80 research outputs found

    Quantumness in decoherent quantum walk using measurement-induced disturbance

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    The classicalization of a decoherent discrete-time quantum walk on a line or an n-cycle can be demonstrated in various ways that do not necessarily provide a geometry-independent description. For example, the position probability distribution becomes increasingly Gaussian, with a concomitant fall in the standard deviation, in the former case, but not in the latter. As another example, each step of the quantum walk on a line may be subjected to an arbitrary phase gate, without affecting the position probability distribution, no matter whether the walk is noiseless or noisy. This symmetry, which is absent in the case of noiseless cyclic walk, but is restored in the presence of sufficient noise, serves as an indicator of classicalization, but only in the cyclic case. Here we show that the degree of quantum correlations between the coin and position degrees of freedom, quantified by a measure based on the disturbance induced by local measurements (Luo, Phys. Rev. A 77, 022301 (2008)), provides a suitable measure of classicalization across both type of walks. Applying this measure to compare the two walks, we find that cyclic quantum walks tend to classicalize faster than quantum walks on a line because of more efficient phase randomization due to the self-interference of the two counter-rotating waves. We model noise as acting on the coin, and given by the squeezed generalized amplitude damping (SGAD) channel, which generalizes the generalized amplitude damping channel.Comment: 8 pages with 8 figures, Published versio

    Оптимізація комплексного лікування гнійно-некротичних інфекцій м’яких тканин

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    В останні роки спостерігається збільшення числа хворих із генералізованими формами гнійно-некротичних інфекцій м’яких тканин (ГНІМТ), при яких клініку різних форм сепсису реєструють у 65,5–78,4 % випадків, при цьому на частку тяжкого сепсису припадає 2–18 %. На високому рівні зберігається показник смертності при даній патології, складаючи від 19 до 70 %. Незважаючи на безліч запропонованих підходів до лікування, досі залишається спірним питання про терміни й об’єм операційного втручання, дренування та санацію гнійного вогнища при генералізованих формах інфекції

    The transcriptional programme controlled by Runx1 during early embryonic blood development

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    AbstractTranscription factors have long been recognised as powerful regulators of mammalian development yet it is largely unknown how individual key regulators operate within wider regulatory networks. Here we have used a combination of global gene expression and chromatin-immunoprecipitation approaches during the early stages of haematopoietic development to define the transcriptional programme controlled by Runx1, an essential regulator of blood cell specification. Integrated analysis of these complementary genome-wide datasets allowed us to construct a global regulatory network model, which suggested that key regulators are activated sequentially during blood specification, but will ultimately collaborate to control many haematopoietically expressed genes. Using the CD41/integrin alpha 2b gene as a model, cellular and in vivo studies showed that CD41 is controlled by both Scl/Tal1 and Runx1 in fully specified blood cells, and initiation of CD41 expression in E7.5 embryos is severely compromised in the absence of Runx1. Taken together, this study represents the first global analysis of the transcriptional programme controlled by any key haematopoietic regulator during the process of early blood cell specification. Moreover, the concept of interplay between sequentially deployed core regulators is likely to represent a design principle widely applicable to the transcriptional control of mammalian development