rates

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    The damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) and sub-DLA quasar absorption lines provide powerful probes of the evolution of metals, gas, and stars in galaxies. One major obstacle in trying to understand the evolution of DLAs and sub-DLAs has been the small number of metallicity measurements at z < 1.5, an epoch spanning \~70 % of the cosmic history. In recent surveys with the Hubble Space Telescope and Multiple Mirror Telescope, we have doubled the DLA Zn sample at z < 1.5. Combining our results with those at higher redshifts from the literature, we find that the global mean metallicity of DLAs does not rise to the solar value at low redshifts. These surprising results appear to contradict the near-solar mean metallicity observed for nearby (z ~ 0) galaxies and the predictions of cosmic chemical evolution models based on the global star formation history. Finally, we discuss direct constraints on the star formation rates (SFRs) in the absorber galaxies from our deep Fabry-Perot Ly-alpha imaging study and other emission-line studies in the literature. A large fraction of the observed heavy-element quasar absorbers at 0 < z < 3.4 appear to have SFRs substantially below the global mean SFR, consistent with the low metallicities observed in the spectroscopic studies.Comment: 6 pages,3 figures, To appear in "Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines", Proceedings IAU Colloquium 199, 2005, Eds. P. R. Williams, C. Shu, and B. Menar