15 research outputs found
Notas sobre la arquitectura religiosa de la colonización catalana en Mallorca (siglos XIII y XIV)
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Influencia de Serlio en los trabajos de carpinterÃa barroca en Palma de Mallorca
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Indicadors d'investigació de l'Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa. IRIE 2008-2012
El present informe recull la recerca educativa realitzada pels grups consolidats de l’Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa (IRIE) durant el perÃode previ a la seva creació (2008-2012). Aquesta producció ha conformat la massa crÃtica que ha fet possible la creació de l’Institut i és el fruit del treball de cent cinquanta-vuit investigadors, integrats en onze grups de recerca. L’informe presenta les lÃnies de recerca que desenvolupen i els principals productes de la seva tasca. Durant aquest perÃode s’han dut a terme cent seixanta-sis projectes i contractes de recerca amb finançament estatal i quaranta-un projectes i contractes internacionals, i s’ha rebut un finançament total de 8.478.372,65 €. S’han publicat quatre-cents cinquanta-dos articles en revistes –cent seixanta-vuit dels quals indexats en bases d’impacte– i sis-cents seixanta-sis capÃtols o llibres cientÃfics. Al mateix temps s’han seguit formant nous investigadors en educació, ja que s’han llegit setanta-dues tesis doctorals. L’anà lisi d’aquests indicadors ens permet saber l’estat de la qüestió de la recerca educativa més especialitzada a les Illes Balears i tenir elements per a determinar el potencial investigador de l’IRIE per als propers anys.El presente informe recoge la investigación educativa realizada por los grupos consolidados del Institut de Recerca i Innovació Educativa (IRIE) durante el perÃodo previo a su creación (2008- 2012). Esta producción ha conformado la masa crÃtica que ha hecho posible la creación del instituto y es fruto del trabajo de 158 investigadores, integrados en once grupos de investigación. El informe presenta las lÃneas de investigación que desarrollan y los principales productos de su labor. Durante este perÃodo se han llevado a cabo 166 proyectos y contratos de investigación con financiación estatal y 41 proyectos y contratos internacionales; se ha recibido una financiación total de 8.478.372,65 €. Se han publicado 452 artÃculos en revistas –186 de los cuales indexados en bases de impacto– y 666 capÃtulos o libros cientÃficos. Al mismo tiempo se ha seguido formando a nuevos investigadores en educación, ya que se han leÃdo 72 tesis doctorales. El análisis de estos indicadores nos permite conocer el estado de la cuestión de la investigación educativa más especializada en las Illes Balears y tener elementos para determinar el potencial investigador del IRIE para los próximos años.This report contains the educational research provided by consolidated groups of the IRIE (Institute of Research and Educational Innovation) in the run-up to the Institute’s creation (2008-2012). This production has shaped the critical mass that has made possible the creation of the Institute and is the outcome of the work of 158 researchers consisting of 11 research groups. The report presents the lines of research and the main products of researchers task. During this time, 166 projects and research contracts with government funding and 41 projects and international contracts were achieved, with a total funding of 8.478.372,65 €. 452 articles in magazines –186 of them indexed in impact databases– and 666 chapters or scientific books have been published. At the same time, new educational researchers have been trained and 72 doctoral theses have been read. The analysis of these indicators allows us to know the state of play of the most specialized educational research in the Balearic Islands and to have items to determine the research potential of the IRIE for the coming years
Pedagogical couples in the practicum of a Bachelor Degree in primary education: educational innovation in the University of Balearic Islands
Background/Objective: The education system in Spanish universities evolves continuously, especially since 2010, when the Bologna Plan was incorporated. Some changes were needed in order to improve the quality of the practicum, which is a crucial subject on the academic program for the primary education bachelor. This investigation shows a pilot experience, and the aim of this study is to design a new approach of the practicum in the Primary Education Bacherlor’s Degree in the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB).
Methods: 8 university teachers from the department of physical education (PE), 22 school PE teachers from 17 different schools and 44 students participated in this project. The practicum had a duration of 8 weeks, and the whole project a duration of 1 year. The innovation aspects are the pedagogical couple methodology, the participation of the students in the evaluation process and the type of homework students did.
During the whole period there were internal and external evaluations to detect which measures worked and which did not.Results: The use of pedagogical couples, with a combined auto-evaluation, co-evaluation and hetero-evaluation, and the type of documents students had to produce as homework are the three pillars of the project, which has had good results in satisfaction and learning according to university teachers, school teachers and students. Conclusions: The results from this pilot project were positive, with a high level of satisfaction from the students, school teachers and university teachers. Students improved their knowledge working with the pedagogical couple system, and the homeworks students did were more motivating than in the past
Reliability and feasibility of an evaluations tool of teacher effectiveness and the quality of physical education sessions
[eng] The need to ensure quality physical education has motivated the development of a reliable method to evaluate physical education sessions, capable of detecting areas of improvement, thus facilitating the continuous growth of the teaching process. The main aim of the present study is to design a feasible and reliable evaluation instrument for physical education sessions, and to determine its reliability and feasibility with a group of practicing physical education teachers. Two evaluations of the same session (videotaped) were conducted to determine whether the instrument was reliable and feasible (n = 20), 9 women and 11 men, leaving 2 weeks between the first and the second evaluation. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were performed. The total score of the evaluation instrument shows an ICC of 0.953, (95%CI 0.881; 0.982), with a p-value ≤ .001. When comparing the responses of teachers from different educational levels (primary, secondary, and university), no significant differences were found between responses to any of the items or in the total score on either occasion. Total score in the test was (69.3 mean, [14.0 SD]), p-value = .881; and (66.2, [13.9]) p-value = .943 in the retest. In conclusion, the present evaluation instrument is feasible and reliable for the evaluation of physical education sessions