161 research outputs found

    Psychodrama and moviemaking in a death education course to work through a case of suicide among high school students in Italy

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    This study describes the psychological effects of an experience of death education (DE) used to explore a case of suicide in an Italian high school. DE activities included philosophical and religious perspectives of the relationships between death and the meaning of life, a visit to a local hospice, and psychodrama activities, which culminated in the production of short movies. The intervention involved 268 high school students (138 in the experimental group). Pre-test and post-test measures assessed ontological representations of death, death anxiety, alexithymia, and meaning in life. Results confirmed that, in the experimental group, death anxiety was significantly reduced as much as the representation of death as annihilation and alexithymia, while a sense of spirituality and the meaning of life were more enhanced, compared to the No DE group. These improvements in the positive meaning of life and the reduction of anxiety confirmed that it is possible to manage trauma and grief at school with death education interventions that include religious discussion, psychodrama and movie making activities

    Ensino a Distancia e Formação Profissional

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    A proposta de trabalho para este artigo pretende identificarvariáveis do modelo de ensino presencial e a distância, para comparação posterior das características dos alunos, que apresentaram desempenhos diferentes em cada uma destas modalidades. As análises dos resultados deste estudo de caso tem como objetivo identificar características que pressupõe um melhor desempenho dos alunos no modelo de ensino presencial ou no modelo de ensino a distância. A hipótese de pesquisa apresentada foi: “É possível identificar, em um ambiente de ensino técnico, as pessoas mais adaptadas ao ensino presencial e aquelas mais adaptadas ao EAD”. Um protocolo rigorosofoi planejado para validação da hipótese de pesquisa.

    Ensino a Distancia e Formação Profissional

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    A proposta de trabalho para este artigo pretende identificarvariáveis do modelo de ensino presencial e a distância, para comparação posterior das características dos alunos, que apresentaram desempenhos diferentes em cada uma destas modalidades. As análises dos resultados deste estudo de caso tem como objetivo identificar características que pressupõe um melhor desempenho dos alunos no modelo de ensino presencial ou no modelo de ensino a distância. A hipótese de pesquisa apresentada foi: “É possível identificar, em um ambiente de ensino técnico, as pessoas mais adaptadas ao ensino presencial e aquelas mais adaptadas ao EAD”. Um protocolo rigorosofoi planejado para validação da hipótese de pesquisa.&nbsp

    T cells and delayed graft function

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    Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) in kidney transplantation is the major cause of delayed graft function (DGF), an event associated with an increased risk of acute rejection. The aim of this study was to evaluate T helper (Th) cell phenotype in renal transplants with DGF. T-bet (Th1), GATA-3 (Th2) and IL-17 (Th17) protein expression was investigated in pretransplant biopsies, DGF and acute tubular damage (ATD) caused by calcineurin-inhibitor toxicity. Intracytofluorimetric analysis of IFN-γ, IL-4 and IL-17 was performed to analyze Th1, Th2 and Th17 responses in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of recipients with early graft function (EGF) and DGF, before (T0) and 24 h after transplantation (T24). In pretransplant biopsies, T-bet(+) , GATA-3(+) and IL-17(+) cells were barely detectable. In DGF, T-bet(+) and IL-17(+) cells were significantly increased compared with pretransplant and ATD. More than 90% of T-bet(+) and less then 5% of IL-17(+) cells were CD4(+) . GATA-3(+) cells were increased to a lower extent. T-bet(+) /GATA-3(+) cell ratio was significantly higher in DGF. Peripheral CD4(+) IFN-γ/IL-4 ratio was significantly decreased in DGF, while CD4(+) /IL-17(+) cells did not differ between T0 and T24 in DGF. Our data suggest that DGF is characterized by a prevalent Th1 phenotype within the graft. This event might represent a link between DGF and acute rejection

    Metabolomic profiling for the identification of novel diagnostic markers in prostate cancer

