213 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Prevalence and Trends Among Pregnant and Postpartum Individuals in Maine by Rurality and Pregnancy Conditions

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    Our study is the first to estimate prevalence of COVID-19 among pregnant and postpartum individuals for Maine, using data that captures both commercial and public insurance and examines differences by rurality, a known modifier of COVID-19 infections in the U.S. individuals.https://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2023/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Evaluation of video-based linear depth inversion performance and applications using altimeters and hydrographic surveys in a wide range of environmental conditions

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Coastal Engineering 136 (2018): 147-160, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2018.01.003.The performance of a linear depth inversion algorithm, cBathy, applied to coastal video imagery was assessed using observations of water depth from vessel-based hydrographic surveys and in-situ altimeters for a wide range of wave conditions (0.3 < significant wave height < 4.3 m) on a sandy Atlantic Ocean beach near Duck, North Carolina. Comparisons of video-based cBathy bathymetry with surveyed bathymetry were similar to previous studies (root mean square error (RMSE) = 0.75 m, bias = −0.26 m). However, the cross-shore locations of the surfzone sandbar in video-derived bathymetry were biased onshore 18–40 m relative to the survey when offshore wave heights exceeded 1.2 m or were greater than half of the bar crest depth, and broke over the sandbar. The onshore bias was 3–4 m when wave heights were less than 0.8 m and were not breaking over the sandbar. Comparisons of video-derived seafloor elevations with in-situ altimeter data at three locations onshore of, near, and offshore of the surfzone sandbar over ∼1 year provide the first assessment of the cBathy technique over a wide range of wave conditions. In the outer surf zone, video-derived results were consistent with long-term patterns of bathymetric change (r2 = 0.64, RMSE = 0.26 m, bias = −0.01 m), particularly when wave heights were less than 1.2 m (r2 = 0.83). However, during storms when wave heights exceeded 3 m, video-based cBathy over-estimated the depth by up to 2 m. Near the sandbar, the sign of depth errors depended on the location relative to wave breaking, with video-based depths overestimated (underestimated) offshore (onshore) of wave breaking in the surfzone. Wave speeds estimated by video-based cBathy at the initiation of wave breaking often were twice the speeds predicted by linear theory, and up to three times faster than linear theory during storms. Estimated wave speeds were half as fast as linear theory predictions at the termination of wave breaking shoreward of the sandbar. These results suggest that video-based cBathy should not be used to track the migration of the surfzone sandbar using data when waves are breaking over the bar nor to quantify morphological evolution during storms. However, these results show that during low energy conditions, cBathy estimates could be used to quantify seasonal patterns of seafloor evolution.This research was funded by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Field Data Collection Program, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Research and Technology under ERDC's research program titled “Force Projection Entry Operations, STO D.GRD.2015.34”, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory base program from the Office of Naval Research, a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship funded by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, and the National Science Foundation

    Beginning and duration of pregnancy in automated health care databases:Review of estimation methods and validation results

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    PURPOSE: To describe methods reported in the literature to estimate the beginning or duration of pregnancy in automated health care data, and to present results of validation exercises where available. METHODS: Papers reporting methods for determining the beginning or duration of pregnancy were identified based on Pubmed searches, by consulting investigators with expertise in the field and by reviewing conference abstracts and reference lists of relevant papers. From each paper or abstract, we extracted information to characterize the study population, data sources, and estimation algorithm. We then grouped these studies into categories reflecting their general methodological approach. RESULTS: Methods were classified into 5 categories: (i) methods that assign a uniform duration for all pregnancies, (ii) methods that assign pregnancy duration based on preterm-delivery or health care related codes, or codes for other pregnancy outcomes, (iii) methods based on the timing of prenatal care, (iv) methods based on birth weight, and (v) methods that combine elements from 2 and 3. Validation studies evaluating these methods used varied approaches, with results generally reporting on the mistiming of the start of pregnancy, incorrect estimation of the duration of pregnancy, or misclassification of drug exposure during pregnancy or early pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: In the absence of accurate information on the beginning or duration of pregnancy, several methods of varying complexity are available to estimate them. Validation studies have been performed for many of them and can serve as a guide for method selection for a particular study. Copyright (c) 2015 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd

    Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf

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    PURPOSE: Access to claims databases provides an opportunity to study medication use and safety during pregnancy. We developed an algorithm to identify pregnancy episodes in the French health care databases and applied it to study antiepileptic drug (AED) use during pregnancy between 2007 and 2014. METHODS: The algorithm searched the French health care databases for discharge diagnoses and medical procedures indicative of completion of a pregnancy. To differentiate claims associated with separate pregnancies, an interval of at least 28 weeks was required between 2 consecutive pregnancies resulting in a birth and 6 weeks for terminations of pregnancy. Pregnancy outcomes were categorized into live births, stillbirths, elective abortions, therapeutic abortions, spontaneous abortions, and ectopic pregnancies. Outcome dates and gestational ages were used to calculate pregnancy start dates. RESULTS: According to our algorithm, live birth was the most common pregnancy outcome (73.9%), followed by elective abortion (17.2%), spontaneous abortion (4.2%), ectopic pregnancy (1.1%), therapeutic abortion (1.0%), and stillbirth (0.4%). These results were globally consistent with French official data. Among 7 559 701 pregnancies starting between 2007 and 2014, corresponding to 4 900 139 women, 6.7 per 1000 pregnancies were exposed to an AED. The number of pregnancies exposed to older AEDs, comprising the most teratogenic AEDs, decreased throughout the study period (-69.4%), while the use of newer AEDs increased (+73.4%). CONCLUSIONS: We have developed an algorithm that allows identification of a large number of pregnancies and all types of pregnancy outcomes. Pregnancy outcome and start dates were accurately identified, and maternal data could be linked to neonatal data

    Coastal shoreline change assessments at global scales

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    During the present era of rapid climate change and sea-level rise, coastal change science is needed at global, regional, and local scales. Essential elements of this science, regardless of scale, include that the methods are defendable and that the results are independently verifiable. The recent contribution by Almar et al.1 does not achieve either of these measures as shown by: (i) the use of an error-prone proxy for coastal shoreline and (ii) analyses that are circular and explain little of the data variance