9 research outputs found

    Evaluating vulnerability of Central Asian water resources under uncertain climate and development conditions: The case of the Ili-Balkhash basin

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    The Ili-Balkhash basin (IBB) is considered a key region for agricultural development and international transport as part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The IBB is exemplary for the combined challenge of climate change and shifts in water supply and demand in transboundary Central Asian closed basins. To quantify future vulnerability of the IBB to these changes, we employ a scenario-neutral bottom-up approach with a coupled hydrological-water resource modelling set-up on the RiverWare modelling platform. This study focuses on reliability of environmental flows under historical hydro-climatic variability, future hydro-climatic change and upstream water demand development. The results suggest that the IBB is historically vulnerable to environmental shortages, and any increase in water consumption will increase frequency and intensity of shortages. Increases in precipitation and temperature improve reliability of flows downstream, along with water demand reductions upstream and downstream. Of the demand scenarios assessed, extensive water saving is most robust to climate change. However, the results emphasize the competition for water resources among up- and downstream users and between sectors in the lower Ili, underlining the importance of transboundary water management to mitigate cross-border impacts. The modelling tool and outcomes may aid decision-making under the uncertain future in the basin

    Return period of extreme rainfall substantially decreases under 1.5 °C and 2.0 °C warming: a case study for Uttarakhand, India

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    In June 2013, Uttarakhand experienced a hydro-meteorological disaster due to a 4 d extreme precipitation event of return period more than 100 years, claiming thousands of lives and causing enormous damage to infrastructure. Using the weather@home climate modelling system and its Half a degree Additional warming, Prognosis and Projected Impacts simulations, this study investigates the change in the return period of similar events in a 1.5 °C and 2 °C warmer world, compared to current and pre-industrial levels. We find that the likelihood of such extreme precipitation events will significantly increase under both future scenarios. We also estimate the change in extreme river flow at the Ganges; finding a considerable increase in the risk of flood events. Our results also suggest that until now, anthropogenic aerosols may have effectively counterbalanced the otherwise increased meteorological flood risk due to greenhouse gas (GHG) induced warming. Disentangling the response due to GHGs and aerosols is required to analyses the changes in future rainfall in the South Asia monsoon region. More research with other climate models is also necessary to make sure these results are robust

    Toward a Combined Surface Temperature Data Set for the Arctic From the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers

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    Surface temperature data sets for, or including, the Arctic have been derived from various thermal infrared sensors. However, a combined, all surface temperature data set for the Arctic has not been generated previously. Here we present the first combined land, ocean, and ice surface temperature data set for the Arctic produced from Along-Track Scanning Radiometer - 2 and the Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer satellite sensors: the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer Arctic combined Surface Temperature data set. Separate products, produced independently for each sensor and containing quantified uncertainties, together cover the period August 1995 to April 2012. Product validation, utilizing a more extensive in situ database than previous studies, shows that Along-Track Scanning Radiometer Arctic combined Surface Temperature surface temperatures generally agree with in situ data and are similar to previous validation of input surface temperature retrievals. Biases range from −1.74 to 0.23 K over open ocean, sea ice, snow over land, and the Greenland ice sheet with higher variability over snow/ice. However, there are noticeable outliers in the validation results, particularly over Arctic land in boreal summer for Along-Track Scanning Radiometer - 2, which are likely due to cloud contamination resulting from a climatologically static snow field being used for that sensor. This study suggests that the Along-Track Scanning Radiometer Arctic combined Surface Temperature data set presented here is a useful tool for assessment of models in the Arctic. Further work would have clear benefits including improvements to snow cover and cloud clearing to achieve a fully consistently processed, climate quality combined surface temperature data set for the Arctic region

    Climate and Rivers

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    Over the last few decades as hydrologists have slowly raised their line of sight above the watershed boundary, it has become increasingly recognised that what happens in the atmosphere, as a major source of moisture for the terrestrial branch of the hydrological cycle, can strongly influence river dynamics at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Notwithstanding this, there is still a tendency for some in the river research community to restrict their gaze to the river channel or floodplain. However Geoff Petts, the person to which this special issue is dedicated, understood well and widely encouraged a holistic view of river catchment processes. This included an acknowledgment of the role of climate, in its broadest sense, in shaping what happens within and without the river channel. The purpose of this paper therefore is to offer a broad overview of the role of some aspects of climate science in advancing knowledge in river research. Topics to be addressed include the role of climate in influencing river flow regimes, a consideration of the large scale climate mechanisms that drive hydrological variability within river basins at inter-annual to decadal timescales and atmospheric rivers and their link to surface hydrology. In reviewing these topics a number of key knowledge gaps have emerged including attributing the causes of river flow regime changes to any one particular cause, the non-stationary and asymmetric forcing of river regimes by modes of climate variability and establishing links between atmospheric rivers, and terrestrial river channel processes, fluvial habitats, and ecological change

    Climate and rivers

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    Anthropogenic stresses on the world’s big rivers

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