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    Metabolomic profiling offers a powerful methodology for understanding the perturbations of biochemical systems occurring during a disease process. During neoplastic transformation, prostate cells undergo metabolic reprogramming to satisfy the demands of growth and proliferation. An early event in prostate cell transformation is the loss of capacity to accumulate zinc. This change is associated with a higher energy efficiency and increased lipid biosynthesis for cellular proliferation, membrane formation and cell signaling. Moreover, recent studies have shown that sarcosine, an N-methyl derivative of glycine, was significantly increased during disease progression from normal to localized to metastatic prostate cancer. Mapping the metabolomic profiles to their respective biochemical pathways showed an upregulation of androgen-induced protein synthesis, an increased amino acid metabolism and a perturbation of nitrogen breakdown pathways, along with high total choline-containing compounds and phosphocholine levels. In this review, the role of emerging biomarkers is summarized, based on the current understanding of the prostate cancer metabolome

    Virucidal activity in vitro of mouthwashes against a feline coronavirus type II

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    Transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can occur through saliva and aerosol droplets deriving from the upper aerodigestive tract during coughing, sneezing, talking, and even during oral inspection or dental procedures. The aim of this study was to assess in vitro virucidal activity of commercial and experimental mouthwashes against a feline coronavirus (FCoV) strain. Commercial and experimental (commercial-based products with addition of either sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) or thymus vulgaris essential oil (TEO) at different concentrations) mouthwashes were placed in contact with FCoV for different time intervals, that is, 30 s (T30), 60 s (T60), and 180 s (T180); subsequently, the virus was titrated on Crandell Reese Feline Kidney cells. An SDS-based commercial mouthwash reduced the viral load by 5 log10 tissue culture infectious dose (TCID)(50)/50 mu l at T30 while a cetylpyridinium (CPC)-based commercial mouthwash was able to reduce the viral titer of 4.75 log10 at T60. Furthermore, five experimental mouthwashes supplemented with SDS reduced the viral titer by 4.75-5 log10 according to a dose- (up to 4 mM) and time-dependent fashion

    Surface enamel remineralization: biomimetic apatite nanocrystals and fluoride ions different effects

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    A new method for altered enamel surface remineralization has been proposed. To this aim carbonate-hydroxyapatite nanocrystals which mimic for composition, structure, nanodimensions, and morphology dentine apatite crystals and resemble closely natural apatite chemical-physical properties have been used. The results underline the differences induced by the use of fluoride ions and hydroxyapatite nanocrystals in contrasting the mechanical abrasions and acid attacks to which tooth enamel is exposed. Fluoride ions generate a surface modification of the natural enamel apatite crystals increasing their crystallinity degree and relative mechanical and acid resistance. On the other hand, the remineralization produced by carbonate-hydroxyapatite consists in a deposition of a new apatitic mineral into the eroded enamel surface scratches. A new biomimetic mineral coating, which progressively fills and shadows surface scratches, covers and safeguards the enamel structure by contrasting the acid and bacteria attacks

    Combinatorial Discriminant Analysis Applied to RNAseq Data Reveals a Set of 10 Transcripts as Signatures of Exposure of Cattle to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis

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    Paratuberculosis or Johne's disease in cattle is a chronic granulomatous gastroenteritis caused by infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Paratuberculosis is not treatable; therefore, the early identification and isolation of infected animals is a key point to reduce its incidence. In this paper, we analyse RNAseq experimental data of 5 ELISA-negative cattle exposed to MAP in a positive herd, compared to 5 negative-unexposed controls. The purpose was to find a small set of differentially expressed genes able to discriminate between exposed animals in a preclinical phase from non-exposed controls. Our results identified 10 transcripts that differentiate between ELISA-negative, clinically healthy, and exposed animals belonging to paratuberculosis-positive herds and negative-unexposed animals. Of the 10 transcripts, five (TRPV4, RIC8B, IL5RA, ERF, CDC40) showed significant differential expression between the three groups while the remaining 5 (RDM1, EPHX1, STAU1, TLE1, ASB8) did not show a significant difference in at least one of the pairwise comparisons. When tested in a larger cohort, these findings may contribute to the development of a new diagnostic test for paratuberculosis based on a gene expression signature. Such a diagnostic tool could allow early interventions to reduce the risk of the infection spreading